Display User

View a specific user or a list of all users defined on the system. View account and group membership information.


Syntax diagram for display user.USER-NAMEGROUP-NAME

You can display user information in the following ways using display user.



Display information about all users on the system.

all failed_sss_migration

Display users that did not successfully migrate to Shared Services when alter system set sss_mode or alter group GROUP-NAME set sss_mode was issued.

The following situations are common reasons for users to fail migration:

  • The user account is disabled.

  • The user name is the same as a group name in Shared Services.

  • A user is externally authenticated but the authentication provider is not running.

If any users failed migration, you can retry the migration using alter user all set sss_mode.

For more information about user migration considerations, see the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide topic titled "Migrating Essbase to Shared Services."

Sample output for this statement:


all shared_services_native with auto_password

Display the user names and passwords of Shared Services users that were migrated to Shared Services with the option to have their passwords generated automatically.

Sample output for this statement:

         user           password
 server1        BgjKl1fNo
 server2        BgjKl1fNo


If the administrator designated a specific password for the migrated users, the password is not displayed.

all migr_modified_access

Display user database permissions that changed during migration to Shared Services.

In Shared Services, if an Essbase application contains multiple databases, the databases must have the same user security access levels. During migration to Shared Services, if a user has different access levels for two databases in the same application, the user is given the more restrictive access level for both databases.

The output columns for this statement are:

Output ColumnDescription
userThe user name.
applicationApplications to which the user has access.
databaseDatabases to which the user has access.
pre_Shared_Services_migration_accessThe user's access for a specific database before migration to Shared Services.
current_accessThe user's access level after migration to Shared Services. Includes access acquired through groups and any other means.
filterFilters assigned to the user.

The values returned for the pre_Shared_Services_migration_access and current_access fields are based on hexadecimal values but are displayed as decimal values, as follows:

0       No access
255     Full database access
272     Filter
273     Read
275     Write
279     Calc
280     Metaread
311     Database Manager
375     Create database
887     Application Manager
1911    Create application
4095    Full application and database access
65535   Administrator

Most roles are inclusive of other roles, but some additional combinations are possible. For example:

Read + Filter would be 273+272, or 545 Write + Filter would be 275 + 272, or 547


Display information about the specified user.

in group all

Display membership information for all groups on the system.

in group <group-name>

Display membership information for the specified group.


Display the licensed application access type for a user.

If a user is created in Planning, it automatically has an application access type of Planning; if a user is created in Essbase, it automatically has an application access type of Essbase.

application_access_type field values are numeric, and translate as follows:

0       No access
1       Essbase access
2       Planning access
3       Essbase and Planning access     (requires 2 licenses)

The application access type can be modified in Essbase using Alter User, or the Planning application access type can be modified through Oracle Hyperion Planning, Fusion Edition.

Output Columns



String. Name of the user.


String. Optional description of the user.

logged in

Values: TRUE or FALSE.


Integer. The number of days before the password expires, or 0 if no expiration is set.


Values: TRUE if the user account is active, or FALSE if the account has been disabled by an administrator.


Values: TRUE if the user must change the password at the next login; FALSE otherwise.



0       User is set up using native Essbase security.
1       No longer used. 
3       User is externally authenticated using Shared Services.


If the user is externally authenticated using Shared Services, this field contains the value CSS. This field is blank if the type field is 0 (the user is not externally authenticated).

conn param

This field is blank.



0       No access
1       Essbase access
2       Planning access
3       Essbase and Planning access     (requires 2 licenses)

See also Descriptions section.


display user;

Displays all users on the system and shows whether they are logged in, whether their accounts are enabled, and whether their passwords are set to expire.

display user in group;

Displays the membership information of all groups on the system.

display user in group big_group;

Displays the membership information for a group called big_group.