Creating a Custom Oracle® Solaris 11.2 Installation Image

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Updated: July 2014

How to Create and Build a Custom Image

This procedure describes the general steps to create and build a custom image.

  1. Become an administrator.

    For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .

  2. Install the distribution-constructor package, which contains the distribution constructor tool and the sample manifests.
    # pkg install distribution-constructor
  3. Copy one of the sample manifests and create a custom manifest file with a new file name.

    You will reference the manifest file by name when you use the distro_const command to create an image.

    Note -  Always back up the original manifest file and the default scripts before copying them.
  4. Edit the manifest elements.

    For example, you can edit the target element in the manifest to specify a different location of the build area where the image can be constructed. You can, also, check the publisher to ensure that your system can contact that publisher to download the packages needed to build the image. If necessary, you can edit the software name element to specify a different publisher and repository location.

    For information, see Modifying the Manifest Content and the dc_manifest (4) man page.

  5. (Optional) Create custom scripts to further modify the image.

    If you create new scripts, update the script references in the execution section of the manifest file.

    For instructions, see Creating and Using Custom Scripts.

  6. Run the distro_const utility to create an image.

    For instructions, see Chapter 3, Building an Image.