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Oracle® Fusion Applications Upgrade Guide
11g Release 7 (11.1.7)

Part Number E35833-18
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2 Preparing to Perform the Release 7 Upgrade

This chapter describes the preparation steps for upgrading to Release 7, all of which can be performed before your scheduled down time. This chapter includes preparation steps for upgrading from Release 5 to Release 6 and from Release 6 to Release 7, depending on whether you are performing a chained upgrade from Release 5 to Release 6 to Release 7, or a single hop upgrade from Release 6 to Release 7.

This chapter contains the following topics:

2.1 Before You Begin

Follow the steps in this section before you begin the upgrade.

  1. Ensure you have access to the following documentation:

  2. Ensure you have performed all Release 5 post upgrade tasks from Release 5 documentation and Release 5 release notes, if your starting point is Release 5.

  3. Ensure you have applied the following high watermark patch bundles on your Release 5 environment prior to upgrading to the next release:

    • Fusion Middleware Patch Bundles for Oracle Fusion Applications

    • Oracle Fusion Application Patch Bundles

    Contact Oracle Support for information about high watermark patch bundles.

  4. Ensure you perform all Release 6 Pre-upgrade steps from Release 6 release notes.

  5. Ensure sendmail is configured and working on all hosts where Upgrade Orchestrator will run by sending a test mail from the hosts. Sendmail must be working properly before running the upgrade so you can effectively monitor the upgrade status.

2.2 System Requirements

Ensure that your environment meets the following system requirements:

2.2.1 Memory Requirements

During the pre-down time phase, Upgrade Orchestrator reports an error if your environment does not meet the following memory requirements:

Table 2-1 Memory Requirements for Non-Oracle VM Environments

Memory Requirements Chained Upgrade Single Hop Upgrade

Swap Space



Memory for RUP Installer/OUI



Memory per Managed Servers

2GB multiplied by the number of managed servers in your environment, plus 4GB

2GB multiplied by the number of managed servers in your environment, plus 4GB

Memory Per Administration Servers

1GB multiplied by the number of administration servers in your environment

1GB multiplied by the number of administration servers in your environment

Memory for BI Domain



Memory for APP OHS

1 GB Free, 2GB Total

1 GB Free, 2GB Total

Table 2-2 Memory Requirements for Oracle VM Environments in OVM Memory (MB)

Topology IDM3OID IDM3MW IDM3OHS FA Primary Secondary OSN BI AppOHS


2048 Free, 4096 Total

3072 Free, 12288 Total

256 Free, 1536 Total






2048 Free, 3072 Total


2048 Free, 6144 Total

3072 Free, 12288 Total

256 Free, 1536 Total






2048 Free, 3072 Total


2048 Free, 4096 Total

3072 Free, 12288 Total

256 Free, 1536 Total






2048 Free, 3072 Total

All free memory for IDM nodes is the recommended memory requirement when no IDM processes are running. To check for free memory availability, first shut down the servers and then measure the free memory.

In addition to memory requirements, ensure you meet the swap requirements on all topologies, as depicted in the following table.

Table 2-3 Memory Swap Requirements for All Oracle VM Topologies (MB)











2.2.2 Free Disk Space Requirements

The disk space requirements in the following table are recommendations for how much disk space should be added on each host type. During the pre-down time phase, Upgrade Orchestrator reports an error if your environment does not meet these requirements. The disk space check is not checking for total space. It is checking only for usable disk space, which is defined as free space, with respect to quotas and permissions. All recommendations and requirements assume non-shared access to the disk space. Therefore, if you have multiple hosts or processes running against the same physical disk, the size of this disk needs to be determined with respect to all sharing tenants. The requirements in the following table do not consider disk sharing scenarios.

Table 2-4 Free Disk Space Requirements

Host Single Hop (Release 6 to Release 7) Chained Upgrade (Release 5 to 6 to 7)


100GB + 5GB for /tmp

150GB + 8GB for /tmp


36GB + 5GB for /tmp + 4GB for flash recovery area (if configured)

72GB + 5GB for /tmp + 12GB for flash recovery area (if configured)


8GB + 5GB for /tmp

13GB + 5GB for /tmp


5GB + 5GB for /tmp

8GB + 5GB for /tmp

2.2.3 Ports Requirements

Ensure that the following firewall ports are open to run the context URI health check on the OHS host source host and the LBR/Routing tier.

Source http Protocol https Protocol


















not applicable











not applicable


2.2.4 Configure JVM Memory Settings for ESS Cluster and SCM Common

Perform the following steps to configure JVM memory settings.

  1. Open the following file in Edit mode to configure JVM settings for the SCMCommonCluster:

  2. Change the values of the following property to the new values in bold:

    fusion.SCMDomain.SCMCommonCluster.default.minmaxmemory.nonmain=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m
  3. Open the following file in Edit mode to configure JVM settings for the ESSCluster in the CommonDomain:

  4. Change the values of the following property to the new values in bold:

    fusion.CommonDomain.ESSCluster.default.minmaxmemory.main=-Xms256m -Xmx1024m

2.2.5 Set LBR_PRESENT to True on the Primordial Host

If you have LBR configured, ensure that the following LBR_PRESENT properties are set to true on all Administration Servers on the primordial host:


2.2.6 Webtier Instance Directory Mount (Oracle VM Only)

Confirm whether /u02/instance/CommonDomain_webtier_local is mounted on the OHS host. If it is already mounted, you can skip this section and proceed to Section 2.3, "Set Up Upgrade Directories and Obtain Software."

If /u02/instance/CommonDomain_webtier_local is not mounted and it is a local directory, perform the steps in Section, "Steps for Local Directory That is not Mounted". If the environment is scaled out, perform the steps in Section, "Steps for Scaled Out Environment". These steps must be performed before running RUP Lite for OVM in pre-root mode. Steps for Local Directory That is not Mounted

If /u02/instance/CommonDomain_webtier_local is not mounted and it is a local directory, perform the following steps to mount the webtier instance directory to the OHS host.

  1. Create a u02 directory under /u01, if it does not already exist.

  2. Stop OHS by using opmnctl.

  3. Move or copy /u02/instance to /u01/u02.

  4. Move /u02 to /u02_OHS_Old.

  5. Create a /u02/instance/CommonDomain_webtier_local directory using the root user.

  6. Change the owner and group of /u02:.

    chown -R user:group /u02

    Example: chown –R oracle:dba /u02

  7. To find the device where the /u01 directory exists, run mount | grep u01.

    Example output for this command follows: on /u01 type nfs (rw,address=ip_address)

  8. Using the device name from the step 7, run the following command: mount -t nfs device_name

    An example command follows:

    mount -t nfs /u02/instance/CommonDomain_webtier_local Steps for Scaled Out Environment

If your environment is scaled out, on each scaled out host, if /u02/instance/CommonDomain_webtier_local is not mounted and it is a local directory, perform the following steps to mount the webtier instance directory to the OHS host.

  1. Create a u02_hostname directory under /u01, if it does not already exist.

  2. Stop OHS by using opmnctl.

  3. Move or copy /u02/instance to /u01/u02_hostname.

  4. Move /u02 to /u02_OHS_Old.

  5. As the root user, create a /u02/instance/CommonDomain_webtier_local directory.

  6. Change the owner and group of /u02, using the following command:

    chown -R user:group /u02

    Example command:

    chown -R oracle:dba /u02
  7. To find the device where the /u01 directory exists, run mount | grep u01.

    Example output from this command follows: on /u01 type nfs (rw,address=ip_address)
  8. Using the device name from the previous step, run the following command:

    mount -t nfs device_name

    Example command:

    mount -t nfs /u02/instance/CommonDomain_webtier_local

2.3 Set Up Upgrade Directories and Obtain Software

Perform the following steps to set up upgrade directories and obtain software required for the upgrade:

2.3.1 Create a Common User Group and Permissions for Shared Directories

The following steps outline the process for setting up permissions on directories that are shared across multiple hosts and are used by Oracle Fusion Applications Upgrade Orchestrator. These steps are required if you use different operating system (OS) users and groups to own Oracle Fusion Applications components (FA, FMW, and IDM) on the hosts in the Oracle Fusion Applications environment (Primordial, OHS, and IDM). An OS user and group is considered to be the same across all hosts only if the corresponding IDs (User ID and Group ID) are also the same across the hosts. The minimum requirement for Upgrade Orchestrator is that the files in the SHARED_LOCATION must be owned by the same group. All OS users that own Oracle Fusion Applications components on various hosts must belong to the common group, in addition to other groups to which they already belong. Note that the SHARED_LOCATION must be exported with the no_root_squash option, or its equivalent, to allow root user access to files in the SHARED_LOCATION that are owned by the applications user. For more information about the SHARED_LOCATION, see Section 2.3.2, "Create Directories in a Shared Location". For Windows, see Section, "Set Up Shared Folders and Permissions on Windows".

  1. Determine the OS group and Group ID that you want to use for owning the shared directories. As an example, you can use orch as the common group to be used across the hosts.

  2. The following steps must be executed as a privileged OS user, such as root, on all hosts that participate in orchestration.

    1. Create the common group, if needed.

      (Linux) /usr/sbin/groupadd -g group_ID -f group_name
      (Solaris) /usr/sbin/groupadd -g group_ID group_name
      (AIX) /usr/bin/mkgroup id=group_ID group_name
    2. Add each distinct Oracle Fusion Applications component (FA, FMW, DB, IDM) OS owner on each host to the common group.

      (Linux) /usr/sbin/usermod -a -G group_name component_OS_owner
      (Solaris)  EXISTING_GROUPS=$(grep -w component_OS_owner /etc/group |awk -F: '{print $1}' |xargs echo | sed 's/ /,/g')
      /usr/sbin/usermod -G ${EXISTING_GROUPS},group_name component_OS_owner
      (AIX) lsgroup -a users group_name
      /usr/bin/chgroup users=list_of_existing_users,component_OS_owner group_name

      You must log out of any sessions that were open prior to this change for OS users being modified, and then log in again so the changes take effect.

    3. Mount the file system to be used for the shared directories on all hosts.

    4. Perform the following steps on one of the hosts, such as the primordial host.

    • Create a top-level directory that is passed to orchestration under which additional directories and files are created during orchestration. This directory is referred to as SHARED_LOCATION and is further described in Section 2.3.2, "Create Directories in a Shared Location".

    • Perform the following steps before any additional content is created in the shared directories. These steps are applicable to Linux and UNIX platforms, such as AIX, Solaris Sparc and Solaris X64.

      • Change the group ownership of the top-level directory to the common group, such as orch.

        (Linux and UNIX) chgrp common_group SHARED_LOCATION
      • Set permissions on the directory so that the group has read, write, and access privileges.

        (Linux and UNIX) chmod g+r,g+w,g+x SHARED_LOCATION
      • Set the Directory group ID bit for the top-level shared directory. This allows for any subdirectories and files created under this shared directory to be owned by the same group, regardless of the host from where they are created.

        (Linux and UNIX) chmod g+s SHARED_LOCATION
  3. Perform the following steps on all hosts that participate in orchestration. You must be logged in as the OS user that owns the Oracle Fusion Applications content on the host when you run these steps.

    1. Set the default mask for files so that the group has sufficient privileges on the files.

      umask 0007
    2. Confirm that the group changes are effective. The groups command displays all groups that the current OS user belongs to. You must confirm that the common group, orch, is one of them.

      (Linux and UNIX) groups
    3. Confirm that the permissions are set up correctly on each host. To do this, you can create a temporary file in the shared directory and confirm that the file is owned by the common group and that its permissions are correct. For directories, the group should have read, write, and execute privilege. For files, the group should have at least read and write privileges. Run the following commands after you create the temporary file.

      The following command should show that the file is owned by the common group:

      (Linux and Unix)) ls -ls file_name

      The following command prints the group and group ID ownership for the file.

      (Linux) stat --printf="%G %g\n" file_name
      (Solaris) echo "group: `ls -ld file_name|awk '{print $4}'" "`"; echo "groupid:`ls -dn file_name | awk '{print $4}'" "`"
      (AIX) istat file_name | grep Group

      Then remove the temporary file.


    When you unzip the contents of a ZIP archive into the shared folder, the group ownership can be lost on some folders and files. This issue is specific to the unzip utility. To work around the issue, run the following commands when you extract contents to the shared folder:

    jar -xvf ZIP_archive
    unzip -q -o ZIP_archive
  4. Ensure file permissions are correct by performing the following steps, as a prerequisite to starting orchestration.

    1. Change directory to FA_ORACLE_HOME/hcm/hrc/bin.

    2. Run chmod -R 755 *.

    3. During the running of RUP Installer, patch_stage directories are created in a location which is parallel to the APPLICATIONS_BASE directory. If the user ID who is running the upgrade does not have write permissions, the Consolidating Repository and Downloaded Patches configuration assistant will report a failure. To avoid this failure during the upgrade, ensure that the user who runs Upgrade Orchestrator has write permissions on the top level directory parallel to the APPLICATIONS_BASE directory, which is typically /net/mount1. Set Up Shared Folders and Permissions on Windows

Perform the following steps for Windows on one of the hosts, for example, Host1

  1. Create a top-level folder, such as C:\Shared on Host1, that will be passed to orchestration, and under which additional folders and files are created during orchestration.

  2. Perform the following steps before any additional content is created in the top-level folder. Repeat these steps to share the top-level folder to one or more Windows Domain users who will be accessing this top-level folder from the hosts in the Oracle Fusion Applications environment (Primordial, OHS, RDBMS, and IDM).

    1. In Windows Explorer, right click on the top-level folder and select Properties from the context menu.

    2. In the Properties window, click the Sharing tab, then click Share.

    3. In the File Sharing window, enter the domain user name using the format DomainName\userid.

    4. Click Add. This adds the given domain user name to the list of users whom the folder is shared with.

    5. Select the domain user name that has been added and change the permission level to Read/Write.

    6. Click Share and then click Done to save and close the File Sharing window.

    7. Click Close to close the Properties window.

    This shared folder can be accessed via the path \\Host1\Shared.

  3. Perform the following steps on all the hosts that participate in orchestration.

    1. Log in to the host using the DomainName\userid you used in Step c.

    2. Create a symlink (C:\Shared) using following command:

      mklink /D C:\Shared  \\Host1\Shared

2.3.2 Create Directories in a Shared Location

Create the directories required for the upgrade in a shared location that is accessible to all host types, including scaled out hosts, in your Oracle Fusion Applications environment. This location is referred to as SHARED_LOCATION in this Upgrade Guide.


If you are upgrading more than one environment, those environments can be configured to access this SHARED_LOCATION to avoid duplicating the software downloads. These directories must also be available to all users and if different users create any of the directories, the users must belong to the same shared group.

The directory names in this section are suggested names and are referenced throughout the upgrade steps. You can choose to use your own naming conventions. See Figure 1-4, "Directory Structure of Downloaded Patches and Repositories" for more information.


Avoid creating any repository in a deeply nested directory on Windows. The Windows PATH variable has a limited size, and long directory names may cause it to overflow. For example, c:\work\my_repository is a better choice than c:\Work\WorkInProgress\FusionApps\FusionAppsv1\Nov2012\tempfiles\my_repository. Patch Conflict Manager Directory

Create the following directory for the Patch Conflict Manager utility:

  • SHARED_LOCATION/patchConflictManager Release 6 Repository Directories

Create the following directories for Release 6 if you are upgrading from Release 5:



  • SHARED_LOCATION/ Release 7 Repository Directories

Create the following directories for Release 7:




  • SHARED_LOCATION/ (required only if you have installed languages other than US English) HCM Workforce Reputation Directory

This section is applicable only if you plan to use the Human Capital Management (HCM) Workforce Reputation Management product packaged with the Workforce Deployment, or Workforce Development product offerings.

Create the following directory or confirm that it exists for HCM Workforce Reputation if you use HCM. Also update the permissions on this directory. The directory should be created and should be accessible from the host where HWR app is provisioned. In an Oracle VM environment, WorkforceReputationServer_1 is allocated to the secondary node in the OVM template for Release 7, therefore this directory needs to be created only on the secondary node.

  • (Unix) mkdir /mnt/hwrrepo

    (Windows) mkdir \mnt\hwrrepo

  • Use the following command to grant directory permission to the user and group who own the Oracle Fusion Applications WLS domains.

    chown user_id:group_name /mnt/hwrrepo

  • Use the following command to set the correct read and write permission to the directory.

    chmod 750 /mnt/hwrrepo

2.3.3 Create Directories Common to One Environment

Create the directories described in this section in shared storage that is available to all users and all host types within the environment that is getting upgraded. Although not mandatory, these directories can also be configured to be shared across other environments. Orchestration Checkpoint Locations

Create the following directories for storing checkpoint information:


    This is a shared location available to all hosts in the environment where orchestration checkpoint related files are saved. Ensure that you select a shared mount point that has high disk I/O performance, especially for writing. Orchestration framework automatically creates POD_NAME under the directory you specify. This location is stored in the ORCHESTRATION_CHECKPOINT_LOCATION property in the file. It is a best practice not to use ORCH_LOCATION/config as a value for this property.


    This is a shared location available to all hosts in the environment where orchestration checkpoint related files are saved. Ensure that you select a shared mount point that has high disk I/O performance, especially for writing. Orchestration framework automatically archives the checkpoint file stored under the POD_NAME directory in the directory specified by the ORCHESTRATION_CHECKPOINT_LOCATION property. This location is stored in the ORCHESTRATION_CHECKPOINT_ARCHIVE_LOCATION property in the file. It is a best practice not to use ORCH_LOCATION/config as a value for this property. Shared Upgrade Location

Create a directory referred to as SHARED_UPGRADE_LOCATION. This is a temporary directory required by the upgrade to copy files and perform write operations. Ensure that you select a shared mount point that is shared across all hosts for a given environment that has high disk I/O performance, especially for writing. This area can be cleaned up after all of your environments have been successfully upgraded to Release 7.

Also create the following directory:


Grant the group that you created in Section 2.3.1, "Create a Common User Group and Permissions for Shared Directories" write access on the checkpoint location and shared upgrade directories that you created in this section.

2.3.4 Download and Unzip the Patch Conflict Manager Utility

Download and unzip the latest version of patch 16572470 from My Oracle Support into the SHARED_LOCATION/patchConflictManager directory. Ensure that you unzip this patch as the same user that runs the upgrade.

2.3.5 Download and Unzip Repository and Patches for the Upgrade from Release 5 to Release 6

If you are upgrading from Release 6, proceed to Section 2.3.6, "Download and Unzip Repository and Patches for Release 6 to Release 7 Upgrade". Download the following repositories and patches for upgrading from Release 5 to Release 6 if you are performing a chained upgrade from Release 5 to Release 6 to Release 7: Download and Unzip the Release 6 Repository

Perform the following steps to download the Release 6 repository from the Oracle Fusion Applications Product Media Package.

  1. Go to

  2. Complete the Export Validation process by entering basic identification information using the online form.

  3. On the Media Pack Search page, select Oracle Fusion Applications as the product pack and then select your platform to identify the media pack you want to download.

  4. Choose the appropriate media pack from the search results, such as Release 6 ( for your platform, and download the Release repository (in zipped format) to SHARED_LOCATION/

  5. Extract the contents of all zipped files to the same target directory, SHARED_LOCATION/

For more information, see "Obtaining the Software" in the Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide. Download and Unzip Mandatory Post-Release 6 Patches


If there are no post-release patches in Release 6 Oracle Fusion Applications release notes when you upgrade, there is no action required for this step and you can proceed to Section 2.3.6, "Download and Unzip Repository and Patches for Release 6 to Release 7 Upgrade".

Upgrade Orchestrator can apply mandatory post-release patches that are required by Oracle Fusion Applications if you download the patches from My Oracle Support before you start the upgrade. Note that this feature relates only to patches that are documented in Oracle Fusion Applications release notes and that are specifically required for 11g Release 6 (11.1.6).

Perform the following steps to download patches for Release 6:

  1. Unzip SHARED_LOCATION/ in the directory, which is part of the repository you downloaded in Section, "Download and Unzip the Release 7 Repository", to create the directory structure for the patches you download.

  2. Review the README file that was created when you unzipped, to learn how the subdirectories under the directory map to the corresponding components, such as Oracle Fusion Middleware, database client, and database server components.

  3. Refer to the section titled "Upgrade Known Issues, Pre-Upgrade Known Issues, Mandatory Patches to be Downloaded" in Oracle Fusion Applications release notes for Release 6 to find any additional patches to be downloaded from My Oracle Support.

    The following table describes the types of patches that you download and where to find the list of patches in Oracle Fusion Applications release notes.

    Table 2-5 Mandatory Post-Release Patches to be Downloaded

    Type of Patches Location in Oracle Fusion Applications release notes Orchestrator Step or Utility That Applies the Patches

    Oracle Database

    Upgrade Known Issues, Pre-Upgrade Known Issues, Mandatory Patches to be Downloaded, Oracle Database

    RUP Lite for RDBMS

    Oracle Fusion Middleware

    Upgrade Known Issues, Pre-Upgrade Known Issues, Mandatory Patches to be Downloaded, Oracle Fusion Middleware

    Apply Pre-PSA Middleware Patches and Apply Post-PSA Middleware Patches

    Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)

    Upgrade Known Issues, Pre-Upgrade Known Issues, Mandatory Patches to be Downloaded, Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)

    Upgrade Oracle Fusion Applications WebTier

    (RUP Lite for OHS)

    Oracle Fusion Applications

    Upgrade Known Issues, Pre-Upgrade Known Issues, Mandatory Patches to be Downloaded, Oracle Fusion Applications

    Apply Downloaded Patches

    Oracle Fusion Applications LCM Tools

    Upgrade Known Issues, Pre-Upgrade Known Issues, Mandatory Patches to be Downloaded, Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager

    Update LCM Tools

    Oracle Fusion Applications LCM Tools for Oracle VM

    Upgrade Known Issues, Pre-Upgrade Known Issues, Mandatory Patches to be Downloaded, Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager

    Install Oracle Fusion Applications LCM Tools for Oracle VM

  4. Download and unzip the patches listed in the Release Notes for Oracle Fusion Applications 11g Release 6 (11.1.6), into the appropriate subdirectory under the directory, based on the mapping information in the README file described in Step 2. Downloading a patch to the incorrect directory could result in failure.

    If your database tier runs on a different platform from Oracle Fusion Applications or Oracle Fusion Middleware, you must download RUP Lite for RDBMS specifically for the platform on which your database tier runs.

  5. This step assumes that you have downloaded the patches as described in Step 4. Create a patch plan by running the Perl script, for Oracle Fusion Applications patches.


    This step is only applicable for Oracle Fusion Applications patches using Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager.

    The script is typically located in SHARED_LOCATION/ If the latest LCM patch bundle is included in the downloaded LCM Tools patches, then is located in download_location_for_lcm_patches_only/patch_bundle_patch_number/ files/lcm/ad/bin.

    To run this script, use the Perl executable from APPLICATIONS_BASE/dbclient/perl/bin for UNIX platforms and APPLICATIONS_BASE\dbclient\perl\5.8.3\bin\MSWin32-x64-multi-thread for Windows.

    Use the following command syntax to create the patch plan file:

    setenv PATH /u01/APPLTOP/dbclient/perl/bin:$PATH
    setenv PERL5LIB APPLICATIONS_BASE/dbclient/perl/lib/5.8.3:APPLICATIONS_BASE/dbclient/perl/lib/site_perl/5.8.3/:
    set PATH /u01/APPLTOP/dbclient/perl/bin;PATH
    SET PERL5LIB=APPLICATIONS_BASE\dbclient\perl\5.8.3;APPLICATIONS_BASE\dbclient\perl\site\5.8.3\;APPLICATIONS_BASE\dbclient\perl\site

    An excerpt from a sample patch plan follows:

    - <fapatchexecplan>
    - <group_list>
    - <group>
    - <patch>
      <description /> 
    - <group>
    - <patch>
      <description /> 

2.3.6 Download and Unzip Repository and Patches for Release 6 to Release 7 Upgrade

Download the following repositories and patches for upgrading to Release 7: Download and Unzip the Release 7 Repository

The Release repository contains all patches that are required to upgrade to Release 7 in an existing Oracle Fusion Applications environment. Perform the following steps to download the repository from the Oracle Fusion Applications Product Media Package:

  1. Go to

  2. Complete the Export Validation process by entering basic identification information using the online form.

  3. On the Media Pack Search page, select Oracle Fusion Applications as the product pack and then select your platform to identify the media pack you want to download.

  4. Choose the appropriate media pack from the search results, such as Release 7 (11.1.7) for your platform, and download the Release repository (in zipped format) to SHARED_LOCATION/

  5. Extract the contents of all zipped files to the same target directory, SHARED_LOCATION/

For more information, see "Obtaining the Software" in the Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide. Download and Unzip Release 7 Language Packs

For each language installed in your environment, download the Release 7 language pack from to the SHARED_LOCATION/ directory. The location of where you download the language packs is recorded in the REL7_LP_REPOSITORY_LOCATION property in the Primordial host properties file, as described in Table B-2, "".

You can run the following SQL*Plus query to find all installed languages in your environment:


Note that if you are running the chained upgrade from Release 5 to Release 6 to Release 7, you download language packs only for Release 7 and not for Release 6. Download and Unzip Mandatory Post-Release 7 Patches


If there are no post-release patches in Release 7 Oracle Fusion Applications release notes when you upgrade, there is no action required for this step and you can proceed to Section 2.3.7, "Unzip".

Upgrade Orchestrator can apply mandatory post-release patches that are required by Oracle Fusion Applications if you download the patches from My Oracle Support before you start the upgrade. Note that this feature relates only to patches that are documented in Oracle Fusion Applications release notes and that are specifically required for 11g Release 7 (11.1.7).

Perform the following steps to download patches for Release 7:

  1. Unzip SHARED_LOCATION/, which is part of the repository you downloaded in Section, "Download and Unzip the Release 7 Repository", in the directory to create the directory structure for the patches you download.

  2. Review the README file that was created when you unzipped, to learn how the subdirectories under the­_post_repo_patches directory map to the corresponding components, such as Oracle Fusion Middleware, database client, and database server components.

  3. Refer to the section titled "Upgrade Known Issues, Pre-Upgrade Known Issues, Mandatory Patches to be Downloaded" in Oracle Fusion Applications release notes for Release 7 to find any additional patches to be downloaded from My Oracle Support. Note that if you stage a patch which contains translated content and is translatable, you will also need to stage the corresponding translated patches for the active languages.

    The following table describes the types of patches that you download and where to find the list of patches in Oracle Fusion Applications release notes.

    Table 2-6 Mandatory Post-Release Patches to be Downloaded

    Type of Patches Location in Oracle Fusion Applications release notes Orchestrator Step or Utility That Applies the Patches

    Oracle Database

    Upgrade Known Issues, Pre-Upgrade Known Issues, Mandatory Patches to be Downloaded, Oracle Database

    RUP Lite for RDBMS

    Oracle Fusion Middleware

    Upgrade Known Issues, Pre-Upgrade Known Issues, Mandatory Patches to be Downloaded, Oracle Fusion Middleware

    Apply Pre-PSA Middleware Patches and Apply Post-PSA Middleware Patches

    Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)

    Upgrade Known Issues, Pre-Upgrade Known Issues, Mandatory Patches to be Downloaded, Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)

    Upgrade Oracle Fusion Applications WebTier

    (RUP Lite for OHS)

    Oracle Fusion Applications

    Upgrade Known Issues, Pre-Upgrade Known Issues, Mandatory Patches to be Downloaded, Oracle Fusion Applications

    Apply Downloaded Patches

    Oracle Fusion Applications Release 7 Installer

    Upgrade Known Issues, Pre-Upgrade Known Issues, Mandatory Patches to be Downloaded, Installer

    Oracle Fusion Applications Upgrade Installer

    Oracle Fusion Applications LCM Tools

    Upgrade Known Issues, Pre-Upgrade Known Issues, Mandatory Patches to be Downloaded, Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager

    Update LCM Tools

    Oracle Fusion Applications LCM Tools for Oracle VM

    Upgrade Known Issues, Pre-Upgrade Known Issues, Mandatory Patches to be Downloaded, Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager

    Install Oracle Fusion Applications LCM Tools for Oracle VM

  4. Download and unzip the patches listed in the Release Notes for Oracle Fusion Applications 11g Release 7 (11.1.7), into the appropriate subdirectory under the directory, based on the mapping information in the README file described in Step 2. Downloading a patch to the incorrect directory could result in failure.

    If your database tier runs on a different platform from Oracle Fusion Applications or Oracle Fusion Middleware, you must download RUP Lite for RDBMS specifically for the platform on which your database tier runs.

  5. This step assumes that you have downloaded the patches as described in Step 4. Create a patch plan by running the Perl script,,for Oracle Fusion Applications patches.


    This step is only applicable for Oracle Fusion Applications patches using Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager.

    The script is typically located in SHARED_LOCATION/ If the latest LCM patch bundle is included in the downloaded LCM Tools patches, then is located in download_location_for_lcm_patches_only/patch_bundle_patch_number/ files/lcm/ad/bin.

    To run this script, use the Perl executable from APPLICATIONS_BASE/dbclient/perl/bin for UNIX platforms and APPLICATIONS_BASE\dbclient\perl\5.8.3\bin\MSWin32-x64-multi-thread for Windows.

    Use the following command syntax to create the patch plan file:

    setenv PATH /u01/APPLTOP/dbclient/perl/bin:$PATH
    setenv PERL5LIB APPLICATIONS_BASE/dbclient/perl/lib/5.8.3:APPLICATIONS_BASE/dbclient/perl/lib/site_perl/5.8.3/:
    set PATH /u01/APPLTOP/dbclient/perl/bin;PATH
    SET PERL5LIB=APPLICATIONS_BASE\dbclient\perl\5.8.3;APPLICATIONS_BASE\dbclient\perl\site\5.8.3\;APPLICATIONS_BASE\dbclient\perl\site

    An excerpt from a sample patch plan follows:

    - <fapatchexecplan>
    - <group_list>
    - <group>
    - <patch>
      <description /> 
    - <group>
    - <patch>
      <description /> 
      </fapatchexecplan> Download the Invalid Objects Patch for Exclusion List

Sets of validations are performed at various stages of the upgrade. One such validation is the check for database objects in an invalid state. In certain scenarios, a set of objects gets into an invalid state during intermediate stages of an upgrade and can be safely ignored. The list of objects to be ignored is delivered as a file through a downloadable patch.

Download patch 17051994 from My Oracle Support and copy all files named as FA*overrides.xml, from the patch to the SHARED_UPGRADE_LOCATION/healthchecker/common directory. You may need to create this directory if it does not already exist.

2.3.7 Unzip

Perform the following steps to download and unzip the latest versions of and the Health Checker framework.

  1. The latest version of the file will be uploaded to patch 16979658 on My Oracle Support after Release 7 is released. To ensure you have the latest version of, download patch 16979658 from My Oracle Support. The patch contains, readme.txt, and the script. Extract the patch contents to a temporary location.


    Do not download the patch while Orchestration is running or while upgrade orchestration exits due to a pause point or a failure. This patch can be downloaded and used only in case of restoring the environments to the original state. For this case, the upgrade must be started from the beginning.

    If you do not find patch 16979658, no new version of was released yet, so use the file that is delivered in the Release 7 Repository, located at SHARED_LOCATION/

  2. Unzip the file from the appropriate location, as described in Step 1, to SHARED_LOCATION. Unzip the file as the same operating system user that was used to set up the Oracle Fusion Applications environment. If you unzip the file as a different user, refer to Section 2.3.1, "Create a Common User Group and Permissions for Shared Directories".

    When you unzip, a directory named orchestration is created. This directory is referred to as ORCH_LOCATION. For more information, see Section 1.6.1, "Directories Used by Upgrade Orchestrator".

  3. If you downloaded the latest file from the patch in Step 1, run the script to validate the version of This will confirm that the correct file has been unzipped to the shared storage location: ORCH_LOCATION

    If the script finishes with errors, ensure that the ORCH_LOCATION argument passed to the command is correct and that it points to the location where the latest file was unzipped. If the argument is correct, contact Oracle Support for further assistance.

  4. contains the Health Checker framework. After unzipping, ensure you have the latest version of Health Checker by downloading patch 16979832 from My Oracle Support. If this patch is not available, use the Health Checker packaged with

  5. If the patch is available, unzip patch 16979832. Then copy the contents of the lcm/hc directory in this patch, to the ORCH_LOCATION/fusionapps/applications/lcm/hc directory. Overwrite the contents in this directory. If this patch is not available, there are no newer versions of Health Checker.

2.4 Set Up Upgrade Orchestrator

Perform the steps in this section to set up Upgrade Orchestrator.

2.4.1 Set Up Upgrade Orchestrator on a Shared Location

Perform the following steps to set up Upgrade Orchestrator on a shared location.

  1. Perform this step only if you are on Windows.

    • Install python from

    • Edit registry HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/py_auto_file/shell/open/command

      "C:\Python27\python.exe" "%1" %*
  2. Run the orchsetup script on the primordial host. (Ensure that you run this script only on an environment that is Release 5 or higher.)

    cd ORCH_LOCATION/bin
  3. Create a subdirectory to contain setup files for the machine or environment that you are upgrading, using a name that you define, in the ORCH_LOCATION/config directory.

    This location can be configured to be shared across multiple environments that are being upgraded. In this case, this location is referred to as POD_NAME. For example, you could use this location for your test, production, and development environments, if you are upgrading all three environments to Release 7.

    cd ORCH_LOCATION/config
    mkdir POD_NAME
  4. Copy the following template files to the directory you created in Step 3, without using the template extension, as shown in the following examples:

    cd ORCH_LOCATION/config/
    cp POD_NAME/
    cp POD_NAME/
    cp POD_NAME/
    cp POD_NAME/
    cp POD_NAME/
    cp silent.rsp.template POD_NAME/silent.rsp 

2.4.2 Bootstrap Upgrade Orchestrator

Perform the following steps to prepare Upgrade Orchestrator to upgrade your environment. Select a Master Orchestration Password

The next three steps require a master orchestration password. Select a password at this time, which is referred to as the "Master Orchestration Password" in this documentation. Note that this password must be a minimum of 8 characters long and it must contain at least one alphabetic character and at least one numeric or special character. Prepare RUP Lite for OVM


Perform the steps in this section only if you are running Oracle Fusion Applications in an Oracle VM environment that was created from the official releases of Oracle VM templates for Oracle Fusion Applications Release 2 (11.1.2) and higher. This content is not applicable for any Oracle VM environments that are created using other methods.

To determine if the Oracle VM environment was created from official releases of Oracle VM templates for Oracle Fusion applications Release 2 and higher, you can verify if the /assemblybuilder directory is present in the Oracle VM environment. This confirms that the environment is an OVAB. To confirm the release version, you must review the .labelinfo.txt and .misclabels.txt files in the u01/APPLTOP/ovabext directory to check the rehydration labels that correlate to the release version.

Perform the steps for both Release 6 and Release 7 if you are upgrading from Release 5. Otherwise, perform only the steps for Release 7.

Refer to Section A.2.3, "RUP Lite for OVM Utility" to see the overall flow of running RUP Lite for OVM during the upgrade. Prepare RUP Lite for OVM for Release 6

Perform the following steps to install the Oracle Fusion Applications Lifecycle Management Tools for Oracle VM Installer repository on the Oracle VM hosts. This repository includes RUP Lite for OVM.

  1. The latest version of the file will be uploaded to patch 17451957 on My Oracle Support. To ensure that you have the latest version of, download patch 17451957 from My Oracle Support. The patch contains, readme.txt,, and validate.label. Extract the contents of the patch to a temporary location.

  2. If you do not find patch 17451957, no new version of was released yet, and you can obtain from the Release 6 OVAB_HOME. OVAB_HOME is the top-level directory for the Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder that contains all software needed to deploy Oracle Fusion Applications as an Oracle VM instance.

  3. Unzip to a temporary location and ensure that you specify this temporary_location/fasaaslcmtools location in the REL6_SAAS_LCM_INSTALLER_DIR property in the file. For more information, see Table B-1, "".

  4. Copy the entire contents of the REL6_SAAS_LCM_INSTALLER_DIR/Disk1/preupg/rupliteovm directory to SHARED_LOCATION/ORCH_LOCATION/config/POD_NAME/

  5. Run, from the location where the patch was downloaded in step 1, to ensure that the correct fasaaslcmtools is used for the upgrade, using the following command syntax: fasaaslcmtools_SHIPHOME_LOCATION

    The value for SHIPHOME_LOCATION is the value for the REL6_SAAS_LCM_INSTALLER_DIR property from Step 3. If the script finishes with errors, confirm that the command and the argument passed to it are correct. If both values are correct, contact Oracle Support for further assistance.

  6. Update the file under the SHARED_LOCATION/ORCH_LOCATION/config/POD_NAME/ directory with the required property values for the following plug-ins:

    • PreUpgradeCredentials (runs in wallet mode)

      The first property enables the validation of passwords by prompting twice for the required credentials. Do not set the ovm.plugin.PreUpgradeCredentials.enable_password_update property to true before running Upgrade Orchestrator, because orchestration will hang while waiting for a response.

    • SetupCredentials (runs in offline and online mode)

      The first property enables the validation of passwords by prompting twice for the required credentials. If you need to change the password in the wallet, set the second property to true. This allows you to overwrite the existing password for a specific plug-in the wallet.

    • ApplyMemorySettings (runs in offline mode)

    • SetServerPassphrase (runs in offline mode)

    • GenerateOptimizedQueryPlans (runs in offline mode)

    • UpdateHTTPProxySettings (runs in offline mode)

    • UpdateWLSUmask (runs in offline mode)

    • ConfigureODIAgent (runs in offline mode)

    • UpdateSESDBConnection (runs in online mode)


      If your environment originated from Oracle Fusion Applications Release 2 (11.1.2), you must also add the following values:
    • DeployECSF (runs in online mode)

    • DisableWebchatConnections (runs in online mode)


      Note that although this plugin disables the WebChat connections for Oracle Fusion Applications, the CRM Managed Server requires a bounce after the upgrade, before WebChat connections are fully removed.

    • UpdateResolvConf (runs in post-root mode)

      If you have additional DNS servers, search domains, or want to set options such as time-out and attempt, set the following properties and run this plug-in.

      If no additional DNS servers, search domains or options are needed, disable this plug-in so it does not run.

      # Optional additional dns name server IP addresses (comma delimited)
      #example: ovm.plugin.UpdateResolvConf.dns_servers=ip_address,ip_address
      # Optional additional resolv.conf options (comma delimited)
      #example: ovm.plugin.UpdateResolvConf.options=timeout:1,attempts:2
      # Optional additional resolv.conf search domains (comma delimited)

      The dns_servers property is a comma separated list of IP addresses of the DNS servers to add to the /etc/resolv.conf file.

    • EnableEMRemoteMonitoring (runs in post-root mode)

    • Confirm that the OVM_STORAGE_MOUNT and APPLTOP properties in the file are set correctly, for example, OVM_STORAGE_MOUNT=/u01 and APPLTOP=/u01/APPLTOP.

  7. Create a custom wallet directory under SHARED_LOCATION/ORCH_LOCATION/config/POD_NAME/, using a name of your choice.

  8. Update the CUSTOM_WALLET_DIR property in the SHARED_LOCATION/ORCH_LOCATION/config/POD_NAME/ file so that it contains the absolute path of the directory name you created in Step 7.

  9. Run RUP Lite for OVM in wallet mode:

    setenv JAVA_HOME java_home_directory
    bin/ wallet

    Enter the credentials for active plug-ins. Use the Master Orchestration Password that you selected in Section, "Select a Master Orchestration Password".

  10. Verify that the wallet was created under the custom wallet directory you created in Step 7. If no credentials were required then the wallet will not be created. Prepare RUP Lite for OVM for Release 7

Perform the following steps to install the Oracle Fusion Applications Lifecycle Management Tools for Oracle VM Installer repository on the Oracle VM hosts. This repository includes RUP Lite for OVM.

  1. The latest version of the file, after Release 7 is released, will be uploaded to patch 17291862 on My Oracle Support. To ensure that you have the latest version of, download patch 17291862 from My Oracle Support. The patch contains, readme.txt,, and validate.label. Extract the contents of the patch to a temporary location.

  2. If you do not find patch 17291862, no new version of was released yet, and you can obtain from the Release 7 OVAB_HOME. OVAB_HOME is the top-level directory for the Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder that contains all software needed to deploy Oracle Fusion Applications as an Oracle VM instance.

  3. Unzip to a temporary location and ensure that you specify this temporary_location/fasaaslcmtools location in the REL7_SAAS_LCM_INSTALLER_DIR property in the file. For more information, see Table B-1, "".

  4. Copy the entire contents of the REL7_SAAS_LCM_INSTALLER_DIR/Disk1/preupg/rupliteovm directory to SHARED_LOCATION/ORCH_LOCATION/config/POD_NAME/

  5. Run, from the location where the patch was downloaded in step 1, to ensure that the correct fasaaslcmtools is used for the upgrade, using the following command syntax: fasaaslcmtools_SHIPHOME_LOCATION

    The value for SHIPHOME_LOCATION is the value for the REL7_SAAS_LCM_INSTALLER_DIR property from Step 3. If the script finishes with errors, confirm that the command and the argument passed to it are correct. If both values are correct, contact Oracle Support for further assistance.

  6. Update the file under the SHARED_LOCATION/ORCH_LOCATION/config/POD_NAME/ directory with the required property values for the following plug-ins:

    • PreUpgradeCredentials (Runs in wallet mode. If no credentials are required, a wallet will not be created.)

      This plug-in prompts for all secure properties that are required by all RUP Lite for OVM plug-ins. It stores these properties in a wallet file, which is encrypted using a key that you provide. If a wallet already exists, you must provide a key that is valid for the wallet. If the wallet does not exist, a new wallet is created using the key you provide. If a secure property already exists in the wallet, you are not prompted for it again. Update the following properties for this plug-in:


      The first property enables the validation of passwords by prompting twice for the required credentials.

      This plug-in also has a secure property, RUP Lite Wallet Key, which is requested if the wallet must be created or accessed.

    • SetupCredentials (runs in offline, pre-root, online, and post-root mode)

      The first property enables the validation of passwords by prompting twice for the required credentials. If you need to change the password in the wallet, set the second property to true. This allows you to overwrite the existing password for a specific plug-in the wallet.


      Do not set the ovm.plugin.PreUpgradeCredentials.enable_password_update property to true before running Upgrade Orchestrator, because orchestration will hang while waiting for a response.

    • ApplyMemorySettings (runs in offline mode)

    • GenerateOptimizedQueryPlans (runs in offline mode)

    • DisableSearchUI (runs in offline mode)

    • UpdateFusionIIRDiag (runs in offline mode)

    • DisableWebchat (runs in offline mode)

      #password for root login to webchat OVM
    • RemoveNetAppJar (runs in offline mode)

    • UpdateSOAUnicastConfiguration (runs in offline mode)

    • FixEPMRegistry (runs in offline mode)

    • FixEMDProperties (runs in offline mode)

    • UpdateTopologyManagerInternalHosts (runs in offline mode)

    • FixEtcHosts (runs in pre-root mode)

    • SetupOHSInstanceHome (runs in pre-root mode)

    • DeployECSF (runs in online mode)

    • DisableWebchatConnections (runs in online mode)


      Note that although this plugin disables the WebChat connections for Oracle Fusion Applications, the CRM Managed Server requires a bounce after the upgrade, before WebChat connections are fully removed.

    • ConfigureBIEmailDelivery (runs in online mode)

      # BI Delivers Email Specific Properties
      #Sender display name for email From: field
      #Sender email address for Reply-To: field - REQUIRED
      #Email SMTP host - REQUIRED
      #Email SMPT port - REQUIRED
    • UpdateResolvConf (runs in post-root mode)

      If you have additional DNS servers, search domains, or want to set options such as time-out and attempt, set the properties below and run this plugin.

      If no additional DNS servers, search domains or options are needed, disable this plugin so it does not run.

      # Optional additional dns name server IP addresses (comma delimited)
      #example: ovm.plugin.UpdateResolvConf.dns_servers=ip_address,ip_address
      # Optional additional resolv.conf options (comma delimited)
      #example: ovm.plugin.UpdateResolvConf.options=timeout:1,attempts:2
      # Optional additional resolv.conf search domains (comma delimited)

      The dns_servers property is a comma separated list of IP addresses of the DNS servers to add to the /etc/resolv.conf file.

    • DisableWebchatRoot (runs in post-root mode)

    • PostHostRehydrate (runs in post-root mode)

    • Confirm that the OVM_STORAGE_MOUNT and APPLTOP properties the file are set correctly, for example, OVM_STORAGE_MOUNT=/u01 and APPLTOP=/u01/APPLTOP.

  7. Create a custom wallet directory under SHARED_LOCATION/ORCH_LOCATION/config/POD_NAME/, using a name of your choice.

  8. Update the CUSTOM_WALLET_DIR property in the SHARED_LOCATION/ORCH_LOCATION/config/POD_NAME/ file so that it contains the absolute path of the directory you created in Step 7.

  9. Run RUP Lite for OVM in wallet mode.

    setenv JAVA_HOME java_home_directory
    bin/ wallet

    Enter the credentials for active plug-ins. Use the Master Orchestration Password that you selected in Section, "Select a Master Orchestration Password"

  10. Verify that the wallet was created under the custom wallet directory you created in Step 7. If no credentials were required then the wallet will not be created. Prepare to Register Database Schema Information

Some new Release 7 features require that all database schemas be registered in the credential store. Perform the following steps to ensure that all database schemas are registered in the credential store. Note that this step needs to be run only once, even if you are performing a chained upgrade from Release 5 to Release 6 to Release 7, and this step must be run on the primordial host.

  1. Apply patches related to the credential store to FA_ORACLE_HOME, depending on whether your upgrade is from Release 5 to Release 6 to Release 7, or if your upgrade is from Release 6 to Release 7.

    1. Unzip the contents of SHARED_LOCATION/ and SHARED_LOCATION/ to a temporary location, referred to as temp_location.

    2. If you are performing the chained upgrade from Release 5 to Release 6 to Release 7, unzip and apply the following patches using opatch. If you are starting your upgrade to Release 7 from Release 6, proceed to Step c:

    3. Unzip and apply the following patches using opatch when upgrading from Release 6 to Release 7:

  2. Ensure the files in the FA_ORACLE_HOME/lcm/util/bin directory have read, write, and execute permissions.

  3. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable before running any commands in this section.

    cd APPLICATIONS_BASE/fusionapps/applications/lcm/util/bin
    setenv JAVA_HOME java_home_location
    cd APPLICATIONS_BASE\fusionapps\applications\lcm\util\bin
    set JAVA_HOME=java_home_location


    You must run all commands in this section from APPLICATIONS_BASE/fusionapps/applications/lcm/util/bin.

  4. Run the templateGen utility to create the csf_template.ini template file.

    ./ -appbase APPLICATIONS_BASE
    templateGen.cmd -appbase APPLICATIONS_BASE

    For the -appbase argument, specify the complete directory path to the APPLICATIONS_BASE directory.

    The templateGen utility generates the following template files in the APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/lcm/admin/pcu directory:

    • standard_template.ini

    • csf_template.ini

    • validation_template.ini

    • system_user_template.ini



    The command also generates the pcu_output.xml file in the same directory.

  5. Make a copy of csf_template.ini from the APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/lcm/admin/pcu directory. In this example, the copy is named csf_plain.ini.

  6. Manually edit csf_plain.ini as follows:

    • Set the master_password property to the Master Orchestration Password you selected in Section, "Select a Master Orchestration Password".

    • For each line that contains #text# or #password#, replace #text# or #password# with the correct value for your environment. Note that this password must be a minimum of 8 characters long and it must contain at least one alphabetic character and at least one numeric or special character.


    To prevent incorrect results, do not alter csf_plain.ini beyond these changes.

  7. Create an encrypted version of csf_plain.ini and delete the clear-text input file. This step requires an encryption tool, such as the lcmcrypt tool or the Linux gpg tool, that takes an encrypted file and a passphrase and writes the decrypted contents to the standard output. In the following example, using lcmcrypt, the command reads the passphrase from the standard input and produces an encrypted output file, csf_plain.ini.enc.

    echo password | ./ -nonInteractive -encrypt -inputfile complete_directory_path/csf_plain.ini 
    echo password | lcmcrypt.cmd -nonInteractive -encrypt -inputfile complete_directory_path\csf_plain.ini 
  8. Run in non-interactive mode, which also requires a decryption tool, to take an encrypted file and a passphrase and write the decrypted contents to the standard output. The following example uses lcmcrypt:

    echo password | ./ -nonInteractive -decrypt -inputfile complete_directory_path/csf_plain.ini.enc | ./ -nonInteractive -templatefile APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/lcm/admin/pcu/csf_template.ini -outputfile APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/lcm/admin/pcu/csf_encrypted.ini -appbase APPLICATIONS_BASE
    echo password | lcmcrypt.cmd -nonInteractive -decrypt -inputfile complete_directory_path\csf_plain.ini.enc | .\iniGen.cmd -nonInteractive -templatefile APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\lcm\admin\pcu\csf_template.ini -outputfile APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\lcm\admin\pcu\csf_encrypted.ini -appbase APPLICATIONS_BASE

    The call to lcmcrypt reads the passphrase from the standard input and writes the clear text version of csf_plain.ini.enc to the standard output, which is then piped to the standard input of uses the value of the master_password property to encrypt all other passwords in the generated input file. It also alters the value of the master_password property back to master_password=ignore_me in the generated input file.

  9. Update the CSF_ENCRYPTED_FILE property in with the full directory path and file name for APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/lcm/admin/pcu/csf_encrypted.ini. For more information, see Table B-2, "".

For more information about the utilities used in this process, see "Changing Oracle Fusion Applications Passwords in the Oracle Database" in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide. Prepare to Register System User Information

Perform the following steps to prepare passwords for system users. Note that this step needs to be run only once, even if you are performing the chained upgrade from Release 5 to Release 6 to Release 7.

  1. Make a copy of system_user_template.ini from the APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/lcm/admin/pcu/ directory. In this example, the copy is named system_user_plain.ini.

  2. Manually edit system_user_plain.ini as follows:

    • Set the master_password property to the Master Orchestration Password you selected in Section, "Select a Master Orchestration Password".

    • For each line that contains #text# or #password#, replace #text# or #password# with the correct value for your environment.

    • If you are not running Oracle Fusion Applications in an Oracle VM environment, update the FUSION_APPS_PATCH_ID_STORE_READONLY-KEY property to the value of IDROUser in the USERS section by making the following update:



      You must run all commands in this section from APPLICATIONS_BASE/fusionapps/applications/lcm/util/bin.

  3. Create an encrypted version of system_user_plain.ini and delete the clear-text input file. This step requires an encryption tool, such as the lcmcrypt tool or the Linux gpg tool, that takes an encrypted file and a passphrase and writes the decrypted contents to the standard output. In the following example, using lcmcrypt, the command reads the passphrase from the standard input and produces an encrypted output file, system_user_plain.ini.enc.

    echo password | ./ -nonInteractive -encrypt -inputfile complete_directory_path/system_user_plain.ini
    echo password | lcmcrypt.cmd -nonInteractive -encrypt -inputfile complete_directory_path\system_user_plain.ini
  4. Run in non-interactive mode, which also requires a decryption tool, to take an encrypted file and a passphrase and write the decrypted contents to the standard output. The following example uses lcmcrypt:

    echo password | ./ -nonInteractive -decrypt -inputfile complete_directory_path/system_user_plain.ini.enc | ./ -nonInteractive -templatefile APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/lcm/admin/pcu/system_user_template.ini -outputfile APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/lcm/admin/pcu/system_user_encrypted.ini -appbase APPLICATIONS_BASE
    echo password | lcmcrypt.cmd -nonInteractive -decrypt -inputfile complete_directory_path\system_user_plain.ini.enc | iniGen.cmd -nonInteractive -templatefile APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\lcm\admin\pcu\system_user_template.ini -outputfile APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\lcm\admin\pcu\system_user_encrypted.ini -appbase APPLICATIONS_BASE

    The call to lcmcrypt reads the passphrase from the standard input and writes the clear text version of system_user_plain.ini.enc to the standard output, which is then piped to the standard input of uses the value of the master_password property to encrypt all other passwords in the generated input file. It also alters the value of the master_password property back to master_password=ignore_me in the generated input file.

    In Section, "Update Orchestrator Properties Files", you update the CSF_SYSTEM_USERS_ENCRYPTED_INI property in with the location of the generated system_user_encrypted.ini file.

  5. Make a note of the following information, which you will need in subsequent steps of the upgrade process.

    • The master orchestration password

    • The location and file name for the .ini file, system_user_encrypted.ini.

  6. Perform the following steps if you are running on a Windows platform. Ensure that the Administration Server of the common domain is running for this step.

    1. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. If APPLICATIONS_BASE is located at c:\AT, set the JAVA_HOME as follows:

      set JAVA_HOME=c:\AT\fusionapps\jdk6 
    2. Start the Administration Server of the common domain.

    3. Run the following command.

      c:\AT\fusionapps\applications\lcm\util\bin\schemaPasswordChangeTool.cmd -inputfile C:\AT\instance\lcm\admin\pcu\system_user_encrypted.ini -appbase c:\AT Update Orchestrator Properties Files

Update the properties files which are located in the ORCH_LOCATION/config/POD_NAME directory. Note that if any property values are updated while orchestration is running, the new values do not take effect until you start a new orchestration session. Detailed information about each property exists in the property file. For a list of properties, see Appendix B, "Upgrade Orchestrator Properties Files".


The following HOSTNAME properties must contain a host name: HOSTNAME_PRIMORDIAL, HOSTNAME_MIDTIER, HOSTNAME_PRIMARY, HOSTNAME_SECONDARY, HOSTNAME_BIINSTANCE, HOSTNAME_OSN, HOSTNAME_OHS, HOSTNAME_IDMOID, HOSTNAME_IDMOIM, HOSTNAME_IDMOHS. When running on single-node environments, the HOSTNAME_OSN property in should be blank because OSN is not supported on single-node environments. Note that on Windows, the host name is case sensitive and can be obtained from the Control Panel, under System, then Full computer name.

2.5 Verify Your Environment Before Proceeding to Down Time

Perform the following steps to verify your environment before you proceed to down time steps:

2.5.1 Confirm Database Settings

Refer to Release Notes for Oracle Fusion Applications 11g Release 7 (11.1.7) to verify that your database and Sql*Net tuning parameters are set properly to avoid time-out errors during the upgrade.

2.5.2 Confirm JDeveloper Customizations Can Be Merged

If you performed JDeveloper customizations to a SOA composite and then you deployed the composite to the SOA runtime, you must perform manual steps to merge your customizations during the installation. To ensure that your customizations can be merged successfully, review the recommendations in "Merging Runtime Customizations from a Previously Deployed Revision into a New Revision" in the Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide for Developers before you start Upgrade Orchestrator.

You will merge your customizations after the SOA Preverification configuration assistant fails during the upgrade. For more information, see Section 6.16.6, "Merging SOA Composite JDeveloper Customizations During SOA Preverification".

2.5.3 Maintain Versions of Customized BI Publisher Reports

Ensure that you have your own versions of any customized BI Publisher reports. If an upgrade includes an update to a catalog object that was delivered with an Oracle Fusion application, the patch will overwrite any customizations applied to the original report. For more information, see "Before You Begin Customizing Reports" in the Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide for Business Analysts.

2.5.4 Verify the FUSION User Quota on FUSION_TS* Tablespaces

The FUSION user must have an unlimited quota on all FUSION_TS* tablespaces.

Run the following query to verify that the FUSION user has an unlimited quota on all FUSION_TS* tablespaces:

select tablespace_name, max_bytes from dba_ts_quotas where username = 'FUSION';

The FUSION user must have a value of -1 for max_bytes on all FUSION_TS* tablespaces. If any tablespace does not have the correct value or does not have an entry, you must grant the unlimited quota by running the following command:

alter user FUSION quota unlimited on tablespace_name; 

2.5.5 Validate Domain Directories

Run the validatedomains script to confirm that all Administration Server domain locations are detectable.

If you followed steps to scale out hosts, you may have added the Administration Server of the scaled out host to a new machine. This section provides the steps to temporarily add the Administration Server back to the originally provisioned machine so that all domain directories can be found by Upgrade Orchestrator. During post-upgrade steps, you add the Administration Server back to the machine that was created during scaleout.

Whether are or not you have scaled out hosts, perform the following steps to run the validation for domain locations and to temporarily update the machine for Administration Servers, if needed.

  1. Unzip from the SHARED_LOCATION/ directory into any directory on the primordial host, regardless of whether you are performing a chained upgrade from Release 5 or you are performing a single hop upgrade from Release 6.

  2. For Windows, set following environment variables before running validatedomains.bat:

    set JAVA_HOME=c:\AT\fusionapps\jdk6
    set PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin
  3. If FA_MW_HOME is APPLICATIONS_BASE/fusionapps, run the following command.

    (Windows) validatedomains.bat APPLICATIONS_BASE

    Example: /u01/APPLTOP

    If APPLICATIONS_CONFIG is APPLICATIONS_BASE/instance, run the following command.

    (Windows) validatedomains.bat FA_MW_HOME APPLICATIONS_CONFIG 

    Example: /u01/APPLTOP/fusionapps /u01/APPLTOP/instance
  4. If the utility reports any domains that failed the validation, and if you have scaled out hosts, perform the following steps on the Administration Server of each of the reported domains:


    If you do not have scaled out hosts and if you have domains listed after the utility was run, contact Oracle Support for further assistance.

    1. Log in to the WebLogic console for the domain.

    2. Navigate to Environment, then Machines.

    3. Find the machine that corresponds to the host name for which the Administration Server was initially provisioned.

    4. Click on the machine and go to the Servers tab. Note that the Administration Server should not appear on the list of servers. If it does appear on the list, either this domain passed validation or this is not the originally provisioned machine for the Administration Server.

    5. Click Lock & Edit to make changes.

    6. Click Add.

    7. Select the AdminServer and click Finish.

    8. Click Activate Changes to apply the changes.

2.5.6 Verify the Node Manager Configuration is Correct

Perform the following steps on the admin-apps/PRIMORDIAL host to verify that the node manager configuration is correct.

  1. Review the config/config.xml file in each domain directory and check the MACHINE_NAME entries. Ensure that for each machine entry, the node-manager child element has its own name element that matches the name element of the machine. Refer to the following example:

  2. If any of the node-manager elements are missing child name elements, then the configuration must be fixed by using the offline WLST command as described in the following steps:

    1. Run the WLST utility to fix the configuration in each domain directory:

    2. Open the domain in offline mode:

    3. Run the following commands for each affected machine:

      set('Name', 'MACHINE_NAME') 
    4. Save the domain and exit WLST:

  3. Review the config.xml file for each of the affected domain directories and ensure that the name elements are now present.

2.5.7 Ensure the registered Property is Set to True on OHS Registered Domains

Ensure the registered property is set to the correct value on the OHS registered domain. Review the WT_CONFIG_HOME/config/OPMN/opmn/ file to check the value for the registered property. If OHS is registered to the domain, ensure the property is set to "true". If OHS is not registered to the domain, ensure the property is set to "false".

2.5.8 Verify the Default Realm Name is myrealm

Upgrade Orchestrator expects the default realm name to be myrealm for the Common Domain. Perform the following steps to verify that you have not changed this value to any other name, because changing the name to anything other than myrealm causes Upgrade Orchestrator to fail.

  1. Log in to the WLS Console for the Common Domain.

  2. Click Security Realms on the domain structure pane.

  3. A list of realms displays in the Summary of Security Realms window.

  4. Verify there is an entry for myrealm and that "true" displays in the Default Realm column.

Summary of Security Realms screen

2.5.9 Register Oracle Homes in Central Inventory (Windows Only)

Oracle Provisioning records installation information about the following Oracle homes separately from information about other products: Oracle Business Intelligence (Oracle BI), Oracle Global Order Processing (GOP), Web Tier, and Web Tier Common Oracle home. RUP Installer expects information about all products to be recorded in the same place. For more information about home directories, see "Provisioned Oracle Fusion Applications Home Directories" in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.

The following steps describe how to manually register the all missing Oracle homes in central inventory.

  1. Verify that the default Inventory Pointer file points to the central inventory on the primordial host on which RUP Installer runs. The default Inventory Pointer is located in the registry key, \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\Oracle\inst_loc.

  2. Run attachHome from the BI Oracle home, for example, APPLICATIONS_BASE\fusionapps\bi.

    (Windows) BI_HOME\oui\bin\attachHome.bat -jreLoc JAVA_HOME_LOCATION
  3. Run attachHome from the GOP Oracle home, for example, APPLICATIONS_BASE\fusionapps\gop.

    (Windows) GOP_HOME\oui\bin\attachHome.bat -jreLoc JAVA_HOME_LOCATION
  4. Run attachHome from the Web Tier Oracle home, for example, APPLICATIONS_BASE\webtier_mwhome\webtier.

    (Windows) WEBTIER_HOME\oui\bin\attachHome.bat -jreLoc JAVA_HOME_LOCATION
  5. Run attachHome from the Web Tier Common Oracle home, for example, APPLICATIONS_BASE\webtier_mwhome\oracle_common.

    (Windows) WEBTIER_COMMON_HOME\oui\bin\attachHome.bat -jreLoc JAVA_HOME_LOCATION
  6. Run attachHome from the Web Tier Webgate Oracle home, for example, APPLICATIONS_BASE\webtier_mwhome\webgate.

    (Windows) WEBTIER_WEBGATE_HOME\oui\bin\attachHome.bat -jreLoc JAVA_HOME_LOCATION
  7. Run attachHome from the Oracle Common Oracle home, for example, APPLICATIONS_BASE\fusionapps\oracle_common.

    (Windows) COMMON_HOME\oui\bin\attachHome.bat -jreLoc JAVA_HOME_LOCATION
  8. Register the dependency between the BI Oracle home and Oracle Common Oracle home.

    Run Oracle Universal Installer with the -updateHomeDeps option and pass a dependency list. The syntax for the dependency list is:


    Example for Business Intelligence:

    (Windows) BI_HOME\oui\bin\setup.exe -updateHomeDeps "HOME_DEPENDENCY_LIST=
  9. Register the dependency between Web Tier Oracle home and Web Tier Common Oracle home.

    (Windows) WEBTIER_HOME\oui\bin\setup.exe -updateHomeDeps "HOME_DEPENDENCY_LIST=
  10. Verify that the central inventory now contains the correct GOP, BI, and Web Tier information. Open the inventory.xml file from the ContentsXML subdirectory in your central inventory directory using a text editor. You can find your central inventory directory by looking in the default Oracle Inventory pointer file mentioned in Step 1. Verify that there are entries for GOP and for BI, and that the BI entry lists the Oracle Common dependency you specified in Step 6. Do the same for Web Tier information. Ensure that you do not modify inventory.xml in any way, as this may corrupt your system.

    Example entries in inventory.xml:

    <HOME NAME="OH1109401105" LOC="APPLICATIONS_BASE/fusionapps/gop" TYPE="O" IDX="11">
    <HOME NAME="OH198367808" LOC="APPLICATIONS_BASE/fusionapps/bi" TYPE="O" IDX="12">
          <DEPHOME LOC="APPLICATIONS_BASE/fusionapps/oracle_common"/>
    <HOME NAME="OH987588708" LOC="APPLICATIONS_BASE/webtier_mwhome/webtier" TYPE="O" IDX="13">
          <DEPHOME LOC="APPLICATIONS_BASE/webtier_mwhome/oracle_common"/>
    <HOME NAME="OH1271096710" LOC="APPLICATIONS_BASE/webtier_mwhome/oracle_common" TYPE="O" IDX="14">
          <REFHOME LOC="APPLICATIONS_BASE/webtier_mwhome/webtier"/>


    Rerunning the ATTACH_HOME command does not cause any issues.

2.5.10 Run Health Checker on the Database Host

Perform the following steps to run Health Checker from the database host.

  1. Create a ZIP archive of the Health Checker framework that exists on the primordial host, by extracting the contents from the Release 7 Repository. You created this repository, SHARED_LOCATON/, in Section, "Release 7 Repository Directories".

    Run the following commands:

    cd REPOSITORY_LOCATION/installers/farup/Disk1/upgrade
    bin/ /any_scratch_directory/ --repoLoc $REPOSITORY_LOCATION
    cd REPOSITORY_LOCATION\installers\farup\Disk1\upgrade
    bin\ C:\any_scratch_directory\ 
  2. Use FTP or another method to transfer the file to the DB host.

  3. Create a directory where you want the Health Checker framework contents to reside. You must choose a separate directory that does not overlap with any provisioned components. This directory is referred to as HC_TOP in this section.

    mkdir /u01/hcframework
    cd /u01/hcframework
    cp /u01/hcframework
  4. Set the following environment variables:

    • APPLICATIONS_BASE - The HC_TOP directory, where was unzipped.

    • REPOSITORY_LOCATION - The directory where the repository is staged.

    • JAVA_HOME - The Java home.

    • ORACLE_HOME - The Oracle Database Home directory.

    • PATH - The path to Oracle_home/bin.

    • LISTENER_NAME - The Oracle database listener name.

    • ORACLE_SID - The Oracle database SID.

    • TNS_ADMIN - $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin.


    • GRID_HOME - On RAC configurations, set this to GRID_HOME. Otherwise set to ORACLE_HOME.

    On Windows, append ORACLE_HOME/bin to the current path, as follows:

  5. Run Health Checker and specify -hostType and the -jreLoc on this host. Note that -jreLoc is the same as the JAVA_HOME location for this host.

    $REPOSITORY_LOCATION/installers/farup/Disk1/upgrade/bin/ -hostType [DB|OHS] -jreLoc location_of_Java -manifest
    REPOSITORY_LOCATION/installers/farup/Disk1/upgrade/config/PreDowntimeUpgradeReadinessHealthChecks.xml -DlogLevel=FINEST [-logDir logfile_directory]
    %REPOSITORY_LOCATION%\installers\farup\Disk1\upgrade\bin\hcplug.cmd -hostType [DB|OHS] -jreLoc location_of_Java -manifest 
    REPOSITORY_LOCATION\installers\farup\Disk1\upgrade\config\PreDowntimeUpgradeReadinessHealthChecks.xml -DlogLevel=FINEST [-logDir logfile_directory]
  6. If Health Checker fails or reports an issue that must be corrected, follow the steps in Section A.2.2.4, "Troubleshoot Health Checker Failures."

2.5.11 Install the MKS Toolkit (Windows Only)

Perform the following steps to install the MKS Toolkit on Windows 64 before upgrading:

  1. Download and install version MKS Toolkit 9.4p1 (or higher) from

  2. Confirm that c:\mksnt is present in the global PATH variable.

2.6 What To Do Next

To proceed with the upgrade on Linux and Windows platform, follow the steps in Section 3, "Updating the Oracle Fusion Applications and Oracle Identity Management Databases".

To proceed with the upgrade for non-Linux or non-Windows platforms, follow the steps in Appendix C, "Platform Specific Pre-Upgrade Steps".