Creating Workspaces

When users log in to Oracle Application Express, they log in to a shared work area called a workspace. A workspace is a virtual private database allowing multiple users to work within the same Oracle Application Express installation while keeping their objects, data and applications private. Each workspace has a unique numeric ID and name.

To make changes to their workspace, Workspace administrators submit change requests to an Instance administrator. Only an Instance administrator can approve change requests or provision new workspaces.


About Workspace Provisioning

When an Instance administrator creates a new workspace with a new schema, a new tablespace and data file are created for that schema. If Oracle-managed files is enabled, it manages the data file for the new tablespace.

Using Oracle-managed files simplifies the administration of the Oracle database and eliminates the need for the database administrator (DBA) to directly manage the operating system files that comprise the database. Using Oracle-managed files, the DBA specifies operations in terms of database objects rather than file names. The data file for the new tablespaces are named according to the Oracle-managed files conventions. The placement of these files is determined by the database initialization parameter DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST.

If the Oracle-Managed Files is not enabled, the data file is created in the same directory as the first data file of the tablespace in which Oracle Application Express is installed.

See Also:

"Using Oracle Managed Files" in Oracle Database Administrator's Guide

Specifying a Provisioning Mode

The Instance administrator determines how the process of provisioning (or creating) a workspace works for a specific Oracle Application Express instance.

In Manual provision mode, an Instance administrator creates new workspaces and notifies the Workspace administrator of the login information. In Request or Email Verification provision modes, users request workspaces directly in a self-service fashion. In this scenario, users use a link on the login page to access a request form. After the workspace request has been granted, users are automatically emailed the appropriate login information.

To specify a provisioning mode:

  1. Log in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services. See "Logging In To Oracle Application Express Administration Services".

  2. Click Manage Instance.

  3. Under Instance Settings, click Instance Settings.

  4. Under Self Service, select a provisioning status:

    • Manual - An Instance administrator manually creates new workspaces and notifies the Workspace administrator of the login information.

    • Request - Users request workspaces directly in a self-service fashion. Selecting this option displays a link on the Login page enabling users to request a workspace. When a user requests a workspace, each request is submitted to a queue for approval. When the request is approved, the user is sent an email containing login credentials (the workspace name, Username, and password).

    • Email Verification - Works similar to Request except each user receives an initial email containing a verification link. Clicking this link validates the user's email address and then the request is processed. Then another email is sent to the user containing login credentials (that is, the workspace name, Username, and password).

      If you select Email Verification, you can disable workspace provisioning and send users a message:

      1. Locate the Email Provisioning section.

      2. From Email Provisioning, select Disabled.

      3. In the Message field, enter message that explains why email provisioning is disabled.

  5. If you select Request or Email Verification:

    • Development Service URL - Enter a URL for the service (optional). This value is used in the email when the request is approved. If this setting is not present, the URL is derived from your environment.

    • Require Verification Code - Determines if a verification code displays and is required during the request process. Select Yes or No.

  6. Click Apply Changes.


To enable users to request a workspace using a link on the Login page, you must choose the provisioning status of Request or Email Verification as described in the previous procedure. If the provisioning status is set to Manual, no link appears on the login page.

Creating a Workspace Manually

Instance administrators can provision a workspace manually in either a full development environment or a runtime environment.


Creating Workspace Manually in a Full Development Environment

Instance administrators can provision a workspace manually by running the Create Workspace Wizard.

To create a workspace manually:

  1. Log in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services. See "Logging In To Oracle Application Express Administration Services".

  2. Click Manage Workspaces.

  3. Under Workspace Actions, click Create Workspace.

    The Create Workspace Wizard appears.

  4. For Identify Workspace, enter the following:

    1. Workspace Name - Enter a unique workspace name.

    2. Workspace ID - Leave Workspace ID blank to have the new Workspace ID automatically generated. A Workspace ID must be a positive integer greater than 100000.

    3. Workspace Description - Enter a workspace description.

    4. Click Next.

  5. For Identify Workspace, enter a workspace name and description and click Next.

  6. For Identify Schema, specify whether you are re-using an existing schema or creating a new one.

    If you are using an existing schema:

    1. For Re-use existing schema, select Yes.

    2. Select a schema from the list.

    3. Click Next.

    If you are creating a new schema:

    1. For Re-use existing schema, select No.

    2. Enter a schema name and password.

    3. Specify a space quota.

    4. Click Next.

  7. For Identify Administrator, enter the Workspace administrator information and click Next.

  8. Confirm your selections and click Create Workspace.

Creating a Workspace Manually in a Runtime Environment

To add a workspace in a runtime environment:

  1. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS. For example:

    • On Windows:

      SYSTEM_DRIVE:\ sqlplus /nolog
      Enter password: SYS_password
    • On UNIX and Linux:

      $ sqlplus /nolog
      Enter password: SYS_password
  2. Run the following statement:

  3. Run the following statement:



    • WORKSPACE_ID is the ID for the workspace. Auto-assigned if NULL.

    • WORKSPACE_NAME is the name of the workspace.

    • SCHEMA_NAME is the name of the primary schema to associate with the workspace.

    • SCHEMA_LIST is a colon delimited list of additional schemas to associate with the workspace.

Creating Multiple Workspaces

Instance administrators can provision multiple workspaces by running the Create Multiple Workspaces Wizard.

To create multiple workspaces:

  1. Log in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services. See "Logging In To Oracle Application Express Administration Services".

  2. Click Manage Workspaces.

  3. Under Workspace Actions, click Create Multiple Workspaces.

    The Create Multiple Workspaces Wizard appears.

  4. Under Provision Workspace Using, select one of the following:

    • System Generated Workspace Names

    • Statically Prefixed Workspace Name with Sequential Integer Suffix

    • Email Domain Name as Workspace Name, with Sequential Integer Suffix for duplicates

  5. Depending upon the option you select in the previous step, make the following selections:


    To learn more about a specific field, see item Help.

    • System Generated Workspace Names

      • Workspace Count

      • Install Sample Application

      • Install Sample Websheet

      • Install Sample DEPT and EMP Tables

      • Space Quota (MB)

      • Resource Manager Consumer Group

      • Allow workspaces to be automatically purged

      • Workspace Description.

    • Statically Prefixed Workspace Name with Sequential Integer Suffix

      • Workspace Prefix

      • Workspace Count

      • Install Sample Application

      • Install Sample Websheet

      • Install Sample DEPT and EMP Tables

      • Space Quota (MB)

      • Resource Manager Consumer Group

      • Allow workspaces to be automatically purged

      • Workspace Description

    • Email Domain Name as Workspace Name, with Sequential Integer Suffix for duplicates

      • Install Sample Application

      • Install Sample Websheet

      • Install Sample DEPT and EMP Tables

      • Space Quota (MB)

      • Resource Manager Consumer Group

      • Allow workspaces to be automatically purged

      • Email Addresses

      • Workspace Description

  6. Click Next.

  7. Confirm your choices and click Provision Workspaces.