Determines the location of the row names columns in the report.

Use the NAMESCOL command after entering the column members in the report. You can get the same result with the ORDER command, but NAMESCOL is more convenient for moving just the names columns and when the number of data columns can vary.


{ NAMESCOL [ columnList | CENTERED ] }


Optional list, separated by spaces, of the locations for each row name. List position corresponds to the number of the affected column.

NAMESCOL shifts the remaining columns left or right to make room for the columns of row member names.


Key word that centers the column of row member names in the report. Before using this parameter:

  • Define all columns in the report.

  • Use the FORMATCOLUMNS command to set the number of columns.


{ NAMESCOL c c 10 } places the first two row name columns in the center of the report, and the third row name column in column 10.


The command { NAMESCOL c} places the row names column in the following report in the center of the report.

<PAGE (Market, Accounts, Scenario)
Chicago Sales Actual

      <COLUMN (Year)
      <ICHILDREN Year

<ROW (Product)

This example produces the following report:

Chicago Sales Actual 

   Qtr1   Qtr2                Qtr3   Qtr4     Year 
 ====== ======              ====== ====== ========
  2,591  2,476 Stereo        2,567  3,035   10,669 
  3,150  3,021 Compact_Disc  3,032  3,974   13,177 
  5,741  5,497 Audio         5,599  7,009   23,846

See Also