Run the Portlet Deployment Tool with the following arguments:

portletDeploymentTool -i <input file> -o <output file>
[-w <working directory>][-f] [-c <contextRoot>] [-ear]




Input: the absolute pathname of the portlet’s WAR file or exploded WAR directory. The Portlet Deployment Tool expects to find a portlet.xml file in the WAR’s WEB-INF directory.


Output: the absolute path of the directory where the portlet should be installed.


The path of the working directory the tool should use. If you do not explicitly set the working directory, the tool uses the default working directory. The default working directory is ${atg.dynamo.root}/home/data, if atg.dynamo.root is set as an environment variable. Otherwise, the default working directory is the current directory.


The context root that should be used for the deployed WAR.


Overwrite: If there is already a portlet with the same name in the location specified by the -o argument, overwrite it. If you do not use this argument, the Portlet Deployment Tool exits and reports an error if it finds that there is already a portlet with the same name in the location specified by the -o argument.


Generate an exploded EAR file rather than an exploded WAR file.


Generate debug messages.


Generate info and debug messages.


Generate warning, info, and debug messages.


Generate error, warning, info, and debug messages.


Generate only minimal messages.


Generate a usage message.

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