A cube area or other specification developed in MDX as a symmetric, syntactically-valid set. The area specification must be static, for example it cannot contain Dynamic Calc members or runtime functions such as Filter, TopSum, or BottomSum. Enclose strings containing special characters in square brackets ([]). For complete information about defining MDX sets, see MDX Set Specification in the MDX section.


string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)


The following is a set of siblings.

'{[Jan 2000], [Feb 2000], [Mar 2000]}'

The following is a crossjoined set.

'{([Qtr1], [New York]), ([Qtr1], [California]), 
 ([Qtr2], [New York]), ([Qtr2], [California])}'

The following set is also a tuple.

'{(Jun, FY2011, Actual)}'

The following statement clears data from a region of ASOsamp.Sample. The region is defined using a CUBE-AREA expressed in MDX.

alter database ASOsamp.sample clear data in region '{(Coupon, [Prev Year], South)}' physical;

Referenced By

create trigger

alter database (aggregate storage)

execute allocation (aggregate storage)

execute calculation (aggregate storage)