Securing Files and Verifying File Integrity in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

Exit Print View

Updated: July 2014

BART Reporting

In default mode, a BART report checks all the files installed on the system, with the exception of modified directory timestamps (dirmtime):

IGNORE	dirmtime

If you supply a rules file, then the global directives of CHECK all and IGNORE dirmtime, in that order, are automatically prepended to the rules file.

BART Output

The following exit values are returned:




Nonfatal error when processing files, such as permission problems


Fatal error, such as an invalid command-line option

    The reporting mechanism provides two types of output: verbose and programmatic:

  • Verbose output is the default output and is localized and presented on multiple lines. Verbose output is internationalized and is human-readable. When the bart compare command compares two system manifests, a list of file differences is generated.

    The structure of the output is as follows:

    filename attribute control:control-val test:test-val

    Name of the file that differs between the control manifest and the test manifest.


    Name of the file attribute that differs between the manifests that are compared. The control-val precedes the test-val. When discrepancies for multiple attributes occur in the same file, each difference is noted on a separate line.

    Following is an example of attribute differences for the /etc/passwd file. The output indicates that the size, mtime, and contents attributes have changed.

    size	control:74	test:81
    mtime control:3c165879	test:3c165979
    contents	control:daca28ae0de97afd7a6b91fde8d57afa
  • Programmatic output is generated with the –p option to the bart compare command. This output is suitable for programmatic manipulation.

    The structure of the output is as follows:

    filename attribute control-val test-val [attribute control-val test-val]*

    Same as the filename attribute in the default format

    attribute control-val test-val

    A description of the file attributes that differ between the control and test manifests for each file

For a list of attributes that are supported by the bart command, see BART Rules File Attributes.

For more information, see the bart(1M) man page.