Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Distributed Make (dmake)

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Updated: October 2014

Special-purpose Targets

dmake allows targets to be built concurrently on a number of build servers. Concurrent processing can greatly reduce the time required to build a large system or project. dmake supplies the following special makefile targets for controlling concurrency and timing.


Use this target to indicate which targets are to be processed serially.


Use this target to indicate which targets are to be processed in parallel.


Use this target to indicate which targets are to be processed serially on the local host.


When you specify this target in a dependency list, dmake waits until the dependencies that precede it are finished before processing those that follow, even when processing is parallel.

Makefiles that you write using these targets remain compatible with the standard version of make distributed with Oracle Solaris. Standard make accepts these targets without error (and without action).