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Oracle® Fusion Applications Incentive Compensation Implementation Guide
11g Release 7 (11.1.7)
Part Number E20381-07
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8 Common Applications Configuration: Define Resources for Incentive Compensation

This chapter contains the following:

Define Resource Information

Define Resource Organization Information

Define Resource Role Information

Frequently Asked Questions for Define Resource Team Information

Define Resource Information

Resource Directory: Explained

The Resource Directory offers detailed information about all the resources within the deploying organization. The Resource Directory also enables you to find and communicate with other resources, and to network and collaborate with them.

Use the Resource Directory to perform the following tasks:

Setting up Resources: Explained

Setting up resources involves identifying a person as a resource and specifying optional profile details as needed. This is an important step because until you identify users as resources, you cannot assign work objects to them.

While identifying a resource is the only mandatory task in resource setup, you may also need to perform some of the following tasks while setting up resources.

Identifying Resources: Explained

The Identify Resources step in the Manage Resources task is only needed to identify an existing employee, contingent worker, or partner member as a resource. Usually they are identified as resource in the Manage Users task, or in the Partner Center. If you have created partner members or internal users in the system without making them resources, you can identify them as resources in the Identify Resources step. Until you identify employees, contingent workers, and partner members as resources, you cannot assign them work objects.


Resources need not necessarily belong to an organization, nor do they need to have specific roles assigned. However, it is best to always associate resources with an organization either as managers or as members. Similarly resources should also have at least one role as part of their organization membership. When you identify users as resources, all you indicate is that these new resources can now be assigned work within the deploying company.

Resource Skills and Resource Assignment: Explained

Resource skills help you assign resources to organizations and teams which can best utilize a specific set of skills. For example, if a resource is skilled in a specific technology, product, or business domain, you can assign the resource to teams and organizations that need resources possessing such skills. Use skill-based resource assignment to get the best out of the resources available to the deploying company.

Resources: How They Work within a Team

You can include resources from different resource organizations to work together on a work object as members of the same resource team. You can also include entire resource organizations into a resource team. Generally what resources can do is controlled by their resource organization membership and their hierarchy. Resource teams provide a flexible way of bringing resources together without any organizational or hierarchy-based restrictions.

Assigning Resources to Teams

You can assign identified resources to teams and assign them roles within the team. Each resource can have a specific role within a team. Thus, a resource may play different roles in different teams.

FAQs for Define Resource Information

What happens if I delete a resource?

When you delete a resource, the resource is deleted from the Resource Directory and from the organizations and teams with which the resource was associated. It is always best, though, to check a resource's usage and remove the resource from all teams and organizations before deletion from the resource directory.

What happens if I add a resource to the organization?

When you add a resource to an organization, the resource becomes a member of the organization. This positions the resource within the organization hierarchy.

Organization membership information is part of the publicly visible details of a resource profile. This means that a resource's organization membership and reporting structure are visible to all active resources within the organization.

If you assign the entire organization to a resource team, all member resources are automatically assigned to the team. This information also becomes part of the resource's publicly visible profile.

What's the difference between a partner resource and an internal resource?

The main difference between an internal resource and a partner resource is the company for whom each works. While the internal resource is an employee or contingent worker of the deploying company, the partner resource is an employee of the partner company.

The methodology used to create resources of these two types is also different. While the partner administrator or channel manager creates a new partner resource through the Oracle Fusion Partner Management applications, internal resources are added using the Manage Users, Hire Employee, or Import Person and Organization task.

Another difference between partner resources and internal resources is that partner resources cannot access the Resource Directory while internal resources can.

Can I create an employee or contingent worker resource?

No. You can only identify existing employees and contingent workers as resources in the Manage Resources task, but you cannot create a new employee or contingent worker in the Manage Resources task.

You can create an employee or contingent worker using Manage Users task, Hire Employee task, or Import Person and Organization task.

Can I create a partner member resource?

No. Only partner administrators in the partner company or designated managers and administrators of the deploying company can create external partner member resources in the Partner Center.

Define Resource Organization Information

Resource Organizations and Organization Usage: Explained

You can assign organization usage information to resource organizations to classify them based on how they can be used. For instance, resource organizations engaged in sales activities can be assigned the Sales Organization usage. This enables you to sort organizations based on their usage, simplifying your task of working with them.

Primary Resource Organization by Usage Explained

A resource can belong to multiple organizations, and can be assigned different resource roles for each organization. However, a resource can be assigned to one resource organization that becomes the primary organization for the resource as far as a specific usage is concerned.

A resource organization can be said to be a primary resource organization by usage for a resource if the following criteria are met.

For example, a resource organization can be listed as a primary resource organization for marketing for a particular resource if the resource organization is classified as a marketing organization by usage, and has the concerned resource as a member.

Resource Organization Hierarchy Versioning: Explained

As organizations evolve, you may need to make changes to the existing organization hierarchy. Create organization hierarchies to capture these changes without impacting active hierarchies.

Depending on the urgency and nature of the changes within the deploying company, organization hierarchy changes can either be immediate or planned.

Implementing Immediate Resource Organization Hierarchy Changes

In case of immediate changes in the organization hierarchy, either make changes directly to the hierarchy or create a new version of the existing hierarchy and set it to become active when the new organization structure needs takes effect.


Changes made to existing hierarchies are saved automatically and updated immediately.

Implementing Planned Resource Organization Hierarchy Changes

Create a new version of the active hierarchy and specify the date on which the new version needs to become active. Once the new version is saved, you can make and save the changes needed. Ensure that you have made all the changes needed to the new version before the date on which the new version needs to become active.

Frequently Asked Questions for Define Resource Organization Information

Can I create a new organization?

Yes. You can create new organizations using the Manage Sales and Marketing Organizations option in the Functional Setup Manager or the Oracle Fusion Partner Management user interface. You can also create new resource organizations from the User Management interface. You can also use the interface to manage user accounts and roles, and to create employee and partner-member users.

How can I delete a resource from an organization?

To delete a resource from an organization, you need to delete the concerned resource's membership from the organization.

To manage the membership of an organization, navigate to the Manage Resource Organization and select the organization concerned. Once the organization's membership details are listed, you can add, delete or edit them as required.

What happens if I delete a resource from an organization?

When you delete a resource from an organization, you effectively delete the concerned resource's membership with the organization. This also removes the resource from the organization hierarchy.

What's a resource organization hierarchy?

A resource organization displays the relationships between the resource organizations of the deploying company. The resource organization hierarchy is visible to all resources within the company.

Can I create a new organization hierarchy?

No. All organizations within your deploying company are part of a large overarching global hierarchy. Therefore, new organization hierarchies cannot be created. You can, however, move existing organizations or attach new organizations to the existing hierarchy and create a new version of the hierarchy. Once you have created a new version, specify the date from which the new version needs to become active and, on the specified date, your new hierarchy version replaces the older hierarchy.

Can I copy a resource organization hierarchy?

No. You can only have one resource organization hierarchy active at a time within a deploying company. If you need to create a hierarchy for an organization, you will need to specify the reporting structure within the concerned organization and then make the organization a part of the existing hierarchy.

Define Resource Role Information

Define Resource Roles: Explained

Defining resource roles involves defining and configuring the roles that a resource plays as an individual or within a resource organization or resource team in the deploying company. This requires you to specify who a resource is within the enterprise and what specific role the resource performs within the context of an organization or team.

You can assign defined roles to resources directly or to resources within an organization or team context. This action simplifies the task of individually assigning complex roles to resources within the organization.

You can also set several flags while defining roles. Use these flags along with the organization hierarchy information to define the reporting hierarchy of resources. Use the Manager flag to tag a role as a supervisor role. Similarly, attach a Member tag to a role to make it a subordinate role in the hierarchy. Tag roles as Administrator or Lead to indicate the roles that the resource roles have within the hierarchy. Additionally, you can use these flags along with the organization hierarchy information to maintain manager-to-manager relationships within the organization.

Assigning Resource Role Types

Resource role types organize roles into logical groups. This simplifies role assignment and assignment tracking. For example, the Partner resource role type defines a set of partner-specific roles such as partner sales representative and partner sales manager. Use the Partner resource role type to determine the roles that are appropriate for partner members. Similarly, use the Sales resource role type and the Marketing resource role type to categorize the appropriate sales and marketing roles for internal employees or contingent worker resources.

Provisioning Security Roles: Explained

Security role provisioning is the process of automating the provisioning and de-provisioning of security roles based on resource role assignment to resources. Once security roles are provisioned to resources, they can access the tasks and data enabled for the security role.

Difference between Resource Roles and Security Roles

Resource roles indicate who a person is to the deploying company. As such, resource roles are used for filtering resources and for generating reporting hierarchies in addition to being used to define security policies. A key difference between a security role and resource role is that a resource role may be assigned to a resource without a user account, while a security role can only be provisioned to a resource who has a user account. So while in some cases the resource role may be defined at the same granularity as the security role and used to automate security role provisioning, the resource role concept remains separate from security roles.

Job-to-Role Mapping: Explained

In the Manage Resource Roles task, you can establish job mapping for a resource role. Job-to-resource-role mapping enables you to associate HCM jobs with specific resource roles. This mapping simplifies the task of assigning resource roles to new employees or contingent workers, resulting in time and costs efficiency.

For example, suppose a new employee joins the IT department as a data quality manager. If the new employee's job is already mapped to a resource role like Data Steward Manager, the resource role is automatically assigned when the employee is identified as a resource in the system. This enables you to place new employees faster in organizational and reporting hierarchies. If security roles are also associated with the resource role, then the new employee's access privileges are also granted automatically.

Frequently Asked Questions for Define Resource Team Information

What's a resource team?

A resource team is a group of resources formed to work on work objects. A resource team may comprise resource organizations, resources, or both. A resource team cannot be hierarchically structured and is not intended to implement an organization structure. You can also use resource teams as a quick reference to groups of related resources that you can quickly assign work objects to.


Members of teams can either be reassigned separately, or entire teams can be assigned to other tasks as required.