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Oracle® Fusion Applications Materials Management and Logistics Implementation Guide
11g Release 7 (11.1.7)
Part Number E20385-07
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21 Define Warehouse Administration: Define Shipping

This chapter contains the following:

Manage Shipping Parameters

Manage Pick Wave Release Rules

Manage Release Sequence Rules

Manage Ship Confirm Rules

Manage Shipping Cost Types

Manage Transportation Schedules

Manage Shipping Exceptions

Manage Default Packing Configurations

Manage Shipping Parameters

Selecting General Parameters: Points to Consider

General parameters impact the way a shipment is created and ship confirmed, and how Oracle Fusion Shipping interacts with Oracle Fusion Inventory Management. Before selecting general parameters, consider:

Creating and Ship Confirming Shipments

Before selecting the general parameters, you must plan how your organization will create, process, and ship confirm shipments. Consider the following before configuring the general parameters for each of your ship-from organizations.

Updating Oracle Fusion Inventory Management

Consider the following dependencies before configuring your organization's general shipping parameters on updating Oracle Fusion Inventory Management tables.

Shipment Grouping Attributes: Points to Consider

Shipment grouping attributes are defined for Ship-from Organization and determine how shipment lines are grouped on a shipment. Ship-to Location and Ship-from Organization are always applied during grouping of shipment lines into shipments. Before selecting shipment grouping attributes, consider:

Grouping Shipment Lines

You must consider your organization's business preference for grouping shipment lines into shipments. For example, there are two types of freight terms; Prepaid and Collect. If you enable the grouping attribute Freight Terms, then the shipment lines that share the same freight term, Prepaid, will be grouped into one shipment. And the shipment lines that share the freight term, Collect, will be grouped into another shipment. The tables below illustrate the example and the consequent grouping of shipment lines into shipments based on selection of the grouping attribute, Freight Terms.

This table shows an example of shipment lines and their attributes.

Shipment Lines

Ship-from Organization

Ship-to Location

Freight Terms


Organization 1

San Jose



Organization 1

San Jose



Organization 1

San Jose



Organization 1

San Jose


This table shows an example of how the shipment lines were grouped into a shipment when the grouping attributes were applied.

Shipment Lines

Ship-from Organization

Ship-to Location

Freight Terms



Organization 1

San Jose


Shipment 1


Organization 1

San Jose


Shipment 2


Organization 1

San Jose


Shipment 2


Organization 1

San Jose


Shipment 1

When a shipment is created, it inherits the enabled grouping attributes from the lines. For example, Freight Terms is enabled as a grouping attribute and a shipment is created for the lines with the term Prepaid. In this case, the shipment will automatically have the freight term, Prepaid upon creation.

When an optional attribute is enabled as a grouping criteria and there are shipment lines that don't have a value specified for the enabled attribute, then all those shipment lines are grouped together on a separate shipment. You can also choose to not select any of the optional grouping attributes.

Refining Grouping Attributes

You must consider your organization's preference for assigning Customer, Shipping Method, FOB, and Freight Terms as grouping criteria for creating shipments.

You can select more than one grouping attribute to further refine your grouping criteria. For example, if you select Customer and Shipping Method, then shipment lines with the same customer and shipping method will be grouped into one shipment.

Pick Release Parameters: Points to Consider

Pick release parameters enable you to define picking criteria that are used during pick release. Before selecting pick release parameters consider:

Grouping and Releasing criteria

Before you select the grouping and releasing criteria you must consider your organization's preference for grouping and releasing of picks. Consider the following:

Fulfillment criteria

Before selecting the fulfillment criteria you must plan how your organization's prefers the lines to be fulfilled. Consider the following:

FAQs for Shipping Parameters

What happens if consolidate backordered lines?

When you choose to consolidate backordered lines, any line that was split and subsequently backordered will be automatically consolidated with other backordered lines that it was part of originally. When a backorder occurs, Oracle Fusion Shipping searches for existing shipment line backorders for the particular line. If a qualified existing backorder is found, then the current backordered shipment line is consolidated with the existing backordered shipment line.


Only unassigned and unpacked backordered lines will be consolidated.

What happens if I enable carrier manifesting?

Carrier manifesting is a method used by shippers to process shipments that use carriers that are integrated into Oracle Fusion Shipping. The carrier manifesting process includes weighing parcels, calculating freight cost, generating shipping documents, and submitting manifest data to third party carrier systems. When you enable carrier manifesting, open shipments with assigned lines that are staged and packed are sent to be ship confirmed in the carrier manifesting system. Packing is performed prior to manifesting since only packed lines can be manifested.

What happens if I print pick slips immediately?

When you choose to print pick slips immediately, you have to specify the number of pick slip lines per pick slip. Whenever the specified number of lines are pick released, a pick slip document is printed. This continues till all the lines that meet the release criteria are pick released and printed.

For example, if you specify the number of pick slip lines as 25, then only a maximum of 25 pick slip lines can be printed on each pick slip. In this case, if 40 lines are pick released, then two pick slips are printed; one with 25 lines and the other with 15 lines.

What happens if I select different appending limit options during shipment creation?

Select Do Not Append to prohibit automatic appending to an existing shipment. Select Start of Staging to allow automatic appending to a shipment till one of the lines is staged. Select End of Staging to allow automatic appending to a shipment till all the lines are staged.

Manage Pick Wave Release Rules

Pick Wave Release Rule : Explained

Pick wave release rule defines the criteria to determine the order lines to select for pick release and how they need to be processed. The optional processing includes:

The following criterion based on which you can define a pick wave release rule will assist you in planning and meeting your organization's needs:

Date range

Effective start and end date range for the rule.

Demand Selection Criteria

Enables you to specify criteria pertaining to shipping organization, order, order date, item, and shipping details.

Process Criteria

Enables you to specify the release sequence rule, pick slip grouping rule, ship confirm rule, and also if the shipment should be automatically packed among others.

Fulfillment criteria

Enables you to specify the pick-from subinventory and staging subinventory of the shipping organization.

Manage Release Sequence Rules

Release Sequence Rule: Explained

Release sequence rule enables you to specify the order in which the picking lines are pick released to inventory. You must assign a release priority in ascending or descending order to the selected release sequence.

The following aspects of defining a release sequence rule will assist you in releasing picking lines according to your preference:

Criteria for release

You can release picking lines by:

Release priority

You must assign at least one of the criterion specified above to a release priority in the range of 1 to 5 with 1 being the highest priority and 5 being the lowest. You must select the order, ascending or descending, in which the specified criterion will be made effective. For example, if you select the ascending order for the Scheduled date criterion, then the picking lines with the earliest scheduled date are released first.

Release Priority: Points to Consider

Release priority impacts the way a picking line is released when a release sequence rule is applied. Before assigning release priority to a release criteria, consider:

Releasing shipment lines

Before selecting the release criteria, you must plan how your organization will release shipment lines. Consider the following:

Assigning release priority

Consider the following dependencies before assigning attributes to the release priority:

Manage Ship Confirm Rules

Ship Confirm Rules: Points to Consider

You must set up all the ship confirm rules in a manner that they are reusable and service varied needs of different organizations. You can have only one default ship confirm rule per organization and the this rule is associated via the shipping parameters for the organization.

Before setting up default shipping rules consider:

Understand shipping processes

You must understand the shipping processes to be able to evaluate and anticipate current and future needs of your organization before defining shipping rules. Consider the most commonly used scenario for the business so that the scenario will be served well with the default rule. This will enable you to create effective rules that optimize performance and reduce the need for granularity, which in turn reduces maintenance.

Follow naming conventions

You must follow naming conventions so as to minimize chances of confusion resulting out of cryptic naming.

Associate most commonly used rules

You must associate the most commonly used rules while defining shipping parameters. For example, you must associate a rule that is used most frequently in your organization. This enables you to minimize the need for overriding the default ship confirm rule.

Ship Confirm Rule: Explained

Ship confirm rule enables you to determine how shipments are ship confirmed.

The following aspects of defining a ship confirm rule provide you the flexibility to:

Specify tasks along with shipment confirmation

You can specify your organization's preference of tasks to be completed along with shipment confirmation, by selecting one or more of the following check boxes:

Specify options if shipped quantities are not manually entered

You must specify an option that will be applied during ship confirm if the shipped quantity is not manually entered for a staged line or lines. For example, consider a scenario where a shipment has 10 staged lines, and the shipped quantity is manually entered for eight of the lines. The ship confirm rule must indicate what to do with the two lines for which the shipped quantity is not manually entered. The options are:

Manage Shipping Cost Types

Shipping Cost Types: Explained

Shipping cost types are shipment-related costs such as administration fee, duty fee, insurance, handling cost, export fee, or transportation charge. You can define a cost type within a category with a suggested amount. Shipping costs can be recorded at any point in time for a shipment, shipment line, or packing unit.

Shipping cost types provide you the flexibility to:

Define shipping cost

You can define a shipping cost type under a specific category. This ensures uniformity of service charges under the selected category across the organization for the same service.


You can override the cost type and suggested amount during or after the recording of shipping cost.

Specify effective date range

You can specify a date range for the validity of the cost type.

Define cost type in preferred currency

You can define a cost type in your functional currency. You can modify the currency at any point in time.

Manage Transportation Schedules

Transportation Schedules: Explained

Transportation schedules enable you to define valid shipping and receiving days and hours for trading partners such as organizations, suppliers, customers, and carriers.

Transportation schedules enable you to:

Determine shipping and receiving schedule

The shipping and receiving schedules are used to determine when your customers, customer sites, suppliers, supplier sites, and internal organizations can ship and receive. The ship confirm process uses the defined transportation schedules to warn you of invalid shipping days and hours. The initial ship date on the shipment is validated according to shipping schedule for the warehouse and the planned delivery date is validated according to the receiving schedule for the customer or customer site.

For example, you are shipping a shipment from your warehouse in Florida on Monday, September 12, to arrive at your customer's site in New York on Wednesday, September 14. In this case, ship confirm checks the warehouse's shipping schedule and the customer's receiving schedule for the initial ship date and planned delivery date respectively to confirm the following:

If the initial ship date or planned delivery date is invalid, then ship confirm displays a message requesting a review of the dates entered.

Transportation schedules are also used when a pick release process is submitted.

The pick release process also consults your defined transportation schedules and adjusts ship dates as necessary. When you create a pick wave using the pick release process, you can specify a pick wave release rule that defines the scheduled ship dates and requested ship dates on the pick wave. If a shipping transportation schedule is defined for your organization, then the scheduled and requested ship dates on the pick wave are compared against the valid shipping days on the transportation schedule. If either the scheduled or requested ship date falls on an invalid shipping day for your organization, then the dates are automatically adjusted to the next valid shipping day specified in the transportation schedule. For example, if your shipping transportation schedule allows shipments Monday through Friday, and the pick wave release rule calculates a ship date that occurs on a Saturday, then the ship date is automatically moved to the following Monday.


If the transportation schedules are not defined, then every day and time is assumed to be valid for shipping and receiving.

Assist Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising in planning valid shipping and receiving days

Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising uses the transportation schedule assignments when determining supply availability dates for customer orders.

Creating Transportation Schedules: Examples

You can use several combinations of trading partner, schedule name, and schedule usage to create the transportation schedules suitable for your business requirements.

Examples of creating transportation schedules are discussed for the following scenarios:

Shipping schedule for a warehouse

You want to set up a shipping schedule for your warehouse so that you can schedule shipments from your warehouse and calculate shipping and planned delivery dates for your customers. In order to ensure that your warehouse has accurate shipping days and times, you can create a transportation schedule for an organization from where your goods will be shipped, and select shipping as your schedule usage for that organization. You can activate the schedule assignment at the organization trading partner level by selecting the schedule and marking it as active.

Receiving schedule for a customer

You want to set up a receiving schedule so that you can schedule shipping and receiving days and calculate shipping and planned delivery dates for your customers. In order to ensure that the customer has accurate receiving days and times, you can create a transportation schedule for the customer to whom your goods will be shipped, and select receiving as your schedule usage for that customer. You can activate the schedule assignment at the customer trading partner level by selecting the schedule and marking it as active.

Site Level Schedules: Explained

Trading partner type can be customer, supplier, carrier, and organization. The schedule usage you define for every trading partner type determines what the schedule assigned to the trading partner is used for. For example, if shipping is defined as schedule usage for a trading partner organization , then that schedule is used for shipping. You can define and activate one or more sites for a trading partner. You can assign a different schedule for each trading partner site. Note that setting up schedules at the site level is optional. If a schedules is not defined at the site level, then the schedule defined at the trading partner level is used. For example, a trading partner has 20 ship-from sites and 18 of those sites have the same schedule for shipping days. In this case, one shipping schedule can be defined for the trading partner and two other shipping schedules for the sites.

Site level schedules enable you to:

Determine site level shipping and receiving schedule

Enables you to define a shipping and receiving schedule for a trading partner site.

For example, a trading partner site (referred to below as customer site) is receiving a shipment on Thursday. In this case, ship confirm checks the trading partner site schedules to confirm the following::

Validate shipping and receiving days

The ship confirm process consults your defined site level schedules and warns you about invalid shipping days and hours as necessary.

When you ship confirm a shipment using the ship confirm process, the initial ship date and planned delivery date is checked in the trading partner site schedule. If a trading partner site schedule is defined for your trading partner site, then the initial ship date and planned delivery date are compared against the valid shipping and receiving days on the site schedule. If either the initial ship date or the delivery date falls on an invalid shipping or receiving day for your warehouse and customer site respectively, then alternative valid dates are suggested. For example, if your shipping site schedule allows shipments Monday through Friday, and the ship confirm process calculates an initial ship date that occurs on a Saturday, then Monday is suggested as the alternative initial ship date.

FAQs for Transportation Schedules

What happens if a transportation schedule is not defined for a trading partner?

If a transportation schedule is not defined, then every day and time is assumed to be valid for shipping and receiving.

Manage Shipping Exceptions

Shipping Exceptions: Explained

Shipping exception is an unexpected event resulting out of a conflict between the requirements of the shipper, customer, or transportation carrier.

Shipping exception enables you to:

Define and Maintain New Shipping Exceptions

You can define and maintain new exceptions. The exceptions can be of three types:

View and Modify Predefined Exceptions

You can view and use predefined exceptions. You can choose to activate or inactivate predefined exceptions based on their validity for your organization. You can only modify the severity level for predefined exceptions.

Modify Severity Levels of Exceptions

You can define and maintain the following severity levels of shipping exceptions:

Predefined Exceptions: Explained

Predefined exceptions are already defined in Oracle Fusion Shipping. They are defined for the most common scenarios that may lead to the creation of an exception.

Predefined exceptions provide the flexibility to:

Activate Valid Exceptions

You can activate exceptions that are valid for exception scenarios for your organization from a list of predefined exceptions.

This table lists the predefined exceptions available for your organization.

Exception Name


Severity Level

Requested Quantity Changed

Requested quantity changed due to change in order line quantity.


Shipment Grouping Changed

One or more shipment grouping attributes were changed.


Scheduled Date Postponed

The scheduled date was postponed.


Scheduling Attributes Changed

One or more scheduling attributes were changed.


Pick Release Error

Pick release detailing completed with an expected error.


Shipment Request Error

Line has shipment request errors in shipment message interface.


Shipment Line on Hold

The shipment line was placed on hold by a shipment request.


Manifest Request Cancellation Accepted

Manifest request cancellation accepted by carrier manifesting.


Manifest Request Cancellation Rejected

Manifest request cancellation rejected by carrier manifesting.


Backordered at Picking

The shipment line was backordered at picking.


On Hold at Picking

The line had a hold at picking.


Shipment Line Unassigned by Shipment Request

Line unassigned from shipment after processing shipment request.


Invalid Packing

Items should be unpacked from the packing unit.


Change Due to Party Merge

Party merge has changed the shipment line or packing unit.


Pick Release Detailing Warning

Pick release detailing completed with warnings.


Batch Message

This message was logged by a batch program.


Pick Release Warning

Pick release completed with warnings.


Added by Append Shipments

Line added to a shipment through the append shipments process.


Appended Shipment Could Not Be Marked as Planned

The shipment could not be updated to planned at the end of the append shipment process.


Inactivate Exceptions

You can inactivate an exception that is no longer in use by your organization.

Modify Severity Level

You can modify the severity level of a predefined exception by selecting one of the following severity levels: Error, Information, Warning. For example, the predefined severity level for exception "Added by Append Shipments" is Warning but if your shipping processes require such an exception to be resolved prior to ship confirm, you can set the severity of this exception to Error.


You can modify the severity level of an exception only if it is not currently in use by a shipment, shipment line, or packing unit.


You cannot modify the severity level for an Error exception.

FAQs for Shipping Exceptions

When do shipping exceptions occur?

Shipping exceptions occur when predefined criteria for shipment creation, processing, and delivery are not met or fail.

Predefined exceptions are logged automatically against shipments, shipment lines, and packing units when specific events occur.

You can also log shipping exceptions manually for a specific shipment, shipment lines, and packing units.

Can I inactivate an exception?

Yes. Remove the Active check box selection in the Edit Shipping Exception page. You can inactivate a manually defined exception only if the exception is not currently in use by a shipment, shipment line, or packing unit.


You cannot inactivate a predefined exception.

Manage Default Packing Configurations

Default Packing Configuration: Explained

Default packing configuration enables you to assign a packing unit type to an item.

Default packing configuration provides you the flexibility to:

Specify Maximum Item Quantity

You can specify maximum quantity of an item that can be packed into the chosen packing unit. This assists in calculating the number of packing units required for a shipment line while packing automatically.

Automatically Pack Shipments

You can automatically pack items into packing units, which in turn can be further packed into larger packing units. Examples of larger packing units are pallet or boxcar.

Packing Unit: Points to Consider

Packing units are defined in Oracle Fusion Inventory Management. Every packing unit can be classified into a broader packing unit type meant for a specific kind of packaging and shipping. For example, the airline container packing unit is used to pack shipments that are delivered by air. Before assigning a packing unit to an item, consider:

Mode of Transport to Deliver Shipments

Consider which modes of transport are most commonly used by you organization to deliver shipments. Your organization's preferred modes of transport indicate the packing units most likely to be used during shipping.

Storage Requirement

Consider the weight and volume of the items being shipped from your organization to determine the packing unit to be used.