Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: C++ User's Guide

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Updated: March 2015
Chapter 12

Using the C++ Standard Library

The compiler has access to the complete library specified by the C++ standard. The library components include what is informally known as the Standard Template Library (STL) , as well as the following components:

  • String classes

  • Numeric classes

  • Standard stream I/O classes

  • Basic memory allocation

  • Exception classes

  • Runtime type information

The term STL does not have a formal definition, but it is usually understood to include containers, iterators, and algorithms.

In default -compat=5 mode, the C++ standard library (libCstd) is based on the RogueWave Standard C++ Library, Version 2. This library is the default.

In default -compat=5 mode, the C++ compiler also supports STLport’s Standard Library implementation version 4.5.3. libCstd is still the default library, but STLport’s product is available as an alternative. See STLport for more information.

In default -compat=5 mode, if you need to use your own version of the C++ standard library instead of one of the versions that is supplied with the compiler, you can do so by specifying the -library=no%Cstd option. Replacing the standard library that is distributed with the compiler is risky, and good results are not guaranteed. For more information, see Replacing the C++ Standard Library.