Returns information on the state of the currently selected database.

Some settings do not take effect until the database is re-started. For information on most recently entered settings, see GETDBSTATE.


GETDBINFO [appName dbName]

appName dbName

Optional. Both required if no application and database are selected.


When working with currency databases, values viewed using GETDBSTATE and GETDBINFO may differ from each other. The currency database may temporarily inherit attributes from its associated database. To have the values match, issue the appropriate SETDBSTATEITEM command.




----- Database Information -----
Name                                : Basic
Application Name                    : Sample
Database Type                       : NORMAL
Status                              : Loaded
Elapsed Db Time                     : 00:01:38:31
Users Connected                     : 2
Blocks Locked                       : 0
Dimensions                          : 10
Data Status                         : Data has been modified
                                      since last calculation.
Data File Cache Size Setting        : 33554432
Current Data File Cache Size        : 8388608
Data Cache Size Setting             : 3144960
Current Data Cache Size             : 2096064
Index Cache Size Setting            : 10485760
Current Index Cache Size            : 10485760
Index Page Size Setting             : 1024
Current Index Page Size             : 8192
Cache Memory Locking                : Enabled
Database State                      : Read-write
Data Compression on Disk            : Yes
Data Compression Type               : BitMap Compression
Retrieval Buffer Size (in K)        : 10
Retrieval Sort Buffer Size (in K)   : 10
Isolation Level                     : Uncommitted Access
Pre Image Access                    : No
Time Out                            : Never
Number of blocks modified before internal commit   : 3000
Number of rows to data load before internal commit : 0
Number of disk volume definitions      : 0

--Currency Info--

Currency Country Dimension Member    :
Currency Time Dimension Member       : Year
Currency Category Dimension Member   : Measures
Currency Type Dimension Member       :
Currency Partition Member            :

--Request Info--

Request Type     : Data Load
User Name        : admin
Start Time       : Mon Feb 17 11:42:59 2004
End Time         : Mon Feb 17 11:43:22 2004
Request Type     : Default Calculation
User Name        : admin
Start Time       : Mon Feb 17 12:57:45 2004
End Time         : Mon Feb 17 12:57:46 2004
Request Type     : Outline Update
User Name        : admin
Start Time       : Wed Jan 22 12:39:27 2004
End Time         : Wed Jan 22 12:39:30 2004

See Also