The General Properties category appears for all document types. Depending on how a document was created, the initial property values for a document either default to the settings in Tools, Options or are inherited from the parent document. 

When you create a new module or section document from the Library, you have the opportunity to change the default settings for the Language, Template, and Screen Resolution properties. These defaults are then passed to any new module, section or topic documents that are linked to the parent in the Outline Editor. For example, if you create a new Purchasing module with a screen resolution of 800 x 600, and then link a new Purchase Orders section and Reviewing a Purchase Order topic, the new documents inherit the same screen resolution as the parent module.

Existing documents inserted into an outline retain their original properties, even if they do not match the property settings of the parent. For example, if you link the Working with Vendors section with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 to the Accounts Payable module, the linked section retains it original screen resolution settings. However, if you now create/link new documents to the Working with Vendors section, the new documents inherit the new screen resolution.

You can change the properties in the General category for a single document or several documents at the same time.

Warning! Be careful when changing a property for multiple documents that already contain values for the same property. The new values you enter for the property overwrite any existing values for all selected documents.

The General Properties category includes the following properties:

 Multi-user Considerations

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