Process Management Trend

The report is a tabular representation of the Process Management data. The table comprises trend details for the 12 months before the period selected from the dashboard POV. The report counts the number of the descendant entities for a geographical region; these counts are dependent on the Financial Management application. The trend analysis information depends on the following options:

In the Process Management Trend Analysis table, the periods have a Numeric value. The value “1” at the region header represents the current dashboard POV selection, and numeric values from “2-12” at the region header represent periods rolling backward to the last 11 periods form the current dashboard POV selection.

In the following table, let us consider Europe as an example, you can observe the number of days taken to change the process state from the Close date to Submitted status. The numbers are gradually decreased from the column header #12, which is successively the 11th period rolling backward form the current dashboard POV selection.

Process Management Trend

  To compile the Process Management Trend report:

  1. From the Oracle BI EE Global Header, select the Dashboards link, then select the OFMA menu list, and then select Oracle Financial Management Analytics.

  2. From Oracle Financial Management Analytics, select the Process Management dashboard tab.

  3. From POV Selector, select the required POV dimensions that you want to use for the dashboard, and then click Apply.

    See Setting the Point of View in Oracle Financial Management Analytics.

  4. From Process Management Trend report, select a Report option:

    • Close To Approve

    • Close To Submit

    If you change the Report option, the changes are displayed in the Process Management Trend Analysis report.

The report displays the following information:

Table 32. Process Management Trend – Report Details

Report in DetailDescription
Report The drop-down menu for selecting either one of these options:
  • Close To Approve

  • Close To Submit


The column values counts the number of the descendant entities for geographical regions such as: North America, Latin America, APAC, and so on. The regions displayed depend on the dashboard POV selection.