Overall Status

The overall status counts the number of entities assigned for a process unit. For example, base entities counts the number of entities at the bottom of the organization structure that does not own further child entities. The report displays the count of entities for the following review levels based on dashboard POV selections:

The Overall Status information depends on the following options:

Overall Status

  To compile the Overall Status report:

  1. From the Oracle BI EE Global Header, select the Dashboards link, then select the OFMA menu list, and then select Oracle Financial Management Analytics.

  2. From Oracle Financial Management Analytics, select the Process Management dashboard tab.

  3. From POV Selector, select the required POV dimensions that you want to use for the dashboard, and then click Apply.

    See Setting the Point of View in Oracle Financial Management Analytics.

  4. From Overall Status report, select a Report option:

    • All Entities

    • Base Entities

    If you change the Report option, the changes are displayed in the Overall Status report.

The report displays the following information:

Table 33. Overall Status – Report Details

Report in DetailDescription
Report The drop-down menu for selecting either one of these options:
  • All Entities

  • Base Entities


The fixed column contains the following process unit:

  • Not Started

  • First Pass

  • Review level

  • Submitted

  • Approved

  • Published


The total number of count for a particular process unit based on the entity selected in the dashboard POV.