Starts the parallel data-export process.

The export process does not begin until all users are logged out of the database. After the export process begins, the database is in read-only mode. Users can read the data but they cannot change it. After the export process is finished, Essbase returns the database to read-write mode and users can make changes to the data.


PAREXPORT [-threads n] [-in input_filename] | [output_filename] amount formatOption

-threads n

Overrides the default number of export threads set in the EXPORTTHREADS setting in the essbase.cfg file. The maximum value is 8. If n is greater than 8, Essbase assumes the value to be 8.

-in input_filename

Specifies the full path name of an input file that contains a list of export file names. The number of files listed in the input file must match the number of export threads. Parallel export gracefully errors out if there is a mismatch.

  • If the data for any export thread exceeds 2 GB, Essbase creates additional files, none of which exceeds 2 GB. See Note for details.

  • If -in is not specified, the next value is assumed to be the value of the output_filename parameter.

  • If the listed files in the input file do not include a path, the files are created in the ARBORPATH\app directory.


Specifies the path and root for the file names created to contain the export data. For each thread, a number is appended to the specified output_filename. For example, if outfile_filename is outfile and two threads are specified, the resulting file names are outfile1 and outfile2. If the data for a thread exceeds 2 GB, that export data is divided into multiple files with a second number appended to the file names. See Note for details. If no path is specified, the file is created in the ARBORPATH\app directory.


Specifies the number representing the data to export.

  • 1 - All data

  • 2 - Only level 0 blocks

  • 3 - Only data from blocks with input data


Specifies the format of the data.

  • 0 (null) - Non-columnar format. This is the default.

  • 1 - Columnar format



PAREXPORT -threads 4 -in e:\data\input.txt 1 1;

Note that e:\data\input.txt is a text file that contains four file names on separate lines; that is,


In this example, all data in the database is divided among four export threads to create four export files. The data is exported in columnar format.

If the data intended for a file is greater than 2 but less than 4 GB, Essbase creates two files. For example, for the data apportioned to e:\data\export2.txt, Essbase would create e:\data\export2.txt and e:\data\export2_1.txt.

See Also