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Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Oracle Driver Management Integration Pack for Oracle Transportation Management and Oracle E-Business Suite Implementation Guide
Release 3.1

Part Number E23246-06
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6 Setting up Participating Applications

This chapter describes the setup required for the Oracle Driver Management Integration Pack to work properly and covers:

6.1 Setting Up Oracle E-Business Suite

For the Oracle Transportation Driver Management PIP, set these profile options:

  1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite using the System Administrator responsibility.

  2. Open the System Profile Values form.

  3. Query these profile options, and set the indicated values at the site level:

    For Oracle E-Business Suite and 12.1.1:

    1. HZ: Generate Party Number to Yes

    2. HZ: Generate Party Site Number to Yes

6.1.1 Obtaining Oracle E-Business Suite Operating Unit IDs

Users need to determine what organizations they want to support and then get the IDs for those organizations.

To get the Operating Unit details:

  1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite database.

  2. Identify the operating units that need to be synchronized or maintained in Oracle E-Business Suite.

    If you want to pick other operating units, use this query:

    select organization_ID, name from hr_operating_units

6.1.2 Obtaining Oracle Transportation Management Domains

Implementers need to determine what domains in Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) they have to support.

To get the domain details:

  1. Log in to Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) application.

  2. Navigate to Configuration and Administration.

  3. Click Domain Management.

  4. Select Domain Settings.

  5. Click Search. This screen appears with domains setup.

6.2 Setting Up Oracle Transportation Management

This section covers:

6.2.1 Creating a Calendar Event Type in Oracle Transportation Management

For the Oracle Transportation Driver Management PIP, set these profile options:

  1. Log in to OTM.

  2. Navigate to Fleet and Asset Management in the menu.

  3. Click Power Data.

  4. Click General in the Power Data screen.

  5. Click Calendar Event Type in the list.

    The Calendar Event Type page appears.

  6. Click New to create a new Calendar Event Type.

  7. Enter the details for Calendar Event Type ID, Description, Is Working, and Domain Name fields.

  8. Click Finished.

    The Results screen appears displaying the result of creation of the Calendar Event Type.

  9. To view the created record, click View in the Results screen.

  10. To find all the Calendar Event Types in the OTM Environment, click Search in the Calendar Event Type Finder screen.

    Note :

    Calendar Event Type ID TRAINING should be available in OTM for Driver Training Calendar Event Integration. OTM_01 values given in CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE DVM should be available in OTM as Calendar Event Type IDs for Driver Absence Calendar Event Integration.

6.2.2 Creating a Driver Status Type in Oracle Transportation Management

For the Oracle Transportation Driver Management PIP, set these profile options:

  1. Log in to OTM.

  2. Navigate through Configuration and Administration, Power Data, General, Status Types.

  3. Click New.

  4. Enter Status Type ID, Sequence, and Object Type.

  5. Enter the domain to which the user is logged in.

  6. Enter the Status values in the grid.


    Ensure that the Initial Value is checked for all the values.

  7. Click Finished to save the records.

6.2.3 Creating a Remark Qualifier GID in Oracle Transportation Management

To create a remark qualifier:

  1. Log in to OTM.

  2. Navigate through Configuration and Administration, Power Data, Qualifiers, Remark Qualifiers.

  3. Click New to create a new Remark Qualifier and enter the details in the required fields.

  4. Click Finished to save the record.

6.2.4 Creating an Involved Party Qualifier ID in Oracle Transportation Management

To create an involved party qualifier ID:

  1. Log in to OTM.

  2. Navigate through Business Process Automation, Power Data, Qualifiers, Involved Party Qualifiers.

  3. Click New to create a new Involved Party Qualifier and enter the details in the required fields.

  4. Click Finished to save the record.

6.2.5 Creating a Special Service GID in Oracle Transportation Management

To create special service GID in OTM:

  1. Log in to OTM.

  2. Navigate through Shipment Management , Power Data, Special Service Management , Special Service.

  3. Click New.

  4. Enter the required special service ID and the details in the required fields.

  5. Click Finished to save the record.

6.2.6 Creating Contacts in Oracle Transportation Management

Create external systems for all inbound flows to Oracle Transportation Management (OTM). This table lists the processes involved:

Table 6-1 Process for Inbound Flows

Process Name External System ID








External System IDs and their corresponding processes are in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file.

To create external systems:

  1. Log in to EM console [http://<server host>:<server port>/em].

  2. Click the desired process.

  3. Click Show WSDL and endpoint URI icon.

  4. Click concrete WSDL URI and add style="document" attribute to soap:binding element.

  5. Save the source on your local system.

  6. Log in to OTM.

  7. Go to Business Process Automation, Communication Management, Web Services and click New.

  8. Click New for WSDL Document.

  9. Click Document Detail.

    • Enter name for ID.

    • Upload the saved concrete WSDL.

    • Ensure Storage is set to Text and Mime Type as text/xml.

  10. Click Finished.

  11. Click Service Details.

    • Enter Service ID, Service Endpoint ID.

    • X Enter Service Endpoint as Endpoint URI as depicted in the screen. See: Creating contacts in OTM.

    • X Enter username and password of your Weblogic server


    Note: For OTM versions earlier than 6.1.2 encrypt the password before entering using Base64 encoding.

  12. Click Finished.

  13. Go to Business Process Automation, Communication Management, External Systems.

  14. Click New.

    • Enter value for External System ID. See Creating Contacts in OTM for these values.

    • Select webservice created previously.

    • Select Operation as TransmissionReport.

    • Select the Service Endpoint created earlier.

  15. Click Finished.

    Doing these steps creates a Contact automatically in OTM with the same name as of External System ID.

    To verify, go to Business Process Automation, Communication Management, Contacts.


Update OTM_01.Contact_Domain Property in AIAConfigurationProperties.xml for each process with the domain in which External System is created for the corresponding process.

6.2.7 Setting Up External Systems for Queues

To setup external systems:

  1. Login to OTM application.

  2. Go to Business Process Automation, Communication Management, External Systems.

  3. Click New.

  4. Enter External System ID as AIA_WORKINVOICE_AQ and add a description.

  5. Enter the Queue Name as AIA_WORKINVOICE_AQ under For Queue section.

  6. In the Out XML Profiles section, click n for New XML profile.

  7. Enter Out XML Profile ID as GLOG_AIA_WORKINVOICE.

  8. Choose Default Mode as MIN.

  9. Click Finished.

  10. In the Out XML Profiles section, choose the XML Element ID as WorkInvoice.

  11. Click Save.

  12. Click Finished.

For more information about Oracle Transportation Management, refer Oracle Transportation Management User Guide.

6.3 Setting Up Cross-References for Oracle E-Business Suite Entities

This section covers:

6.3.1 Identifying Oracle E-Business Suite Entities

To get the operating unit details:

  1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite database (Apps/Apps).

  2. Identify the operating units that need to be synchronized or maintained in Oracle E-Business Suite.

    If you want to pick other operating units, use this query:

    Select organization_ID, name from hr_operating_units

6.3.2 Populating Cross-References

To populate cross-reference values for ORGANIZATION_ID table:

6.3.3 Populating Cross-References

To populate cross-reference values for ORGANIZATION_ID table:

  1. Log in to the database.

  2. Connect to schema <AIA_INSTANCE>_xref.

  3. Enter values into cross-reference table using the insert command.


INSERT INTO XREF_DATA VALUES ('oramds:/apps/AIAMetaData/xref/ORGANIZATION_ID.xref','EBIZ_01','27F4D6303B2511DFBFA11DB680CBD54F','204','N','25-AUG-10 AM')
INSERT INTO XREF_DATA VALUES ('oramds:/apps/AIAMetaData/xref/ORGANIZATION_ID.xref','COMMON','27F4D6303B2511DFBFA11DB680CBD54F','COMMON_ORG_ID','N','25-AUG-10 AM')
('oramds:/apps/AIAMetaData/xref/ORGANIZATION_ID.xref','OTM_01','27F4D6303B2511DFBFA11DB680CBD54F','OTM_ORG_VALUE','N','25-AUG-10 AM')


Keep the row number (third column) same while inserting date for each pair of cross-reference value.

6.3.4 Enabling Oracle E-Business Suite Business Events

Enable the Business events in Oracle E-Business Suite and change the subscription of the same-the phase value (1-99) and Rule Data (to Message).

Events for Training Calendar:

Create Delegate Booking: oracle.apps.ota.api.delegate_booking.create_delegate_booking

Update Delegate Booking: oracle.apps.ota.api.delegate_booking.update_delegate_booking

Delete Delegate Booking: oracle.apps.ota.api.delegate_booking.delete_delegate_booking

Update Class Schedule: oracle.apps.ota.api.event_api.update_class_schedule

Update Location: oracle.apps.ota.api.event_api.update_location

Update Training Center and Location: oracle.apps.ota.api.event_api.update_trng_cntr_and_location

Events for Absence Calendar:

Create Absence oracle.apps.per.api.person_absence.create_person_absence

Update Absence oracle.apps.per.api.person_absence.update_person_absence

Delete Absence oracle.apps.per.api.person_absence.delete_person_absence

Events for Location:

Create Location oracle.apps.per.api.location.create_location

Update Location oracle.apps.per.api.location.update_location

Events for Driver Profile:



For more information about creating the cross-references, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite, "Working with Cross References".

6.3.5 Validating Cross-References

To validate cross-references:

  1. Log in to the AIA XREF database.

  2. Query the Table XREF_DATA to confirm that every organization used in the XML files has three records.

  3. Use this query:

    select value||'::'||Xref_column_name from xref_Data where

    xref_table_name = 'oramds:/apps/AIAMetaData/xref/ORGANIZATION_ID.xref' and value in ('204'))

    Replace the value for the organizations you selected. (The number of operating units depends on your setup).