The name of a custom-defined Essbase macro. Macro names are a shorthand way to refer to macro expansions.

The name of a macro is a unique string that begins with a letter or a @, #, $, _ symbol. The name can include alphanumeric characters or the aforementioned symbols. It is recommended that you start a macro name with @. Although macros must have unique names within a given application, a global macro and a local macro can share the same name. However, the local macro takes precedence.

To create or refer to a local (application-level) macro, use the double name (for example, Sample.'@JSUM').

Any part of the name that contains special characters (see MaxL Syntax Notes),must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.


name1.name2 (local)


name2 (global)


name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)


For more information about macro signatures (input parameters), see Custom-Defined Macro Input Parameters

Referenced By

create macro

display macro

drop macro