Returns the most recently entered database settings for the selected database.

For settings currently in effect, see GETDBINFO.


GETDBSTATE [appName dbName]

appName dbName

Optional. Both required if no application and database are selected.


When working with currency databases, values viewed using GETDBSTATE and GETDBINFO may differ from each other. The currency database may temporarily inherit attributes from its associated database. To have the values match, issue the appropriate SETDBSTATEITEM command.




---------Database State---------

Allow Database to Start                : Yes
Start Database when Application Starts : Yes
Access Level                           : None
Data File Cache Size                   : 33554432
Data Cache Size                        : 3145728
Aggregate Missing Values               : No
Perform two pass calc when [CALC ALL;] : Yes
Create blocks on equation              : No
Currency DB Name                       : N/A
Currency Conversion Type Member        : N/A
Currency Conversion Type               : N/A
Index Cache Size                       : 1048576
Index Page Size                        : 8192
Cache Memory Locking                   : Disabled
Data Compression on Disk               : Yes
Data Compression Type                  : BitMap Compression
Retrieval Buffer Size (in K)           : 10
Retrieval Sort Buffer Size (in K)      : 10
Isolation Level                        : Uncommitted Access
Pre Image Access                       : Yes
Time Out after                         : 20 sec.
Number of blocks modified before internal commit   : 3000
Number of rows to data load before internal commit : 0
Number of disk volume definitions      : 0

I/O Access Mode (pending)              : Buffered
I/O Access Mode (in use)               : Buffered
Direct I/O Type (in use)               : N/A

See Also