You are here: Clients > Search for a Client

Search for a Client

The Client Main menu provides an option to search for clients associated with a policy.  


Client Main Menu options

Search Option on Client Menu


Steps to Search for a Client

  1. From the Main menu, select Client |Search.

  2. Select a client type from the Type drop down box.  

  3. Enter the search criteria. If the exact name is not known, then use the % (percent) sign as a wild card.  

  4. Click Find. The search results will display on the screen. 

  5. Scroll through the search results and click the desired client. The Client screen will appear with the client's information. View the client address information by selecting the Address link from the Left Navigation menu. View all of the updates that were made to the client record by selecting the history link from the Left Navigation menu.   


If the search results contain more than ten results, then only the first ten results will be displayed. Adjust the Maximum Results drop down box in the right corner of the screen to display additional results. 


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