Miscellaneous Javascript APIs

This section contains all the miscellaneous, non-namespace APIs of Oracle Application Express, including shortcuts to highly used functions.



Given a DOM node or string ID (pNd), this function returns a DOM node if the element is on the page, or returns false if it is not.

Return Value

(DOM Node | false)


pNd (DOM Node | string ID)


Given a DOM node or string ID (pNd), this function returns the value of an Application Express item in the same format as it would be posted.


pNd (DOM Node | string ID)


Given a DOM node or string ID (pNd), this function returns the value of an Application Express item as a string or an array. If the page item type can contain multiple values like a shuttle, checkboxes or a multi select list an array is returned, otherwise a string.

Return Value



pNd (DOM Node | string ID)

$s(pNd, pValue, pDisplayValue, pSuppressChangeEvent)

Given a DOM node or string ID (pNd), this function sets the Application Express item value taking into account the item type. The pDisplayValue is optional. If used for a page item of type "Popup LOV" where the attribute "Input Field" = "Not Enterable, Show Display Value and Store Return Value", it sets the "Input Field". The value of pValue is stored in the hidden return field. The pSuppressChangeEvent parameter is optional. Passing either FALSE or not passing this parameter value results in a change event firing for the item being set. Pass TRUE to prevent the change event from firing for the item being set.


pNd (DOM Node | string ID)
pValue  (String | Array)


Given a DOM node or string ID or an array (pNd), this function returns a single value, if an pNd is an array but only has one element the value of that element is returned otherwise the array is returned. Used for creating DOM based functionality that can accept a single or multiple DOM nodes.

Return Value

Array (DOM Node | string ID | Array)


Array or first value


Given a DOM node or string ID or an array (pNd), this function returns an array. Used for creating DOM based functionality that can accept a single or multiple DOM nodes.

Return Value

pNd (DOM Node | string ID | Array)



$nvl(pTest, pDefault)

If pTest is empty or false return pDefault otherwise return pTest.

Return Value

(string | Array)


pTest  (String | Array)
pDefault (String | Array)

$x_Style(pNd, pStyle, pString)

Sets a specific style property (pStyle) to given value (pString) of a DOM node or DOM node Array (pNd).

Return Value

(DOM node | DOM Array)


pNd (DOM node | string ID | DOM node Array )
pStyle (String)
pString (String)


Hides a DOM node or array of DOM nodes (pNd). This also takes into consideration which type of Application Express item is being hidden.

Return Value

(DOM node | Array)


pNd (DOM node | string ID | DOM node Array )


Shows a DOM node or array of DOM nodes (pNd). This also takes into consideration which type of Application Express item is being hidden.

Return Value

(DOM node | Array)


pNd (DOM node | string ID | DOM node Array )


Toggles a DOM node or array of DOM nodes (pNd).

Return Value

(DOM node | Array)


pNd (DOM node | string ID | Array)


Removes a DOM node or array of DOM nodes.

Return Value

(DOM Node | Array)


pNd (DOM node | string ID | DOM node Array)


Sets the value (pValue) of a DOM node or array of DOM nodes (pNd).

Return Value

Not applicable.


pNd (DOM node | string ID | DOM node Array)
pValue (String)

$x_UpTill(pNd, pToTag)

Starting from a DOM node (pNd), this function cascades up the DOM tree until the tag of node name (pToTag) is found. If the optional pToClass is present, the ancestor node must have a node name that equals pToTag and the class must equal pToClass.

Return Value

(DOM Node | false)


pNd  (DOM Node | string ID) 
String (pToTag) 
String (pToClass ) 


Given DOM node or array of DOM nodes, this function (shows, hides, or toggles) the entire row that contains the DOM node or array of DOM nodes. This is most useful when using Page Items. This function only works in table layouts since it explicitly looks for a containing tr element.

Return Value

Not applicable.


pNd (DOM Node | string ID | Dom node Array) 
pFunc ['TOGGLE','SHOW','HIDE'] (String )


Given a page item name, this function hides the entire row that holds the item. In most cases, this is the item and its label. This function only works in table layouts since it explicitly looks for a containing tr element.

Return Value

Not applicable.


pNd (DOM Node | string ID | DON node Array)


Given a page item name, this function shows the entire row that holds the item. In most cases, this is the item and its label. This function only works in table layouts since it explicitly looks for a containing tr element.

Return Value

Not applicable.


pNd (DOM node | string ID | DOM note Array)


Given a page item name (pNd), this function toggles the entire row that holds the item. In most cases, this is the item and its label. This function only works in table layouts since it explicitly looks for a containing tr element.

Return Value

Not applicable.


pNd (DOM node | string ID | DOM node ray)


Hides all DOM nodes referenced in pNdArray and then shows the DOM node referenced by pNd. This is most useful when pNd is also a node in pNdArray.

Return Value

(DOM node | DOM Array)


pNd (DOM node | string ID | DOM node Array) 
pNdArray (DOM node | String | Array)


Hides all sibling nodes of given pNd.

Return Value

(DOM node)


pNd (DOM node | string ID )


Shows all sibling DOM nodes of given DOM nodes (pNd).

Return Value

(DOM node)


pNd (DOM node | string ID )


Sets a DOM node or array of DOM nodes to a single class name.

Return Value

Not applicable.


pNd (DOM node | string ID | DOM node Array)
pClass (String)

$x_SetSiblingsClass(pNd, pClass, pNdClass)

Sets the class (pClass) of all DOM node siblings of a node (pNd). If pNdClass is not null the class of pNd is set to pNdClass.

Return Value

(DOM node | false)


pNd (DOM Nnde | string ID)
pClass (String)
pThisClass (String)

$x_ByClass(pClass, pNd, pTag)

Returns an array of DOM nodes by a given class name (pClass). If the pNd parameter is provided, then the returned elements are all children of that DOM node. Including the pTag parameter further narrows the list to just return nodes of that tag type.

Return Value



pClass (String)
pNd  (DOM node | string ID)
pTag (String)

$x_ShowAllByClass(pNd, pClass, pTag)

Show all the DOM node children of a DOM node (pNd) that have a specific class (pClass) and tag (pTag).

Return Value

Not applicable.


pNd (DOM node | string ID)
pClass (String)
pTag (String)


Show all DOM node children of a DOM node (pNd).

Return Value

Not applicable.


pNd (DOM node | string ID)


Hide all DOM node children of a DOM node (pNd).

Return Value

Not applicable.


pNd (DOM node | string ID)

$x_disableItem(pNd, pTest)

Disables or enables an item or array of items based on (pTest).

Return Value

Not applicable.


pNd (DOM node | string ID | DOM node array)
a (true | false)

$f_get_emptys(pNd, pClassFail, pClass)

Checks an item or an array of items to see if any are empty, set the class of all items that are empty to pClassFail, set the class of all items that are not empty to pClass.

Return Value

false, Array  Array of all items that are empty (false | Array)


pNd (DOM node | string ID | DOM node Array)
Sting (pClassFail)
Sting (pClass)


Returns an item value as an array. Useful for multiselects and checkboxes.

Return Value



pId (DOM Node | string ID)


Returns an item value as an array. Useful for radio items and check boxes.

Return Value



pId (DOM node | string ID)


Clears the content of an DOM node or array of DOM nodes and hides them.

Return Value

Not applicable.


pNd (DOM node | string ID | DOM node array)


Returns the DOM nodes of the selected options of a select item (pNd).

Return Value

(DOM Array)


pNd (DOM node | string ID)


Returns the values of the selected options of a select item (pNd).

Return Value

(DOM Array | String)


pNd (DOM node | string ID)

$u_ArrayToString(pArray, pDelim)

Given an array (pArray) return a string with the values of the array delimited with a given delimiter character (pDelim).

Return Value

Not applicable.


pArray (pArray)
pDelim (String)


Checks an image (pId) source attribute for a substring (pSearch). The function returns true if a substring (pSearch) is found. It returns false if a substring (pSearch) is not found.

Return Value

(true | false)


pId (DOM Node | String)
pSearch (pSearch)

$v_CheckValueAgainst(pThis, pValue)

Checks an page item's (pThis) value against a set of values (pValue). This function returns true if any value matches.

Return Value

(true | false)


pThis (DOM node | string ID)
pValue (Number | String | Array)

$f_Hide_On_Value_Item(pThis, pThat, pValue)

Checks page item's (pThis) value against a value (pValue). If it matches, a DOM node (pThat) is set to hidden. If it does not match, then the DOM node (pThat) is set to visible.

Return Value

(true | false)


pThis (DOM node | string ID)
pThat  (DOM node | string ID | DOM node Array )
pValue (Number | String | Array)

$f_Show_On_Value_Item(pThis, pThat, pValue)

Checks page item's (pThis) value against a value (pValue). If it matches, a DOM node (pThat) is set to visible. If it does not match, then the DOM node (pThat) is set to hidden.

Return Value

(true | false)


pThis (DOM node | string ID)
pThat  (DOM node | string ID | DOM node Array )
pValue (Number | String | Array)

$f_Hide_On_Value_Item_Row(pThis, pThat, pValue)

Checks the value (pValue) of an item (pThis). If it matches, this function hides the table row that holds (pThat). If it does not match, then the table row is shown.

Return Value

(true | false)


pThis (DOM node | string ID)
pThat  (DOM node | string ID | DOM node Array )
pValue (Number | String | Array)

$f_Show_On_Value_Item_Row(pThis, pThat, pValue)

Checks the value (pValue) of an item (pThis). If it matches, this function shows the table row that holds (pThat). If it does not match, then the table row is hidden.

Return Value

(true | false)


pThis (DOM node | string ID)
pThat  (DOM node | string ID | DOM node Array )
pValue (Number | String | Array)

$f_DisableOnValue(pThis, pValue, pThat)

Checks the value (pValue) of an item (pThis). If it matches, this function disables the item or array of items (pThat). If it does not match, then the item is enabled.

Return Value

(true | false)


pThis (DOM node | string ID)
pValue (String)
pThat  (DOM node | string ID | DOM node Array )

$x_ClassByClass(pNd, pClass, pTag, pClass2)

Sets a class attribute of an array of nodes that are selected by class.

Return Value

(DOM node | DOM node Array)


pNd (DOM node | string ID)
pClass (String)
pTag (String)
pClass2 (String)

$f_ValuesToArray(pThis, pClass, pTag)

Collects the values of form items contained within DOM node (pThis) of class attribute (pClass) and nodeName (pTag) and returns an array.

Return Value

No applicable.


pThis (DOM node | string ID)
pCLass (String)
pTag (String)

$x_FormItems(pNd, pType)

Returns all form input items contained in a DOM node (pThis) of a certain type (pType).

Return Value

DOM node Array


pNd (DOM node | string ID)
pType (String)

$f_CheckAll(pThis, pCheck, pArray)

Check or uncheck (pCheck) all check boxes contained within a DOM node (pThis). If an array of checkboxes DOM nodes (pArray) is provided, use that array for affected check boxes.

Return Value

Not applicable.


pThis (DOM node | string ID)
pCheck (true | fales)
pArray (DOM node array)


This function sets all checkboxes located in the first column of a table based on the checked state of the calling check box (pNd), useful for tabular forms.

Return Value

DOM node Array


pNd (DOM node | String)

$v_PopupReturn(pValue, pThat) [Deprecated]

Sets the value of the item in the parent window (pThat), with (pValue) and then closes the popup window.


This function is deprecated. Instead, use:


For existing applications, the old function is still available, because of the application including the 'Legacy JavaScript' file (legacy.js). For details on how to control the inclusion of this file, see "About Database Applications" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide.

Return Value

Not applicable.


pValue (string)
pThat (DOM node | string ID)


Given an image element (pThis) and a DOM node (pNd), this function toggles the display of the DOM node (pNd). The src attribute of the image element (pThis) is rewritten. The image src has any plus substrings replaced with minus substrings or minus substrings are replaced with plus substrings.

Return Value

(DOM Node)


pThis (DOM Node | string ID)
pNd (DOM Nnde | string iD | DOM node Array)

$x_SwitchImageSrc(pNd, pSearch, pReplace)

Checks an image (pId) src attribute for a substring (pSearch). If a substring is found, this function replaces the image entire src attribute with (pReplace).

Return Value

(DOM node | false)


pNd (DOM node | string ID)
pSearch (String)
pReplace (String)

$x_CheckImageSrc(pNd, pSearch)

Checks an image (pNd) source attribute for a substring (pSearch). The function returns true if a substring (pSearch) is found. It returns false if a substring (pSearch) is not found.

Return Value

(true | fales)


pNd  (DOM node | string ID)
pSearch (String)


Returns a true or false if a string (pText) contains a substring (pMatch).

Return Value

(true | false)


pText (String) 
pMatch (String)


Use DOM methods to remove all DOM children of DOM node (pND).

Return Value

Not applicable.


pNd (DOM node | string ID) 

$v_IsEmpty(pThis) [Deprecated]

Returns true or false if a form element is empty, this considers any whitespace including a space, a tab, a form-feed, as empty. This also considers any null value that has been specified on the item.


This function is deprecated. Instead, use:

apex.item( pNd ).isEmpty()

For existing applications, the old function is still available, because of the application including the 'Legacy JavaScript' file (legacy.js). For details on how to control the inclusion of this file, see "About Database Applications" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide.

Return Value

[true | false]


pThis (DOM Node | String)


Sets the value (pValue) of a select item (pId). If the value is not found, this functions selects the first option (usually the NULL selection).

Return Value

Not applicable.


pId (DOM node | String)
pValue (String)


Adds an onload function (func) without overwriting any previously specified onload functions.

Return Value

Not applicable.


pFunction (Javascript Function)


Swaps the form values of two form elements (pThis,pThat).

Return Value

Not applicable.


pThis (DOM Node | String)
pThat (DOM Node | String)

submitEnter(pNd,e) [Deprecated]

Submits a page when ENTER is pressed in a text field, setting the request value to the ID of a DOM node (pNd).

Usage is onkeypress="submitEnter(this,event)"


This function is deprecated. Instead, use:

apex.submit( { submitIfEnter : event })

See apex.submit for further details on how to use the 'submitIfEnter' pOptions property.For existing applications, the old function is still available, because of the application including the 'Legacy JavaScript' file (legacy.js). For details on how to control the inclusion of this file, see "About Database Applications" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide.

Return Value

Not applicable.


pNd (DOM node | String | Array)


Sets array of form item (pArray) to sequential number in multiples of (pMultiple).

Return Value

Not applicable.


pArray (Array) 
pMultiple (Number)

$dom_AddTag(pThis, pTag, pText)

Inserts the html element (pTag) as a child node of a DOM node (pThis) with the innerHTML set to (pText).

Return Value

DOM node


pThis (DOM node | string ID ) 
pTag (String)
pText (String)


Appends a table cell to a table row (pThis). And sets the content to (pText).

Return Value

(DOM node)


pThis (DOM node | string ID)
pText (String)


Appends a table cell to a table row (pThis). And sets the content to (pText).

Return Value

DOM node


pThis (DOM node | string ID)
pTest (String)


Inserts the html form input element (pType) as a child node of a DOM node (pThis) with an id (pId) and name (pName) value set to pValue.

Return Value

(DOM node)


pThis (DOM node | string ID)
pType (String)
pId (String)
pName (String)
pValue (String)


Takes a DOM node (p_Node) and makes it a child of DOM node (p_Parent) and then returns the DOM node (pNode).

Return Value

(DOM node)


p_This (DOM node | string ID)
p_Parent (DOM node | string ID)

$x_RowHighlight(pThis, pColor)

Give an table row DOM element (pThis), this function sets the background of all table cells to a color (pColor). A global variable gCurrentRow is set to pThis.

Return Value

Not applicable.


pThis (DOM node | String)


Give an table row Dom node (pThis), this function sets the background of all table cells to NULL.

Return Value

Not applicable.


pThis (DOM Element | String)


Sets the value of a form item (pNd) to uppercase.

Return Value

Not applicable.


pNd (DOM Node | String)


Hides child nodes of a Dom node (pThis) where the child node's inner HTML matches any instance of pString. To narrow the child nodes searched by specifying a tag name (pTag) or a class name (pClass). Note that the child node is set to a block level element when set to visible.

Return Value

Not applicable.


pThis (DOM node | String)
pString (String)
pTags (String 
pClass (String)

setReturn(p_R,p_D) [Deprecated]

Sets DOM items in the global variables returnInput (p_R) and returnDisplay (p_D) for use in populating items from popups.


This function is deprecated and due to very limited value there is no alternative.

For existing applications, the old function is still available, because of the application including the 'Legacy JavaScript' file (legacy.js). For details on how to control the inclusion of this file, see "About Database Applications" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide.

Return Value

Not applicable.




Places the user focus on a form item (pNd). If pNd is not found then this function places focus on the first found user editable field.

Return Value

true (if successful)



GetCookie (pName) [Deprecated]

Returns the value of cookie name (pName).


This function is deprecated. Instead, use:


For existing applications, the old function is still available, because of the application including the 'Legacy JavaScript' file (legacy.js). For details on how to control the inclusion of this file, see "About Database Applications" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide.

Return Value

Not applicable.


pName (String)

SetCookie (pName,pValue) [Deprecated]

Sets a cookie (pName) to a specified value (pValue).


This function is deprecated. Instead, use:


For existing applications, the old function is still available, because of the application including the 'Legacy JavaScript' file (legacy.js). For details on how to control the inclusion of this file, see "About Database Applications" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide.

Return Value

Not applicable.


pName (String)
pValue (String)