Create Macro

Create or re-create your own Essbase calculation macro as your chosen combination of existing calculation functions or macros. This statement registers the new macro with the Essbase custom-defined function and macro catalog.

Minimum permission required: Application Manager to create a local (application-level) macro. Administrator to create a global (system-level) macro.


Syntax diagram for create macro.MACRO-NAMECALC-SPEC-STRINGCOMMENT-STRINGMACRO-EXPANSIONCustom-Defined Macro Input ParametersCustom-Defined Macro Input ParametersCustom-Defined Macro Input ParametersCustom-Defined Macro Input ParametersCustom-Defined Macro Input Parameters

Use create macro to create a macro in the following ways:


create macro as

Create and register with Essbase a custom-defined macro as your chosen combination of existing calculation functions or macros. Register the macro either as a global macro usable by the entire Essbase Server, or as a local macro available to an application. To register a global (server-wide) macro, use one token for MACRO-NAME. To register a local (application-wide) function, use two tokens for MACRO-NAME.

create macro... <macro-signature>

Enter for the macro an optional signature defining the syntax rules for macro arguments. A macro signature describes the style in which arguments (or input parameters) to the macro may be passed. One example of a macro signature is (SINGLE, SINGLE, GROUP), meaning that the macro must be passed two comma-separated arguments followed by a list of arguments. For more information, see Custom-Defined Macro Input Parameters.

create or replace macro

Register with Essbase a global or local custom-defined macro. If a macro with that name already exists in the custom-defined function and macro catalog, it is replaced.


Enter for the macro an optional calculator-syntax specification string, as in the following example: @MYMACRO (mbrName, rangeList). Use a specification string if you wish the macro to be returned by the output string of the EssListCalcFunctions API function.


If you do not specify a calculation specification string, you cannot specify a comment either.


Create a description of the macro (optional). You cannot create a comment without also using spec to create a calculator-syntax specification string. The optional calculator-syntax specification string and the comment are used as the output string of the EssListCalcFunctions API function.



create macro Sample.'@COVARIANCE'(single, single) as '@COUNT(SKIPMISSING,@RANGE(@@S))' spec '@COVARIANCE (expList1, expList2)' comment 'Computes covariance of two sequences given as expression lists';