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Oracle® Fusion Applications Developer's Guide
11g Release 7 (11.1.7)

Part Number E15524-08
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54 Creating Repository Connections

This chapter provides information about Oracle WebCenter Content Server (Content Server), Oracle Data Integrator (ODI), and Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (Oracle BAM) Server repositories, which are used in Oracle Fusion applications, and describes how to connect to each of these repositories using Oracle JDeveloper.

This chapter includes these sections:

54.1 Creating a Content Repository Connection

Oracle WebCenter Content Server (Content Server), which serves as the base for the WebCenter Content system, provides a web-based repository that manages all phases of the content lifecycle from creation and approval to publishing, searching, expiration, and archiving or disposition. The Attachment component enables you to add attachments to the user interface (UI) pages that you create for Fusion web applications. Before you can implement attachments at design time in Oracle JDeveloper, you must set up a content server-based content repository connection.

For more information about Attachment components, see Chapter 18, "Implementing Attachments."

For more information about content integration, see the "Introduction to Integrating and Publishing Content" chapter of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).

54.1.1 How to Create a Content Repository Connection

How you create a content repository connection depends upon whether your connection is for Oracle Fusion Applications development or for ad hoc development. Creating a Connection for Oracle Fusion Applications Development

To set up a content server-based repository connection from an Oracle Fusion application, you run Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) commands to synchronize the Oracle WebLogic Server (WebLogic Server) credential store with the Content Server credential store, and then you use the Create Content Repository Connection wizard to set up a content server-based content repository connection.

For information about using the WLST command-line scripting interface, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool.

Before you begin: 

  • Verify that Content Server has been deployed and you have a working server that works with the Oracle Fusion applications.

  • Ensure that the code grant entry for the Attachments-Model.jar file exists in the application's jazn-data.xml file, as described in Section 18.2, "Creating Attachments." When the application is deployed, the policies in jazn-data.xml are merged into the system-jazn-data.xml file in weblogic_server_domain_home/config/fmwconfig.

  • Log in to the content server and verify that your user name is a member of the AttachmentsUser role. Note that employees and contingent workers have this role automatically.

To create a connection for Oracle Fusion Applications development: 

  1. Make a backup of the WebLogic Server domain's default keystore located at weblogic_server_domain_home/config/fmwconfig/default-keystore.jks.

  2. Replace the weblogic_server_domain_home/config/fmwconfig/default-keystore.jks file with a copy of the domain default keystore for Content Server, which is located at content_server_domain_home/config/fmwconfig/default-keystore.jks.

  3. At the command line, type the following line to start the WLST tool, if it is not currently running.

    sh jdev_install/oracle_common/common/bin/

    On Windows, use wlst.cmd.

  4. If you have not yet connected to the server, type the following WLST command to connect to WebLogic Server, replacing the user name and password arguments with your WebLogic Server user name and password.

    connect('wls_username', 'wls_password', 'wls_uri')

    The values must be wrapped in single-quotes. The wls_uri value is typically T3://localhost:7101.

  5. From WLST, execute the following commands to store the credentials. The user names and passwords must be the same as for the Content Server domain. For more information about the WebCenter Content keystore credentials, see the "Configuring Oracle WebCenter Content Applications" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite.

    When executing the commands, replace user name and password for user with the user names and passwords that are used in the WebCenter Content credentials.

    updateCred(map="", key="keystore-csf-key", user="user name", password="password for user", desc="Keystore key")
    updateCred(map="", key="enc-csf-key", user="user name", password="password for user", desc="Encryption key")
    updateCred(map="", key="sign-csf-key", user="user name", password="password for user", desc="Signing key")


    If the keys do not exist, use the following commands instead:

    createCred(map="", key="keystore-csf-key", user="user name", password="password for user", desc="Keystore key")
    createCred(map="", key="enc-csf-key", user="user name", password="password for user", desc="Encryption key")
    createCred(map="", key="sign-csf-key", user="user name", password="password for user", desc="Signing key")
  6. From the Application Resources panel in JDeveloper, right-click Connections and choose New Connection > Content Repository from the menu.

  7. In the Create Content Repository Connection wizard shown in Figure 54-1, complete the following information:

    Create Connection In: Select Application Resources.

    Connection Name: Enter FusionAppsContentRepository.

    Repository Type: Select Oracle Content Server.

    Set as Primary Connection for Document Library: Select this checkbox.

    Configuration Parameters: Enter values for the parameters listed in Table 54-1. If a parameter is not listed in the table, leave the value blank.

    Contact your system administrator to obtain the correct information.

    Table 54-1 Example Configuration Parameters

    Parameter Value

    RIDC Socket Type


    Admin Username

    The name of a user who has been granted Content Server administration privileges.

    Web Server Plugin

    The idcnativews web service that is defined on the server. This is typically http://host:port/idcnativews. Check with your system administrator.

    Authentication Method: Select Identity propagation.

    Figure 54-1 Create Content Repository Connection

    Create Content Repository Connection page.
  8. Click Test Connection and verify that the status returned is Success!


    If the test is unsuccessful, verify that the values that you entered are correct and try again.

  9. Click OK.

  10. From the Application Resources panel, expand the Connections node to see the new content repository connection, as shown in Figure 54-2.

    Figure 54-2 JDeveloper — Application Navigator

    JDeveloper - Application Navigator Creating a Connection for Ad Hoc Development

Sometimes you might need a quick connection for prototyping or assessment purposes and you do not want to use the central WebCenter Content environment. In this situation, use the Create Content Repository Connection wizard to create a connection in your own environment.

Before you begin: 

  • Ensure that the code grant entry for the Attachments-Model.jar file exists in the application's jazn-data.xml file, as described in Section 18.2, "Creating Attachments." When the application is deployed, the policies in jazn-data.xml are merged into the system-jazn-data.xml file in weblogic_server_domain_home/config/fmwconfig.

  • Ensure that the sockets on the WebCenter Content Managed Server are enabled. For more information, see the "Completing the Initial WebCenter Content Configuration" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite.

  • You need the following information to create a content repository connection:

    • Host name of the machine that is running the WebCenter Content Managed Server.

    • WebCenter Content Managed Server listener port.

    • URL for the login page to the content server instance.

    • WebCenter Content shared credentials user name and password

    Contact your system administrator to obtain this information.

To set up a content repository connection for ad hoc development: 

  1. From the Application Resources panel in JDeveloper, right-click Connections and choose New Connection > Content Repository from the menu.

    The Create Content Repository Connection wizard is displayed, as shown in Figure 54-3.

    Figure 54-3 Create Content Repository Connection

    Create Content Repository Connection page.
  2. Complete the following information:

    Create Connection In: Select Application Resources.

    Connection Name: Enter the appropriate name for this connection.

    Repository Type: Select Oracle Content Server.

    Set as Primary Connection for Document Library: Select this checkbox.

    Configuration Parameters: Enter values for the parameters shown in Table 54-2. Except for the RIDC Socket Type parameter, all values shown are examples only. If a parameter is not listed in the table, leave the value blank.

    Contact your system administrator to obtain the correct information.

    Table 54-2 Example Configuration Parameters

    Parameter Value

    RIDC Socket Type


    Server Hostname

    Content Server Listener Port


    Authentication: Select External Application. Click the Add icon and complete the following information to create a new External Application:

    1. Enter a unique name for the External Application. Click Next to continue to Step 2.

    2. Enter the following information, as shown in Figure 54-4.

      Login URL: Paste the URL for the login page. (Contact your system administrator for this information). For example:

      User Name/ID Field Name: Enter the field name for the user name or ID, such as username.

      Password Field Name: Enter the field name for the password, such as password.


      The User Name and Password field names are derived from the HTML input field names.

      Figure 54-4 Register External Application Wizard — General (Step 2)

      Register External Application - Step 3.
    3. Click Next to continue to Step 3 and click Next to continue to Step 4.

    4. Complete the following information:

      Specify Shared Credentials: Select this checkbox.

      User Name and Password: Enter the Shared Credentials user name and password. (Contact your system administrator for this information).

      Click Next to continue to Step 5.

    5. Complete the following information:

      Specify Public Credentials: Select this checkbox.

      User Name and Password: Enter the Shared Credentials user name and password. (Contact your system administrator for this information).

      Click Finish to save your entries, create the External Application, close the wizard, and return to the Create Content Repository Connection page.

    Authentication: Choose the newly created External Application from the dropdown list.

  3. Click Test Connection and verify that the status returned is Success.


    If the test is unsuccessful, verify that the values that you entered are correct and try again.

  4. Click OK.

  5. From the Application Resources panel, expand the Connections node to see the new content repository connection, as shown in Figure 54-5.

    Figure 54-5 JDeveloper — Application Navigator

    JDeveloper - Application Navigator

54.1.2 Troubleshooting Content Server Connections

Exceptions can occur when the connection is improperly configured. The three most common exceptions are the following errors:

  • Insufficient user privileges error

  • WS-Security header processing error

  • Access denied error

For more information, see the "Diagnosing Problems" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Security and Administrator's Guide for Web Services. User Does Not have Sufficient Privileges

If you are sure that the user is a member of the AttachmmentsUser role, then you must consult logs for the cause of the insufficient privileges error message. The most common cause is a blank or invalid signature, but this exception can be the consequence of several different misconfiguration issues.

To diagnose the problem, enable applications logging for the oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.attachments.model.% module with a logging level of FINEST. Search the application log files for the string "Unable to generate digital signature." The stack trace might indicate the cause. For example, if it reports that the "keystore has been tampered with, or the password is wrong," verify that the password in credentials store for the application's server domain matches the password in the credentials for the content server's domain. If the stack trace reports "Access Denied," verify that the code grants described in Section 18.2, "Creating Attachments" have been added to the jazn-data.xml file. For information about applications logging, see the "Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Applications Using Incidents, Logs, QuickTrace, and Diagnostic Tests" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide.

If your search through the application logs does not find an "Unable to generate digital signature" string, the cause might be that the content server cannot verify the digital signature. To diagnose the problem, set up tracing for fusionappsattachments, as described in the "System Audit Tracing Sections Information" section in the Oracle WebCenter Content System Administrator's Guide for Content Server. Be sure to enable full verbose tracking and enable save. Access the system audit information server output and search for XFND_SIGNATURE, as described in the "System Audit Information" section in the Oracle WebCenter Content System Administrator's Guide for Content Server. A blank signature indicates that the signature was not generated by the Oracle Fusion application. If the signature is not blank and the "$DefaultCheckinSigningScheme: Signature Verification Failed" message exists, the cause might be that the credentials for the application's server domain do not match the credentials for the content server's domain and you need to repeat the connection steps described in this section for the appropriate application type. Invalid Security: Error in Processing the WS-Security Header

The common cause for the WS-Security header processing exception is that global policy attachment (GPA) has not been set up. Access Denied: Credential AccessPermission

The following exception typically indicates that the code grants described in Section 18.2, "Creating Attachments" have not been added to the jazn-data.xml file or have not been merged into the system-jazn-data.xml file in weblogic_server_domain_home/config/fmwconfig.

access denied ( 
context=SYSTEM,,keyName=enc-csf-key read)

54.2 Creating an Oracle Data Integrator Repository Connection

Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) combines all the elements of data integration—data movement, data synchronization, data quality, data management, and data services—to ensure that information is timely, accurate, and consistent across complex systems.

ODI is built on several components all working together around a centralized metadata repository. The ODI architecture is organized around a modular repository, which is accessed in client-server mode by components.

The Oracle Fusion Applications ODI repository consists of a master repository and and a work repository. The master repository contains the security information, the topology information (definitions of technologies and servers), and the versions of the objects. A work repository stores information for:

You use Oracle Data Integrator Studio to access the repositories; administer the infrastructure; reverse-engineer the metadata; develop projects; and perform scheduling, operating, and monitoring executions.

To learn how to connect to the ODI master and work repositories, see the "Administering the Oracle Data Integrator Repositories" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator.

For information about the role of ODI in securing Oracle Fusion applications, see Section, "Oracle Data Integrator,"

54.3 Creating Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Server Repository Connection

Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (Oracle BAM) provides an active data architecture that dynamically moves real-time data to end users through every step of the process. This solution actively collects data, applies rules designed to monitor changes, and delivers the information in reports to users.

For more information about Oracle Business Activity Monitoring, see Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Activity Monitoring.

You must create a connection to Oracle BAM Server to browse the available data objects and construct transformations while you are designing your applications. When the application is running, theOracle BAM Server connection is used to publish data to Oracle BAM data objects. Only one Oracle BAM Server connection per Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) project is currently supported. For more information about BPEL integration, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

When building an application in JDeveloper, the methods of connecting to Oracle BAM Server are:

54.3.1 How to Create an Oracle BAM Connection

Use the BAM Connection wizard to create a connection to Oracle BAM Server.


Do not create an Oracle BAM Server connection through the Resource Palette that displays when you select View > Resource Palette. Create Oracle BAM Server connections from the Application Resources panel, either directly or by copying an existing connection from the Resource Catalog.

To create an Oracle BAM Server connection:

  1. In JDeveloper, select New from the File menu to open the New Gallery dialog.

  2. Select the General > Connections category, then select BAM Connection. Click OK to open the Oracle BAM Connection wizard, as shown in Figure 54-6.

    Figure 54-6 BAM Connection Wizard — Name Page

    BAM Coonection Wizard - Name
  3. Enter a unique name to identify this connection.

  4. Select Application Resources and click Next.

  5. Enter the following connection information:

    BAM Web Host: Enter the name of the host on which Oracle BAM Report Server and the web server are installed. In most cases, the web host and the server host are the same.

    BAM Server Host: Enter the name of the host on which the Oracle BAM Server is installed.

    User Name and Password: Enter the Oracle BAM Server user name and password. The user name is typically bamadmin.

    HTTP Port: Enter the port number or accept the default value of 9001. This is the HTTP port for the Oracle BAM Web Host.

    JNDI Port: Enter the port number or accept the default value of 9001. The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) port is for Oracle BAM Report Cache, which is part of Oracle BAM Server.

    Use HTTPS: Select this option if you want to use HTTP with Secure Sockets Layer (HTTPS) to connect to the Oracle BAM Server during design time.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Click Test Connection to ensure that the connection is properly configured.

  8. Click Finish.

54.3.2 How to Use Oracle BAM Adapter in a SOA Composite Application

Oracle BAM Adapter is a Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA) compliant adapter, which can be used from a Java EE client to send data and events to Oracle BAM Server. Oracle BAM Adapter supports the following operations on Oracle BAM data objects: inserts, updates, upserts, and deletes. Oracle BAM Adapter can perform these operations over Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) calls or over Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), all configurable in JDeveloper.

The Oracle BAM Adapter supports batching of operations, but behavior with batching is different from behavior without batching. In general, the Oracle BAM sensor action is not part of the BPEL transaction. When batching is enabled, BPEL does not wait for an Oracle BAM operation to complete. It is an asynchronous call.

When batching is disabled, BPEL waits for the Oracle BAM operation to complete before proceeding with the BPEL process, but it will not roll back or stop when there is an exception from Oracle BAM. The Oracle BAM sensor action logs messages to the same sensor action logger as BPEL.

Oracle BAM Adapter provides three mechanisms by which you can send data to Oracle BAM Server in your SOA composite application as you develop it in JDeveloper.

  • Oracle BAM Adapter can be used as a reference binding component in a SOA composite application. For example, Oracle Mediator can send data to Oracle BAM using Oracle BAM Adapter.

  • Oracle BAM Adapter can also be used as a partner link in a BPEL process to send data to Oracle BAM as a step in the process.

  • Oracle BAM sensor actions can be included within a BPEL process to publish event-based data to Oracle BAM data objects.

For more information about using Oracle BAM Adapter in a SOA composite application, see the "Integrating Oracle BAM with SOA Composite Applications" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

54.3.3 How to Integrate Sensors With Oracle BAM

You can create sensor actions in Oracle BPEL Process Manager to publish sensor data as data objects on Oracle BAM Server. When you create the sensor action, you can select an Oracle BPEL Process Manager variable sensor or activity sensor that you want to get the data from, and also the data object in Oracle BAM Server in which you want to publish the sensor data.

For more information about integrating sensors with Oracle BAM, see the "Integrating Oracle BAM with SOA Composite Applications" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.