23 JavaScript APIs

This section describes JavaScript functions and objects included with Oracle Application Express and available on every page. You can use these functions and objects to provide client-side functionality, such as showing and hiding page elements, or making XML HTTP Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) requests.


Legacy JavaScript. Work has commenced in attempting to reduce the overall size of JavaScript that is loaded by Application Express when rendering a page. JavaScript functions that are no longer served on every page are gradually being moved to a legacy JavaScript file, which can be found in /i/libraries/apex/legacy.js.

When developing applications, a developer has the option to either include, or not include the legacy JavaScript functions. This is achieved by using the Include Legacy JavaScript property on the User Interface Attributes page under the application's Shared Components.

Existing applications are migrated with this option enabled, for backward compatibility. To not include this legacy file, you need to go through the functions listed in the legacy file, and search your application and associated JavaScript files for any references to those files. If you are happy that there are no references to these functions, you can switch off including the legacy file and benefit from the slightly smaller library.

When developing new applications, the legacy file is included by default in all applications that use a Desktop User Interface Type. New applications that use a jQuery Mobile Smartphone User Interface Type do not include this file.

For both new and existing application development, Oracle recommends that you do not continue to use any of the functions in legacy.js, to reduce your dependency to this legacy JavaScript.
