Designing Web Documents

This chapter describes the process for designing and creating Online Marketing web documents. It contains the following sections:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Web Documents

Web documents are individual web pages that can form a standalone web site, or be added to your corporate web site for the duration of the dialog.

Unlike an email document, where you enter your email text directly in the document, a web document is designed by first adding various document elements (such as paragraphs or questions) and then editing them as needed. The order of the items in the list determines their order in the web document. (For example, if you want a submit button to appear at the bottom of the web page, then the last item in the list must be a button.)

Using the Online Marketing document elements, you can design a basic web document that has all the fields you want respondents to fill in. However, you may want to include your company logo, or create a web page with a particular look or style. With Online Marketing you can merge the items in your basic web document with an HTML file created outside of Online Marketing, providing you the ability to create any type of web document you want. If you want even more control over the look and feel of your web document, you can use web templates that provide you with a framework you can fill in with your specific information.

See Also

Designing Web Templates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Document Elements

A web document's content consists of elements. There are two types of elements:

Each element must have a unique name in the document, and an element cannot contain another element. Online Marketing uses the following types of elements:




Text that is displayed in the web document. Used as: headings or paragraphs of descriptive text in a document.

Choice Question

A multiple-choice question where the respondent chooses from the choices listed. Online Marketing has four types of choice questions: Choose one, Choose one (w/rating), Choose many, and Yes/No.

Entry Question

A question where the respondent enters text or numeric information. Online Marketing has seven types of entry questions for Text Entry, Number Entry, Decimal Entry, Date Entry, Time Entry, Text Block Entry and File Entry.


A button that the respondent can use to submit and/or clear the information entered on the web document.

Horizontal Line

A ruling line used to separate different parts of the document.

Blank Line

A blank line (like those that appear between paragraphs) between two elements.

Custom HTML

Custom HTML code. Text entered in a Custom HTML field is treated just like any other HTML code by the browser; no processing is done by Online Marketing.

Each document element has specific properties, such as color and layout, that you can edit. Document elements can be cloned, and they can be reordered in the document by changing the order number in which they are displayed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Surveys

Online Marketing includes survey features built into web documents, allowing for integration with other PeopleSoft CRM products such as Support. Using the survey features, you can build customer satisfaction surveys and other documents allowing you to solicit feedback from your respondents, assigning weights to questions and responses for obtaining survey scores.

The Survey functionality is integrated with the Case functionality, allowing an Online Marketing survey to be triggered from the Case component and to have the survey results stored in association with the Case. Further, results from survey dialogs are recorded and are available for reporting purposes for the life of the dialog.

Understanding the Scoring Framework

The Scoring Framework is a term used to describe the process of assigning weights to survey questions and answers so that scores can be calculated for an individual question or for an overall survey. In order to have access to the Scoring Framework, a document must be designated as a Survey Document (this choice is made in the Document Designer). Weights can be specified for the question and for each of the answer choices for the following element types:

Weight values can be from –99 to 99.

Note that once you indicate that a document is a Survey Document (and thereby allow the use of weights for questions and answers) and take the document Live, you cannot later remove the document's status as a Survey Document. This is to prevent corruption of the scoring data that has already been calculated.

Score Calculation

The calculated score for an individual question is derived from answer weight * question weight. For multiple-choice questions, the calculated score is the sum of (answer weight * question weight). When a user submits a page, the question scores are calculated and the overall survey score (or running total score) is updated. Because a user's path of execution might lead from one dialog flow to another, or can be affected by premature exit from the dialog or visiting a page more than once, the overall survey score is adjusted accordingly. The following general rules apply when calculating survey scores:

Note. Rating Values in Choose One with Rating elements do not affect the score calculation.

Completed Surveys

When a user reaches the Final Page of a survey dialog flow, the system will indicate that the survey has been completed. Note that if the user traverses to a page in another dialog (through a cross-dialog link) or closes the browser before reaching the Final Page, then the survey is considered incomplete.

There is no built-in mechanism to prevent users from completing a survey more than once. However, for the purposes of reporting survey results for the Case component, only the latest completed survey results (per Case) are displayed. Incomplete surveys do not have any impact on surveys that have already been completed.

Lifetime of Survey Scores

Survey scores begin to accumulate once the web pages are made accessible by setting the dialog to Live (or Test), and will stop accumulating when the dialog is set to Complete status. The score data will be available even when the dialog is set to Complete. In general, scores will accumulate as long as the dialog web pages are accessible.

At the individual/question level, scores are recorded as the web page is submitted, along with other document data.

Overall Survey Score Restriction When Updating Cases

The Case component can use a survey dialog when the Update Case extension is used at the end of the dialog flow. Update Case, a system-delivered extension, is designed to update the case's survey score with the current dialog's overall survey score. Because the Case transaction can have a maximum score of 999, you should design any case-related survey dialog flows to ensure that the overall survey score cannot exceed 999.

See Using Extensions.

See Also

Sending Case Surveys

Click to jump to parent topicCreating and Working with Web Documents

This section describes how to create and work with web documents.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used in Creating Web Documents

Page Name

Definition Name



Document Designer


Marketing, Document Designer

Use to specify the type of document you want to create for your online dialog.

Document Designer - Document


Marketing, Document Designer, click the Add Web Document button

Use to create a new web document for your online dialog.

Document Designer - Designer


Marketing, Document Designer, click the Designer tab.

Use to design a web document for your online dialog.

Web Document Profile Insert


Marketing, Document Designer, click the Designer tab and select Profile Attribute.

Insert a profile field into a web document.

Element Format Properties


Click the Element Properties link.

Click to change the formatting for an individual element.



Click the Import/Export button in a web document that has been attached to a dialog.

Use to export web documents and to import HTML files into web documents.

Document Designer - Marketing Center


Marketing, Document Designer, Marketing Center

Specify Marketing Center security for the document.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Web Document

Before you can add elements to a web document, you must specify its general information.

Access the Document Designer - Document page (Click the Add Web Document button on the Document Designer page).


Enter a unique name for the document.

Note. The double quote (“) and period (.) characters are not allowed in the document name.

Language Code

Select a language for the document from the available options. If you change a document's language, the system will try to translate any profile fields in the document.

Attach to Dialog

Select a dialog to which to attach the document. You can attach a document to any dialog in the same SetID.

After a document has been attached to a dialog, you can:

  • merge other document fields into the current document.

  • preview the document.

  • import the document.

  • export the document.

Attaching a document to a dialog allows the document to inherit rules from the dialog. The following list shows the rules:

  • Renaming a document is only allowed before the dialog goes live. After the dialog is live, you cannot change the name.

  • For dialogs with a status of Live, the dialog must be set to Design before a document can be changed.

  • For dialogs with a status of Live, you cannot change document choice labels or delete choices.

Note. You can only attach a document to a single dialog. If you want to use the document with more than one dialog, you must clone the document. You cannot detach a document from a dialog if the document has ever been Live, if it is used in a dialog flow, or if it has been imported or exported.


This read-only field shows the document's type: Web Doc or Email Doc.

Dialog Status

This read-only field displays the current status of the dialog. The options are Design and Live.


Choose the SetID with which the document will be associated. When creating a new document, the SetID is set by default to the value that was specified in User Preferences.


Enter a brief description of the document.

Survey Document

Select this check box if the document will contain survey questions that will be weighted for scoring purposes.


Enter a title for the document. This is not the same as the document's name; the title will appear in the web browser's title bar.

Redirect URL

If you want to redirect the user to another page from this one (sometimes called a “forced” redirect), specify the URL of that page. (You can redirect a user to a dialog standalone or landing page or to an external URL, but not to an intermediate page.) Redirecting means that when users view the original page, the system automatically sends them to another specified page after a predefined period. A common reason to use a redirect page is to jump a person from the final page in a dialog back to an e-commerce or corporate site. It is also used to jump them from a blank dialog page to an external URL as a means of tracking the clickthrough—however, this latter method is no longer used in versions 4.0 and later where external link tracking is provided.

Note. A document that includes a redirect URL and delay does not need to contain other elements. Adding elements to such a document is allowed, but they will not be used when the document is rendered.

Redirect Delay

Enter a value which defines how long in seconds to wait before displaying the new page. The default value is 0.

Note. Specifying 0 for the delay means that the user might not see the page on which the redirect was set. Whether the redirect page is visible depends on many factors, including the speed of the webserver(s) involved.

Template Name

If the document will use a web template, enter its name in this field. You can choose only templates that were created with the same SetID as the document.

Question Format

Select the formatting for your document's questions by specifying font and justification information. The formatting you specify in these fields applies only to questions, not to answers.

Answer Format

Select the formatting for your document's answers by specifying font and justification information. You can also specify where the answer will appear relative to the question: below it, to the left, or to the right. The formatting you specify in these fields applies only to answers, not to questions.

Once they are set, question and answer format settings apply to all new document elements created thereafter. Any formats that were previously set at the element level retain their previous formatting and aren't changed by the document-level formatting.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding an Item

Although web documents can contain a variety of items, all items are added in the same manner.

To add an item to a web document:

  1. Access the Document Designer - Designer page.

  2. Click the button corresponding to the item you want to add to the document.

The following table shows the elements and their buttons.


Custom HTML

Horizontal line

Blank line


Choose One

Choose One with Rating

Choose Many


Text Entry

Text Block Entry

Number Entry

Decimal Entry

Date Entry

Time Entry

Upload File


The item is added to the Document Designer. If other items already exist in the document, the new item appears below the selected element in element list.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDocument Designer Modes

The Document Designer is available in two modes, depending on the number of elements you plan to include in your document. If you only want to include a few elements, you can choose to display a summary of the elements along with their details on the same page, which makes viewing of your entire document design more convenient. However, if your document will contain more than 20 elements, it is usually more convenient (and better for performance purposes) to separate the summary of elements from the details about each element. You can change the Document Designer mode on the Global Options page.

Note. In both modes, a document can contain a maximum of 400 elements, including profile elements (profile questions). If you attempt to add more than 400, an error message will display.

Viewing Element Details on a Separate Page

This mode is recommended, and is selected by default on the Global Options page.

In this mode, the Document Designer tab includes two links: Element Summary and Element Detail. The Element Summary page displays a brief list of all the elements on the page. You can select an item and click the Edit button or Element Detail link to display and edit the detail for that item.

To add a new element to the document in this mode, you select the existing element that you want the new one to follow, and then click the appropriate element button. The new element is added to the list directly following the existing one.

In this mode, you order the items in the list using the numbers in the Order column in conjunction with the Reorder button. Each element in the list has a number corresponding to its current order in the document. To move elements, you enter numbers corresponding to each element's desired order in the Order column, then click the Reorder button to make the change. You should consider the following rules and guidelines when reordering elements:

Viewing All Elements and Details on One Page

In this mode, all document elements and their details are shown on a single page. You work with items on the page by using the Collapse All and Expand All buttons, which allow you to display all the details or to collapse the items so only the summary of each is shown. Each element also includes an individual expand/collapse arrow so you can view details on specific elements while leaving the rest collapsed.

To arrange document elements in this mode, you select them and modify the order number to move them into position. New elements are added after the selected element in the element list.

The Reorder feature in this mode works as described previously in the section on viewing elements and details on a separate page.

Note. If you have used previous versions of Online Marketing, only this mode was available in those versions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCloning an Item

Occasionally you may find it easier to clone an item and edit its text, rather than start from scratch. When you clone an item, all of the text and formatting is copied to the new item. Because each item must have a unique name within the document, Online Marketing makes the name unique automatically by appending a number to it. You can change this name.

To clone an item, select its Select radio button and click the Clone button. A new copy of the item appears below the selected element.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRenaming an Item

All items in a document must have unique names within the document. Since you may often have many items in a document, it will be helpful to use descriptive names for each item.

To rename an item, simply change the name in the item's Web Element Name field and save the document.

Note. The double quote (“) and period (.) characters are not allowed in a document name.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting an Item

You can delete any item in a web document prior to activating your dialog or if the dialog is put back into Design status.

To delete an item from a web document, select its Select radio button and click the Delete button.

Click to jump to parent topicEditing Items in a Document

There are six types of items that you can use in a web page: paragraph, questions (entry questions and choice questions), buttons, rule and line break elements, and HTML paragraphs. You can also add items from the profile elements. This section describes how to work with these items, and how to:

Note. All of the document items in this section are shown in the simple mode, where all elements and details are viewed on a single page. The functionality for each item in both modes is identical.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBuilding Paragraphs

A paragraph allows you to add text to a web page. Paragraphs can be used as headings or as paragraphs of descriptive text.

The paragraph field in the builder allows you to enter as much text as you need. You can separate text into separate paragraphs simply by leaving a blank line between the text.

To add text to a paragraph:

  1. Add a paragraph item to the document.

  2. Change the paragraph's name from the default to something more descriptive.

  3. Type the paragraph text in the Text box. You can also insert merge content into the paragraph by inserting empty brackets ({}) and clicking the Merge button.

  4. Click the Save button to save the paragraph.

See Adding Merged Content.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBuilding Entry Questions

An entry question allows you to place a question on a web page, and provides a field for the respondent to enter an answer.

This section describes the steps involved in editing an entry question. It describes the following entry question types:

You can define any entry question/answer as a hidden field by clicking the Hide Field check box. This means you can designate a default value associated with the web document being filled out (and/or the person filling it out) without that default value actually appearing on the web form for the respondent to see. For example, you could specify a default value of current date and time, so you can track in the Online Marketing database the date and time the web form was filled out. Because this field is not viewable by the respondent, it should not be designated a required field. Further, because the purpose of the field is to include a hidden, default value, it should always have a default value specified.

When designing questions, you should be aware that certain fields are needed by the system in order to properly update individual and organization profile attributes. To ensure proper updates, you should make these attributes required when designing your web pages:

See Creating a New Dialog.

Text Entry Questions

A Text Entry Box allows you to include a question with an entry field where the respondent can provide a text answer.


The name of the profile from which the question is drawn.


Enter the text of the question. To include merged content add empty brackets ({}) and click the Merge button.


Select this check box if the respondent must answer this question before being allowed to submit the form.

Hide Field

Select this check box if you do not want the question to appear on the page.

Validate email address format

When inserting a text entry field associated with the Individuals.People.Email or Individuals.People.Email Alternate profile into a document, you can choose to validate the email addresses that users enter into this field. By default, the Validate Email Address Format check box on the Text Entry form is selected, meaning that email addresses are validated before being entered into your database.

Note. You can apply validation to any text field (for example, if you have a custom profile with an email field, you can apply it there as well). However, you should only apply it to fields that contain email addresses.

To be considered valid, email addresses must be in the form username@domain, where:

  • Username is a string of characters or numbers with no spaces in between. The first character must be either an alphabetic character or a digit. In the case of quoted strings (for example “John_Smith”), everything within the quotation marks is considered valid.

  • Domain is in the form subdomain1.subdomain2...and so forth. (for example, or

The following characters cannot be included in username or subdomain: ( ) <> @ (except as a separator between the username and the subdomain) , ; : \ “ [ ]

If you do not want to validate entered email addresses, clear the Validate Email Address Format check box.

Note. If the Validate Email Address Format check box is selected and Required is not selected, null values are allowed in the field. You must select Required to disallow null values.


Specify any default text you want to have appear in the entry field. (You can also insert merge content by adding empty brackets ({}) and clicking the Merge button.)


Specify the width of the entry field. This value limits the number of characters on one line. The default is 32.


Specify the number of lines of text in the entry field. The default is 1.

Note. The Height value specifies only how much text is displayed, not how much can be entered.


Enter the maximum number of characters that can be entered to answer the question.

Text Block Entry

The Text Block Entry document element allows you to include text fields in your dialog that are longer than permitted in a standard text field. For example, a dialog designer might use a Text Block document element for a dialog question where an essay-type answer is required.

There is no maximum number of Text Block Entry fields that can be included in a document. You can embed them in web and email documents using the Merge Content functionality, and you can use them in the Decision Point in the dialog flow and in the Dynamic Content conditions; in these latter cases, the only valid operator is is empty/is not empty.


Enter a default answer.


The default width is 64 characters.


The default height is 25 characters.


Text Block Entry fields can include a maximum of 32,700 characters.

The following table shows where you can and cannot use Merge Content to include Text Block document elements:


Use Merge Content?

Web document paragraph


Web document custom HTML


Web document question


Web document default


Web document button


Email document subject


Email document content


Dynamic content section content


Web link URL append


Dynamic content condition builder


Dynamic content section creator


Document Extension parameter


Dialog Designer condition builder


Dialog Designer extension parameter


Redirect URL


Choose email address


Number Entry Questions

A Number Entry Box allows you to include a question with an entry field where the respondent can enter a whole number with a maximum of 9 digits. This maximum is not configurable, though you can use the Answer Width field to limit the number of digits that the respondent can enter.

Decimal Entry Questions

A Decimal Entry Box allows you to include a question with an entry field where the respondent can enter a number with a decimal point (maximum of 19 digits, including 4 decimal places). This maximum is not configurable, though you can use the Answer Width field to limit the number of digits that the respondent can enter.

This item uses the same dialog box as the Number Entry box, shown previously.

Date Entry Questions

A Date Entry Box allows you to include a question with an entry field where the respondent can enter a date.

Show Date Format Prompt

Select this check box to display the input date format in the document.


Select an input date format from the available options.

Time Entry Questions

A Time Entry Box allows you to include a question with an entry field where the respondent can enter a time.


Specify whether the time entered is based on a 12-hour or 24-hour clock.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding a File

The File Entry element allows you to upload external files and commit them to the system.

The File Entry document element includes the following features and requirements:

When a File Entry field is included on a dialog page, users can type in a file path and name or use a Browse button to select a file. After a file name has been supplied, the name is displayed in the File field if the value has been added as Merge Content. The user must click the Submit button (or its equivalent ) to initiate the file upload process.

The following table shows where you can and cannot use Merge Content to include File Entry document elements:


Use Merge Content?

Web document paragraph


Web document custom HTML


Web document question


Web document default


Web document button


Email document subject


Email document content


Dynamic content section content


Web link URL append


Dynamic content condition builder


Dynamic content section creator


Document Extension parameter


Dialog Designer condition builder


Dialog Designer extension parameter


Redirect URL


Choose email address


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBuilding Choice Questions

A choice question allows the respondents to select from a list of choices. Choice questions also allow Online Marketing to provide statistics about the respondents’ answers.

This section describes the steps involved in editing a choice question. It describes the following choice question types:

For the Choose One and Choose One with Rating question types, the answer list is where you specify the choices that will be made available to the respondent.

Note. For all choice question types, if the item is a Profile Attribute, then you cannot change the name of the choice(s).

Dynamic Enumeration

Profile fields of type Choose One or Choose One with Rating can be set up in a parent/child hierarchy when they are defined. For example, a profile field named College might be the parent of another field named Department, which in turn is the parent of a field named Major. This allows you to design web documents in which the choices available for a child question are limited by a user's response to the question's parent. Thus, a respondent who fills out a form and specifies Engineering for College might see choices like Software Engineering or Mechanical Engineering under Department, but would not see English or Graphic Design.

You can specify up to three levels of hierarchy for profile fields. In order for the hierarchy to display properly, both the parent field and the child must appear on the same page—if they are on separate pages, they will display all possible choices regardless of relationship. Note that if both the parent and the child field appear on the same page and the Pre-fill from Profile option is selected or a default value is specified, these options will not apply (the field is not pre-filled and no default values are included in the fields).

See Understanding Profiles.

Choose One Questions

Choose One questions allow the respondent to select only one of the choices listed.

Use the Answer field to specify the choice answers from which the respondent can choose.


If the item is a profile attribute, the name of the profile to which the question refers appears here. If the item is not a profile attribute, None is displayed.


Enter the text of the question. You can include merge content for the question by adding empty brackets ({}) and clicking the Merge button.


Select a style in which you want the question and its answer choices to display: Radio Button or Drop Down List.

Show Prompt Text

Select this check box if you want to specify a prompt to use instead of a default value. The prompt is available as the default choice for the question. This field is only active if Drop Down List is selected in the Style field.

Prompt Text

If you chose Drop Down List for the style and selected the Show Prompt Text check box, enter the prompt text to be displayed.


Specify how the list is laid out on the web page This field is only active if Radio Button is selected in the Style field.


This field only appears if you selected the Survey Document check box on the Document page. Specify a numeric value between –99 and 99.


Select this check box if the respondent must answer this question before being allowed to submit the form.

Answer Choices

For each answer choice, enter a unique choice name. If the choice is the default, select the Default check box. You can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to select a row and change its location in the list.

The Weight field only appears if you selected the Survey Document check box on the Document page. Specify a numeric value between –99 and 99.

Add Choice

Click this button to add another answer choice row.

Move Up

Move the currently selected choice up.

Move Down

Move the currently selected choice down.

See Adding Merged Content.

Choose One with Rating Questions

Choose One with Rating questions allow the respondent to select only one of the choices listed, and assign a numeric value to the choice. When editing the item, you specify a numeric value to be associated with the choices. These values will be saved instead of the choice value, and used in the generated results.

Use the Answer field to specify the choice answers from which the respondent can choose. In the rating column where you specify a numeric value to associate with the choices. The Default column allows you to select the default answer if none is chosen (unless you have specified a prompt for a drop-down list).


Specify a unique numeric value to associate with each choice.

Choose Many Questions

The Choose Many item allows you to include a multiple choice question where the respondent can select any number of the choices listed.

The fields function as they do in Choose One / Choose One with Rating. The one exception is for the Answer field where, for this item, you can specify any number of choices you want “selected” by default on the web page.


For Choose Many questions, you can choose more than one choice to be selected by default.

Yes/No Questions

The Yes/No item allows you to include a question where the respondent can select either Yes or No.

The Answer field is where you specify the default value for the item.


Choose a format for the question: Radio Buttons or Checkbox.


Horizontal Display

Select this check box if you want the question to display in a horizontal format.



Specify a numeric weight value for the question, from –99 to 99. This option appears only if the Survey Document check box was selected on the Document page.

Default Choice

Select Yes or No as the question's default answer choice.

Note. Yes/No questions must always have a default value selected (either Yes or No). If you do not want to specify a default value, use a Choose One field with two choices—Yes and No—and do not make the field required.

The Weight option appears only if only if the Survey Document check box was selected on the Document page. You can specify a numeric value between –99 and 99.

Horizontal Display Layout Type

The Horizontal Display layout type is available for all of the choice question types, and is used in conjunction with the survey functionality (although it is also available in non-survey dialogs).

Note. The other layout types (Best Fit, Columns, and One Answer Per Line) are relatively self-explanatory, but Horizontal Display is explained separately because it includes many more options.

Choosing the Horizontal Display layout type adds some or all of the following new properties fields to each choice question:

Horizontal Display Layout

Determines whether to display the choice labels above the radio buttons or check boxes. This is a typical layout for a survey question.

Display Numeric Scale

Determines whether to display a numeric scale heading for the question. When this check box is selected, an additional column is displayed to the right of the Choice label column, enabling the user to specify numeric values for the scale.


This column contains numbers up to four digits. This heading is optional.

Hide Label

Used to hide the appropriate choice label when the document is rendered. You cannot leave the choice labels blank—this value simply determines whether they are displayed in the rendered web document.

Hide All/Show All

Use this choice to hide or show all choice labels at once.

See Understanding Surveys.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding a Button

A Button item allows you to place submit and clear buttons on the web page. The submit button will submit the page to the web server, and the clear button will clear the data entered in the fields on the page. The clear button also returns all fields to their default values.


By default, a button is named Buttonn, where n is the next unused number in the sequence for the document. You can enter a new unique name for the button.

Regular Button

Selection this option if you want to display the button on the page.

Invisible auto-Submit button

Select this option if you do not want the button to appear on the page, and to submit the form automatically when the page is displayed. Online Marketing and Event Management use this functionality for credit card submissions.


Select the check box to include a Submit button on the page.


Select the check box to include a Clear button on the page.


For both Submit and Clear buttons, you can enter a label to appear on the button. The defaults are Submit and Clear, respectively. Click the Merge button to use merged content (such as the current date or time) as the button's label.


For both Submit and Clear buttons, you can replace the default button with an image. Enter the location of the image in the field.

To enter an image using merge content, enter curly braces ({}) and click the Merge button.

See Also

Adding Merged Content

Setting Up an Online Marketing Document to Accept Credit Card Payments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding a Horizontal Line

The horizontal line (<HR> or horizontal rule in HTML) tag inserts a horizontal line into your web document. You can specify the width and appearance of the line.

To insert a horizontal line into your web document, select the Horizontal Line button in the Document Designer.


By default, a button is named Horizontal Linen, where n is the next unused number in the sequence for the document. You can enter a new unique name for the line.


Enter the line's height in pixels. The default is 2.


Enter a value for the line's width, either as a number of pixels or as a percentage of the page's total width, depending on the option you choose in the Horizontal Width field.


Select from the available options whether the value in the Width field is a number of pixels or a percentage of the page's total width.


Select 3D Effect for a shaded line, or 2D Effect for a flat, non-shaded line.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding a Blank Line

The blank line element allows you to insert a blank line between two elements, giving you more control over the appearance of the text in the finished web page. For example, you could insert a blank line between two question elements to make them easier to read.

To insert a blank line into your web document, click the Blank Line button.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Custom HTML

The Custom HTML Box allows you to enter text formatted with HTML tags into your web document. This feature permits users who are familiar with creating their own custom HTML to have greater control over the layout and appearance of the document. Online Marketing displays the text in a Custom HTML Box as it would any other HTML text.

Type or paste HTML text in the text box. The text will appear in the finished web document formatted as specified in the HTML. You can change the name of the text box element or leave it as the default. To enter merge content, click the Merge button and select a field.

Note. <FORM>, <HTML>, and <BODY> tags are not allowed in Custom HTML text.

See Also

Designing Web Templates

Importing Web Documents

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding a Profile Field

Document fields can be created based on profile fields that are marked as profile questions and have a status of Active in the profile definition. These document fields inherit all the attributes of the profile field.

All fields in the system with the exception of Many Rows per Contact or “map to existing” fields can be used in documents. When profile attributes are created, all aspects of the attribute are defined (type, size, name, and so forth), making it simple to incorporate these attributes as items in web documents. However, after adding a profile attribute to your document, you can still modify some of its attributes, such as the question and layout of the field, but you cannot change the choices (for a choice question). If you want to change the choices, you must do it in the profile itself.

By using a profile attribute in a document, you can automatically display the value that exists in the system for the respondent by selecting the Pre-fill with value from profile check box from the item builder. But more importantly, any changes made by the respondent to a profile attribute are automatically updated in the system. You can change the question for this specific document without affecting the original question and you can hide the field, but you cannot add, delete, or rename any of the choices or ratings. If the profile definition changes, it must be removed and re-added to the document before the new profile field changes will take effect.

Note. For profile fields with Choice data types (Choose One, Choose One with Rating, and Choose Many) you can click the element's Refresh button to propagate changes made to an Active profile choice list (addition and inactivation of choices) to the document.

If the document is copied and translated to a new language, the profile fields will translate to the new language if values exist in that language. If no values exist, the base language is used.

You can insert more than one profile field at the same time. The Document Designer will create new document elements for each inserted profile field, keeping them in the same order as they were in the Profile Field list from which you chose them. You can reorder them as with any other document element.

Note. Be aware that once a value has been set for a profile field, it cannot be set back to an empty (null) value by an Online Marketing user. For example, if a user has a value in an Address field and then someone else blanks the field through an Online Marketing web page, the existing address value remains in the system.

To add an item from profiles:

  1. In the Document Designer, click the Profile Attribute button.

    The Web Document Profile Insert page appears.

  2. Navigate to the profile you want to insert and select it.

    A list of profile fields for that profile appear. Note that if the profile you want to select is under the Individuals folder, you can search for it using the available Search box.

  3. Select the Select check box for each desired attribute.

    The Document Designer - Profile Field page appears, filled in with the information for the selected profile.

  4. Click the Apply Selected button.

    The last profile field you selected from the list appears in the Detail page. You can page through all the selected fields using the arrow buttons and the First and Last links on the top right side of the page.

  5. You change any of the following fields in the profile attribute:

Web Element Name

The name of the profile field you chose. You can change the name.


This read-only field shows the full name of the profile field.


Enter the question you want to ask for the profile field. The default value is the name of the field.



Select this check box if the respondent must answer this question before being allowed to submit the form.


Select this check box if you do not want the question to appear on the form.

Pre-fill From Profile

Select this check box if you want the field to be pre-filled with default information from the profile.

Validate email address format

Select this check box if you want the email address entered by the respondent to be validated before the form can be submitted.

Warning! When creating a web document that will insert individuals, make sure that the Last Name field is on the web document—otherwise, the individual cannot be created as a valid person. You should also make sure other fields required for matching rules (such as Email) are included. Likewise, make sure Organization Name is a required field for inserting organizations.

CDH Impact on Profiles

If the CDH integration is activated in your system, the Email Alternative 2 and Email Alternative 3 profile fields are added to the individual profile as system data. They will be available in the document and dialog designer, but will not be profile questions and will not be an option for sending single or bulk email.

These fields are in addition to the Email Address and Email Alternative that exist in the basics table today.

The new profile fields will be available in the document and dialog designer like any other profile field, except they will not be profile questions. For single or bulk email they will not be available as an option for sending email. These fields will be available for mapping in the CDM Basic Mapping component but are reserved for merge-from data by default. However, customers can customize the system and use the additional fields for non-merge purposes (for example, if they are not using CDH), by adding another Contact Method element type mapping and selecting the appropriate fields in the available lists.

If customers customize and use the additional Email Alt fields for non-merge purposes, then an administrator can add another Contact Method element type mapping and select the appropriate fields in the available lists. Customers should ensure that CDH Installation check box is off first.

Note. Marketers should only use the new Email Alternative 2 and Email Alternative 3 in an Update Profile action if those fields are mapped to a CDM email contact method (a configuration).

See Also

PeopleSoft CRM 9.1 Marketing Applications PeopleBook

Building Entry Questions

Understanding Customer Data Hub Integration

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Merged Content

You can merge content into many document fields, allowing the addition of tags that will be evaluated when the document is rendered. For example, you might use a Current Time merge content tag to display the current time on the web page, or a profile attribute to personalize a web page for a known user. You can merge content into the following document fields:

To add a merge content tag to one of the allowed document fields:

  1. Insert the field into the web document.

  2. At the location where you want the merge content to appear, enter a pair of curly braces ({}) in the text box.

  3. After you have entered all the tags for merge content you want to include, click the Merge button.

    The Merge Content page appears. All the curly brace placeholders are replaced by merge content tags.

  4. In Step 1: Select Tag, click the tag you want to define to select it.

  5. In Step 2: Select Content to Merge, select a merge content type.

  6. Enter the appropriate information about the merge content type and click Apply.

  7. If you have entered more tags, click the next one or click the Next Tag button, then repeat steps 5 and 6 for each merge content tag.

Adding a Current Date

To add a current date merge content object:

  1. Click Current Date in the Select Content to Merge browser list.

  2. Select a date format from the available options.

  3. Click Apply to insert the tag syntax.

Adding a Current Time

To add a current time merge content object:

  1. Click Current Time in the Select Content to Merge browser list.

  2. Select a time format from the available options.

  3. Click Apply to insert the tag syntax.

Adding a Recipient ID

To add a Recipient ID merge content object, click Recipient ID in the Select Content to Merge browser list. Recipient ID does not require any additional information, so the tag syntax is automatically inserted.

Adding a Tracking Number

To add a Tracking Number merge content object, click Tracking Number in the Select Content to Merge browser list. Tracking Number does not require any additional information, so the tag syntax is automatically inserted.

Adding a Profile Field

To add a profile field merge content object:

  1. Click Profile Fields in the Select Content to Merge browser list.

  2. Click the folder containing the profile from which you want to include a field. Note that if the profile you want to select is under the Individuals folder, you can search for it using the available Search box.

  3. Click the profile name.

  4. In the list of profile fields, select a format (if appropriate) for the field you want to include. You can also choose to include an appropriate default value in case the value for the profile field is not available. For example, as a default for the First Name profile field, you might include “Valued Customer” or “Baseball Fan.”

  5. Click Apply.

Note. The following characters may not be used as any part of a profile definition including field values, profile name, or audience name: ampersand (&), apostrophe or single quote ('), double quote ("), greater than (>), less than (<), or period (.).

Adding a Web Link

To add a web link merge content object:

  1. Click Web Link in the Select Content to Merge browser list.

  2. Fill in the fields defining the web link.

    Refer to the documentation on designing email documents for descriptions of these fields.

    Note. The double quote (“) and period (.) characters cannot be used as part of the Web Link name.

  3. Click Apply.

See Adding a Web Link to an Email Document.

Adding Dynamic Content

To add a dynamic content merge content object:

  1. Click Dynamic Content in the Select Content to Merge browser list.

  2. Fill in the fields defining the dynamic content object.

    Refer to the documentation on designing email documents for descriptions of these fields.

    Note. The double quote (“) and the period (.) characters cannot be used as part of the dynamic content name.

  3. Click Apply.

See Adding Dynamic Content to an Email Document.

Adding an Extension

To add an Extension merge content object:

  1. Click Extension in the Select Content to Merge browser list.

  2. Click the magnifying glass button and select an extension from the list.

  3. Fill in any information required by the extension.

    If the extension has parameters, they will be displayed. You can add or delete parameters as well as change values for the parameters. You can also merge content into values. Only Java extensions defined as usable in documents are allowed in this field. The default value is what is displayed if the extension returns no content.

  4. Click Apply.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFormatting Items

Online Marketing allows you to control some formatting characteristics of items in a web document, such as the color and size of the text, and its position on the page.

Once you have added items to your document, you can modify their formatting individually through the Element Format Properties page. On this page, you can set parameters that determine how the question and answer are positioned on the page.

Access the Element Format Properties page (Click the Format Properties link).


Indicates whether the question or answer is left, center, or right justified.


Indicates how far, in points, that the question or answer is indented.

Font Type

Select Default to use the browser's default font, or select another font from the available options.

Font Size

Specifies the relative size of the text being displayed (Smallest, Smaller, Normal, Larger, and Largest). Each setting increases or decreases the size as defined by the browser.

Font Color

Select the font's color from the available options.


Select the check box to set the font in boldface.


Select the check box to set the font in italics.

Answer Location

For answers, specifies the position of the answer relative to the question (below, right, or left of question).

After formatting the items for your page, you should preview the document to ensure you are pleased with the results.

Supported Fonts

Online Marketing supports the following fonts for document elements. Note that the font setting overrides the default set in the viewer’s browser. If the browser does not support the specified font, the default setting is used.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreviewing a Web Document

Online Marketing allows you to preview web documents. Previewing a web document allows you to see how it will appear in a browser.

Note. You should preview your document on several browsers because each browser behaves a little differently. By default, when you preview a document, it will appear in the web browser that is currently registered as your default browser. Also, any merge content in your documents is not filled in until the dialog is deployed—you will see the merge content surrounded by curly braces ({}).

It is advisable to preview your document regularly while you are designing your page.

To preview a web document, click the Preview button on the Document Designer page. This button is visible once you have attached the document to a dialog.

Note. When previewing web pages, you should configure your browser to turn off web page caching; otherwise, the preview might show the previous (cached) version of the document instead of the new version. You can also click Reload to view the new version.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Marketing Center Security to a Document

Access the Marketing Center page (Marketing, Document Designer, click the Marketing Center tab.

Note. The Marketing Center tab is available only if you have enabled the Secure Prospective Students by Marketing Center option in the Higher Education Options. Refer to the CRM for Higher Education documentation for more information about this option.

Marketing Center

Select a Marketing Center from the available list.

Add Marketing Center

Click this button to add another Marketing Center to the grid.

If the Secure Prospective Students by Marketing Center option is enabled, at least one Marketing Center is required to be defined for a secured document. When the document is saved, the system performs another edit check; if no Marketing Center is defined, you are directed to define at least one.

See Also

Oracle's PeopleSoft CRM for Higher Education Preface

Click to jump to parent topicImporting and Exporting Web Documents

This section describes how to:

Note. When importing and exporting documents, some fields such as the Language Code, Attach to Dialog, and Template will be disabled on the first page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImporting Web Documents

You can import an existing HTML document from a file to use as your web document. Once you have imported the HTML file, the only change the Document Designer will allow you to make to the web document is to rename it or change its description. If you need to make changes to the HTML, you must export the document, make the changes outside of the Document Designer, and then re-import the file.

Importing an external HTML file to use as your web document is useful if you have already created one or more web pages that you would like to use in your dialog, or if you simply prefer to use a certain web page design tool. However, these pages can serve only to display information because you cannot add document elements to an imported web document.

If the imported document was originally created in the Document Designer, all inserted document fields, profile fields, and merged content must still be in the document. Upon import, the Document Designer checks the document to verify that all inserted fields and content still exist.

If there is new merge content in the imported document, the Document Designer checks to see if they contain the required information for the corresponding merge content type. If the required information is present, then the merge tags are accepted; otherwise, an error is displayed.

When an imported document is copied and translated, no translation is performed on the imported contents; you will need to perform any language updates manually.

You can discard the imported document if you preview it and it does not have the desired appearance.

Note. Importing a file will override any previously imported file. Therefore, discarding the second imported file will not revert to the first import file, but rather to the last saved document prior to any imports.

To import an HTML file to use as a web document:

  1. In a web document that has been attached to an Online Marketing dialog, click the Import/Export button.

    Note. The Import/Export button does not appear in documents that are not attached to dialogs.

  2. Select Import an HTML file to represent this document.

  3. Browse to where the HTML document is located and select it.

  4. Click the Import button to import the document.

After you have imported a document, you can choose to discard the imported document and revert to the original. To do this, choose the Discard previously imported/exported version and use the original document option. This option is only available after a document has been imported or exported.

Note. Any changes made to merge content syntax outside of Online Marketing are applied once the document is imported back into the system. These changes are permanent, and will not be removed if the imported contents are later discarded.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExporting Web Documents

You can export the current web document to a file, allowing you to make cosmetic changes using a third-party tool. After making the changes, you can import the document back into the system, retaining any inserted document fields and profile fields intact in addition to adding the cosmetic HTML. When a document is exported, no changes can be made to the document from within Online Marketing. If changes are desired, then use the Import/Export button to discard the exported contents first.

There are three main export options:

Export the original document

Exports all fields and formatting to an HTML file. This option should be used as the first step in merging the web document with an HTML file, if you want the HTML generated for the web document to include the layout format.

Export the original document without formatting

Exports all fields (but no formatting) to an HTML file. This option should be used as the first step if you want the HTML generated for the web document to not include any formatting. All text and items will remain intact, but the layout of the document will be discarded.

Export the original document without web template

Documents associated with web templates can display duplicate content if they are exported with their web templates and then re-imported. Select this option to export the document without the web template and thus avoid content duplication. This option only appears for documents associated with web templates.

Note. When you select this option and export the document, you will see the same message that displays when you export a document with its web template. However, this does not imply that the web template was exported in this case.

To export a document:

  1. In a web document that has been attached to an Online Marketing dialog, click the Import/Export button.

    Note. The Import/Export button does not appear in documents that are not attached to dialogs.

  2. Select the appropriate option, depending on whether you want to export the document with or without formatting.

  3. Click the Continue button.

  4. The document is exported, and its new status is displayed.

After you have exported a document, you can choose to discard the exported document and revert to the original. To do this, choose the Discard previously imported/exported version and use the original document option. This option is only available after a document has been imported or exported.

If the document has a web template associated with it, the template will be exported only if you select the Export the original document option (to preserve the formatting).

When exporting a web document with data entry fields, validation libraries in JavaScript are included in the exported document. Some libraries may output language-specific validation messages, based on the language of the document.

If a copy of an imported web document with language-specific JavaScript messages is made, and the language association of the document is changed, you have two options to change the language-specific JavaScript. First, you can export the previously imported document and make changes outside of the system, then re-import. Secondly, you can embed a JavaScript merge content tag <pstag:javascript /> into the initial exported document as a placeholder for language-specific libraries. The tag will be replaced with language-specific libraries when the document is rendered.

Note. If you export a document and edit it using Notepad, be sure to save the document in ANSI format rather than UTF-8. If you save in UTF-8 format, Notepad adds a small string of characters to the top of the document that will be rendered as a '?' character on your web page.