Uses the AND, OR, and NOT Boolean operators, combined with extraction commands, to refine member selections. The LINK command has been extended to span into dimension levels that are located in the Hybrid Analysis portion of an Essbase cube.


<LINK (extractionCommand [operator extractionCommand])


Any of the following extraction commands or another AND/OR expression:

<ALLINSAMEDIM (member) <ALLSIBLINGS (member) <ANCESTORS (member) <CHILDREN (member) <DESCENDANTS (member [, gen/levelName [, AT|UPTO]]) <DIMBOTTOM (member) <DIMTOP (member) <IANCESTORS (member) <ICHILDREN (member) <IDESCENDANTS (member [, gen/levelName [, AT|UPTO]]) <IPARENT (member) <MATCH (Dimension, match_string) <MEMBER (member) <OFSAMEGEN (member) <ONSAMELEVELAS (member) <PARENT (member) <UDA (Dimension, UDA_name)


Any of the following Boolean operators:

  • Use the AND operator when all conditions must be met.

  • Use the OR operator when either one condition or another must be met.

  • Use the NOT operator to choose the inverse of the selected condition.



<LINK (<UDA(product,Sweet) AND <LEV(product,0))

Selects all level 0 products that are sweet.

<LINK ((<IDESCENDANTS("100") AND <UDA(product,Sweet)) OR <LEV(product, 0))

Selects sweet products from the "100" sub-tree plus all level 0 products.

<LINK ((<IDESCENDANTS("100") AND NOT <UDA(product, Sweet)) OR <LEV(product, 0))

Selects non sweet products from the "100" sub-tree plus all level 0 products.

See Also