The original SQL looks like this:

 -- test-repository.ddl
create table test_items (
 -- the ID of this item
 id varchar,
 -- a secured property of this item
 secured_property varchar,
 -- an unsecured property
 unsecured_property varchar,

Add three fields to the SQL to enable storage of security information for the repository item’s owner and ACL, and the secured property’s ACL:

The modified SQL looks like this (changes are in boldface):

 --  Modified test-repository.ddl
create table test_items (
 -- the ID of this item
 id varchar,
 -- a secured property of this item
 secured_property varchar,
 -- an unsecured property
 unsecured_property varchar,
 -- the owner of this item
 item_owner varchar,
 -- the ACL that applies to this item
 item_acl varchar,
 -- the ACL that applies to this item's secured value
 secured_property_acl varchar

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