Overwrites the text in each output row with the specified characters at the specified position.

All nonblank characters in the text overwrite appear in the output line.

To create a mask of a blank character that overwrites output, enter ~ (the tilde character), rather than a blank space. The ~ is output as a blank space mask.

In addition to constant text, this command can use keywords to insert special strings into the report. These keywords begin with a "*" and must be entered. These are identical to the * keywords under the TEXT command, and are listed here for convenience. For a more complete discussion of * keywords, see the TEXT command.

You may include multiple sets of positions and text in a single MASK command.

*APPNAMEName of the application as set in the application definition.
*ARBORVersion information from the Essbase Server.
*COLHDRnumber1 number2Column heading members from the report, usually used with SUPCOLHEADING.
*COLHDRFULLVull column heading, along with underlines of the column headings and a 1-line skip.
*CURRENCYCurrency conversion label that indicates to which currency the data values have been converted at report time with the CURRENCY command.
*DATEDate the report was generated.
*DATETIMEDate and time the report was generated.
*DBNAMEName of the data base within the application.
*EDATEDate in European (dd/mm/yy) format.
*EDATETIMEEuropean format date (dd/mm/yy) and time.
*MACHINENetwork name for the computer that is running the Essbase Server.
*PAGEHDRnumberPage member heading for the report, usually used with SUPPAGEHEADING.
*PAGENOPage number for the current page.
*PAGESTRINGPage number preceded by the text "Page:"
*TIMETime the report was generated.
*TIMEDATETime and date the report was generated.
*TIMEEDATETime and European format (dd/mm/yy) date.
*USERNAMEName of the user generating the report.


{ MASK charPosition "replacement" [ charPosition "replacement" ] }


Character position at which to start replacing text.


New text, enclosed by quotation marks, with which to overwrite the original output.



The following example is based on Sample Basic.

<ROW (Year, Measures, Product, Market, Scenario)
{MASK 3 "," 22 "," 40 "," 55 "," 74 ","}

This example produces the following report:

Jan,        Sales,       100-10,      East,       Budget,        1690.00 
Jan,        Sales,       100-20,      East,       Budget,         190.00 
Jan,        Sales,       100-30,      East,       Budget,          80.00 
Feb,        Sales,       100-10,      East,       Budget,        1640.00 
Feb,        Sales,       100-20,      East,       Budget,         190.00 
Feb,        Sales,       100-30,      East,       Budget,          90.00 
Mar,        Sales,       100-10,      East,       Budget,        1690.00 
Mar,        Sales,       100-20,      East,       Budget,         200.00 
Mar,        Sales,       100-30,      East,       Budget,         100.00

See Also