Managing Workforce Competencies

This chapter provides an overview of competencies in PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management (PeopleSoft CRM) and discusses how to set up competency information.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Competencies in PeopleSoft CRM

This section discusses:

See Also

Setting Up and Performing Assignment Searches

Setting Up Products

Setting Up Services

Setting Up PeopleSoft CRM Application Installation Options

PeopleSoft HCM 9.1 Application Fundamentals PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCompetencies

In PeopleSoft CRM, competencies define the skills of the workforce. You can associate a set of competencies with provider groups and workers and define the competency proficiency level for each provider group and worker.

In PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService, define competency requirements for the services that the company provides, and the minimum level of competency proficiency that is required to perform a service or service activity.

Similarly, in PeopleSoft call center applications, you set up minimum competency proficiency requirements for the problem type, category, type or detail information that are used for case assignment. By comparing the competency requirements with the competencies that you define for your workforce, the system can generate a list of qualified candidates to assign to a case.

You can enter competencies and competency proficiency ratings by using components within PeopleSoft CRM or by integration with PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (PeopleSoft HCM) or a third-party human resource management system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCompetency Integrations

These are the enterprise integration points (EIPs) that update CRM competencies with HCM competencies.

Person Competency

This EIP synchronizes system tables with competency information that you define in an HR system. The Person Competency EIP includes two application messages: PERSON_COMPETENCY_FULLSYNC and PERSON_COMPETENCY_SYNC.

At initial implementation, the HCM publishes a full set of competency records to PeopleSoft CRM by using the PERSON_COMPETENCY_FULLSYNC application message. When a user adds or modifies competency definitions in the HR system after the initial full synchronization, each change is published to PeopleSoft CRM by using the PERSON_COMPETENCY_SYNC application message.

Warning! A FULLSYNC overwrites any changes that you made to competency information in CRM.

Rating Model

The RATING_MODEL_FULLSYNC and RATING_MODEL_SYNC messages are used to initially load rating models from an HR system and to update competency rating models, respectively.


The COMPETENCY_SYNC and COMPETENCY_FULLSYNC messages are used to initially load rating models from an HR system and to update competency rating models, respectively.

Flow of Integration

PeopleSoft CRM is a subscriber to competency EIP messages, not a publisher. Any changes that you make to competency definitions or ratings in PeopleSoft CRM are not published or synchronized with the HCM system.

Make all updates to competency records in your HCM system and publish them to PeopleSoft CRM, as the following diagram illustrates:

See Also

Managing Enterprise Integration for PeopleSoft CRM

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Competency Information in PeopleSoft CRM

To define competency information, use the Review Rating (CM_REVW_RATING), Competency Type (CM_TYPE_TABLE), and Competency (COMPETENCY_TBL) components.

If you do not synchronize competency information with another system by using the Person Competency EIP, you can manually define competency rating models, competencies, and the competency proficiency for workers by using components in PeopleSoft CRM.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Competency Information in PeopleSoft CRM

Page Name

Definition Name



Competency Rating Model


Set Up CRM, Common Definitions, Competencies, Competency Rating Model, Competency Rating Model

Define codes that you want to use to indicate a provider group or worker's level of proficiency for a competency that is required to perform a service or support a product.

Competency Types


Set Up CRM, Common Definitions, Competencies, Competency Types, Competency Types

Define competency types, broad categories of competencies that are relevant to particular positions or projects. When you define a competency, it can be associated with one or more types.



Set Up CRM, Common Definitions, Competencies, Competencies, Competencies

Establish IDs for competencies and then tie the ID to the rating model and competency types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Competency Rating Models

Access the Competency Rating Model page (Set Up CRM, Common Definitions, Competencies, Competency Rating Model, Competency Rating Model).

A rating model specifies how you measure a provider group or worker's proficiency for a particular competency.

Rating Levels


Enter a code that represents the rating level. When defining a rating, you must enter a code by using one alphanumeric character.


Enter a description of the rating code by using up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Note. Include the numeric number of the rating at the beginning of the rating level description. This enables the system to display the rating descriptions in numerical order instead of alphabetical order on the prompts where users select ratings levels.

Rating Points

Enter a numeric value that the assignment engine uses to represent the relative importance of each rating.

Important! When defining rating point scales for rating models that are used to rate the proficiency of a provider group or worker, use a numeric rating system in which the highest number of points represents the highest level of proficiency. Otherwise, the fit score values that the assignment engine calculates will not accurately reflect the best qualified candidate. The minimum proficiency, however, is tied to a service, not within the rating model.

See Also

Setting Up and Performing Assignment Searches

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Competency Types

Access the Competency Types page (Set Up CRM, Common Definitions, Competencies, Competency Types, Competency Types).

Although competency types are not used by the system, you can develop reports that reflect competency categories.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Competencies

Access the Competencies page (Set Up CRM, Common Definitions, Competencies, Competencies, Competencies).

Competencies can represent any provider group or worker skills, abilities, knowledge, product support areas, or behaviors that are pertinent to jobs in the organization, such as the ability to repair and maintain specific products or equipment, knowledge of specialized manufacturing processes, or expertise with computer programming languages. The codes can be broad or detailed and can represent any type of competency.

To enable system-suggested assignments on service orders, define each skill that is required to complete work on a service order as a competency in your system. To enable system-suggested assignments on cases that are based on the problem type, category, type or detail that the user specifies, define competencies that correspond to this information.


Enter a description that uses up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Note. These descriptions should make sense to a user that is viewing a list of problem types. For example, competencies like Works independently or Microsoft Certification are probably not appropriate descriptions for problem-type competencies. If the product is a laptop, appropriate problem type competencies may include hard drive and network connectivity.

Rating Model

Select the model that is used to evaluate a provider group or worker's degree of expertise for this competency. Establish rating models on the Competency Rating Model page.


Select competency types for this competency, if applicable. Establish competency types on the Competency Types page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Competency Proficiency Levels

You establish competency proficiency for provider groups on the Group Competencies page of the Provider Groups component. Similarly, you establish competency proficiency for workers on the Competencies page of the Worker component.

The system uses the level of competency proficiency that you define for provider groups and workers to evaluate whether the provider group or worker is qualified to perform work on a service order or provide support on a case. You can also track the competency proficiency of your workforce for informational purposes.

See Also

Defining Workers

Setting Up and Maintaining Provider Groups and Group Members

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Minimum Competency Requirements for Service Orders or Cases

In PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService, the system evaluates which workers are qualified to perform work on a service order by matching the minimum level of competencies that you define for the associated service or service activity with workers' proficiency for the corresponding competencies.

In PeopleSoft call center applications, you establish minimum competency proficiency requirements for the problem type, category, type or detail information on cases, which the system uses when performing call center agent assignment.

See Also

Setting Up Services

Setting Up Call Center Prompt Tables