com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi - package com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi
com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.rm - package com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.rm


getAppKey() - Method in class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TPSVCINFO
Returns the application authentication client key
getCallDescriptor() - Method in class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TPSVCINFO
Returns the conversational descriptor of this service(Not used in JATMI)
getClientID() - Method in class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TPSVCINFO
Returns the client identifier for originating client
getConnection() - Method in class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxAppContext
Gets JDBC connection for the configured data source.
getdiagnostic() - Method in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Gets the queue diagnostic associated with this exception.
getExceptionReply() - Method in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPReplyException
Gets the data that goes along with this service failure
getReplyBuffer() - Method in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIReply
Returns the (possibly null) typed buffer returned from a service
getServiceData() - Method in class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TPSVCINFO
Returns the service data for this service
getServiceFlags() - Method in class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TPSVCINFO
Returns the flags associated with this service
getServiceName() - Method in class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TPSVCINFO
Returns the service name this service is running
gettperrno() - Method in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Gets the tperrno number associated with this exception
gettperrordetail() - Method in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Gets the tperrordetail associated with this exception
gettpurcode() - Method in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIReply
Returns the tpurcode returned from a service
gettpurcode() - Method in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Gets the tpurcode associated with this exception
getTuxAppContext() - Method in class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxedoJavaServer
getTuxAppContext() is called by Java service routine to retrieve the current attached Tuxedo application Java context.
getTuxATMIReplyRtn() - Method in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Gets the data that goes along with this service failure
getUunixerr() - Method in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Gets the Uunixerr number associated with this exception


QMEABORTED - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Diagnostic for aborted transaction
QMEBADMSGID - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Diagnostic for invalid message id
QMEBADQUEUE - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Diagnostic for invalid queue
QMEBADRMID - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Diagnostic for bad RM information
QMEINUSE - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Diagnostic for the queue being in use
QMEINVAL - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Diagnostic for invalid queue name
QMEINVHANDLE - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Diagnostic for an invalid handle
QMENOMSG - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Diagnostic for no message available
QMENOSPACE - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Diagnostic for no space available in the queue
QMENOTOPEN - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Diagnostic for the queue space not being opened
QMEOS - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Diagnostic for operating system error
QMEPROTO - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Diagnostic for protocol error
QMERELEASE - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Diagnostic for invalid Tuxedo release
QMESHARE - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Diagnostic for attempted use of non-shared queue
QMESYSTEM - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Diagnostic for system error
QMETRAN - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Diagnostic for invalid transaction
QMNONE - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
No diagnostic


toString() - Method in class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxAppContext
toString() - Method in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Prints the exception in the following manner: [explanation:]tperrno:Uunixerr:tpurcode:tperrordetail:diagnostic
toString() - Method in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxException
Returns the error string for the exception.
tpabort(long) - Method in class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxAppContext
The implementation of tpabort of TuxApplicationToMonitorInterface
tpabort(long) - Method in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxApplicationToMonitorInterface
tpabort() signifies the abnormal end of a transaction.
TPABSOLUTE - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
Internal flag(not used in TJATMI)
tpbegin(long, long) - Method in class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxAppContext
The implementation of tpbegin of TuxApplicationToMonitorInterface
tpbegin(long, long) - Method in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxApplicationToMonitorInterface
tpbegin() signifies the beginning of a transaction.
tpcall(String, TypedBuffer, long) - Method in class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxAppContext
The implementation of tpcall of TuxApplicationToMonitorInterface.
tpcall(String, TypedBuffer, long) - Method in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxApplicationToMonitorInterface
Sends a request and synchronously awaits the reply.
tpcommit(long) - Method in class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxAppContext
The implementation of tpcommit of TuxApplicationToMonitorInterface
tpcommit(long) - Method in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxApplicationToMonitorInterface
tpcommit() signifies the end of a transaction, using a two-phase commit protocol to coordinate participants.
TPEABORT - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Transaction has aborted
TPEBADDESC - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Invalid descriptor
TPEBLOCK - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Call would have blocked
TPED_CLIENTDISCONNECTED - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
The client is not connected
TPED_DECRYPTION_FAILURE - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
decryption failure
TPED_DECUTCM_FAILURE - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Decode user TCM failure
TPED_DOMAINUNREACHABLE - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
The remote domain was unreachable
TPED_GROUP_FORBIDDEN - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Group is not allowed in this transaction
TPED_INVALID_CERTIFICATE - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Invalid security certificate
TPED_INVALID_SIGNATURE - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Invalid security signature
TPED_INVALID_XA_TRANSACTION - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
NO_XA option set but transaction attempted
TPED_INVALIDCONTEXT - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Context terminated by another thread
TPED_MAXVAL - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
TPED_MBCONV - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
An error occurred during multibyte conversion
TPED_NOCLIENT - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
The requested client does not exist
TPED_NOUNSOLHANDLER - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
The client did not have an installed handler
TPED_OTS_INTERNAL - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Object Transaction System internal error
TPED_PERM - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
No permission for the operation
TPED_RDMA_INVALIDQUEUE - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Invalid RDMA queue
TPED_RDMA_MSGQDAEMON - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
RDMA Msgq_daemon failure
TPED_RDMA_NOMEMORY - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
No memory to handle RDMA request
TPED_SVCTIMEOUT - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
The service timed out
TPED_TERM - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
The service was terminated
TPEDIAGNOSTIC - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
A diagnostic value is available
TPEEVENT - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
The conversation had an even occurred
TPEHAZARD - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
The transaction had a hazard heuristic performed
TPEHEURISTIC - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
The transaction has a heuristic performed
TPEINVAL - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Invalid input parameter
TPEITYPE - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
An invlid type was sent to a service
TPELIMIT - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
A system limit has been reached
TPEMATCH - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
No matches for the given filter were found
TPEMIB - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
A MIB error occurred
TPENOENT - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
The requested entity does not exist
TPEOS - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
An operating system error has occurred
TPEOTYPE - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
An invalid type was sent to a service
TPEPERM - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
An permissions error has occurred
TPEPROTO - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Method called in an invalid context
TPERELEASE - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Invalid release for attempted operation
TPERMERR - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Resource manager error
TPESVCERR - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
A service routine encountered an error
TPESVCFAIL - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
The service failed
TPESYSTEM - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
A generice system error occurred
TPETIME - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
A timeout occurred
TPETRAN - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Called in a invalid transaction context
TPEXIT - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
Service failure with server exit for tpreturn.
TPFAIL - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
Service failure for tpreturn.
TPGETANY - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
Get any reply(not used in TJATMI)
tpgetlev() - Method in class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxAppContext
The implementation of tpgetlev of TuxApplicationToMonitorInterface
tpgetlev() - Method in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxApplicationToMonitorInterface
tpgetlev() returns the current transaction level to the caller.
TPGOTSIG - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Got a signal
TPMINVAL - Static variable in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
TPMULTICONTEXTS - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
Enable mutiple-context.(not used in TJATMI)
TPNOBLOCK - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
Do not block
TPNOCHANGE - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
Do not allow buffer type to change (not used in TJATMI)
TPNOREPLY - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
No reply expected
TPNOTIME - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
Do not time out this call
TPNOTRAN - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
Do not execute inside current transaction
tpreturn(int, long, TypedBuffer, long) - Method in class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxAppContext
The implementation of tpreturn of TuxApplicationToMonitorInterface.
tpreturn(int, long, TypedBuffer, long) - Method in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxApplicationToMonitorInterface
Indicates that a service routine has completed.
TPSA_FASTPATH - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
System access = FASTPATH.(not used in TJATMI)
TPSA_PROTECTED - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
System access = PROTECTED.(not used in TJATMI)
TPSIGRSTRT - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
Restart on signal
tpstrerror(int) - Static method in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Returns a string version of the tperrno error number given
tpstrerrordetail(long) - Static method in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Returns a string version of the tperrordetail error number given
tpstrerrordiagnostic(int) - Static method in exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
Returns a string version of the diagnostic error number given
TPSUCCESS - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
Service SUCCESS for tpreturn.
TPSVCINFO - Class in com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi
This class represents all the information needed to run a service.
TPSVCINFO() - Constructor for class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TPSVCINFO
All fields will be empty if this constructor is used
TPSVCINFO(String, TypedBuffer, long, int, long, long[]) - Constructor for class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TPSVCINFO
Initializes all of the fields in the TPSVCINFO object
tpsvrdone() - Method in class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxedoJavaServer
abstract method tpsvrdone() needs to be implemented by every user defined Java server class.
tpsvrinit() - Method in class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxedoJavaServer
abstract method tpsvrinit() needs to be implemented by every user defined Java server class.
TPTRAN - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
Execute in a trasaction
TPU_DIP - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
Dip-in based notification.(not used in TJATMI)
TPU_IGN - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
Ignore unsolicated message.(not used in TJATMI)
TPU_MASK - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
Unsolicited notification mask.(not used in TJATMI)
TPU_SIG - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
Signal based notification.(not used in TJATMI)
TPU_THREAD - Static variable in interface com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMIConstants
Thread based notification.(not used in TJATMI)
TuxAppContext - Class in com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi
This class represents the application run time context in which the service routine is invoked.
TuxApplicationToMonitorInterface - Interface in com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi
This interface represents the Java Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface.
TuxATMIConstants - Interface in com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi
This class defines the constant definitions used in the calls of Java Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface.
TuxATMIReply - Interface in com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi
This class holds the reply data and tpurcode from a service invocation.
TuxATMIRMException - Exception in com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.rm
This class is an exception that represents a TuxATMITPException failure when there is a resource manager error.
TuxATMIRMException(String) - Constructor for exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.rm.TuxATMIRMException
This constructor sets the tperrno value in TuxATMITPException to TPERMERR and an explanation string for TuxATMITPException.
TuxATMITPException - Exception in com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi
This class is the exception that represents a TuxATMITPException failure.
TuxATMITPException() - Constructor for exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
The default constructor leaves all errno values set to 0
TuxATMITPException(int) - Constructor for exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
This constructor sets the tperrno value
TuxATMITPException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
This constructor sets the tperrno value and an explanation string
TuxATMITPException(int, int, String) - Constructor for exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
This constructor sets the tperrno , tperrordetail value and an explanation string
TuxATMITPException(int, int, long, long) - Constructor for exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
This constructor sets all of the errno values
TuxATMITPException(int, int, long, long, TuxATMIReply) - Constructor for exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
This constructor sets all of the errno values and the reply object
TuxATMITPException(int, int, long, long, long) - Constructor for exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
This constructor sets all of the errno values
TuxATMITPException(int, int, long, long, long, TuxATMIReply) - Constructor for exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
This constructor sets all of the errno values and the reply object
TuxATMITPException(int, int, long, long, String) - Constructor for exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPException
This constructor sets all of the errno values and an explanation string
TuxATMITPReplyException - Exception in com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi
This class is the exception that represents a TuxATMITPException failure when there may also be user data on the exception that is thrown.
TuxATMITPReplyException(int, TuxATMIReply) - Constructor for exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPReplyException
This is the constructor of the exception.
TuxATMITPReplyException(int, int, long, long, TuxATMIReply) - Constructor for exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPReplyException
This constructor sets the reply errno as well as the data which goes along with it
TuxATMITPReplyException(int, int, long, long, long, TuxATMIReply) - Constructor for exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxATMITPReplyException
This constructor sets the reply errno as well as the data which goes along with it
TuxedoJavaServer - Class in com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi
TuxedoJavaServer is the base class for all customer Tuxedo Java server class implementations.
TuxedoJavaServer() - Constructor for class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxedoJavaServer
TuxException - Exception in com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi
This class is the exception that represents a TuxException failure.
TuxException() - Constructor for exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxException
The default constructor leaves error string null.
TuxException(String) - Constructor for exception com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxException
This constructor sets the error string value


userlog(String, Object...) - Method in class com.oracle.tuxedo.tjatmi.TuxAppContext
userlog() accepts a printf(3S) style format specification, with a fixed output file - the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system central event log.