baseline gears, Baseline Gears Overview
Alerts Gear, Alerts Gear
Announcements Gear, Document Exchange Gear
Bookmarks Gear, Bookmarks Gear
Calendar Gear, Calendar Gear
Community Members Gear, Community Members Gear
configuring, Configuring Baseline Gears
Discussion Gear, Discussion Gear
Document Exchange Gear, Document Exchange Gear
Favorite Communities Gear, Favorite Communities Gear
HTML Content Gear, HTML Content Gear
Login Gear, Login Gear
Outlook Gear, Outlook Gear
Poll Gear, Poll Gear
Quicklinks Gear, Quicklinks Gear
Repository Search Gear, Repository Search Gear
Repository View Gear, Repository View Gear
Targeted Content Gear, Targeted Content (Slot) Gear
Web Services Client Gear, Web Services Client Gear
XML Protocol Gear, XML Protocol Gear
XML-Feed Gear, XML-Feed Gear
Bookmarks Gear, Bookmarks Gear
branding, Page Templates and Branding
business rules, Business Rules


Calendar Gear, Calendar Gear
cascading stylesheets (see stylesheets)
color palettes, Color Palettes
adding, Adding Color Palettes to the PAF
Communities, Community
copying from templates, Creating Communities from Community Templates
creating, Reserving a Web-Friendly Name, Creating a Community
deleting, Deleting a Community
disabling, Disabling a Community
editing, Editing a Community
Guests, Relative Roles
Leaders, Relative Roles
Members, Relative Roles
membership, Community Membership
role IDs, Community Role IDs
Community Administration pages, Community Administration Pages
color palettes, Style Administration
community gears tab, Community Gears Tab
community members tab, Adding a Member to a Community
community pages tab, Community Pages Tab
community settings tab, Community Settings Tab, Community Membership
community users tab, Community Users Tab
layout templates, Style Administration
page layouts, Style Administration
reset buttons, Reset Buttons
security, Community Administration Pages
Community folders, Community Folders
creating, Creating Community Folders
deleting, Deleting Community Folders
Community Guests
adding, Adding a Guest to a Community
Community Leaders
adding, Assigning a Community Leader Role to a Member
Community Members
adding, Adding a Member to a Community
approving or declining, Approving or Declining Membership Requests
enabling membership request notification, Enabling Membership Request E-mail Notification
Community Members Gear, Community Members Gear
Community pages
adding, Adding a Community Portal Page
adding gears, Adding Gears to a Community Portal Page
deleting, Deleting a Community Portal Page
editing, Editing a Community Portal Page
viewing, Viewing a Community Portal Page
community proposals, Automating the Portal Creation Process, Community Proposals
creating, Creating a Community Proposal
scenarios, Creating a Scenario for Community Proposal Workflows
workflows, Creating a Workflow for Community Proposals
Community roles, Community Roles
community templates, Creating Communities from Community Templates
creating, Using the Community Templates User Interface
creating new users, Creating New Portal Users
customization administration, Customization Administration


configuring, Configuring Your Database
default Portal, Accessing the Default Portal
Discussion Gear, Discussion Gear
item cache, Discussion Gear
Document Exchange Gear, Document Exchange Gear
virus scanning, Document Exchange Gear


Favorite Communities Gear, Favorite Communities Gear


gear administration, Gear Administration
gear folders, Gear Folders
gear title templates, Gear Title Template Files, Gear Title Templates
adding, Adding Gear Title Templates to the PAF
titlebar-post.jsp, Gear Title Template Files
titlebar-pre.jsp, Gear Title Template Files
titlebar.jsp, Gear Title Template Files
adding to the PAF, Adding Gears to the PAF
baseline, Baseline Gears Overview
deleting, Deleting a Gear from the PAF
installation configuration, Gear Installation Configuration
instance configuration, Gear Instance Configuration
limiting access by communities, Limiting a Community’s Access to Gears
parameter configuration, Gear Parameter Configuration
sharing, Sharing Gears in the PAF


HTML Content Gear, HTML Content Gear
configuring parser, HTML Content Gear
HtmlFilterParser component, HTML Content Gear


individuals, Individual
internationalization, Localizing a Portal


J2EE security, J2EE Security


layout templates, Layout Templates, Layout Templates
100.jsp, Layout Templates
25_50_25.jsp, Layout Templates
25_75.jsp, Layout Templates
75_25.jsp, Layout Templates
adding, Adding Layout Templates to the PAF
creating, Creating Style Element Templates
LDAP profile repositories
searching for users, Searching for Members in an LDAP Repository
localization, Localizing a Portal
Login Gear, Login Gear


manifest files, Manifest Files


organizations, Organization
Outlook Gear, Outlook Gear


page templates, Page Templates and Branding, Page Templates
adding, Adding Page Templates to the PAF
full page template, Shared and Full Page Template
shared page template, Shared and Full Page Template
Scenario Server, Portal and the Global Scenario Server
Poll Gear, Poll Gear
development basics, Accessing the Default Portal
Portal Administration pages, Portal Administration Pages, Creating a Community
Alerts tab, Alerts Tab
color palettes, Styles Tab
communities tab, Communities Tab
community members tab, Adding and Removing Community Members
gear title templates, Styles Tab
Gears tab, Gears Tab
launching, Opening the Portal Administration Pages
layout templates, Styles Tab
page templates, Styles Tab
security, Portal Administration Pages
Styles tab, Styles Tab
stylesheets, Styles Tab
Portal Administrator, Global Roles
Portal Process Automation, Automating the Portal Creation Process
Portal.<gearname>, Portal.<gearname>
Portal.gears module, Portal.gears
Portal.paf module, Portal.paf
Profile repository, Profile Repository, Portal Personalization
profile template, Profile Template


Quicklinks Gear, Quicklinks Gear


region.jspf, Layout Templates
registered user, Relative Roles
relative roles, Relative Roles
configuring, Configuring Your Repositories
creating, Portal Repository Creation
profile, Profile Repository, Portal Personalization
Repository Search Gear, Repository Search Gear
Repository View Gear, Repository View Gear
Community, Community Roles
Community Leader, Relative Roles
Community Member, Relative Roles
global, Global Roles
IDs, Community Role IDs
relative, Relative Roles


scenarios, Business Rules
scenarios for community proposals, Creating a Scenario for Community Proposal Workflows
security, Portal Access Control
administering, Community Security Administration
secured areas, Predefined Secured Areas
security levels
see access levels, Setting Basic Access Levels for a Community
Slot Gear (see Targeted Content Gear)
SlotConfiguration component, Targeted Content (Slot) Gear
SpawnCommunity tool, Using the SpawnCommunity Tool
stylesheets, Stylesheets
adding, Adding Stylesheets to the PAF


Targeted Content Gear, Targeted Content (Slot) Gear
repository configuration, Targeted Content (Slot) Gear
SlotConfiguration component, Targeted Content (Slot) Gear
gear title, Gear Title Templates
layout, Layout Templates
page, Page Templates


user profiles
creating, Creating New Portal Users


XML Protocol Gear, XML Protocol Gear
adapter classes, XML Protocol Gear
XSL stylesheets, XML Protocol Gear
XML-Feed Gear, XML-Feed Gear

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