Writes the data values of a database to a text file.


EXPORT exportName amount formatOption


Specifies the name, including the path, of the file for the exported data. If no path is specified, the file is created in the ARBORPATH\app directory.


Specifies the number representing the data to export.

  • 1 - All data

  • 2 - Only level 0 blocks

  • 3 - Only data from blocks with input data


Specifies the format of the data.

  • 0 (null) - Non-columnar format. This is the default.

  • 1 - Columnar format


The EXPORT command copies data in text format as an alternative to database archiving wherein you copy the files in binary format. Text format is more easily ported to other databases, and users can easily read it. This command exports only the data, rather than the entire database. Because only data is exported, it is more complex to restore the database from an export file than from a true database archive. You must reload and recalculate the data if you use an export file to restore a database.

Some file systems do not support text files larger than 2 GB. If the exported data exceeds 2 GB, Essbase creates multiple export files, as needed. An underscore and number is appended to the file names of the additional files, starting with _1. For example, if exportName is outfile.txt and three files are created, the resulting file names are outfile.txt, outfile_1.txt, and outfile_2.txt.

The export process does not begin until all users are logged out of the database. After the export process begins, the database is in read-only mode. After the export process is finished, Essbase returns the database to read-write mode.

The EXPORT command works on both aggregate storage and block storage databases; however, aggregate storage exports work differently from block storage exports. See Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide.


To create an export file called E060693 that contains only level zero data in columnar format:

EXPORT "E060693" 2 1;

If the exported data in this example exceeds 4 GB, three files are created: E060693, E060693_1, and E060693_2.

See Also