This chapter provides a high-level guide to the tasks you need to complete to install and configure multiple applications successfully.

Using CIM to Configure Applications

The Configuration and Installation Manager (CIM) is a command-line utility you can use to perform many of the post-installation setup tasks for Oracle ATG Web Commerce applications. Using CIM can considerably reduce the amount of time it takes to complete configuration tasks, especially those related to server and data source setup. Note, however, that you are still required to have server and database administration experience to use CIM; while it guides you through the configuration tasks, ensuring they are performed in the correct order, you still need to be familiar with the settings that CIM prompts you to enter.

For basic information on using CIM, refer to the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide. Information on CIM plug-ins is also included in the documentation for each application, and you can display help for most CIM options by typing h at the prompt. Note also that the ATG Commerce Reference Store Installation and Configuration Guide, which explains how to set up the Commerce Reference Store demo, contains detailed instructions on using CIM and can be very helpful as an introduction to installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce applications.

The sections that follow in this chapter indicate the tasks that can be performed through CIM.

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