Uses of Class

Packages that use RecordStoreException
com.endeca.itl.recordstore Classes for interacting with a Record Store instance. 

Uses of RecordStoreException in com.endeca.itl.recordstore

Subclasses of RecordStoreException in com.endeca.itl.recordstore
 class ConcurrentClientStateModificationException
 class ConcurrentWriteException
 class InvalidGenerationException
 class InvalidRecordException
 class ReadCursorNotFoundException
 class RecordStoreConfigurationException
 class TransactionNotFoundException
 class TransactionStateException
 class WriteNotAllowedException

Methods in com.endeca.itl.recordstore that throw RecordStoreException
 void RecordStore.clean()
          Cleans records from the Record Store that are not in use by a read operation, that are not part of a generation that has been marked as "last read" by a client, and are beyond the generation retention time.
 void RecordStoreReader.close()
          Frees resources on the CAS server that were in use by this instance of RecordStoreReader.
 void RecordStoreWriter.close()
          Flushes the cache after writing operations.
 void RecordStore.commitTransaction(TransactionId transactionId)
          Commits all changes made by the given transaction.
static RecordStoreReader RecordStoreReader.createBaselineReader(RecordStore recordStore, TransactionId transactionId)
          Creates a RecordStoreReader that performs a baseline read of the last committed generation Id.
static RecordStoreReader RecordStoreReader.createBaselineReader(RecordStore recordStore, TransactionId transactionId, GenerationId generationId)
          Creates a RecordStoreReader that performs a baseline read.
static RecordStoreReader RecordStoreReader.createBaselineReader(RecordStore recordStore, TransactionId transactionId, GenerationId generationId, Integer recordsPerTransfer)
          Creates a RecordStoreReader that performs a baseline read.
static RecordStoreReader RecordStoreReader.createDeltaReader(RecordStore recordStore, TransactionId transactionId, GenerationId startGenerationId)
          Creates a RecordStoreReader that performs a delta read.
static RecordStoreReader RecordStoreReader.createDeltaReader(RecordStore recordStore, TransactionId transactionId, GenerationId startGenerationId, GenerationId endGenerationId)
          Creates a RecordStoreReader that performs a delta read.
static RecordStoreReader RecordStoreReader.createDeltaReader(RecordStore recordStore, TransactionId transactionId, GenerationId startGenerationId, GenerationId endGenerationId, Integer recordsPerTransfer)
          Creates a RecordStoreReader that performs a delta read.
 void RecordStoreWriter.deleteAll()
          Attempts to delete all Records from the new Generation been written
 void RecordStore.endRead(ReadCursorId readCursorId)
          Frees up any resources held by the given read cursor.
 void RecordStoreWriter.flush()
          Flushes underlying buffer, forcing all Records to be written
 GenerationId RecordStore.getLastCommittedGenerationId(TransactionId transactionId)
          Returns the id of the last committed generation visible to the given transaction.
 GenerationId RecordStore.getLastReadGenerationId(TransactionId transactionId, ClientId clientId)
          Returns the id of the generation last read by the given client.
 GenerationId RecordStore.getWriteGenerationId(TransactionId transactionId)
          Returns the id of the generation the given READ_WRITE transaction is writing.
 boolean RecordStoreReader.hasNext()
 List<TransactionInfo> RecordStore.listActiveTransactions()
          Returns information about all active transactions.
 List<ClientStateInfo> RecordStore.listClientStates(TransactionId transactionId)
          Returns the read states of all clients including the client id and last read generation.
 List<GenerationInfo> RecordStore.listGenerations()
          Returns a list of generations currently stored in the Record Store.
static RecordStoreConfiguration RecordStoreConfiguration.load(File file)
 List<Record> RecordStore.readRecords(ReadCursorId readCursorId, Integer numRecords)
          Reads a specified number of records from the read cursor and advances the position of the cursor in the result set.
 List<Record> RecordStore.readRecordsById(TransactionId transactionId, GenerationId generationId, List<RecordId> recordIds)
          Reads a set of Records corresponding to the given ids in the given generation.
 void RecordStore.rollbackTransaction(TransactionId transactionId)
          Rolls back the given transaction.
 void file)
 ConfigurationWarnings RecordStore.setConfiguration(RecordStoreConfiguration config)
          Sets the configuration of the Record Store and returns any warning from setting the configuration.
 void RecordStore.setLastReadGenerationId(TransactionId transactionId, ClientId clientId, GenerationId generationId)
          Sets the last read generation for the given client.
 ReadCursorId RecordStore.startBaselineRead(TransactionId transactionId, GenerationId generationId)
          Starts a baseline read of the given generation.
 ReadCursorId RecordStore.startDeltaRead(TransactionId transactionId, GenerationId startGenerationId, GenerationId endGenerationId)
          Starts a read of the changes between the given generations.
 TransactionId RecordStore.startTransaction(TransactionType transactionType)
          Starts a transaction of the given type and returns its id.
 void RecordStoreWriter.write(Collection<Record> records)
          Attempts to write a group of records to the Record Store
 void RecordStoreWriter.write(Record record)
          Attempts to write a single record to the Record Store
 int RecordStore.writeRecords(TransactionId transactionId, List<Record> records)
          Writes a batch of records to the Record Store in the scope of the given transaction.
 void RecordStoreConfiguration.writeToStream(OutputStream stream)

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