When backing up a database to an archive file, specifies whether to split the archive file into multiple files (with each file being no larger than 2 GB) or to create a single, large archive file (the size of which is limited only by disk space).



The default value is FALSE.

You must restart Essbase Server to initialize any change to the configuration file.


Splitting the archive file into smaller, multiple files is useful if you cannot use large files or the file-transfer tools that you use cannot handle large files.

The first (or main) archive file that Essbase creates uses the filename that you specify (for example, samplebasic.arc). When the main archive file reaches the 2 GB limit, Essbase creates another archive file. In naming the other archive files, Essbase increments the main archive filename with “_x”, where x is an integer (starting with 1). Using the samplebasic.arc example, if three archive files are created when backing up the Sample.Basic database, the filenames would be:


All archive files are created in the directory that you specified when specifying the filename and location of the main archive file.

If you use the default, single-file configuration, Oracle recommends saving archive files to a file system that supports large files. For Windows, the file system must be formatted as NTFS. For UNIX, large file support must be enabled (for example, use the ULIMIT setting to specify a specific file size based on the size of the database or set ULIMIT to unlimited). See your operating system documentation.


When restoring a database in which the archive file is split into multiple files, Essbase looks for multiple archive files, even if, after the backup, you subsequently set SPLITARCHIVEFILE to FALSE for that database. Also, Essbase expects all of a database's archive files (main and split) to be in the same directory.

See Also

Alter Database MaxL statement

Query Database MaxL statement

Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Backup and Recovery Guide