You are here: Suspense > Create a Suspense Record

Create a Suspense Record

A suspense record must be created before money can be processed in OIPA. Any activity that moves money in or out of a policy must be associated with a suspense record. Once a suspense record is created, the suspense number can be entered in the Suspense tab of a new activity before it is added to a policy. Some activities are configured to automatically attach suspense information and others require the user to manually enter the suspense information.     

Set-up any necessary suspense records before adding activities that apply money to the policy. This work flow is necessary to avoid closing the Policy screen in the middle of adding an activity. The Suspense screen is separate from the Policy screen and in order to create a suspense record, exit the Policy screen and select Suspense from the Main menu. Keep in mind that this will close the Policy screen.    

Steps to Create a Suspense Record

  1. Click Suspense| Suspense Records on the Main menu.

  2. Select a company from the Company drop down box.

  3. Type the policy number the suspense record is associated with in the Policy Number field.

  4. Type the effective date in the Effective Date field.

  5. Type the amount in the Amount field. This is the maximum amount of money that can be associated with this record. Once this limit is reached, the suspense record will close.  

  6. Select a currency type from the currency drop down box.

  7. Type any other necessary information. All other fields are optional. 
  8. Click Save at the bottom of the screen. Make a note of the suspense number. 


After a suspense number is generated, that number can be entered in the Suspense tab of a new activity to associate money with a suspense record.  


New suspense record with currency drop down selected

Currency Drop Down Box on Suspense Screen



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