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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide
12c Release 2 (

Part Number E24089-21
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C Redirecting Oracle Management Agent to Another Oracle Management Service

This appendix explains how to redirect or repoint your Oracle Management Agent (Management Agent), that is already communicating with an Oracle Management Service (OMS), to communicate and upload data to another OMS that is part of a different Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control) deployment.


When you repoint a Management Agent to another OMS that is part of a different Cloud Control deployment, you lose all the changes made to the agent instance home, such as user defined metric collections, changes made to the file, and so on.

In particular, this appendix covers the following:


Before redirecting or repointing a Management Agent, ensure that you meet the following prerequisites:


To redirect or repoint a Management Agent, follow these steps:

  1. Run the following command to stop the Management Agent:

    $<AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/bin/emctl stop agent

  2. Run the following EMCLI command to delete the Management Agent target on the old OMS:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli delete_target -delete_monitored_targets -name=<name_of_agent_target> -type="oracle_emd"

    For more information about the delete_target EMCLI command, refer Oracle Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface Guide.

  3. Run the following command to remove the Management Agent instance home:

    rm -rf <absolute_path_to_agent_instance_home>

    If the agent base directory and the agent instance home point to the same physical location, do not run this command. Instead, remove the <AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/bin, <AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/sysman, <AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/diag, and <AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/install directories.

  4. Run the (agentDeploy.bat for Microsoft Windows hosts) script with the -configOnly option to create a new instance home for the Management Agent and redirect it to the new OMS:

    $<AGENT_BASE_DIR>/core/ AGENT_BASE_DIR=<absolute_path_to_agent_base_dir> RESPONSE_FILE=<absolute_path_to_responsefile> -configOnly

    Ensure that you pass a response file when you run the or agentDeploy.bat scripts. The response file must contain the OMS_HOST, EM_UPLOAD_PORT, and AGENT_REGISTRATION_PASSWORD parameters. The OMS_HOST parameter must specify the new OMS host name, the EM_UPLOAD_PORT parameter must specify the upload port to be used to connect to the new OMS, and the AGENT_REGISTRATION_PASSWORD parameter must specify the password to be used for registering new Management Agents that join the Enterprise Manager system.

    For more information about the parameters you can specify in the response file, refer Table 6-3. For more information about the -configOnly option, refer Table 6-6.


    The specified agent base directory location and the new agent instance home location map to locations on the same host, where the Management Agent was already configured. The OMS host name, of course, maps to the other host where the new OMS is configured, that is, the OMS with which you want the Management Agent to communicate now.