The Business Control Center includes a conflict resolution feature that warns you if the asset you used to create your working version has been changed by someone else. For example:

The Merge with Latest note indicates that the version of the asset you are editing was not created using the latest checked-in (base) version. Assets that have conflicts appear at the top of the list.

Clicking the Merge with Latest link takes you to the Merge Assets page:

The Merge Assets page displays the properties of your working version next to the properties of the latest checked-in version so that you can compare them.

You can resolve conflicts in three ways:

Note: You must resolve all outstanding version conflicts in a project before you can complete the current task. Attempts to complete that task yield an error message.

Merging Versions

To keep some of your properties and add some from the latest version:

Concurrent Update Exceptions

The versioning system handles cases where two people edit the same asset in different projects. If a project leaves its Author task unassigned, two or more users might edit that project asset at the same time. In this case, the system does not detect any version conflict. The project allows only one user to save changes to the asset. Subsequent attempts by other users to save changes to the same asset yield a Concurrent Update Exception message and their changes are not saved.

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