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Oracle® Fusion Applications Workforce Development Implementation Guide
11g Release 7 (11.1.7)
Part Number E20380-07
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8 Common Applications Configuration: Define Workforce Profiles and Social Networking

This chapter contains the following:

Profile Management: Explained

Oracle Fusion Profile Management Components: How They Work Together

Oracle Fusion Profile Management, Performance Management, Goal Management, and Talent Review: How They Work Together

Define Talent Profile Settings

Define Talent Profile Content

Define Talent Profiles

Define Questionnaires

FAQs for Define Social Networking

Profile Management: Explained

Profile management provides a framework for developing and managing talent profiles that meet your industry or organizational requirements. Profiles summarize the qualifications and skills of a person or a workforce structure such as a job or position. Profiles are valuable for tracking workers' skills, competencies, and accomplishments, and for various talent management activities, such as career planning, identifying training needs, performance management, and in the recruitment process for identifying job requirements and suitable applicants.

This topic discusses:

Profile Search

You can search profiles for workers, jobs, and positions with certain criteria. For example, an HR (Human Resources) specialist in London who is looking to fill an applications developer position from within the company can search for profiles of all workers who are based in London and have experience with Java and PL/SQL.

Profile Comparison

Using the comparison feature, you can compare profiles to determine next career moves or training needs for workers, and identify suitable candidates for jobs. For example, if John is looking for his next career move, he can compare his profile to that of a job to determine whether his competency ratings match the targeted competency ratings in a job profile. For example, if his Teamwork rating is 3 and the Product Strategy Teamwork requirement is 4, he has a deficiency of -1. John and his manager can use this gap to drive development plans and for other talent management-related functions.

Best-Fit Analysis

Use the best-fit analysis to determine the person profile that most closely matches a job profile, or the job profile that is the best match for a person profile. For example, if you are trying to fill a Developer vacancy, and the job profile requires a B.S. degree in Computer Science, level 4 expertise coding Java, and a Teamwork rating of at least 3, you can review an automatically-generated list of workers who most closely match this set of requirements. You can also use the best-fit analysis to find workers who are similar to a selected worker, or jobs that are similar to a selected job.

Oracle Fusion Profile Management Components: How They Work Together

You can configure Oracle Fusion Profile Management to meet your business requirements using these components: the content library, profiles and profile types, content subscribers, educational establishments, instance qualifier sets, and rating models.

This figure illustrates how the components of Profile Management fit together.

This figure illustrates how content
subscribers, rating models, educational establishments, and instance
qualifier sets all connect to the content library and then profile
types are built from content types in the content library, and profiles
are built using profile types.

Content Library

The content library provides the foundation for profiles as it stores both content types and content items.

Profile Types

Profile types are templates that you use to create profiles. Profile types determine whether the profile is for a person or for a workforce structure such as a job or a position, and the content of the profile. You select content types from the content library to create content sections for the profile type.


You create person profiles for individual workers and model profiles for workforce structures, such as a jobs or positions. The information that you complete for the profile is determined by how the profile type has been set up. For example, a person profile might contain information about a person's education, language skills, competencies, and activities and interests. A job profile might contain information about the requirements for the job, such as competencies, language skills, degrees, or certifications.

Content Subscribers

Content subscribers are applications external to Oracle Fusion Profile Management that use content types.

Educational Establishments

You can define educational establishments for workers to use when they add education information, such as degrees, to their profile.

Instance Qualifier Sets

You assign instance qualifiers to content types. Instance qualifier sets uniquely identify multiple instances of a content item on a profile. For example, if multiple people update a performance rating for a competency on a worker's profile, instance qualifiers provide a unique identifier to each instance of the competency so that you can determine who provided each rating.

Rating Models

When you create content types in the content library, you can attach rating models to determine the scale for measuring performance and proficiency. You can also use rating models to measure the risk and impact of loss for workers, and to measure their potential.

Oracle Fusion Profile Management, Performance Management, Goal Management, and Talent Review: How They Work Together

Oracle Fusion Profile Management supports talent management business processes in these products:

Oracle Fusion Performance Management

Oracle Fusion Performance Management uses the rating models that you define in Profile Management to rate workers on their performance. When you define a performance document template, you can specify whether the ratings and comments from managers and workers are uploaded automatically to workers' profiles when the performance document is finalized. Instance qualifier sets distinguish the manager ratings from the workers' self ratings. Performance Management also uses competencies from the content library in performance documents.

Oracle Fusion Goal Management

You can set up a content type relationship between the Goals content type and other content types, such as the Competencies content type and the Memberships content type. Using these relationships, you can then set up target outcomes for goals. Target outcomes are the content items within the content type that is related to the Goals content type. For example, if you set up a relationship between the Goals content type and the Competencies content type, workers can add a target outcome of a specific competency to their goals. In this case, the specific competency is the content item within the Competencies content type. When workers complete the goal, their profiles are updated to include the competency.

Oracle Fusion Talent Review

Oracle Fusion Talent Review uses information from the Performance and Potential and Risk of Loss sections within a worker's profile to build the analytics that are part of the talent review process. These sections are defined as content types within the content library and included in the person profile type. When a talent review is complete, workers' profiles are updated automatically with the performance and potential ratings given during calibration discussions. Instance qualifier sets enable you to distinguish the talent review rating from ratings given by the worker's manager, a peer, or perhaps the worker's self-evaluation.

Define Talent Profile Settings

Value Sets: Explained

A value set is a set of valid values that you assign to a flexfield segment.

An end user enters a value into a flexfield segment while using the application. The flexfield validates the segment against the set of valid values that you configured as a value set and assigned to the segment.

For example, you can define a required format, such as a five digit number, or a list of valid values, such as green, red, and blue.

Flexfield segments are usually validated, and typically each segment in a given flexfield uses a different value set. You can assign a single value set to more than one segment, and you can share value sets among different flexfields.


Be sure changes to a shared value set are compatible with all flexfields segments using the value set.

Defining value sets involves making decisions about the following.


The following types of validation are available for value sets.

A segment that uses a format only value set does not present a list of valid values to users.

You can build a tree structure from the values in an independent value set whose data type is character.


Adding table validated value sets to the list of available value sets available for configuration is considered a custom task.

For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide.


Value set security only works in conjunction with usage within flexfield segments. If a value set is used standalone, meaning outside a flexfield, value set security is not applied, but Oracle Fusion data security is enforced.

You can specify that data security be applied to the values in flexfield segments that use a value set. Based on the roles provisioned to users, data security policies determine which values of the flexfield segment end users can view or modify.

Value set security applies at the value set level. If a value set is secured, every usage of it in any flexfield is secured. It is not possible to disable security for individual usages of the same value set.

Value set security applies to independent, dependent, or table-validated value sets.

Value set security applies mainly when data is being created or updated, and to key flexfield combinations tables for query purposes. Value set security does not determine which descriptive flexfield data is shown upon querying.

Security conditions defined on value sets always use table aliases. When filters are used, table aliases are always used by default. When predicates are defined for data security conditions, make sure that the predicates also use table aliases.

For key flexfields, the attributes in the view object that correspond to the code combination ID (CCID), structure instance number (SIN), and data set number (DSN) cannot be transient. They must exist in the database table. For key flexfields, the SIN segment is the discriminator attribute, and the CCID segment is the common attribute.

Precision and Scale

For a value set with the data type Number, you can specify the precision (maximum number of digits user can enter) or scale (maximum number of digits following the decimal point).

Usage and Deployment

The usage of a value set is the flexfields where that value set is used. The deployment status of flexfields in which the value set is used indicates the deployment status of the value set instance.

The figure shows a value set used by a segment in a key flexfield and the context segment of a descriptive flexfield.

Figure shows a value set shared by
both a key flexfield and a descriptive flexfield.

For most value sets, when you enter values into a flexfield segment, you can enter only values that already exist in the value set assigned to that segment.

Global and context-sensitive segment require a value set. You can assign a value set to a descriptive flexfield context segment. If you specify only context values, not value sets for contexts, the set of valid values is equal to the set of context values.

Defining Value Sets: Critical Choices

Validation and usage of value sets determine where and how end users access valid values for attributes represented by flexfield segments.


You can create value sets while creating descriptive and extensible flexfield segments. However, define value sets before configuring key flexfield segments that use them, because you assign existing value sets while configuring key flexfield segments.

Value Sets for Context Segments

When assigning a value set to a context segment, you can only use table-validated or independent value sets. The data type must be character and the maximum length of the values being stored must not be larger than column length of the context.

Format Only Validation

The format only validation type enables end users to enter any value, as long as it meets your specified formatting rules. That is, the value must not exceed the maximum length you define for your value set, and it must meet any format requirements for that value set.

For example, if the value set allows only numeric characters, your user could enter the value 456 (for a value set with maximum length of three or more), but could not enter the value ABC. A format only value set does not otherwise restrict the range of different values that users can enter. For numeric values, you can also specify if a numeric value should be zero filled or how may digits should follow the radix separator

Interdependent Value Sets

You cannot specify a dependent value set for a given segment without having first defined an independent value set that you apply to another segment in the same flexfield. You use a dependent value set to limit the list of values for a given segment based on the value that the end user has chosen for a related independent segment. The available values in a dependent list and the meaning of a given value depend on which value was selected for the independently validated segment.

For example, you could define an independent value set of U.S. states with values such as CA, NY, and so on. Then you define a dependent value set of U.S. cities, with values such as San Francisco and Los Angeles that are valid for the independent value CA, and New York City and Albany that are valid for the independent value NY. In the UI, only the valid cities can be selected for a given state.

Because you define a subset value set from an existing independent value set, you must define the independent value set first. End users do not need to choose a value for another segment first to have access to the subset value set.

Table Validation

Typically, you use a table-validated set when the values you want to use are already maintained in an application table (for example, a table of vendor names). Table validation allows you to enable a segment to depend upon multiple prior segments in the same context or structure.

Table-validated value sets have unique values across the table, irrespective of bind variables. The WHERE clause fragment of the value set is considered if it does not have bind variables. If it has bind variables, the assumption is that the values are unique in the value set.


In the case of format, independent, or dependent value sets, you can specify a range to further limit which values are valid. You can specify a range of values that are valid within a value set. You can also specify a range validated pair of segments where one segment represents the low end of the range and another segment represents the high end of the range

For example, you might specify a range for a format-only value set with format type Number where the user can enter only values between 0 and 100. If you use a table value set, you cannot reference flexfield segments in the WHERE clause of the value set . For example, the WHERE clause cannot reference a segment or a value set.


In the case of independent and dependent values, you can specify that data security be applied to the values in segments that use a value set. Based on the roles provisioned to users, data security policies determine which values of the flexfield segment end users can view or modify.

When you enable security on a table-validated value sets, the security rule that is defined is absolute and not contingent upon the bind variables (if any) that may be used by the WHERE clause of the value set. For example, suppose a table-validated value set has a bind variable to further filter the value list to x, y and z from a list of x, y, z, xx, yy, zz. The data security rule or filter written against the value set should not assume anything about the bind variables; it must assume the whole list of values is available and write the rule, for example, to allow x, or to allow y and z. By default in data security all values are denied, and show only rows to which access has been provided.


There is no need to define or maintain values for a table-validated or subset value set, as the values are managed as part of the referenced table or independent value set, respectively.

If your application has more than one language installed, or there is any possibility that you might install one or more additional languages for your application in the future, select Translatable. This does not require you to provide translated values now, but you cannot change this option if you decide to provide them later.

For more information about defining value sets, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide.

Define Talent Profile Content

Rating Models: Explained

Use rating models to rate workers on their performance and level of proficiency in the skills and qualities that are set up on the person profile. You can also use rating models to specify target proficiency levels for items on a model profile, so that the model profile can be compared to workers' profiles.

To rate workers on their performance and proficiency, you attach rating models to the content types that are included in the person profile, and then workers can be rated on the items within the type. For example, you can rate workers on the Communication content item within the Competencies content type.

For model profiles, you can specify target proficiency levels for items on the profile, so that the model profile can be compared to workers' profiles. Using the ratings, managers can compare a model profile to workers' profiles to determine the best person suited to fill a position. Workers can compare their profile to model profiles to identify other positions within the organization that they are suited for, or to identify gaps in skills that they need to fill before applying for other positions.

Rating models that measure workers' potential and the impact and risk of loss are also available.

Rating models can include some or all of the following components, depending on the use for the model:

Rating Levels

Rating levels identify the qualitative values, such as 1, 2, 3, or 4, that you use to rate a worker.

For rating models that are used by Oracle Fusion Performance Management, the following applies:

Review Points

Define review points for rating models that you use with performance documents that use the sum or band calculation method. The review points and point ranges that you define for the rating model are used to calculate ratings.

Rating Categories

Rating categories enable you to group rating levels together for analysis tools used in the talent review process, such as the box chart that is used in the talent review process. You can group rating levels into categories such as low, medium, and high, and those categories then become the labels for the analytic. You should not change rating categories after setting them up, as the changes could affect the analytic.


Oracle Fusion Compensation Management and Oracle Fusion Performance Management both use rating model distributions to determine the targeted minimum and maximum percentage of workers that should be given each rating level. Compensation Management uses the distribution values that you set up directly on rating models. However, you can set up distributions at the performance template level for rating models that are used in Performance Management.

Content Types: Explained

Content types are the skills, qualities, and qualifications that you want to track in talent profiles. The content library contains predefined content types such as competencies, languages, and degrees, but you can create new content types as needed. You can also create free-form content types.

Content types contain:


Free-form content types do not contain relationships or properties. You add properties for free-form content types when you add them to a profile type.


For each content type, you define the properties that all content items of the content type can or must have. To define properties of the content type, you select fields to be displayed when setting up the content items and the attributes of those fields. The attributes that you specify for each field are: field label, default value, whether the field is required, and whether the field is hidden, display-only, or editable. If the field is attached to a predefined list of values, you also specify the source of the list.


Specify where one content type is a parent of another, or where one content type supports another. Content items of content types with relationships inherit the relationship. You cannot create two kinds of relationships between two types or create a relationship between a type and itself. For example, content type A cannot be both the parent and child of content type B. A content type cannot be related to itself.


Specify the subscriber codes of the applications or other Oracle Fusion products that use each content type. If you do not specify a subscriber code for the content type, you cannot view the content type in other applications. For example, if you add a new content type called Corporate Citizenship to the person profile type, you cannot view the content section for Corporate Citizenship in person profiles until you add the new content type to the HRMS content subscriber code.

Content Type Relationships: Examples

Content relationships enable you to associate content items of related content types with each other. The following scenarios illustrate the use of content type relationships.

Tracking Product Expertise

The Resource Manager component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model uses content type relationships to track the areas of expertise of workers. Using the predefined content type relationship where the Categories content type is a parent of Products, and Products is a parent of Components, resource managers can keep track of the categories, products, and components that are considered to be their areas of expertise for their resources.


Because these content types and relationships are applicable only to the Resource Manager component of Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model, this product is the only predefined content subscriber to these content types.

Specifying Target Outcomes for Goals

To help your workers manage their goals, you want them to associate their goals with target outcomes, which are content types such as Competencies and Memberships. To accomplish this, you can set up a relationship on the Competencies content type where Competencies is supported by Goals. Workers can then set up goals that have a specific competency as a target outcome.

Content Items: Explained

Content items are the individual skills, qualities, and qualifications within the content types in the content library. For example, within the Competencies content type, communication is a content item. You can create content items to meet your business needs.

This topic discusses:

Item Properties

Content items inherit the fields and field properties that you define for the content type to which the item belongs. For example, one of the fields defined for the Memberships content type is ITEM_DESCRIPTION field. The attributes of this field are set up so that the label is Description, the field is editable, and the field does not require an entry. When you set up a content item for the Memberships content type, you will see a field labeled Description, in which you can enter text to describe the agency, but the field will not be required.

Related Content Items

If the content type for which you are creating an item has related content types, then you can enter the related content items for the item. For example, if you have a content type relationship where the Competencies content type is supported by the Goals content type, then on the content items for competencies, you can enter the related goals.

Proficiency Descriptions

If the content item belongs to a content type that has a rating model defined for it, then you can either use the existing descriptions for the ratings within the model, or define descriptions for the ratings that are specific to the content item. When ratings are given for the content item, the descriptions defined for the item are used instead of those on the rating model.

Creating Content Types and Content Items: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to set up a new content type and content items to track the corporate citizenship activities of your workers so that you can rate them on their involvement in the organization. This example also demonstrates how to set up a rating model to be used with the content type and add the new content type to the person profile.

The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider

In This Example

Can a predefined rating model be used to rate corporate citizenship?

No. The predefined rating models do not have relevant rating descriptions.

Should the content type be a free-form content type?

No. Content items are needed, and the content should be stored in the content library.

What field and properties should the content type contain?

Add two fields to the content type:

  • ITEM_TEXT_20


The ITEM_TEXT_20 field will have a label of Comments, and will be used to enter comments about the workers' corporate involvement. The RATING_MODEL_ID field will have a label of Company Contribution and will be used to attach the rating model for corporate citizenship to the content type.

Both fields should require entry and should be editable.

Does the content type need any content subscribers?

Yes. In order to be visible on the person profile, the new content type must be added to the HRMS content subscriber code.

What content items are needed to track the required information?

  • Corporate social responsibility

  • Corporate environmental responsibility

  • Corporate industrial citizenship

  • Corporate state citizenship

  • Corporate borough, council, or municipal citizenship

When the content type is added to the person profile as a content section, what properties should the fields contain?

Both the Comments field and the Company Contribution fields should display in the detail view of the content section, they should be required, and they should be included in search results.

To track corporate citizenship for your workers, complete the following tasks:

Creating a Rating Model

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the Manage Profile Rating Models task and click Go to Task.
  2. On the Manage Rating Models page, click Create.
  3. On the Create Rating Model page, complete the following fields, as shown in this table. Use the default values except where indicated.





    Rating Name

    Corporate Citizenship


    Rating model for corporate citizenship

  4. On the Rating Levels tab, complete the following fields, as shown in this table.

    Rating Level


    Short Description


    Demonstrates limited or unused influence.



    Demonstrates clear evidence of influence.

    Clear Evidence


    Provides a successful image of the company as socially responsible in limited environments.

    Successful Image


    Actively called upon to use influence as a corporate representative in selected environments.

    Influential in Selected Environments


    Demonstrates high level of influence and is able to operate effectively in all environments.

    High Level of Influence

  5. Click Save and Close.

Creating a Content Type

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the Manage Profile Content Types task and click Go to Task.
  2. On the Manage Content Types page, click Create.
  3. On the Create Content Type page, add a content type by completing the following fields, as shown in this table. Use the default values except where indicated.






    Corporate Citizenship


    Ratings for corporate citizenship behaviors for workers.

  4. Set up the following field properties, as shown in this table. Use the default values except where indicated.

    Field Name

    Field Label


    Display Option






    Company Contribution



  5. Click Save and Close.
  6. On the Manage Content Types page, select the Corporate Citizenship content type and click Edit.
  7. On the Edit Content Type page, select the Subscribers tab.
  8. On the Subscribers tab, click Add.
  9. In the Subscriber Code field, select HRMS.
  10. Click Save and Close.

Creating Content Items

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the Manage Profile Content Items task and click Go to Task.
  2. On the Manage Content Items page, click Create.
  3. In the Create Content Item dialog box, complete the following fields, as shown in this table.



    Content Type

    Corporate Citizenship

    Content Item

    Corporate Social Responsibility

  4. On the Create Content Item: Corporate Social Responsibility page, select the Corporate Citizenship rating model in the Rating field.
  5. Click Save and Close.
  6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 to add content items for Corporate Environmental Responsibility, Corporate Industrial Citizenship, Corporate State Citizenship, and Corporate Borough, Council, or Municipal Citizenship.

Adding the Corporate Citizenship Content Type to the Person Profile Type

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the Manage Profile Types task and click Go to Task.
  2. On the Manage Profile Types page, locate the Person profile type and click Edit.
  3. On the Edit Profile Type: Person page, select the Content Sections tab.
  4. In the Content Sections region, click Add Content Section.
  5. In the Content Types dialog box, select Citizenship.
  6. In the Content Sections region, click Citizenship.
  7. On the Content Section page, set up the following field properties, as shown in this table. Use the default values except where indicated.

    Column Name

    Display Flag











  8. On the Edit Profile Type: Person page, click Save and Close.
  9. In the Content Access Section region, click Add.
  10. In the Role field, select Employee.
  11. Select the Update check box.
  12. Click Add.
  13. In the Role field, select Manager.
  14. Click OK.
  15. Click Add.
  16. In the Role field, select HR Specialist.
  17. Click OK.
  18. On the Edit Profile Type: Person page, click Save and Close.

Free-Form Content Types: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to set up a free-form content type, add it to the HRMS content subscriber code, and then add the content type to the person profile type.

Your company wants to track the previous employment information for workers, including employer name, dates of employment, and job description. However, you do not want to set up and maintain content items for each employer, and this information applies only to person profiles. You decide to use a free-form content type for this information. You can set up the free-form content type with minimal information, and then when you add it to the person profile as a content section, you can define properties for employer name, dates of employment, and job description. Workers can complete their employment information on their profile based on how you set up the content section. The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider

In This Example

Should the content type be a free-form content type?

Yes. Content items are not needed, and the content should not be stored in the content library.

Does the content type need any content subscribers?

Yes. In order to be visible on the person profile, the new content type must be added to the HRMS content subscriber code.

When the content type is added to the person profile as a content section, what fields are needed?

To capture the previous employer, a text field is needed. To capture employment dates, two date fields are needed. To capture job description, another text field is needed. Therefore, the following fields must be added:

  • ITEM_TEXT30_1



  • ITEM_TEXT240_1

What properties are needed for the ITEM_TEXT30_1 field?

The field should not be required and the information should not be available as search criteria, so you need only set up these field properties as follows:

  • Label: Previous Employer

  • Display: Detail (section should appear in detail view of profile)

What properties are needed for the ITEM_DATE_1 field?

The field should not be required and the information should not be available as search criteria, so you need only set up these field properties as follows:

  • Label: From Date

  • Display: Detail

What properties are needed for the ITEM_DATE_2 field?

The field should not be required and the information should not be available as search criteria, so you need only set up these field properties as follows:

  • Label: To Date

  • Display: Detail

What properties are needed for the ITEM_TEXT240_1 field?

The field should not be required and the information should not be available as search criteria, so you need only set up these field properties as follows:

  • Label: Job Description

  • Display: Detail

What role access should be granted for the content section?

Employees, managers, and HR specialists should all have access to update the section.

To set up a free-form content type to track previous employment information for workers, you must:

Setting Up a Free-Form Content Type

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the Manage Profile Content Types task and click Go to Task.
  2. On the Manage Content Types page, click Create.
  3. On the Create Content Type page, complete the following fields, as shown in this table.






    Previous Employment


    Track previous employment information for workers.

  4. Select the Free-Form Type check box.
  5. Click Save and Close.
  6. On the Manage Content Types page, select the Previous Employment content type and click Edit.
  7. On the Edit Content Type page, select the Subscribers tab.
  8. On the Subscribers tab, select HRMS in the Subscriber Code field.
  9. Click Save and Close.

Adding the Free-Form Content Type to the Person Profile Type

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the Manage Profile Types task and click Go to Task.
  2. On the Manage Profile Types page, select the Person profile type, and click Edit.
  3. On the Edit Profile Type: Person page, select the Content Sections tab and click Add Content Section.
  4. In the Content Types dialog box, select the Previous Employment content type.
  5. In the Content Sections region, click the Previous Employment content type and enter the following properties on the Content Section page, as shown in this table.

    Column Name




    Previous Employer



    From Date



    To Date



    Job Description


  6. In the Content Access Section region, click Add.
  7. In the Role field, select Employee.
  8. Select the Update check box.
  9. Click Add.
  10. In the Role field, select Manager.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Click Add.
  13. In the Role field, select HR Specialist.
  14. Click OK.
  15. On the Edit Profile Type: Person page, click Save and Close.

FAQs for Define Talent Profile Content

What's a rating category?

A label for a grouping of rating levels. Rating categories are used in talent management processes such as performance management and talent reviews to group ratings for analysis tools such as the performance and potential box chart.

Why are some content type relationships not editable?

You can edit any content type relationships that you define. However, the relationships that are predefined cannot be changed.

How can I define a relationship between the Goals content type and other content types?

Set up the relationship on the content type that you want to relate to goals using the relationship type: Is supported by. For example, if you want to define a relationship between the Goals content type and the Competencies content type, set up the relationship on the Competencies content type, instead of the Goals content type.

What's a free-form content type?

Free-form content types enable you to capture information in a profile that you do not need to store in the content library. For example, you can set up a free-form content type to store information about the previous employment information for your workers.

A free-form content type contains only a code, name, and a description, and does not have any properties defined for it until you add it to a profile type. Free-form content types do not include any content items.

Why can't I change the relationship type of a content item?

A content item's relationship type is derived from its content type, and you cannot change it. You can only change relationships at the content type level. You cannot change predefined relationships.

Define Talent Profiles

Profile Types: Explained

Profile types include person profile types and model profile types. The person profile type is the template that you use to create profiles of your workers. The person profile contains the skills, qualities, and qualifications that you want to track for your workers. The person profile type is predefined, and you can have only one. Model profile types are templates for workforce structures such as jobs and positions. Model profiles identify the targeted and required skills and qualifications for a job or position, and also identify work requirements, such as work schedule and travel frequency. You can set up multiple model profile types.

To define profile types, you first specify whether the profile type is a person or model profile. For model profiles, you also specify the workforce structures for which the model profile can be used. For example, if you specify that the model profile can be used for jobs and positions, then you can use the profile type to create both job and position profiles. To define the structure of the profile type, you add one or more content sections using content types from the content library and free-form content types. Define the following for each content section:

Instance Qualifier Sets

If you have defined instance qualifier sets for the content type, you select the instance qualifier set to use for the sections.

Section Properties

The properties determine the fields and how they are displayed when you create profiles based on the type. For example, properties determine the label for the field, whether the field is required, and whether the field should be included in profile searches. For sections with content types from the content library, you can use the field properties as they have been defined in the content library, or add, remove, or change the properties to suit the content section. You define all of the properties for free-form content types.

Role Access

You can specify the user roles, such as Employee or Manager, that can view the content section, and which user roles have access to update the section.

Adding Common Lookup Types to a Content Section Property: Explained

When defining content sections for a profile type, you can associate common lookup types with a content section property, enabling you to provide a list of values for the content section property. For example, you can add a list of industries to a content section called Industry Expertise. You can use existing common lookup types, or create your own. Common lookups can be associated with these content section properties: ITEM_TEXT30_6 through ITEM_TEXT30_15.


This functionality does not apply to these content section properties when they are associated with the following content sections: Career Preferences, Potential, Risk, Advancement Readiness, Career Statement, Talent Score, Performance Rating, and Work Requirements.

Adding a Common Lookup to a Content Section Property: Example

This example illustrates how to use common lookup types to create a list of values for a content section property.

Development Readiness

The Human Resources (HR) department at InFusion Corporation wants to track development readiness for employees using the person profile. They would also like to indicate whether a worker is a candidate for serving as a mentor to another worker.

Values for Development Readiness

The HR department has decided on three possible levels for a worker's development readiness:

To indicate whether a worker is a candidate for being a mentor, they want three choices:


InFusion analyzes the existing content types in the content library, and decides that none of the content types works. They will create a new content type called Development Readiness. This will be a free-form content type, as no content items are needed, and the information does not need to be stored in the content library.

Next, they analyze the existing common lookups, and determine that they can use an existing lookup type, HRT_READINESS but add new lookup codes and meanings to suit their needs. For the indicator for mentorship, they must create a new common lookup.

After creating the content type and lookup and changing the lookup codes for HRT_READINESS, they will add the content type as a content section to the person profile. Adding the content section to the person profile enables human resource specialists and managers to add the section to workers' profiles so that they can rate them on their readiness level and ability to be a mentor.


You can attach lookup values to only these content section properties: ITEM_TEXT30_6 through ITEM_TEXT30_15.

Resulting Setup

To track development readiness for workers, InFusion must complete the following setup:

  1. Using the Manage Common Lookups task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, locate the HRT_READINESS lookup type and add codes for 1 to 2 years, 3 to 4 years, and Ready Now.

  2. Using the Manage Common Lookups task, create a new common lookup called HRT_MENTOR, and add the three values of Yes, No, and Maybe.

  3. Using the Manage Content Types task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, create a new free-form content type called Development Readiness. Add HRMS and TM as the content subscribers.

  4. Using the Manage Profile Types task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Person profile type and add Development Readiness to it.

  5. Using the Manage Profile Types task, select the Development Readiness content section to access the Content Section page.

    Set up the content section by adding two properties as described in this table.




    Value Set Name


    Development Readiness




    Potential Mentor



  6. In the Content Section Access region on the Content Section page, add the HR Specialist and Manager roles and select the option for each role to be able to edit the content section. Do not add the Employee role.

Human resource specialists and managers can then access worker profiles and add the Development Readiness content section to the profiles.

Instance Qualifier Sets: Explained

An instance qualifier set is a group of codes that you use to uniquely identify different occurrences of the same profile item within the Competency content type. Instance qualifiers typically identify the role of the person who edited a competency. For example, if a worker, the worker's peer, and the worker's manager all enter a rating for a competency on the worker's profile, instance qualifier sets uniquely identify each instance, or, the rating given by each different role. Uniquely identifying different instances of competencies enables you to specify which instance is used when you view or compare profiles.

Each instance qualifier contains a code and a description, which indicate the role or the application that updated the competency. For example, P is the code that is used when an employee's peer rates the employee and T is used for the rating that results from the talent review meeting. You can use the predefined codes and descriptions, or you can create your own.

In addition to the code and description, each instance qualifier has the following properties:


Priority determines the order in which different instances of a competency are displayed, and also determines which instance to use when searching and comparing profiles. The lowest number indicates the highest priority.

Employer and Manager Views

Employer and manager views determine which instances are visible to employees and to managers.

Search Ability

You can specify whether items that have been assigned the instance qualifier code should be included in profile searches. For example, you might not want the ratings for competencies given by peers to display when other workers are searching person profiles.

Default Instance Qualifier for Employee and Manager

You can specify the default instance qualifier to use when managers and employees update a competency. Each time an employee or manager updates a competency, the record is assigned the instance qualifier code that is identified as the employee or manager default code.

FAQs for Define Talent Profiles

How can I hide or delete an attribute on the person profile?

You must have the human resource (HR) specialist role to hide or delete an attribute on the person profile.


You can hide predefined attributes, but you cannot delete them.

To hide an attribute on the person profile, use the Manage Profile Types task in the Setup and Maintenance work area and edit the person profile. On the Edit Profile Type page, select a content section that includes the attribute you want to hide. To hide the attribute, select None as the Display value for that attribute. For example, to hide the attribute School Name, select Degrees from Content Sections on the Edit Profile Type page, and set the Display value of the attribute School Name to None.

To delete an attribute that is not a predefined attribute on the person profile, you navigate to the Manage Profile Types task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, edit the person profile, and delete the attribute. For example, to delete the attribute School Name, you navigate to the Manage Profile Types task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. Edit the person profile, select Degrees from Content Sections, and then from the Content Properties section, click Delete to delete the attribute School Name.

Define Questionnaires

Questionnaires: Explained

You can create questionnaires to add to gather feedback from respondents using question and responses you configure.

Questionnaires enable you to:

Capturing Information from Respondents

You can create questionnaires to gather information from, and about, employees in applications that are set up to accommodate questionnaires. For example, you can use questionnaires to collect participant feedback in a performance evaluation, or rate worker potential in an assessment for a talent review.

Using Templates to Maintain Consistency and Configuring for Specific Audiences

You must create templates to use as the basis for questionnaires. With templates, you can maintain consistency for questionnaires, and configure them for:


Questionnaires used for talent reviews, called potential assessments, are predefined and do not require a template.

Specifying the Questionnaire Presentation

You control how the questionnaire appears in the subscriber application. Specify whether the questionnaire appears on one page or across multiple pages, for example. You can add sections to separate questions by type or other classification and specify which questions are required to be answered.

Configuring Questions and Responses in the Question Library

You configure questions and responses in the question library to add to the questionnaire. You can create four types of questions: text field, single select choice, multiple select choice, and no response. For each question type you also configure specific responses, and select the presentation method to determine how the response appears. For example, for the single select question type, you can specify either that the possible responses appear in a single select choice list or as radio buttons.

Controlling Access

Set privacy options to control access to the questionnaire or template. You can permit either anyone with access to a questionnaire or template to edit it, or only the specified owner.

Creating a Questionnaire: Points to Consider

To create a questionnaire, you must first create the template. You can edit the configuration settings in the questionnaire that were inherited from the template.

When creating a questionnaire template or questionnaire:

When you conclude setting up the questionnaire or template, use the Preview button on the Review page to view and confirm the configuration.

Determining the Intended Audience for the Questionnaire

You set up questionnaires to apply for particular subscriber applications, and you can target a general and widespread population, or specific audiences. For example, you can create questionnaires for:

Formatting Basic Information

Specify the basic information for the questionnaire template or questionnaire, to make searching and categorization easier and control access.

ID and Folder

An ID containing only numbers is generated automatically for each questionnaire template and questionnaire. However, you can change it to any unique combination of numbers or characters you need to make it easier to search for or identify. You must also provide a name for the questionnaire or template.

Select the folder in which to store the questionnaires (not available for templates). You can create the folders to categorize questionnaires and to enhance searching for them.

Owner Name

To control access to the questionnaire or template, select the name of an owner whom you want to have access, and set the Privacy setting to Private. Only the owner can then edit the questionnaire or template. If you set the Privacy setting to Public, anyone with permission to access the questionnaire or template can edit it.


In the template, select the application that will use the questionnaire. For example, to add a questionnaire to performance documents, select Performance 360. The template can be used only for the subscriber you select.

Instruction Text and Attachments

Instruction text appears at the top of the first page of the questionnaire. You can add additional introductory text for each section you create. You can also add to a section a No Response question type that contains instruction text, and requires no response.

You can add file or URL attachments to a questionnaire. The attachment appears as a link at the top of the questionnaire, and below the instruction text if it is present.

Adding and Formatting Content

You control how the various sections in the template appear by specifying sequence, appearance, and formatting for questions and responses.

Questionnaire Content: Explained

You specify the content that is contained in a questionnaire and how to display it.

In the questionnaire template, and the questionnaires created from it, you can:

Specifying Section Order and Presentation

If you add multiple sections to the questionnaire, then you can specify the section order as Sequential so that the sections appear in the order you specify, or Random so that the order changes whenever the questionnaire is accessed.

This table lists how each section presentation selection affects a questionnaire.

Section Presentation


No sections

One required section appears that contains all questions.

Stack regions

Sections are arranged from top to bottom.

Specifying Question and Response Order

Select Vertical for the question and response order in the template to maintain the order you specify in the actual questionnaire. When you select Random, the order for the questions or responses changes whenever the questionnaire is accessed. This prevents respondents from using an answer key for the questions or responses. Responses can vary only for single and multiple choice question types.

For the template, you can also specify whether to allow changes to formatting options, sections, or questions and responses. If you select the check box for any of these, that aspect of a questionnaire created from the template can be edited.

Specifying Response Types

In the template, you select the response types that can appear in questionnaires created from the template. Only questions of the types associated with the response types you select are eligible to appear in the questionnaire.

For example, if you select options for multiple choice selection, such as Check multiple choices and Multiple choices from list, but do not select any for single select choices, such as Single choice from list or Radio button list, you can add multiple choice questions, but not single choice, to the questionnaire. If, however, you select Check multiple choices and Single choice from list, but not Multiple choices from list or Radio button list, you can add both multiple choice and single choice questions, but are restricted to the selected response types for each question type.

Adding and Formatting Sections

Add sections, and then add questions to the sections. At least one section is required for a questionnaire. You can use sections to group questions by type, category, or any other classification.

Select Allow Additional Questions to create a section that will include only questions added in the subscriber application by people with the roles that have permission to edit questionnaires. For performance documents, for example, that could be managers or workers. For talent reviews, a human resource (HR) specialist who is a meeting facilitator has that role.

Select Vertical to display the questions within the section vertically in the order you specify, or Random to change the order whenever the questionnaire is accessed.

You also specify whether the questions in the section are required so that respondents must answer them.


The requirement to answer all required questions is also determined by the subscriber application.

When you select New Page, the section appears on a separate page than the other sections. When the number of questions on a page or section exceeds the setting you specified in the Maximum Number of Questions per Page field, the questions that exceed the specified number appear on the next page. If you enter 6 as the maximum number, for example, but the section contains 10 questions, the section continues on a new page.

Adding, Creating, and Formatting Questions and Responses

You can add questions to the section from the question library, or create new questions. You can add or remove questions, and drag and drop them to the desired order in the section. The order is maintained in the questionnaire if the question order is set to Vertical for the section. If you create a new question, you specify the folder to store the question. Questions stored in question folders will be available to use in other questionnaires.

If you create new questions, you also configure the responses. Questions you add from the question library already have existing responses. However, you can change the response presentation. For example, if the question is a single select type associated with a single choice from list response type, you can change the response type to radio buttons. You can add questions of any type to a section. If the section is not set to required, then you can specify which individual questions are required to be answered in the questionnaire by respondents.

Questionnaire Question and Response Types: Explained

You can create questions from any of four question types to add to the question library, and ultimately, to questionnaires. Along with the questions, you also specify the responses and how the responses are presented in the questionnaire. You can specify whether to allow respondents to add attachments to the response.

The available question types are:


For the text question type, a respondent enters a response in a text field. Answers can be any text, such as single words or sentences, or characters. You specify a maximum number of characters the response can contain, and you can optionally specify a minimum number the respondent must enter.

For the response text field, you specify to utilize either plain text, or rich text, to let respondents format their responses using bold, underline, and other characteristics.

Single Choice

With the single choice question type, you create a question and respondents select one response from a list you provide. You select whether to display the responses as either a single select choice list, or radio buttons.

Respondents can select from either responses that you create, or from a rating model. When you associate a rating model with the response type, the possible responses are drawn automatically from the values of the rating model. For example, if the rating model contains five rating levels, the short description and the name associated with the level for all levels, are added directly as responses from which the respondent can choose.

Multiple Choice

Use the multiple choice question type to create a question and permit respondents to provide one or more answers. Create the responses and specify whether the responses are presented as check boxes or a choice list. You can optionally set both a minimum and maximum number of required responses.

No Response

Use the no response question type to add a question with no accompanying responses. You can use it to add additional instructions or information in the section, or let respondents add attachments as a response.

FAQs for Define Questionnaires

What happens if I edit a questionnaire that is in use?

You are prompted to either create a new version of the questionnaire, or update the existing questionnaire. When you create a new version of the questionnaire you can configure it as you would any newly-created questionnaire. When you update an existing questionnaire, the new version replaces the older one. Respondents will access the latest version wherever it appears.

If no one has submitted a response to the questionnaire yet, you can add new sections and questions, and specify those that are required. If at least one respondent has submitted a response, you can add new sections and questions, but you cannot specify that either are required.

FAQs for Define Social Networking

How can I enable social networking features?

Set the Social Networking Features Enabled profile option to "Y" on the Manage Social Networking Profile Option Values page. If you enable this profile option, users can access the following features:


If you disable social networking features, users can continue to access the bookmarks they created from the Bookmarks region in the Activities and Interests card on the My Portrait tab. Also, the spaces that users are a member of continue to appear in the Spaces region.