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20 Working with Layout Components on a Page

This chapter describes the types of layout components that support page infrastructure, but are not available through the Resource Catalog. Such components are exposed through Source view of page edit mode.


This chapter is intended for users granted the application-level permission Pages: Create, Edit, and Delete Pages or the space-level permission Basic Services: Edit Page Access, Structure, and Content.

Your application administrator has the authority to expose or hide application resources and revise default permissions. Tasks discussed in this chapter are not available to you if the relevant resource is hidden or you are not authorized to perform them.

20.1 What You Should Know About Layout Components

Some page layout components are not exposed for use in the Resource Catalog. They are associated with the components on a page, and are configurable when you edit a page in Source view (Figure 20-1).

Figure 20-1 Layout Components in Source View

Internal layout components in Source view
Description of "Figure 20-1 Layout Components in Source View"

Table 20-1 lists and describes the layout components you are likely to encounter in Source view of page edit mode.

Table 20-1 Layout Components

Layout Component Description


Provides a means of arranging a series of child components vertically or horizontally (no wrapping), or consecutively (wrapping). The Layout property determines the arrangement of the child components. For more information, see Section 20.2, "Setting panelGroupLayout Properties."


Provides a means of arranging content in defined areas on a page. Useful useful for enabling content to stretch when the browser is resized. For more information, see Section 20.3, "Setting panelStretchLayout Properties."


The parent component of a tab set. For more information, see Section 20.4, "Setting panelTabbed Properties."


Renders a border, or chrome, around its child component along with a header that contains icons to enable users to perform some operations. These include a menu icon with options for moving the component, along with its content, to new positions on the page. Users can drag and drop showDetailFrame components from one panelCustomizable component to another on the page. Note that a showDetailFrame must be included inside a panelCustomizable component for it to be movable.

For more information, see Section 20.5, "Setting showDetailFrame Properties."


A child component of a tab set (panelTabbed). For more information, see Section 20.6, "Setting sidebarItem Properties."


Provides a means of incorporating some blank space in pages so that the page appears less cluttered than it would if all the components were presented immediately next to each other or immediately below each other. For more information, see Section 20.7, "Setting spacer/Separator Properties."

20.2 Setting panelGroupLayout Properties

See Also:

For information about accessing and setting properties for any component on a page, see Section 18.6.2, "Setting Properties on a Component."

The panelGroupLayout component provides a means of arranging a series of child components vertically or horizontally (no wrapping), or consecutively (wrapping). The component's Layout property determines the arrangement of child components.

Properties for the panelGroupLayout component include a Child Components tab with options for hiding, showing, and rearranging component content. For more information, see Section 18.6.5, "Working with Child Components."

Table 20-2 lists and describes the panelGroupLayout properties that appear on the Display Options tab in the Component Properties dialog.

Table 20-2 panelGroupLayout Display Options

Property Description


A means of expressing the horizontal alignment of component content

Select one of:

  • start—align content horizontally, starting from the starting position

    This is either left or right depending on whether the current context is localized for a left-reading or right-reading language.

  • center—align content horizontally, starting from the center

  • end—align content horizontally, starting from the ending position

    This is either right or left depending on whether the current context is localized for a left-reading or right-reading language.

  • left—align content horizontally, starting from the left

  • right—align content horizontally, starting from the right


A means of enhancing user accessibility as described by the Web Accessibility Initiative for Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA). Each option describes the intended role of a content area to assist in using the area as a navigational landmark on the page.

Screen readers and other assistive technologies can make use of these landmarks in page navigation.

Select an option to clarify the role or purpose of a content area's content:

  • none—A content area that is not intended as a page navigational landmark

  • banner—A content area containing mostly site-oriented content, rather than page-specific content, such as the company logo or the portal-wide search feature

    Typically, a banner appears at the top of a page and spans the page width.

  • complementary—Supporting content, designed to be complementary to the main content at a similar level on the page, but still meaningful when separated from the main content, such as related documents

  • contentinfo—A content area that contains information about the application, such as the copyright or privacy statement.

  • main—The main content area of the page

  • navigation—A collection of navigational elements (usually links) for navigating the page or related pages.

  • search—A content area that contains one or more widgets used to define and execute a search.


A means of specifying the orientation of component content. Choose from:

  • default—align content vertically.

  • horizontal—align content horizontally

  • vertical—align content vertically

  • scroll—align content vertically with a scrollbar

    The scrollbar is rendered when the height/width of component content exceeds the component height or width.

Short Desc

A field for entering ALT text for the component

ALT text appears as a tooltip when users roll their mouse pointers over the component.

Show Component

An option for hiding or showing the component on the page

  • Select to show the component

  • Deselect to hide the component

Once you hide a component in this way, any child components are also hidden. You can show the component again in Composer Source view. In Source view, right-click the hidden component, and select Show Component from the resulting context menu.


The component style theme to apply to the children of this component. Use this property to change the theme without causing associated skin changes. Application skins are the sources of the themes. Some skins may have no theme definitions.

Enter one of:

  • dark

  • medium

  • light

No theme (none) is the default.


A means of expressing the vertical alignment of component content.

Select one of:

  • middle—content is aligned with the middle of the parent component

  • top—content is aligned with the top of the parent component

  • bottom—content is aligned with the bottom of the parent component

  • baseline—content is aligned with the baseline of the parent component

See Also:

Display Options properties additionally provide access to an Expression Language (EL) editor, which you can use to enter and test EL values. For more information, see Appendix B, "Expression Language (EL) Expressions."

20.3 Setting panelStretchLayout Properties

See Also:

For information about accessing and setting properties for any component on a page, see Section 18.6.2, "Setting Properties on a Component."

The panelStretchLayout component provides a means of arranging content in defined areas on a page. This component is useful for enabling content to stretch when the browser is resized.

The panelStretchLayout component's defined areas are called facets (Figure 20-2).

Figure 20-2 Facets of a panelStretchLayout Component

facets of a panelStretchLayout component
Description of "Figure 20-2 Facets of a panelStretchLayout Component"


Figure 20-2 shows the facets when the language reading direction of the application is configured left-to-right. If instead the language direction is right-to-left, the start and end facets are switched.

Facets are controlled by the values you enter for its Display Options properties. When you set the height of the top and bottom facets, any contained components are stretched to fit the height. Similarly, when you set the width of the start and end facets, any components contained in those facets are stretched to that width. If no components are placed in a facet, then the facet does not take up any space.

Table 20-3 lists and describes the panelStretchLayout properties that appear on the Display Options tab in the Component Properties dialog.


All panelStretchLayout height and width facets take the value auto; however, using auto slows page performance.

Table 20-3 panelStretchLayout Display Options

Property Description

Bottom Height

The height of the bottom facet. Use any standard CSS unit of measure, such as pt, px, pc, li, and so on.

Never express a Height value as a percentage. Because of differences between browsers and between layout containers, percentages do not work as you expect. If you want your component to take up 100% of a page, consider creating a page using the Stretch page style and adding the component to it.

End Width

The width of the end facet. Use any standard CSS unit of measure, such as pt, px, pc, li, and so on.

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text for the component

The tooltip appears when users roll their mouse pointers over the component.

Show Component

An option for hiding or showing the component on the page

  • Select to show the component

  • Deselect to hide the component

Once you hide a component in this way, any child components are also hidden. You can show the component again in Composer Source view. In Source view, right-click the hidden component, and select Show Component from the resulting context menu.

Start Width

The width of the start facet. Use any standard CSS unit of measure, such as pt, px, pc, li, and so on.


The component style theme to apply to the children of this component. Use this property to change the theme without causing associated skin changes. Application skins are the sources of the themes. Some skins may have no themed definitions.

Enter one of:

  • dark

  • medium

  • light

No theme (none) is the default.

Top Height

The height of the top facet. Use any standard CSS unit of measure, such as pt, px, pc, li, and so on.

Never express a Height value as a percentage. Because of differences between browsers and between layout containers, percentages do not work as you expect. If you want your component to take up 100% of a page, consider creating a page using the Stretch page style and adding the component to it.

See Also:

Display Options properties additionally provide access to an Expression Language (EL) editor, which you can use to enter and test EL values. For more information, see Appendix B, "Expression Language (EL) Expressions."

20.4 Setting panelTabbed Properties

See Also:

For information about accessing and setting properties for any component on a page, see Section 18.6.2, "Setting Properties on a Component."

The panelTabbed layout component is the parent component of a tab or tab set. Its unique set of Display Options controls the behind-the-scenes method of tab creation, the source for the tabs dimensions, the tab's position, and the like.

Table 20-4 lists and describes Display Options associated with the panelTabbed layout component.

Table 20-4 panelTabbed Display Options

Property Description

Child Creation

Specifies when tab content is rendered

  • immediate—All tab content is rendered as soon as the page is accessed.

  • lazy—Tab content is rendered when the tab is brought forward and is maintained in cache thereafter. This selection may enhance performance when content is fetched from cache.

  • lazyUncached—Tab content is rendered when the tab is likely to be brought forward and may be removed when the tab is not forward.

Dimensions From

Specifies the source of the dimensions applied to the component

  • auto—Either parent or disclosedChild, depending on the panelTabbed parent container. If the parent's Layout attribute is set to stretch, then parent is used; otherwise disclosedChild is used.

  • disclosedChild—The dimension is taken from the currently active tab.

  • parent—(default) The dimension is taken from any values specified on the component; if no values are specified, then they are taken from the parent; if no values are specified on the parent, then they are taken from the skin.


The position of the tab portion of the panelTabbed

  • above—(default) Tabs are shown above the tab content area.

  • below—Tabs are shown below the tab content area.

  • both—Tabs are shown above and below the tab content area.

In accessibility screen reader mode, the tab position is always above.

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text for the component

The tooltip appears when users roll their mouse pointers over the component.

Show Component

An option for hiding or showing the component on the page

  • Select to show the component

  • Deselect to hide the component

Once you hide a component in this way, any child components are also hidden. You can show the component again in Composer Source view. In Source view, right-click the hidden component, and select Show Component from the resulting context menu.

Tab Removal

Specifies whether some, none, or all tabs can be removed

  • none—Tabs cannot be deleted from the tab set

  • all—All tabs can be deleted from the tab set

  • allExceptLast—All but one the last tab can be deleted from the tab set

    Note: The selection allExceptLast renders a Close icon on all except the last tab when users hover their mouse pointers over them. Additional coding is required on the panelTabbed component before the Close action can execute.

    Developers must write code to respond to ItemEvent with a listener attached to the showDetailItem's itemListener attribute. For example:

    <af:panelTabbed tabRemoval="allExceptLast" id="pt1">
       <af:showDetailItem itemListener="myBean.onRemove" id="sdi1">

    Write the deletion code in a Java bean named myBean with the method onRemove.

See Also:

For information about working with tabs, see Section 18.4.5, "Creating Layered Content Regions Using Tabs."

20.5 Setting showDetailFrame Properties

See Also:

For information about accessing and setting properties for any component on a page, see Section 18.6.2, "Setting Properties on a Component."

The showDetailFrame component renders a border, or chrome, around its child component along with a header that contains icons to enable users to perform some operations. These include a menu icon with options for moving the component, along with its content, to new positions on the page. Users can drag and drop showDetailFrame components from one panelCustomizable component to another on the page. Note that a showDetailFrame must be included inside a panelCustomizable component for it to be movable.

A showDetailFrame component enables the following actions:

The Display Options associated with showDetailFrame are common to many other types of components and are listed in Table 18-1, "Display Options Properties" with one exception: the showDetailFrame layout component does not expose the property Allow Child Selection.

Display Options for showDetailFrame are presented on two subtabs: Basic and Advanced (Figure 20-3).

Figure 20-3 Basic and Advanced Display Options

Basic and Advanced display options
Description of "Figure 20-3 Basic and Advanced Display Options"

20.6 Setting sidebarItem Properties

See Also:

For information about accessing and setting properties for any component on a page, see Section 18.6.2, "Setting Properties on a Component."

The sidebarItem component is a child component of panelTabbed (see Section 20.4). Unlike panelTabbed, which provides all of the properties associated with a tab set, sidebarItem provides all of the properties associated with a single tab.

Table 20-5 describes the sidebarItem properties that appear on the Display Options tab in the Component Properties dialog.

Table 20-5 sidebarItem Display Options

Property Description


Indicates the current active tab, that is, the tab that is forward

This value is set by default depending on whether the selected tab is forward. Changes you make to this value have no effect.


The URL to an image

Use any Web-compatible image from any accessible location. That is, do not put in a path to an image on an external server that requires authentication.

Enter a full URL or a URL that is relative to the application root. Use CSS formatting. For example, enter:


Inflexible Height

The number of pixels the component will use when in a container that allocates size among multiple sibling items

If the component requires more than the set limit, its sibling components are pushed to overflow menus. The default is 100 pixels.

Note: This attribute is valid only when the parent container is a panelAccordion component.

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text for the component

The tooltip appears when users roll their mouse pointers over the component.

Show Component

An option for hiding or showing the component on the page

  • Select to show the component

  • Deselect to hide the component

Once you hide a component in this way, any child components are also hidden. You can show the component again in Composer Source view. In Source view, right-click the hidden component, and select Show Component from the resulting context menu.


The text to render on the tab

The default value, an EL expression, evaluates to New Tab.

See Also:

Display Options properties additionally provide access to an Expression Language (EL) editor, which you can use to enter and test EL values. For more information, see Appendix B, "Expression Language (EL) Expressions."

20.7 Setting spacer/Separator Properties

See Also:

For information about accessing and setting properties for any component on a page, see Section 18.6.2, "Setting Properties on a Component."

The spacer component provides a means of incorporating some blank space in pages so that the page appears less cluttered than it would if all the components were presented immediately adjacent to each other.


In the Resource Catalog, this component is called a Separator.

Table 20-6 lists and describes the spacer properties that appear on the Display Options tab in the Component Properties dialog.

Table 20-6 spacer Display Options

Property Description


A field for specifying the spacer height

Use any standard CSS unit of measure, such as pt, px, pc, li, and so on.

Never express a Height value as a percentage. Because of differences between browsers and between layout containers, percentages do not work as you expect.

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text for the component

The tooltip appears when users roll their mouse pointers over the component.

Show Component

An option for hiding or showing the component on the page

  • Select to show the component

  • Deselect to hide the component

Once you hide a component in this way, any child components are also hidden. You can show the component again in Composer Source view. In Source view, right-click the hidden component, and select Show Component from the resulting context menu.


A field for specifying spacer width

Use any standard CSS unit of measure, such as pt, px, pc, li, %, and so on.

See Also:

Display Options properties additionally provide access to an Expression Language (EL) editor, which you can use to enter and test EL values. For more information, see Appendix B, "Expression Language (EL) Expressions."