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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite
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Part Number E10224-16
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52 Integrating the Spring Framework in SOA Composite Applications

This chapter describes how to use the spring framework to integrate components that use Java interfaces into SOA composite applications. Oracle SOA Suite uses the spring framework functionality provided by the WebLogic Service Component Architecture (SCA) of Oracle WebLogic Server. This chapter also describes how to integrate components that use Java interfaces with components that use WSDL files in the same SOA composite application. It also describes using Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) and the EclipseLink O/X-Mapper (OXM) to map Java classes to XML data.

This chapter includes the following sections:

For more information about the WebLogic SCA functionality used by Oracle SOA Suite, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing WebLogic SCA Applications for Oracle WebLogic Server.

For samples about how to use the spring framework, see the Oracle SOA Suite samples site.

52.1 Introduction to the Spring Service Component

The spring framework is a lightweight container that makes it easy to use different types of services. Lightweight containers can accept any JavaBean, instead of specific types of components.

WebLogic SCA enables you to use the spring framework to create Java applications using plain old Java objects (POJOs) and expose components as SCA services and references. In SCA terms, a WebLogic spring framework SCA application is a collection of POJOs plus a spring SCA context file that wires the classes with SCA services and references.

You can use the spring framework to create service components and wire them within a SOA composite application using its dependency injection capabilities. SCA can extend spring framework capabilities as follows:

As with all service components, spring components have a componentType file. The interfaces defined in the componentType file use the definition to identify their service and reference interfaces.

Services are implemented by beans and are targeted in the spring context file. References are supplied by the runtime as implicit (or virtual) beans in the spring context file.

You can also integrate Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) with SOA composite applications through use of Java interfaces (with no requirement for SDO parameters). For information, see Chapter 38, "Integrating Enterprise JavaBeans with SOA Composite Applications."

52.2 Integration of Java and WSDL-Based Components in the Same SOA Composite Application

In releases before 11g Release 1, components in SOA composite applications were entirely WSDL-based. Starting with 11g Release 1, you can integrate components using Java interfaces and WSDL files in a SOA composite application in the SOA Composite Editor. As an example, this integration enables a spring service component to invoke an Oracle BPEL Process Manager or an Oracle Mediator service component to invoke an EJB, and so on.

The following types of component integrations are supported:

52.2.1 Java and WSDL-Based Integration Example

When wiring any two service components (or a service component with a binding component), each end of the wire has an interface defined. With XML, those interfaces must have the same WSDL definition, and are defined with interface.wsdl in the composite.xml file or component.componentType file.

From the JAX-WS point of view, when wiring a Java interface (which is defined by to a WSDL interface, it is assumed that the two interfaces are compatible. This is typically enforced and automated by Oracle JDeveloper.


Only use Oracle JDeveloper to create and modify the composite.xml, componentType, and spring context files described in this section. Do not directly edit these files in Source view. These examples are provided to show you how Java interfaces and WSDL files are integrated in a SOA composite application. Use of Oracle JDeveloper to achieve this functionality is described in subsequent sections of this chapter.

For example, assume you have a Java interface for a service, as shown in Example 52-1.

Example 52-1 Java Interface for a Service

public interface PortfolioService {
  public double getPorfolioValue(String portfolioId);

Assume the implementation can use an additional StockQuote service that is implemented by another component that may be a BPEL process, an external web service, or an EJB. Example 52-2 provides details.

Example 52-2 Additional Java Interface for a Service

public interface StockQuote {
  public double getQuote (String symbol);

The componentType file for the spring framework lists the PortfolioService service and the StockQuote service with the definitions. Example 52-3 provides details.

Example 52-3 componentType File

<componentType xmlns="">
    <service name="PortfolioService ">
        < interface="com.bigbank.PortfolioService"/>
    <reference name="StockService">
        < interface="com.bigbank.StockQuote"/>

The implementation class implements the service interface and provides a setter for the reference interface. Example 52-4 provides details.

Example 52-4 Implementation of the Service Interface

public class PortfolioServiceImpl implements PortfolioService {
  StockQuote stockQuoteRef;

  public void setStockService (StockQuote ref) {
    stockQuoteRef = ref;

  public double getPorfolioValue(String portfolioId) {
    //--  use stock service
    //--  return value

The spring context file calls out the services and references and binds them to the implementation. Example 52-5 provides details.

Example 52-5 Callout of Services and References by the Spring Context

<beans ...>
  <sca:service  name="PortfolioService" type="com.bigbank.PortfolioService"

  <sca:reference  name="StockService" type="com.bigbank.StockQuote">

  <bean id ="impl" class ="com.bigbank.PortfolioServiceImpl">
     <property name="stockService" ref="StockService"/>

The composite.xml file of the composite defines the components and references. Example 52-6 provides details.

Example 52-6 Definition of Components and References in the composite.xml File

<composite ...>
    <import location="PortfolioService.wsdl" />
    <service name="PortfolioService">
 interface="" />
    <component name="PortfolioComp">
        <implementation.spring src="spring-context.xml"/>
    <reference name="StockService">
        < interface="com.bigbank.StockQuote"/>
        <binding.ejb uri="StockService#com.bigbank.StockQuote"/>

52.2.2 Using Callbacks with the Spring Framework

Oracle SOA Suite uses callbacks for both interface.wsdl and However, the concept of callbacks does not exist in the spring framework. For Oracle SOA Suite services and references, a callback is specified (in the metadata) as a second port type for interface.wsdl or a second Java name for The spring metadata has only sca:services and sca:references and no way to specify a callback.

To design a callback with spring, you must provide sca:services and sca:references with a specific name. If you create both a sca:service and sca:reference using the naming conventions of someService and someServiceCallback, Oracle SOA Suite recognizes this convention and creates a single service or reference with a callback.

For example, assume you create the syntax shown in Example 52-7 in the spring context file with the spring editor in Oracle JDeveloper:

Example 52-7 Callbacks with the Spring Service Component

<sca:service  name="StockService"
 target="impl" />
 <sca:reference  name="StockServiceCallback"
 type="" />

Oracle SOA Suite automatically creates a single service (in the spring componentType file) as shown in Example 52-8:

Example 52-8 Single Service

<service name="StockService">

In the SOA Composite Editor, if a spring with a callback interface is dragged to a WSDL component (for example, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, Oracle Mediator, or others), a WSDL with two port types is generated (technically, a wrapper WSDL, which is a WSDL that imports two other WSDLs, each having a single port type).

If you drag a WSDL or Java interface that has a callback to a spring service component, a single interface is displayed in the SOA Composite Editor. However, inside the spring editor, you find both a sca:service and sca:reference that have the same naming conventions (someService and someServiceCallback).

52.3 Creating a Spring Service Component in Oracle JDeveloper

This section describes how to create a spring service component and wire the component as follows in Oracle JDeveloper:

For an overview of spring service component integration in the Fusion Order Demo, see Section 52.6, "Spring Service Component Integration in the Fusion Order Demo."

52.3.1 How to Create a Spring Service Component in Oracle JDeveloper

To create a spring service component in Oracle JDeveloper:

  1. From the Component Palette, drag a Spring Context service component into the SOA Composite Editor, as shown in Figure 52-1.

    Figure 52-1 Spring Context Service Component

    Description of Figure 52-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-1 Spring Context Service Component"

    The Create Spring dialog is displayed.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the spring service component. The name becomes both the component name and the spring context file name. Figure 52-2 provides details.

    You can also select Use Existing Context and click Browse to select an existing spring file. For example, you may want to import a spring context that was created in Oracle JDeveloper, but outside of Oracle SOA Suite. If you browse and select a spring context from another project, it is copied to the SOA project.

    Figure 52-2 Create Spring Dialog

    Description of Figure 52-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-2 Create Spring Dialog"


    A standalone spring version of WebLogic SCA is also available for use. This version is typically used outside of Oracle SOA Suite. This version is accessible by selecting Spring 2.5 JEE from the Component Palette while inside the spring editor.

  3. Click OK.

    A spring icon is displayed in the SOA Composite Editor.

  4. Double-click the icon to display the contents of the spring context in the spring editor.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    <beans xmlns=""
           xsi:schemaLocation=" META-INF/weblogic-sca.xsd">
      <!--Spring Bean defintions go here-->
  5. From the Component Palette, select Weblogic SCA from the dropdown list.

    The list is refreshed to display the selections shown in Figure 52-3.

    Figure 52-3 WebLogic SCA Menu

    Description of Figure 52-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-3 WebLogic SCA Menu"

  6. Drag a Service icon into the spring editor.

    The Insert Service dialog appears.

  7. Complete the fields shown in Table 52-1 to define the target bean and Java interface.

    Table 52-1 Insert Service Dialog

    Field Description


    Enter a name.


    Enter the target bean. This action enables you to expose the bean as a service.

    Note: Ensure that this target exists. There is no validation support that checks for the existence of this target.


    Enter the Java interface.

    When complete, the Insert Service dialog looks as shown in Figure 52-4.

    Figure 52-4 Insert Service Dialog

    Description of Figure 52-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-4 Insert Service Dialog"

  8. Click OK.

    The target bean becomes the service interface in the spring context.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    <beans xmlns=""
           xsi:schemaLocation=" META-INF/weblogic-sca.xsd">
      <!--Spring Bean defintions go here-->
      <sca:service name="scaserv1" target="ep" type="oracle.mypackage.myinterface"/>

    If you close the spring editor and return to the SOA Composite Editor, you see that a handle has been added to the left side of the spring service component, as shown in Figure 52-5.

    Figure 52-5 Service Handle

    Description of Figure 52-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-5 Service Handle"

  9. Return to the spring editor.

  10. Drag a Reference icon from the list shown in Figure 52-3 into the spring editor.

    The Insert Reference dialog is displayed.

  11. Complete the dialog, as shown in Table 52-2, and click OK.

    Table 52-2 Insert Reference Dialog

    Field Description


    Enter a name.


    Enter the Java interface.

    When complete, the spring context displays the service and reference in the spring editor.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    <beans xmlns=""
           xsi:schemaLocation=" META-INF/weblogic-sca.xsd">
      <!--Spring Bean defintions go here-->
      <sca:service name="scaserv1" target="ep" type="oracle.mypackage.myinterface"/>
      <sca:reference name="scaref1" type="external.bean.myInterface"/>
  12. Close the spring context file, as shown in Figure 52-6.

    Figure 52-6 Spring Context File

    Description of Figure 52-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-6 Spring Context File"

    A handle is added to the right side of the spring service component, as shown in Figure 52-7.

    Figure 52-7 Reference Handle

    Description of Figure 52-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-7 Reference Handle"

  13. Drag the left handle into the Exposed Services swimlane to create a service binding component, as shown in Figure 52-8.

    Figure 52-8 Service Binding Component

    Description of Figure 52-8 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-8 Service Binding Component"

    You are prompted to select to expose the service as either a web service or as an EJB service, as shown in Figure 52-9.

    Figure 52-9 Service Type To Create

    Description of Figure 52-9 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-9 Service Type To Create"

    • EJB: This exposes the EJB service through a Java interface; this selection does not require the use of a WSDL file.

    • Web Service: This exposes the web service through a SOAP WSDL interface. If you select this option, a WSDL is generated from the Java Interface for compatibility with the spring service component.

  14. Select to expose this service as either an EJB or web service. A service is automatically created in the Exposed Services swimlane and wired to the spring service component (for this example, EJB is selected). Figure 52-10 provides details.

    Figure 52-10 EJB Service Binding Component Wired to the Spring Service Component

    Description of Figure 52-10 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-10 EJB Service Binding Component Wired to the Spring Service Component"

  15. Double-click the EJB service to display the automatically completed configuration, as shown in Figure 52-11. The configuration details were created from the values you entered in the Insert Service dialog in Step 7.

    Figure 52-11 EJB Service Dialog in Exposed Services Swimlane

    Description of Figure 52-11 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-11 EJB Service Dialog in Exposed Services Swimlane"

  16. Replace the default JNDI name that was automatically generated with the name applicable to your environment.

  17. Close the dialog.

  18. Drag the right handle of the spring service component into the External References swimlane to create a reference binding component.

    You are prompted with the same spring type option message as shown in Step 13.

  19. Select an option to expose this reference. A reference is automatically created in the External References swimlane and wired to the spring service component (for this example, EJB is selected). Figure 52-12 provides details.

    Figure 52-12 EJB Reference Binding Component Wired to the Spring Service Component

    Description of Figure 52-12 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-12 EJB Reference Binding Component Wired to the Spring Service Component"

  20. Double-click the EJB reference to display the automatically completed configuration, as shown in Figure 52-13. The configuration details were created from the values you entered in the Insert Reference dialog in Step 11.

    Figure 52-13 EJB Reference Dialog in External References Swimlane

    Description of Figure 52-13 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-13 EJB Reference Dialog in External References Swimlane"

  21. Close the dialog and return to the SOA Composite Editor, as shown in Figure 52-14.

    Figure 52-14 Java Interface-Based EJB Service and Reference Binding Components

    Description of Figure 52-14 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-14 Java Interface-Based EJB Service and Reference Binding Components"

  22. Place the cursor over both the right handle of the service (as shown in Figure 52-15) and the left handle of the spring service component (as shown in Figure 52-16). The Java interface is displayed.

    Figure 52-15 Java Interface of Service

    Description of Figure 52-15 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-15 Java Interface of Service"

    Figure 52-16 Java Interface of Spring Service Component

    Description of Figure 52-16 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-16 Java Interface of Spring Service Component"

  23. Perform the same action on the right handle of the spring service component and the left handle of the reference binding component to display its Java interface.

  24. If you want to view the interfaces for the spring service component in the componentType file, select this file in the Application Navigator. The interfaces for both components are defined by

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <!-- Generated by Oracle SOA Modeler version 1.0 at [2/27/10 1:13 PM]. -->
      <service name="scaserv1">
        < interface="oracle.mypackage.myinterface"/>
      <reference name="scaref1">
        < interface="external.bean.myInterface"/>
  25. In the Application Navigator, select the composite.xml file to display similar details.

    <service name="scaserv1">
        < interface="oracle.mypackage.myinterface"/>
        <binding.ejb uri="scaserv1_ejb_ep" ejb-version="EJB3"/>
      <component name="MySpring">
        <implementation.spring src="MySpring.xml"/>
      <reference name="scaref1">
        < interface="external.bean.myInterface"/>
        <binding.ejb uri="scaref1_ejb_ep" ejb-version="EJB3"/>
  26. If you wire the right handle of the spring service component to an XML-based component such as Oracle Mediator instead of the Java interface-based EJB reference, a compatible WSDL file is generated. The following steps provide details.

    1. Drag the right handle of the spring service component to the Oracle Mediator, as shown in Figure 52-17.

      Figure 52-17 Integration of Spring Service Component and Oracle Mediator

      Description of Figure 52-17 follows
      Description of "Figure 52-17 Integration of Spring Service Component and Oracle Mediator"

    2. Click OK when prompted to acknowledge that a compatible interface was created from the Oracle Mediator WSDL file.

      Figure 52-18 Java File Creation from the Oracle Mediator WSDL File

      Description of Figure 52-18 follows
      Description of "Figure 52-18 Java File Creation from the Oracle Mediator WSDL File"

      If you drag a wire between a Java interface and a WSDL-based component, and the WSDL file with the default name (based on the Java Interface name) already exists, you are prompted with four options. Click Cancel to cancel creation of the wire. Figure 52-19 provides details.

      Figure 52-19 Existing WSDL File

      Description of Figure 52-19 follows
      Description of "Figure 52-19 Existing WSDL File"

    3. Place the cursor over both the right handle of the spring service component (as shown in Figure 52-20) and the left handle of the Oracle Mediator (as shown in Figure 52-21) to display the compatible interface.

      Figure 52-20 Spring Service Component Interface

      Description of Figure 52-20 follows
      Description of "Figure 52-20 Spring Service Component Interface"

      Figure 52-21 Oracle Mediator Interface

      Description of Figure 52-21 follows
      Description of "Figure 52-21 Oracle Mediator Interface"

    4. Double-click the spring service component to display the contents of the spring context file in the spring editor.

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
      <beans xmlns=""
        <!--Spring Bean defintions go here-->
        <sca:service name="scaserv1" target="ep" type="oracle.mypackage.myinterface"/>
        <sca:reference type="
      ptt" name="Mediator1.Mediator1"/>

For more information about integrating components that use Java interfaces with components that use WSDL files in the same SOA composite application, see Section 52.6, "Spring Service Component Integration in the Fusion Order Demo."


  • When integrating a component that uses a Java interface with a component that uses a WSDL file in the SOA Composite Editor, if a specific interface class is not found in the classpath, but the source file does exist in the SOA project, the JAR files in the SCA-INF/lib directory of the current loader are automatically refreshed to discover the interface class.

  • You can also create BPEL process partner links with services that uses Java interfaces. You select this type of service in the Service Explorer dialog when creating a partner link. For more information, see Section 4.3, "Introduction to Partner Links."

52.3.2 What You May Need to Know About Java Class Errors During Java-to-WSDL Conversions

When a Java-to-WSDL conversion fails because of a bad Java class and you modify the Java code to correct the problem, you must restart Oracle JDeveloper. Not doing so results in a Java-to-WSDL conversion failure because the new class is not reloaded.

52.4 Defining Custom Spring Beans Through a Global Spring Context

You can define custom spring beans through a global spring context definition. This configuration enables you to define these beans only once, at the global level.

52.4.1 How to Define Custom Spring Beans Through a Global Spring Context

To define custom spring beans through a global spring context:

  1. Add the custom spring bean definitions into the following file:

  2. Add the corresponding classes in either the lib directory (as a JAR file) or the classes directory (as extracted files of the JAR file).

    SOA_HOME/soa/modules/oracle.soa.ext_11.1.1/lib | classes

For more information, see the readme.txt file located in the following directory:



A server restart is required to pick up newly added spring beans.

52.5 Using the Predefined Spring Beans

Oracle SOA Suite provides the following predefined spring beans:

The predefined spring beans are automatically injected into the spring service component. However, you must explicitly integrate the predefined spring beans into a SOA composite application by providing a reference to the bean in the spring context file.

For an example of how to reference loggerBean and headerHelperBean in a spring context file, see Section 52.5.4, "How to Reference Predefined Spring Beans in the Spring Context File."

52.5.1 Interface for headerHelperBean

Example 52-9 shows the interface for the headerHelperBean bean.

Example 52-9 Interface

package oracle.soa.platform.component.spring.beans;
 * Interface for getting and setting header properties.
 * These properties will be set on the normalized message - and passed on
 * to the respective reference that the local reference is wired to on 
 * composite level.
 * <br/>
 * To use this bean from within your context, declare property
 * with ref="headerHelperBean". E.g.
 * &lt;property name="headerHelper" ref="<b>headerHelperBean</b>"/>
public interface IHeaderHelperBean 
     * Get a property from the normalized message header. Note that these
     * properties are defined, and are the same ones, one can get/set via
     * mediator or bpel process
     * @param pKey the property key, case sensitive
     * @return the value, or null in case not found
    public String getHeaderProperty (String pKey);
     * Set a property on the normalized message header. Note that these
     * properties are defined, and are the same ones, one can get/set via
     * mediator or bpel process
     * @param pKey the property key, case sensitive
     * @param pValue the value to be set
    public void setHeaderProperty (String pKey, String pValue); 

52.5.2 Interface for instancerHelperBean

Example 52-10 shows the interface for the instanceHelperBean bean.

Example 52-10 Interface

package oracle.soa.platform.component.spring.beans;

import oracle.integration.platform.instance.engine.ComponentInstanceContext;
 * Instancehelper Bean, gives access to composite / component + instance
 * <br/>
 * To use this bean from within your context, declare property
 * with ref="instanceHelperBean". E.g.
 * &lt;property name="instanceHelper" ref="<b>instanceHelperBean</b>"/>
public interface IInstanceHelperBean 
   * Returns the instance id of the composite instance currently running 
   * @return the composite instance id
  public String getCompositeInstanceId ();
   * Returns the instance id of the component instance currently running 
   * @return the component instance id
  public String getComponentInstanceId ();
   * Returns the composite dn containing this component
   * @return the composite dn
  public String getCompositeDN ();
   * Returns the name of this spring component 
   * @return the component name
  public String getComponentName ();

52.5.3 Interface for loggerBean

Example 52-11 shows the interface for the loggerBean bean.

Example 52-11 Interface

package oracle.soa.platform.component.spring.beans;

import java.util.logging.Level;

 * Logger bean interface, messages will be logged as
 * [&lt;composite instance id>/&lt;component instance id>] &lt;message>
 * <br/>
 * To use this bean from within your context, declare property
 * with ref="loggerBean". E.g.
 * &lt;property name="logger" ref="<b>loggerBean</b>"/>
public interface ILoggerBean 

   * Log a message, with Level.INFO
   * @param message
  public void log (String message);
   * Log a message with desired level
   * @param pLevel the log level
   * @param message the message to log
  public void log (Level pLevel, String message);
   * Log a throwable with the desired level
   * @param level the level to log with
   * @param message the message
   * @param th the exception (throwable) to log
  public void log (Level level, String message, Throwable th);

52.5.4 How to Reference Predefined Spring Beans in the Spring Context File

You create references to the predefined beans in the spring context file.

To reference predefined spring beans in the spring context file:

  1. Open the spring context file in Source view in Oracle JDeveloper.

  2. Add references to the loggerBean and headerHelperBean predefined beans.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    . . .
    . . .
        The below sca:service(s) corresponds to the services exposed by the 
        component type file: SpringPartnerSupplierMediator.componentType
      <!-- expose the InternalPartnerSupplierMediator + EJB as service 
        <service name="IInternalPartnerSupplier">
      <sca:service name="IInternalPartnerSupplier"
      <!-- expose the InternalPartnerSupplierMediator + Mock as service 
        <service name="IInternalPartnerSupplierSimple">
      <sca:service name="IInternalPartnerSupplierSimple"
      <!-- the partner supplier mediator bean with the mock ep -->               
      <bean id="InternalPartnerSupplierMediatorSimple" 
            <!-- inject the external partner supplier bean -->
            <property name="externalPartnerSupplier" 
            <!-- inject the quoteWriter -->   
            <property name="quoteWriter" ref="WriteQuoteRequest"/>
            <!-- context aware logger, globally available bean [ps3] -->
            <property name="logger" ref="loggerBean"/>        
            <!-- headerHelper bean -->
            <property name="headerHelper" ref="headerHelperBean"/>
      <!-- the partner supplier mediator bean with the ejb -->               
      <bean id="InternalPartnerSupplierMediator" 
            <!-- inject the external partner supplier bean -->
            <property name="externalPartnerSupplier" 
            <!-- inject the quoteWriter -->   
            <property name="quoteWriter" ref="WriteQuoteRequest"/>
            <!-- context aware logger, globally available bean [ps3] -->
            <property name="logger" ref="loggerBean"/>      
            <!-- headerHelper bean -->
            <property name="headerHelper" ref="headerHelperBean"/>
    . . .
    . . .

    This syntax is included in the spring context file of the Partner Supplier Composite application of the Fusion Order Demo. For more information about the Fusion Order Demo, see Section 52.6, "Spring Service Component Integration in the Fusion Order Demo."

52.6 Spring Service Component Integration in the Fusion Order Demo

The Partner Supplier Composite application of the Fusion Order Demo demonstrates how the spring service component obtains a price quote from a partner warehouse. Figure 52-22 shows the SOA Composite Editor for this composite application.

Figure 52-22 Partner Supplier Composite with Spring Service Component

Description of Figure 52-22 follows
Description of "Figure 52-22 Partner Supplier Composite with Spring Service Component"

IInternalPartnerSupplier is exposed as an external client service in the Exposed Services swimlane.

The Oracle Mediator service component PartnerSupplierMediator routes client requests differently based on the amount of the quote:

Figure 52-23 provides an overview of this behavior.

For requests that are more than $2000 and less than $3000, the target bean InternalPartnerSupplierMediator is exposed as a service. The Java interface IInternalPartnerSupplier is used. In the External References swimlane, the Java interface IExternalPartnerSupplierService is exposed as an external EJB for obtaining a quote.

For requests that are more than $3000, the target bean InternalPartnerSupplierMediatorSimple is exposed as a service. The Java interface IInternalPartnerSupplier is used. The internal Java Interface IExternalPartnerSupplierServiceMock is used to obtain a quote. The IExternalPartnerSupplierService reference in the External References swimlane is not invoked.

In the External References swimlane, since the WriteQuoteRequest reference uses a WSDL-based file adapter and does not support Java interfaces, a compatible WSDL file is generated.

Figure 52-23 Spring Architecture in Fusion Order Demo

Description of Figure 52-23 follows
Description of "Figure 52-23 Spring Architecture in Fusion Order Demo"

Example 52-12 shows the file. IInternalPartnerSupplier is implemented by InternalSupplierMediator.

Example 52-12

package com.otn.sample.fod.soa.internalsupplier;
import java.util.List;
 * The interface for the spring based service, with a typed list.
 *                 !!! ATTENTION !!!
 * This interface was used to generate the wsdl 
 *  (IInternalPartnerSupplierService.wsdl) - DO NOT MODIFY!
public interface 

     * Get a price for a list of orderItems
     * @param pOrderItems the list of orderitems
     * @return the price
    public double getPriceForOrderItemList(List<Orderitem> pOrderItems)
        throws InternalSupplierException;

The SpringPartnerSupplierMediator.componentType file in Example 52-13 shows the services and references defined for the spring service component shown in Figure 52-23.

Example 52-13 SpringPartnerSupplierMediator.componentType File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- Generated by Oracle SOA Modeler version 1.0 at [7/16/09 2:36 PM]. -->
  <service name="IInternalPartnerSupplier">
  <service name="IInternalPartnerSupplierSimple">
  <reference name="IExternalPartnerSupplierService">
  <reference name="WriteQuoteRequest">

Example 52-14 shows the SpringPartnerSupplierMediator.xml spring context file.

Example 52-14 SpringPartnerSupplierMediator.xml spring context File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<beans xmlns=""
   The below sca:service(s) corresponds to the services exposed by the
   component type file: SpringPartnerSupplierMediator.componentType

<!-- expose the InternalPartnerSupplierMediator + EJB as service

   <service name="IInternalPartnerSupplier">

 <sca:service name="IInternalPartnerSupplier"

 <!-- expose the InternalPartnerSupplierMediator + Mock as service

   <service name="IInternalPartnerSupplierSimple">

 <sca:service name="IInternalPartnerSupplierSimple"

 <!-- the partner supplier mediator bean with the mock ep -->  
<bean id="InternalPartnerSupplierMediatorSimple"

       <!-- inject the external partner supplier bean -->
       <property name="externalPartnerSupplier"
       <!-- inject the quoteWriter --> 
<property name="quoteWriter" ref="WriteQuoteRequest"/>
       <!-- context aware logger, globally available bean [ps3] -->
       <property name="logger" ref="loggerBean"/>               
<!-- headerHelper bean -->
       <property name="headerHelper" ref="headerHelperBean"/>
 <!-- the partner supplier mediator bean with the ejb --> 
<bean id="InternalPartnerSupplierMediator"
       <!-- inject the external partner supplier bean -->
       <property name="externalPartnerSupplier"
       <!-- inject the quoteWriter -->          
<property name="quoteWriter" ref="WriteQuoteRequest"/>
       <!-- context aware logger, globally available bean [ps3] -->
       <property name="logger" ref="loggerBean"/>             
<!-- headerHelper bean -->
       <property name="headerHelper" ref="headerHelperBean"/>

 <!-- mock bean for the IExternalPartnerSupplierService -->
 <bean id="IExternalPartnerSupplierServiceMock"

   Use a reference from the outside world based on the
   IExternalPartnerSupplierService interface.
   The below is specified on the SpringPartnerSupplierMediator.componentType -
   and wired to an external EJB binding.
      <reference name="IExternalPartnerSupplierService">
   </reference>   -->                
<sca:reference name="IExternalPartnerSupplierService"
     <reference name="WriteQuoteRequest">
     </reference>   -->

For information on downloading and installing the Fusion Order Demo and using the Partner Supplier Composite, see Section 3.2, "Setting Up the Fusion Order Demo Application."

After download, see the following Fusion Order Demo directory for Java code samples used by the Partner Supplier Composite:


52.6.1 How to Use EJBs with Java Vector Type Parameters

Your Java code may include vectors. However, vectors cannot be serialized to XML without declaring the content POJOs. The following example provides an overview of how to resolve this issue and uses code samples from the Fusion Order Demo.

To use EJBs with Java vector type parameters:

  1. Assume your Java code includes vectors, as shown in Figure 52-24.

  2. Create an EJB binding reference based on the Java interface class and the JNDI name. Figure 52-25 provides an example.

    Figure 52-25 EJB Binding Reference Creation

    Description of Figure 52-25 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-25 EJB Binding Reference Creation"

  3. Wire the EJB reference to the spring service component, as shown in Figure 52-26.

    Figure 52-26 EJB Reference Wired to Spring Service Component

    Description of Figure 52-26 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-26 EJB Reference Wired to Spring Service Component"

    A new reference is created in the spring context file. Figure 52-27 provides details.

    Figure 52-27 Reference Addition to Spring Context File

    Description of Figure 52-27 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-27 Reference Addition to Spring Context File"

  4. Enable spring to inject the reference into the class by declaring a public member of type IExternalPartnerSupplierService. Figure 52-28 provides details.

    Figure 52-28 Public Member Declaration

    Description of Figure 52-28 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-28 Public Member Declaration"

  5. Add a property with the name of the member to IExternalPartnerSupplierService and refer to the ExternalPartnerSupplier reference bean. Figure 52-29 provides details.

    Figure 52-29 Property Added with Name of the Member

    Description of Figure 52-29 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-29 Property Added with Name of the Member"

    This converts the vectors to EJB parameters.

52.7 JAXB and OXM Support

Oracle Fusion Middleware provides support for using JAXB and EclipseLink OXM to map Java classes to XML data. You can store and retrieve data in memory in any XML format without implementing a specific set of XML routines for the program's class structure. This support enables you to perform the following:

For design information about external metadata for JAXB mappings, visit the following URL:

For information about JAXB OXM and the OXM mapping file (eclipselink-oxm.xsd), visit the following URLs:

You can also map Java classes to XML data when integrating an EJB with SOA composite applications. For more information, see Chapter 38, "Integrating Enterprise JavaBeans with SOA Composite Applications."

52.7.1 Extended Mapping Files

Oracle SOA Suite extends JAXB and OXM file support through use of an extended mapping (EXM) file. If an EXM file is present in the class path of the design time project, then it can be used for Java-to-WSDL conversions. The EXM file provides data binding metadata in the following situations:

  • When you cannot add the JAXB annotations into the Java source and must specify them separately

  • When scenarios are not covered by JAXB (for example, with top level elements like method return types or parameter types)

The external JAXB annotations can be specified either directly in the EXM file or included in the separate TopLink JAXB mapping OXM file that can be referred to from the EXM file.

The EXM file name must match the Java class name and reside in the same package location. For example, if the Java class is named pack1.pack2.myJavaInterface.class, the EXM file must be named pack1/pack2/myJavaInterface.exm.

Oracle SOA Suite design time supports placing the EXM file in either the source path (SCA-INF/src) or the class path (SCA-INF/classes or a JAR in SCA-INF/lib).

Placing the EXM file in the source path (SCA-INF/src) enables you to edit the EXM using Oracle JDeveloper (files in the class path do not appear in the Application Navigator in Oracle JDeveloper). When project compilation is complete, the EXM file (and any XML files that it imports) is copied to the class path (SCA-INF/classes) for deployment. If the EXM file is in the source path, it must still be in the same corresponding directory structure.

If you place the EXM (and OXM) files in SCA-INF/src, ensure that your Oracle JDeveloper project is configured so that SCA-INF/src is the default source directory (right-click the project name, and select Project Properties > Java Source Paths). EXM files can also be found in JAR files that are in the project's class path.

When you drag and drop a Java interface (Enterprise JavaBeans) to a BPEL process, Oracle SOA Suite checks to see if the EXM file exists. If it does, it is passed to the web services java2wsdl API.

After the WSDL file is generated, an informational message is displayed. If an EXM file was used, the message displayed takes the following format:

The WSDL file {0} was generated based on the JAVA class {1} using extended mapping file {2}

Example 52-15 provides an example of an EXM file.

Example 52-15 EXM Sample File

<java-wsdl-mapping name="com.hello.sei.MyServiceEndpointInterface"
       <toplink-oxm-file java-package=""  file-path="./foo-oxm.xml"/>
       <toplink-oxm      java-package="com.hello.coo">
                    <xml-ns prefix="ns1" namespace-uri="urn:customer" />
                    <java-type name="Person" xml-transient="true">
                            <xml-transient java-attribute="id"/>
                    <java-type name="Customer">
. . .

The EXM schema file for external mapping metadata for the data binding framework is available at the following URL:

The data defines the attributes of a particular Java web service endpoint. This schema defines three types of XML constructs:

  • Constructs that are analogous to JAX-WS or JSR-181 that override or define attributes on the service endpoint interface (SEI) and JAXB annotations for the value types used in the interfaces of the SEI.

  • Additional mapping specifications not available using standard JAX-WS or JAXB annotations, primarily for use with the java.util.Collections API.

  • References to external JAXB mapping metadata from a Toplink OXM file.

When a construct is the direct analog of a JAX-WS, JSR-181, or JAXB annotation, the comment in the schema contains a notation such as:

Corresponding Java annotation: javax.jws.WebParam.Mode

52.8 Configuring Groovy and Aspectj Classes with the Spring Service Component

If you configure a Groovy or Aspectj class in the spring configuration file, you must follow these conventions:

52.9 Troubleshooting Spring Errors

Assume you have a SOA composite application in which a BPEL process invokes a spring context. However, the spring bean interface to invoke cannot be found. The administration server diagnostic log file displays the error shown in Example 52-16.

Example 52-16 Spring Bean Invocation Error

[2012-04-09T10:30:07.499-07:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] [SOA-31704]
[] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '2' for
queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid:
11d1def534ea1be0:2058db3f:1369787a1b8:-8000-0000000000002be6,0:2] [WEBSERVICE_ SOACohSpringBPELProcess_pt] [APP: soa-infra] [composite_name:
SOACohSpringProj] [component_name: SOACohSpringBPELProcess] [component_instance_
id: 270006] [ fabric] [ soacohspringbpelprocess_
client_ep] [ soa-infra] No mapping found for class

Ensure that you deploy the JAR file containing the class into the SCA-INF/lib directory or the classes into the SCA-INF/classes directory of the SAR file.