Essbase Unicode File Utility Syntax

The Essbase Unicode File Utility (ESSUTF8 or essutf8) modifies files to be used with Unicode-mode applications. Use this utility to make the following changes to files:

For a description of encoding indicators, see the Types of Encoding Indicators.

essutf8 [option] filespec

Case-sensitive, lowercase execution options. A single command can include more than one execution option Include the hyphen at the beginning of each execution option within a command. See Table 2, Execution Options.

The -c, -d, -i, and -s options may not be used in combination. The remaining options may be used in combination with one of the four options, or in combination with each other. See Notes for more information.


Location and names of files. You can specify any of the following items:

  • A file name in the current directory

  • An absolute path that includes the file name

  • A file-name mask containing the * (asterisk) and ? (question mark) wildcards (for example, abc*.txt includes all files with names starting with abc and ending with the extension .txt)


To avoid corruption of binary files not related to Oracle Essbase, do not use wildcards within file extensions (for example, do not specify anything like xyz.* or *.*). Use of wildcards is recommended only within the portion of the file name before the dot; for example, *.scr or *2002.txt.

Table 2. Execution Options



Lists supported locales. You can copy locales from the list into the clipboard.


Creates a backup file (.bak) for each modified file.


Converts text files without a UTF-8 signature to UTF-8 encoding, removing existing locale indicators and inserting a UTF-8 signature in each file.


The utility cannot recognize a file to be in UTF-8 encoding if the file does not contain a UTF-8 signature. Be sure to use the -c option only with files that are not in UTF-8 encoding. Using the -c option with files that are in UTF-8 encoding results in files that are not usable. To add a UTF-8 signature to a UTF-8 encoded file, use the -s option as described below.


Deletes locale indicators from specified non-Unicode outline and rules files.


Displays the encoding of each specified text, outline, or rules file.


Displays help text. This is the default option.


Inserts a locale indicator in each non-Unicode file that does not have an indicator. If a -l option is not included to specify a locale, the ESSLANG locale is assumed.

-l locale

Specifies the locale for the locale indicator for a non-Unicode file. For locale, use the following locale format:

<language>_<territory>.<code page name>@<sort sequence>

Supported locales are listed in the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide


Do not add a locale indicator to a file containing UTF-8 encoding.


Defines a quiet operation. No messages are displayed.


Adds a UTF-8 signature to each text file that does not have a UTF-8 signature or a locale header


The utility cannot recognize a file to be in UTF-8 encoding if the file does not contain a UTF-8 signature. Be sure to use the -s option only with files that are not in UTF-8 encoding. Using the -s option with files that are in UTF-8 encoding results in files that are not usable.



Backup plus UTF-8 signature insertion

essutf8 -b -s salesjune.utf8 

Backup plus insertion of locale header record

essutf8 -b -i -l Spanish_Spain.Latin1@Spanish complex.rep

Backup plus conversion of multiple files to UTF-8 encoding

essutf8 -b -c *.txt

Backup plus deletion of locale indicator in a rules file

essutf8 -b -d \EssbaseServer\app\demo\basic\genref.rul