Prevents Essbase from interpreting Report Writer commands in the context of a Hybrid Analysis Relational Source.




If a database contains a Hybrid Analysis Relational Source, specifying the <HYBRIDANALYSISOFF command before one or more Report Writer commands prevents Essbase from extending the report to include Hybrid Analysis members. You can use <HYBRIDANALYSISOFF multiple times in a report. <HYBRIDANALYSISOFF applies to all subsequent member selections until its effect is cancelled by the <HYBRIDANALYSISON command.


Assume that some members of the Product and Market dimensions are present in the Hybrid Analysis Relational Source and that no members of Scenario are present in the Hybrid Analysis Relational Source. When the following report script is run, Hybrid Analysis members in the Product dimension are returned; however, Hybrid Analysis members in the Market dimension are not returned because retrievals subsequent to the <HYBRIDANALYSISOFF command cannot include a dimension that has members present in the Hybrid Analysis Relational Source.

<DESC "Scenario"
<DESC "Product"
<DESC "Market"

See Also