6 Viewing Additional Details for Investigation

OAAM provides the capability to gather detailed information about the session parameters and to allow you to drill down further into the details involved in the session.

This chapter contains the following sections:

6.1 Details Pages Overview

Investigators perform fraud investigation and leverages all available data, knowledge, and expertise to determine if in fact there is fraudulent activity present.

The details pages provide additional details of session parameters such as user, device, location, alerts, and fingerprints and shows their relationships so that you can cross references on data points and drill in on related data.

The following are examples of related data:

  • Administration groups to which the session parameters belong

  • Sessions in which the parameter was used

  • Success and failure login attempts for the parameters

  • Policies and rules executed during those sessions

  • Alerts generated for the session

  • Fingerprint information

Example of relationships between parameters:

You can identify what devices a single user used, which particular location was the device used, which login attempts were successful, and how many users logged in from a particular location.

6.2 About Details Page Structure

Each details page provides the following items:

6.3 Prerequisites for Viewing Details Pages

Prerequisites for viewing details pages are listed in this section.

6.3.1 Multitenant Access

To have access to details pages, ensure the multitenancy flag is disabled. If the user's role is a multitenant enabled role, he may not be able to access the details pages. If multitenancy is enabled, these users cannot access any of the details pages from the sessions page or sessions search. If the multitenancy flag is disabled, these users can access details pages from the sessions page or any sessions search if the link is available. CSRs do not have access to the sessions search or details pages.

6.3.2 View Transactions in Session Details

Before you can view transactions in the Session Details page, you must set the property to show transactions to true.


Setting the property to false turns off the display for transactions.

Before using the details pages, check that the following properties are enabled.


6.4 Searching for Sessions

To search for sessions:

  1. Log in to the OAAM Administration Console as an Investigator.

  2. Click Sessions. The Sessions Search page is displayed.

    Figure 6-1 Sessions Search Page

    Description of Figure 6-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 6-1 Sessions Search Page"

  3. In the Sessions search page, narrow down the number of sessions that are returned by specifying criteria in the search filters.

    For example, search through sessions in the last 12 hours with High alerts and a Blocked or Locked authentication status (sessions filtered by Time, Alert Level and Action).

    Table 6-1 describes the Sessions search filters.

    Table 6-1 Session Search Filters

    Filters Description

    Session ID

    ID for the session.

    Organization ID

    Identifies the organization to which the user belongs.

    Alert Level

    Severity of the alert whether high, medium, low.

    Alert Message

    Text message configured in the alert.

    User Name

    Login name given by user to login.

    Device ID

    Uniquely identifies each device and is auto-generated by the application.

    IP Address

    Address mapped to a location usually, although some addresses are unknown or private

    Authentication Status

    Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.


    Country ID


    State ID. The State list is dynamically populated with respect to what has been selected for Country. For example, if United States is selected, whatever states are available for that country are shown under States.


    City ID. The City list is dynamically populated with respect to what has been selected for in Country and State.

    IP Range

    Range of IP addresses

    Login Time

    The time the customer logged in to perform the transaction. For example, 5/11/09.

Click the Session ID, User Name, Device ID, IP Address, Location, and Alert Message to open the corresponding details pages to view additional information.


If the checkpoint is not run, the Pre-Authentication or Post-Authentication displays a score of -1.

Table 6-2 Search session results

To open the Details page Click this link

Session Details page

Session ID link

Click the Session ID link from the sessions listing or other pages to open the corresponding Session Details page, which shows consolidated information about the session.

Alert Details page

Alert message links from other pages (session details, other detail pages, and Agent pages)

Click the alert message links from other pages (session details, other detail pages, Agent pages) to open the Alert Details page. The Alert Details page provides information on the message, level, type of the message and cross references on other data types such as user, device, location, sessions, browser, operating system, locales, and others. Additionally, information is provided about the way/ways in which the alert were generated.

User Details page

User Name or UserID links from other pages

Click the User Name or UserID links from other pages to open the User Details page, which shows additional details regarding that user.

Device Details page

Device ID link in the session details or other listing pages

Click the Device ID link in the session details or other listing pages to open the corresponding details page. This page displays details for a device including cross references on other data types such as user, location, alerts, browser, sessions, full list of fingerprint data, and so on.

IP Address Details page

IP Address links from sessions listing or other pages.

Click the IP Address links from the sessions listing or other pages to open the corresponding IP Address Details page, which shows additional details regarding that IP location.

Location Details page

Country, State or City links from the sessions listing or other pages

Click the Country, State or City links from the sessions listing or other pages to open the corresponding Location Details page, which shows additional details regarding that location.

Fingerprint Details page

Digital Fingerprint ID or Browser Fingerprint ID links from the session details or listing page

Click the Digital Fingerprint ID or Browser Fingerprint ID links from the session details or listing page to open the Fingerprint Details page. The Fingerprint Details page provides basic information about the Fingerprint; the data collected during Device Fingerprinting; lists of users, devices, and locations used; and a list of login sessions in which the fingerprint was generated for a particular period.

You can launch a details pages from another details page, up to a maximum of 10 tabs. The details page tabs also contain hyperlinked parameters, which can launch the details pages.


When multitenancy is enabled, investigators do not have access to details pages from anywhere in the OAAM Administration Console.

6.5 Exporting Sessions to a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

An export option is available on details pages and tabs for exporting sessions information to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. To export sessions information for further investigation:

  1. In the details page or tab, search for and select the sessions to export.

  2. Click the Export to Excel button.

  3. Click Save File or Open with and click OK.

    The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet shows information on the Row, Session ID, Alerts, Organization ID, User name, Device ID, IP Address, Location, Authentication Status, Login Time, Pre-Authentication Score, Pre-Authentication Action, Post-Authentication Score, Post-Authentication Action, Client Type, User ID, and Internal Session ID.

6.6 Adding to Group

An Add to Group feature is available in Search sessions, session details, and each details page. While searching results, insights can be saved and used later for rebuilding predictive models, further investigation and rules evaluation. Add a sessions parameter to a group or create a group and add the sessions parameter to it, or remove a sessions parameter from a group, using the Add to Group button from the sessions pages (sessions search results and Session Details page).

One or more data points of various types can be easily selected in search results and added to an appropriate group.

Only Security Administrators and Investigators have access to the Add to Group command.

Table 6-3 Add and Remove from Group

Feature Description

Add sessions parameter to sessions parameter group

Select a sessions parameter group from a list of parameter groups with which the parameter is not already associated and add the parameter to it. A User Group can be either a User ID or User Name group type.

A parameter cannot be added to the same parameter group multiple times with the exception of the alert.

An alert can be added to an Alert Group multiple times, since whenever an alert is added to an Alert Group, a new instance of the existing alert is created and added to the group.

Create a new sessions parameter group and add parameter to the newly created group.

Add a new parameter group and add the parameter to it. A user group can be of either User ID or User Name group type.

Remove parameter from parameter group

Select multiple parameter groups with which the parameter is already associated and remove the parameter from the selected groups. Note: Removing users from Organization ID is not recommended.

Instructions for adding sessions parameters is provided in the following sections.

6.6.1 Add to Group From Sessions

To add a sessions parameter from sessions to an existing group

  1. Select sessions of interest from the search results.

  2. Click the Add to Group button.

    The Add to Group dialog is displayed.

  3. Choose the type of data to add to a group and click Next. Choose only one data type at a time.

    • Device

    • User name

    • IP Address

    • Country

    • State

    • City

  4. Search and select existing groups for adding the device to and click Next.

  5. Items to be added to the group are listed below. To return and change the items, click the Back button. To proceed with adding these items, click the Finish button.

To add a sessions parameter to a group that is being creating:

  1. Click Create New group to create a group to add the device to.

  2. On Add to Group dialog, enter:

    • Group Name

    • Cache Policy

    • Description

  3. Click Next.

  4. Items to be added to the group are listed. To return and change the items, click the Back button. To proceed with adding the items, click the Finish button.

6.6.2 Add to Group from Details Pages

To add a sessions parameter to a group:

  1. Select a row containing one or more session parameters (user, Device ID, IP, and so on).

  2. Click the Add to Group button in the upper right corner.

    The Add to Group dialog appears with the following search filters:

    Table 6-4 Add to Group Dialog Filters

    Filter Description

    Group Name

    The name of the group. Groups for which the sessions parameter is not a member of are listed.

    Group Type

    The type of group. Groups for which the sessions parameter is not a member of are listed.


    The description of the group. Groups for which the session parameter is not a member of are listed.

  3. Select the group or create a new group.

    Figure 6-2 shows the dialog for adding a sessions parameter to an existing group.

    Figure 6-2 Add to Existing Group

    Description of Figure 6-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 6-2 Add to Existing Group"

    Figure 6-3 shows the dialog for creating a group to add a sessions parameter to.

    Figure 6-3 Create a New Group to Add Sessions Parameter to

    Description of Figure 6-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 6-3 Create a New Group to Add Sessions Parameter to"

    Enter the following information to create a group:

    Table 6-5 Add to Group Fields

    Field Description

    Group Name

    The name of the group.

    Cache Policy

    Groups offer two Cache Policy options: Full Cache or None.

    By default, the Cache Policy should be set to "all."

    For information, refer to Cache Policy.

    Group Type

    The type of group.


    Information about the group.

    When adding a group to an existing group, data from selected rows of the type the group can accept are added to the group. If any data is already in the group, an informational message is displayed. When creating a group to add the entity to, do not leave any fields blank; otherwise, an error occurs.

  4. Select Open this group's detail tab when done.

  5. Click Add.

    A confirmation dialog appears.

  6. Click OK to dismiss the confirmation dialog.

6.7 Using the Session Details Page

The Session Details page consolidates information needed for fraud analysis.

To navigate to the Session Details page:

  1. From the navigation tree, double-click the Sessions node.

  2. Search for the session you are interested in viewing details about.

  3. In the Search Results table, click the Session ID of the session of interest. The Session Details page for that session is displayed.

    General details and all of the actions performed during the session are captured in the Session Details page.

  4. View the details of the session.

6.8 Looking at Events from a Higher Level with Session Details

A Session Details page displays an overview of the events that transpired during a particular session for fraud analysis. It contains:

  • General session data points such as user, device, location, and other details

  • Additional information about the custom fingerprinting type along with standard fingerprint information.

  • A forensic record of the session, including transactions and checkpoints that were evaluated. Each checkpoint displays the policies in that checkpoint, alerts that were triggered during the session for that checkpoint, and the final action for that checkpoint.

The policy explorer view is also available to provide additional details about policies, rules, and conditions.

6.8.1 Policy Explorer

The Policy Explorer displays information about rules, conditions, trigger combinations, group linking, nested policies, and other items.

Figure 6-4 Policy Explorer

Description of Figure 6-4 follows
Description of "Figure 6-4 Policy Explorer"

Rule Details

Details about the rule is shown in the Policy Explorer. The session results display the scores and results of that rule.


Pre-conditions for that rule is displayed in the details panel. The session results show the confidence factors and other values for the pre-conditions for that session.


The values for the condition parameters are displayed. The session results show if the conditions returned true for this session evaluation.

Trigger Combinations

There is an option to view the triggered override combinations or view all overrides. Session results show the override information that was evaluated for this session including the nested policy information.

Group Linking

Group linking for the policy is displayed in the details panel.

6.8.2 Using Session Details to View Runtime Information

A Session Details page displays an overview of the events that transpired during a particular session for fraud analysis. It contains:

  • General session information and key points such as user, device, location, and other details

  • Additional information about the custom fingerprinting type along with standard fingerprint information

  • A forensic record of the session, including transactions that were created and checkpoints that were evaluated.

Details about the Session Details page is presented in Chapter 5, "Investigation Using OAAM."

6.9 About Investigation and the Importance of Details Pages

OAAM provides the capability to gather detailed information about the session parameters and to allow you to drill down further into the details involved in the session. For example, you need information to investigate logins so you perform a sessions search. From the results, you can see the country, location, and other session information, as shown in Figure 6-5.

Figure 6-5 Sessions Search

Description of Figure 6-5 follows
Description of "Figure 6-5 Sessions Search"

If you want to know more details about one of these, you can open a details page. These pages provide more information about the item you are interested in and allow you to filter out further and look at the related data to that particular item.

In this example, if you open the location details page for the United States, you can look at the logins that only occurred in the United States and all the devices used when users logged into the United States. Then, you can filter on the date created or updated if you want to look at the devices that were created during a particular time frame and used in logins from the United States. In this way, you are able to limit the data you wanted to view based on the detailed information you are looking at.

Figure 6-6 Location Details (USA): Devices

Description of Figure 6-6 follows
Description of "Figure 6-6 Location Details (USA): Devices"

In fraud analysis an Investigator looks at sessions to learn more about what occurred. For example, to know if there was a pattern with a specific country or specific user, you would want to see more information about the user and country. For that, you would use the details pages.

If you want to know if the United States belongs to a blacklist group or a monitor group, you can use the Groups tab of the Location Details page to search for those groups.

Figure 6-7 Location Details (USA): Groups

Description of Figure 6-7 follows
Description of "Figure 6-7 Location Details (USA): Groups"

If you want to look at all the users who logged in from the United States, you can use the Users tab of the Location Details page to search on the authentication status for all the logins that were successful. You can also view the login failures from the country, the challenge success, and the challenge failure counts also.

Figure 6-8 shows the Users tab of the Locations Details page.

Figure 6-8 Location Details: Users

Description of Figure 6-8 follows
Description of "Figure 6-8 Location Details: Users"

You can also look at all the different alerts that were generated from the logins or sessions that occurred from the United States by using the Alerts tab of the Location Details page to search on the Alert ID, Alert Type, or Alert Level.

Figure 6-9 Location Details: Alert

Description of Figure 6-9 follows
Description of "Figure 6-9 Location Details: Alert"

6.10 Viewing Alerts

When an alert is generated it is associated with the user, device, and location that has taken part in the authentication. The login session holds information about the alert. Any changes to the alert type or alert message are automatically reflected in the alerts page. It shows the new information. Other than the Alerts tab, the detail pages display alert instances based on the level/type at the time they were triggered. Alert instances are grouped with the alert template they belong to. For example, if there were 10 sessions with alert level High last month and then the Administrator changed the level of that template to low, then the next 10 instances are displayed with the level Low.

6.11 Using the User Details Page

The User Details page provides general details about the user and cross reference on other data types such as device, location, alerts, browser, OS, and so on. Also shown are details related to the user such as unique ID, Organization ID, groups the user belongs to, sessions and cache data, fingerprint, browser, OS, locale, and so on. You can open a User Details page to view details regarding that user by clicking the User Name or UserID link from the Sessions search, Session Details, and other pages.

Figure 6-10 shows the Summary tab of the User Details page.

Figure 6-10 User Details: Summary

Description of Figure 6-10 follows
Description of "Figure 6-10 User Details: Summary"

The User Details page is divided into the following tabs:

Table 6-6 User Details Tabs

User Details Tab Function


The Summary tab contains basic, registration, and profile information for the user.


The Groups tab shows a listing of the user groups that the user is a member of.

The user can belong to User ID and User Name groups.


The Locations tab lists successful and unsuccessful login attempts from all user locations. This tab enables you to view which locations and how many times a user logged in from a particular location.


The Devices tab lists all the devices that have been used in a session by the user during the time frame mentioned in the search criteria. It lists both successful and unsuccessful login attempts from all users' devices. This tab helps you to view which devices and how many times a device was used by the user.


The Alerts tab lists alerts that are triggered and generated for a user by the application during the transaction process. The information shown is based on alert templates and not alert instances. Alert templates are displayed with the current details (level/type).


The Sessions tab lists login sessions for a user for a particular period.


The Policies tab lists default and custom rules that are run for a user by the rules engine based on the checkpoints during authentication.

Fingerprint Details

The Fingerprint Details tab lists fingerprints created for the user during login.

6.11.1 User Details: Summary Tab

The Summary tab contains basic, registration, and profile information for the user.

General Information

Table 6-7 summarizes the basic information about a user that is provided by the User Details: Summary Tab.

Table 6-7 User Details: Basic Information about the User

Field Definition

User Name

Login name given by user to login.

User ID

Unique Identifier of that user

Organization ID

Identifies the organization to which the user belongs.

Valid User

True if the user has authenticated successfully at least once.

Create Date

Date on which the user was created. Also, this refers to the first login date of the user.

Registration Information

The first time a user logs in, he must perform the registration process. Information is capture during the process. Table 6-8 summarizes the properties and attribute values that identify the status of each action performed by the user during the registration process.

Table 6-8 User Details: Registration Information

Field Definition

Completed Registration

(Yes/No) Identifies whether user has completed the registration process like registered challenge questions, image and phrase, which are unique for each user and used for identifying a user for security reasons.

Virtual Device Type

List of device IDs that the user registered as secure device during registration process. Maximum of three devices can be registered.

Personalization Active

(Yes/No) Identifies whether user registered Image and Phrase.

Question Active

(Yes/No) Identifies whether user registered Challenge Questions.

OTP Active

(Yes/No) Identifies whether user has been assigned a one-time password (OTP) on Short Message Service (SMS) or E-mail Challenge.

Last Online Action

The last online action performed by user in his most recent transaction.

Date of Last Online Action

Date of last online action performed by user in his most recent transaction.

Temporary Allow

(Yes/No) Identifies whether the user was blocked and is allowed to access his account temporarily.

Profile Data

This Profile Data section lists important statistics about the user using cached data. Aggregate values are shown for User Groups, Action Counter Data, Action Override Data, Fingerprint Data, and Failure Counter Data. These values use cache data and records are always shown even if the database is purged.

Table 6-9 User Details: Profile Data

Field Definition

User Groups

Lists groups associated with the user.

Action Counter Data

Lists the different actions performed by the user along with the aggregate count for each one of them. The data is available only if the incrementCacheCounter property is set to true in the rule.action.enum.

Action Overrides

Lists the checkpoints and the overriding actions for the user if an override is active like a temporary allow.

For example, if the user was blocked earlier and is now allowed to access his account temporarily then, during Pre-Authentication, instead of blocking the user, the user is allowed to proceed with the transaction (i.e. Block action is overridden to Allow). The values for overriding actions are configured in properties file.

Fingerprint Data

The Fingerprint Data ID numbers shown on this panel is the same as those shown in the fingerprint data tab. The difference between Fingerprint Data and the Fingerprint Data tab is that the tab shows the ID numbers and other information such as the browser, locale, and so on.

Failure Counter Data

List of Challenges faced by the user and total number of times the user failed to answer each one of them respectively.

6.11.2 User Details: Groups Tab

The tab lists groups with which the user is associated. The user can belong to User ID and User Name groups.

Figure 6-11 User Details: Groups

Description of Figure 6-11 follows
Description of "Figure 6-11 User Details: Groups"

The tab contains the following filter parameters.

Table 6-10 User Details: Group Filters

Filters Description

Group Name

Name of the group. You can enter the complete name or part of a group name. For example, if you enter new, any group with new in any part of its name is displayed.


This filter maps to the User Group: description field

Cache Type

Groups offer two Cache Type options: Full Cache or None.

For information, refer to Cache Policy.

Group Type

Category to which the group belongs.

The search results show Group Name, Group Type, Cache Type, and Description columns. The default sorting is on Group Name. You can open the Group Details page by clicking the Group Name link.

6.11.3 User Details: Devices Tab

This tab lists all the devices that have been used in a session by the user during the time frame mentioned in the search criteria.

Figure 6-12 User Details: Device Tab

Description of Figure 6-12 follows
Description of "Figure 6-12 User Details: Device Tab"

The tab contains the following filter parameters:

Table 6-11 User Details: Device Tab

Field Description

Device ID

Uniquely identifies each device and is auto-generated by the application.

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

Last Used On

Obtain details on all devices which were used by the user to log in during the given time duration.

Device ID, Authentication Status, Session Success Count, Session Failure Count, Challenge Success Count, Challenge Failure Count, and Last Used On information are shown. The default sorting is on the Device ID. Device ID is unique and hence a Device ID is not repeated more than once in the results.

The login/challenge success and failure counts correspond to the aggregate counts for the time frame.


Failure counters do not affect these values.

For example, if a user fails to answer two challenge questions and then answers the third successfully, the failure counter will be reset to 0, but the challenge counter will show 2 challenge failure counts.

You can open the Device Details page by clicking the Device ID link.

6.11.4 User Details: Locations Tab

This tab lists all the locations from where the user had made successful and unsuccessful login attempts.

Figure 6-13 User Details: Locations

Description of Figure 6-13 follows
Description of "Figure 6-13 User Details: Locations"

The tab contains the following filter parameters:

Table 6-12 User Details: Locations Tab

Filters Description


Country ID


State ID. The State list is dynamically populated with respect to what has been selected for Country. For example, if United States is selected, whatever states are available for that country are shown under States.


City ID. The City list is dynamically populated with respect to what has been selected for in Country and State.

IP Address

Address mapped to a location usually, although some addresses are unknown or private

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

Last Used On

Obtain details on all locations from which the user logged in during the given time duration

Results show the location, IP address, authentication status, session success count, session failure count, challenge success count, challenge failure count, and so on.

If a location is chosen in the search, the location may appear in the results as many times as the different IP addresses the user has used for the location. For each location there are associated success and failure counts.

Authentication Status and success and failure count values are related. For example, if there is a Success (1) value in the Authentication Status column, the Session Success Count column should show "1." If there is a Pending (1) value in the Authentication Status column, the Session Failure Count column should show "1."

Location on the result is always detailed to city level. For example, United States, California, Fremont. The default sorting is on the location name. Data cannot be edited on this page.

6.11.5 User Details: Sessions Tab

This tab lists login sessions for a user for a particular period.

Figure 6-14 User Details: Sessions Tab

Description of Figure 6-14 follows
Description of "Figure 6-14 User Details: Sessions Tab"

The tab contains the following filter parameters:

Table 6-13 User Details: Sessions tab

Filter Description

Session ID

Unique session identifier.

Alert Message

Display name describing the alert. Partial searches can be performed on alert messages.

Alert Level

Severity of the alert whether high, medium, low.

Device ID

Uniquely identifies each device and is auto-generated by the application.

Organization ID

Identifies the organization the user belongs to


Country where the login or transaction occurred.


State where the login or transaction occurred.


City where the login or transaction occurred.

IP Address

Address mapped to a location usually, although some addresses are unknown or private

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

Client Type

Virtual Authentication Devices. Device or application used for authentication or fingerprinting. For example: TextPad, KeyPad, Question Pad, login page, flash tracker. auth.client.type.enum is the enum used

Login time

Obtain details on all sessions during which the device logged in for the given time duration.

Session ID, Alerts, Organization ID, Device ID, IP Address, Location, Authentication Status, Client Type, Pre-Authentication Action, and Login Time shown.

6.11.6 User Details: Alerts Tab

This tab lists alerts that are triggered and generated for a user by OAAM Admin during transaction process. The information shown is based on alert templates and not alert instances. Alert templates are displayed with the current details (level/type).

The tab contains the following filter parameters:

Table 6-14 User Details: Alert Filters

Filters Description


Decision and enforcement point when policies are call to run their rules.

For information, refer to Checkpoint.

Policy Name

Name of the policy. The policy list is dynamically populated in respect to what has been selected for the checkpoint.

Rule Name

Rule that generated the alert. The rules list is dynamically populated in respect to what has been selected for the policy name.

Alert ID

ID of an alert.

Alert Message

Display name describing the alert.

Alert Level

Severity of the alert whether high, medium, low.

Alert Type

Type of the alert whether fraud, investigation, information, or other reason.

Session ID

Unique identifier for the session.

Date Triggered

Given time when the alerts triggered for the user.

Figure 6-15 shows the Alerts tab of the User Details page.

Figure 6-15 User Details: Alerts

Description of Figure 6-15 follows
Description of "Figure 6-15 User Details: Alerts"

If you click an Alert Message link, details about the particular alert are shown. Details are shown for the level, alert types, and session count. In the example graphic above, the alert on the second row, "IP is not from a local mobile...," had generated in two sessions (shown in Session Count). If you click the Session Count link and then the session number, the Session Details page is displayed.

The trigger sources (name of rules) shows the rules that generated this particular alert and each one is associated with a count.

6.11.7 User Details: Fingerprint Data

This tab shows all the fingerprint (browser, flash, custom) information collected when a particular user logs in. Custom fingerprint information can be collected for Native Mobile and Applet. A few examples are shown below for fingerprint data type search screens.

Figure 6-16 shows examples of browser, flash, and custom fingerprint types to search on.

Figure 6-16 Searching by Fingerprint Types

Description of Figure 6-16 follows
Description of "Figure 6-16 Searching by Fingerprint Types"

Figure 6-17 shows the Applet fingerprint search.

Figure 6-17 Applet Fingerprint Search

Description of Figure 6-17 follows
Description of "Figure 6-17 Applet Fingerprint Search"

Figure 6-18 shows a Mobile fingerprint data search.

Figure 6-18 Mobile Fingerprint Search

Description of Figure 6-18 follows
Description of "Figure 6-18 Mobile Fingerprint Search"

The Fingerprint Data tab contains the following filter parameters:

Table 6-15 User Details: Fingerprint Data Tab

Filters Description

Fingerprint ID

The fingerprint identifier.

Fingerprint Type

Different fingerprint types that are supported: Custom (Applet, Native Mobile), Browser, Flash

Last Date Used

Obtain details on all fingerprints created for the given time duration

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

You can add or remove multiple fingerprint data parameters to the query.

The Add Fields list only displays the search fields relevant to those fingerprint types.

By default, the fingerprint type is set to browser. If browser is the fingerprint type, the Add Fields drop down only shows browser fingerprint items.

6.11.8 User Details: Policies Tab

This tab lists default and custom rules that are run for a user by the rule engine based on the checkpoints during authentication. The policies tab displays all the policies and rules that are run for the user including any nested policies in trigger combinations.

Figure 6-19 User Details: Policies

Description of Figure 6-19 follows
Description of "Figure 6-19 User Details: Policies"

Only active policies and rules are displayed on this tab. If a policy is disabled it is not listed in this tab. Users can search for a specific checkpoint. The default sorting is on the name. The checkpoints is sorted alphabetically at the global level and the policies within each checkpoint is also sorted alphabetically.

6.11.9 User Details Tasks

This section describes how to obtain information about the user through the use of the User Details pages. View general user information, registration information, and profile information

To view general user information, registration information, and profile information, click the User ID or User Name link from the sessions page for a valid user and view the Summary page. View the actions performed by the user during registration

To view the actions performed by the user during registration:

  1. Click the User ID or User Name link from the Sessions page for a valid user.

    The User Details page is displayed.

  2. View the Registration Information section of the Summary tab for the status of each action performed by the user during the registration process. View statistics about the user

To view statistics about the user:

  1. Click the User ID or User Name link from the Sessions page for a valid user.

    The User Details page is displayed.

  2. View the Profile Data / Cache Data section of the Summary tab. Search and view different devices used for a user to obtain additional information

To search and view the different devices used for a user to obtain additional information like the number of times a device is used by a user and the successful and unsuccessful login attempts from each device:

  1. Click the User ID or User Name link from the Sessions page for a valid user.

    The User Details page is displayed.

  2. Click the Devices tab.

  3. Search for the different devices used for a user.

    This tab lists all the devices that have been used in a session by the user during the time frame mentioned in the search criteria

  4. In the search results, view the following information for the devices for each user:

    • Login Failures

    • Login Successes

    • Challenge Failures

    • Challenge Successes Search and view the different user groups with which a user is associated

To search and view the different user groups with which a user is associated:

  1. Click the User ID or User Name link from the Sessions page for a valid user.

    The User Details page is displayed.

  2. Click the Groups tab.

  3. Search for the different groups with which the user is associated using the following parameters:

    A user can belong to User ID and User Name groups.

    Table 6-16 Group Filters

    Filters Description

    Group Name

    Name of the group. You can enter the complete name or part of a group name. For example, if you enter new, any group with new in any part of its name is displayed.

    Group Type

    Category to which the group belongs.

    Cache Type

    Groups offer two Cache Type options: Full Cache or None.

    For information, refer to Cache Policy.

    Group Description

    This filter maps to the User Group: description field Search and view different locations used for a user to obtain additional information

To search and view the different locations used for a user to obtain additional information such as the number of times a location is used by a user and the successful and unsuccessful login attempts from each location:

  1. Click the User ID or User Name link from the Sessions page for a valid user.

    The User Details page is displayed.

  2. Click the Locations tab.

  3. Search for the different locations using the following filter parameters:

    Table 6-17 Location Tab

    Filters Description


    Country ID, State ID, City ID

    IP Address

    Address mapped to a location usually, although some addresses are unknown or private

    Authentication Status

    Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

    Last Used On

    Obtain details on all locations from which the user logged in during the given time duration

  4. In the search results, view the following information for the device from each location:

    • Login Failures

    • Login Successes

    • Challenge Failures

    • Challenge Successes Search and view all the alerts triggered and generated for the user

To search and view all the alerts triggered and generated for the user. The alerts are shown with different color codes to indicate the alert levels whether it is high, medium or low:

  1. Click the User ID or User Name link from the Sessions page for a valid user.

    The User Details page is displayed.

  2. Click the Alerts tab.

    This tab lists alerts that were triggered and generated for a user during the transaction process.

  3. Search for the different alerts using the following filter parameters:

    Table 6-18 Alert Filters

    Filters Description

    Alert Message

    Display name describing the alert.

    Alert ID

    ID of an alert.

    Alert Type

    Type of this alert whether fraud, investigation, information, or other types.

    Alert Level

    Severity of the alert whether high, medium, low.

    Rule Name

    Rule that generated the alert.

    Date Triggered

    Given time when the alerts triggered for the user.

  4. In the search results, view the alerts triggered and generated for the user:

    The alerts are shown with different color codes to indicate the alert levels (whether is high, medium or low). Search and view all the login sessions or search login sessions for a particular period for the user

To search and view all the alerts triggered and generated for the device. The alerts are shown with different color codes to indicate the alert levels whether it is high, medium or low:

  1. Click the User ID or User Name link from the Sessions page for a valid user.

    The User Details page is displayed.

  2. Click the Sessions tab.

    This tab lists login sessions for a user for a particular period.

  3. Search for the different sessions using the following filter parameters:

    Table 6-19 Sessions tab

    Filter Description

    Session ID

    The unique identifier for a session.

    Authentication Status

    Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

    Client Type

    Virtual Authentication Devices. Device or application used for authentication or fingerprinting. For example: TextPad, KeyPad, Question Pad, login page, flash tracker. auth.client.type.enum is the enum used

    Alert Level

    Severity of the alert whether high, medium, low.

    User Name

    Login name given by user to login.

    Organization ID

    Identifies the organization to which the user belongs.

    IP Address

    Address mapped to a location usually, although some addresses are unknown or private


    The place where the login or transaction occurred

    Session Date

    Obtain details on all sessions during which the device logged in for the given time duration. View the rules run on the user

To view the rules run on the user:

  1. Click the User ID or User Name link from the Sessions page for a valid user.

    The User Details page is displayed.

  2. Click the Policies tab.

    This tab lists default and custom rules that are run for a user. Search and view the fingerprints created for the user

To search and view the fingerprints created for the user:

  1. Click the User ID or User Name link from the Sessions page for a valid user.

    The User Details page is displayed.

  2. Click the Fingerprints tab.

    This tab lists fingerprints created for the user during login. Add user to user group

You could add users to groups and create groups, using the Add User to Group button from search and details pages.

If you are viewing the details of a specific user, and based on the analysis, you identified this user as a fraudster, you could add this user to a blacklisted group from the dialog. You do not have to navigate away to the details page to add the user.

To add a user to a user group:

  1. Click the User ID or User Name link from the Sessions page for a valid user.

    The User Details page is displayed.

  2. Click Add User To Group at the upper right corner.

    The Add User to Group dialog is displayed.

  3. Search for the group you want to add the user to by the group name.

    Only those groups that the user is not a member of are displayed.

  4. Select the group to add the user to and click the Add button. Create a new user group and add user to the newly created group

The Add User to Group and Add to Group dialogs allow you to search and view the details of a user group, before adding the user to that group. If you do not find the group to which this user belongs, a new group can be created.

If you perform a fraud analysis, and you identify that this particular user belongs to a certain group, but you do not have that group available, you can create that group. Then, you can add that particular user to that group.

To create a user group and add user to the newly created group:

  1. Click the User ID or User Name link from the Sessions page for a valid user.

    The User Details page is displayed.

  2. Click the Add User to Group button at the upper right corner.

    The Add to User dialog is displayed.

  3. Click Create New Group button and specify the details for the new group.

  4. Select the Open this Group's details tab when done option.

  5. Click the Add button.

    The group's details tab is displayed with the user added. Remove user from user group

You can remove a user from the group from detail pages. For example, if you added a user to a monitor user group, and you have been monitoring the user for three months, and you realize that he or she is a valid user, you can remove that user from that group.

To remove a user from the user groups:

  1. Click the User ID or User Name link from Sessions page for a valid user.

    The User Details page is displayed.

  2. View the Groups tab.

    The Groups tab shows a listing of the groups.

  3. Remove the user from a group by selecting a specific row and clicking the Remove from group button.

    You can select multiple rows to remove multiple users.

  4. Click Remove from Group.

    The user is removed from the group selected.


    You should not be able to remove a user from the Organization ID of the primary user group. Navigate to other details pages for groups, alerts, devices, locations, sessions, policy, rules and fingerprints

You can click a link from a tab to open the corresponding details pages.

  • From the Users tab: click the User Name link to open the User Details page.

  • From the Groups tab: click the Group Name link to open the Group Details page.

  • From the Locations tab, click the Location or IP link to open the Location Details page.

  • From the Alerts tab, click the Alert Message link to open the Alert Details page.

  • From the Devices tab: click the Device ID link to open the Device Details page.

  • From the Fingerprint tab: click the Fingerprint ID to open the corresponding fingerprint details page.

Links for User Name, IP address, session, and location are available on the Sessions tab.

6.12 Using the IP or Locations (Country, State, or City) Details Page

IP, Country, State, or City Details pages provide details for an IP Address, country, state, or city, including mapping of city, state, country, cross reference on other data types such as device, user, alerts, sessions, browser, OS, locales, fingerprints, and so on.

You can drill down to the respective Location Details page by selecting either the IP Address, Country Name, State Name, or City Name shown in the Sessions search result or Case's sessions tab.

The Location Details page is divided into the following tabs:

Table 6-20 Location Details Tabs

Location Details Tabs Description


The Summary tab provides general location information.


The Groups tab lists groups which the location is associated to.


The Users tab lists successful and unsuccessful login attempts by all users from the location.


The Devices tab lists successful and unsuccessful login attempts by all devices from the location.


The Alerts tab lists alerts that are generated for the location by the application during transaction process.

The information shown is based on alert templates and not alert instances.

Alert templates are displayed with the current details (level/type).


The Sessions tab lists login sessions for a location for a particular period.


The Fingerprints tab lists fingerprints created for the location during login.

6.12.1 Location Details: Summary Tab

The Summary tab provides general location information. Information is displayed about country and state depending on the item selected. For example, if the user selected a city called "San Jose", the Summary tab displays the state and country name for that city. If the user selected the state called "California," only the country information is listed.

If you want to view IP Address details, you can click the IP Address link.

Country Details

Table 6-21, "Country Details" lists the general country details that are displayed in the Summary tab of a Country Details page.

Table 6-21 Country Details

Country Details Description

Country ID

The ID of a country which is unique

Country Code

Geographical code (geocode) representing the country.

Country Name

Geographic name of country.

State Details

Table 6-22, "State Details" lists the general state details that are displayed in the Summary tab of a State Details page.

Table 6-22 State Details

State Details Description

State ID

The ID of a state.

State Code

Geographical code (geocode) representing the state.

State Name

Geographic name of state

Country Name

Geographic name of country the state belongs to.

City Details

Table 6-23, "City Details" lists the general city details that are displayed in the Summary tab of a City Details page.

Table 6-23 City Details

City Details Description

City ID

The ID of the city.

City Code

Geographical code (geocode) representing the city.

City Name

Geographic name of the city.

State Name

Geographic name of the state the city belongs to.

Country Name

Geographic name of the country the city belongs to.

IP Details

Table 6-24, "IP Details" lists the general IP information that are displayed in the Summary tab of the IP Details page.

Table 6-24 IP Details

IP Details Description

IP Address

Address mapped to a location usually, although some addresses are unknown or private

City Name

Geographic name of the city.

State Name

Geographic name of the state.

Country Name

Geographic name of the country.

Connection Speed

Internet connection speeds or bandwidths (high, medium, low).

Connection Type

Describes the data connection between the device or LAN and the internet. See the Connection Type mapping.

Routing Type

Tells how the user is routed to the internet.


The name of the entity that manages the ASN entry.


Globally unique number assigned to a network or group of networks that is managed by a single entity.

Top-level Domain

The top-level domain of the URL. For example, .com in www.company.com. This is mapped through the Quova reference file.

Second-level Domain

The second-level domain of the URL. For example, Name in www.company.com. This is mapped through the Quova reference file.

City Confidence Factor

The confidence factor (1-99) that the correct city has been identified.

State Confidence Factor

The confidence factor (1-99) that the correct state has been identified.

Country Confidence Factor

The confidence factor (1-99) that the correct country has been identified.

6.12.2 Location Details: Groups Tab

The Groups tab shows a listing of the geolocation groups the location belongs to.

Figure 6-20 Location Details (USA): Groups

Description of Figure 6-20 follows
Description of "Figure 6-20 Location Details (USA): Groups"

If the location belongs to multiple groups, all the groups are listed. Click the Group Name link to open the Group Details page. Click the IP Address link to view IP Address Details.

Table 6-25, "Location Details: Group Filters" lists the filter parameters available for group searches.

Table 6-25 Location Details: Group Filters

Filters Description

Group Name

Name of the group. You can enter the complete name or part of a group name. For example, if you enter new, any group with new in any part of its name is displayed.

Group Description

This filter maps to the User Group: description field

Cache Type

Groups offer two Cache Type options: Full Cache or None.

For information, refer to Cache Policy.

6.12.3 Location Details: Users Tab

This tab lists all the users who used the location during the time frame mentioned in the search criteria

Figure 6-21 Location Details: Users

Description of Figure 6-21 follows
Description of "Figure 6-21 Location Details: Users"

Table 6-26, "Location Details: Users Tab" lists filter parameters available for user searches.

Table 6-26 Location Details: Users Tab

Filter Description

User Name

Login name given by user to login.

Organization ID

Identifies the organization to which the user belongs.

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

Last Used On

The last date the location was used to log in.

The search results display the User Name, Authentication Status, Last Used On, Login Failures, Login Successes, Challenge Failures, and Challenge Successes for each user.

By default, the results are displayed are sorted by User Name in ascending order. Only one row is displayed for each User Name. The login and challenge success and failure counts correspond to the aggregate counts for the time frame.

The user can open the User Details page by clicking the User Name link.

6.12.4 Location Details: Devices Tab

This tab lists all the devices used from the location during the time frame mentioned in the search criteria

Figure 6-22 Location Details (USA): Devices

Description of Figure 6-22 follows
Description of "Figure 6-22 Location Details (USA): Devices"

Table 6-27, "Location Details: Device Tab" lists the filter parameters available for device searches.

Table 6-27 Location Details: Device Tab

Field Description

Device ID

Uniquely identifies each device and is auto-generated by the application.

No results are shown if you provide an invalid Device ID.

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

By default, the Authentication status is set to "all."

You can select multiple authentication status values.

Date Range

Obtain details on all devices which were used by the user to login during the given time duration.

No results are shown if you provide an invalid date range.

The search results display the Device ID, Authentication Status, Last Used On, Login Failures, Login Successes, Challenge Failures, and Challenge Successes for each user.

By default, the results are displayed are sorted by Device ID in ascending order. Only one row is displayed for each Device ID. The login and challenge success and failure counts correspond to the aggregate counts for the time frame.

A device details page can be opened by clicking the Device ID link.

6.12.5 Location Details: Alerts Tab

This tab lists all the alerts that have been triggered from the location during the date range provided. The information shown is based on alert templates and not alert instances. Alert templates are displayed with the current details (level/type).

The tab contains the following filter parameters.

Table 6-28 Location Details: Alert Filters

Filters Description

Alert Message

Display name describing the alert.

Alert ID

ID of an alert.

Alert Type

Type of the alert whether fraud, investigation, information, or other types. Multiple alert types can be selected.

Alert Level

Severity of the alert whether high, medium, low. Multiple alert levels can be selected.

Rule Name

Rule that generated the alert. Multiple rules can be selected.

Date Triggered

Obtain details on all alerts triggered during the given time duration for the user.

The results display all the alert sources with the current details (level/type) for each alert message along with their count (total number of times the alert has been triggered).

Figure 6-23 Location Details: Alert

Description of Figure 6-23 follows
Description of "Figure 6-23 Location Details: Alert"

Clicking the Session ID in the search results opens the Sessions search page with pre-filled search parameters (Alert Level, Alert Message, Alert Type, Date, and so on).

6.12.6 Location Details: Sessions Tab

This tab lists login sessions for a location for a given time frame. It contains the following filter parameters:

Table 6-29 Sessions tab

Filter Description

Session ID

The unique identifier for a session.

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

Client Type

Virtual Authentication Devices. Device or application used for authentication or fingerprinting. For example: TextPad, KeyPad, Question Pad, login page, flash tracker. auth.client.type.enum is the enum used.

Alert Level

Severity of the alert whether high, medium, low.

Device ID

Uniquely identifies each device and is auto-generated by the application.

User Name

Login name given by user to login.

Organization ID

Identifies the organization to which the user belongs.

Session Date

The date the login or transaction occurred.

By default the results are sorted by Session ID, which is unique. Clicking the Device ID, IP address, User Name, or alerts link opens the corresponding details page.

6.12.7 Location Details: Fingerprints Tab

This tab lists fingerprints created for the location during login.

Figure 6-24 Location Details: Fingerprint Data

Description of Figure 6-24 follows
Description of "Figure 6-24 Location Details: Fingerprint Data"

The tab contains the following filter parameters:

Table 6-30 Fingerprint Data

Filters Description

Fingerprint ID

Unique ID generated for fingerprint by the application

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

Browser Type

The type of browser a user is viewing pages with

OS Type

Type of operating system


A set of parameters that defines the user's language, country and any special variant preferences that the user wants to see in their user interface

Last Date Used

Obtain details on all fingerprints created for the given time duration

By default, the results are sorted by browser Fingerprint ID. The browser/digital fingerprint combination is unique and hence each combination has only one row in the results table. The Fingerprint ID has a link and opens the corresponding Fingerprint Details page.

6.12.8 Location (Country, State, City, or IP) Details Tasks

This section describes how to obtain information through the use of the Location Details pages. View general information about the location

To view general information about a location:

  1. From the results of a session search, click the country, state, city, or IP link.

    The Location Details page for that country, state, city, or IP is displayed.

  2. View the Summary tab.

    On the Summary tab, additional information is displayed about the country and state depending on the item selected.

    For example, if you select a city called "San Jose," the Summary tab displays the state and country names for that city. If you select the state "California," only the country information is listed.

    For details on the information displayed on the Summary tab, refer to Section 6.12.1, "Location Details: Summary Tab." Search and view the different location groups to which a location is associated or belongs

To search and view the different location groups that a location is associated with or belongs to:

  1. From the results of a session search, click the country, state, city, or IP link.

    The Location Details page for that country, state, city, or IP is displayed.

  2. Click the Groups tab.

  3. Search and view the different location groups to which a location is associated or belongs by using the following filters:

    Table 6-31 Location Details: Group Filters

    Filters Description

    Group Name

    Name of the group. You can enter the complete name or part of a group name. For example, if you enter new, any group with new in any part of its name is displayed. Group Name is not case sensitive.

    No records are shown if you enter an invalid Group Name.

    Cache Type

    Groups offer two Cache Type options: Full Cache or None.

    By default, the Cache Type should be set to "all."

    For information, refer to Cache Policy.

    Group Description

    The description for the group.

    Group Description is case insensitive. You can enter part of the group description.

    No results are shown if you enter special characters or a description that is too long.

    The group tab shows a listing of the geolocation groups the location belongs to. If the location belongs to multiple groups, all the groups are listed. You can open the Group Details page by clicking the Group ID link. Add location to existing location group

Only Security Administrators and Investigators have access to the Add to Group command. CSRs do not have access to the Add to Group command. The Add to Group button is available in the Sessions search and other details pages.

Locations can be added to geolocation group types. A location can be added to only one location group at a time.

To add a location to a location group:

  1. In the Sessions search or other details page, click the location link.

    The Location Details page is displayed.

  2. Click the Add Location to Group button at the upper right corner.

    The Add to Group dialog is displayed.

  3. Search for the group you want to add the location to by the group name.

    Only those groups that the location is not a member of are displayed.

    If you do not find the country, state, or city group you need, you can create a new group. Information for doing so is provided later.

  4. Select the group to add the location to and the Open this Group's details tab when done option.

  5. Click the Add button.

    The group's details tab is displayed with the location added. Create a location group and add location to it

To create a location group and add the location to it:

  1. In the Sessions search or other details page, click the location link.

    The Location Details page is displayed.

  2. Click the Add Location to Group button at the upper right corner.

    The Add to Group dialog is displayed.

  3. Click Create New Group button and specify the details for the new group.

  4. Select the Open this Group's details tab when done option.

  5. Click the Add button.

    The group's details tab is displayed with the location added. Search and view the different users that logged in from the location obtain additional information

To search and view the different users that logged in from the location obtain additional information like the number of times a user logged in from the location and the successful and unsuccessful login attempts from the location by each user:

  1. From the results of a session search, click the country, state, city, or IP link.

    The Location Details page for that country, state, city, or IP is displayed.

  2. Click the Users tab.

    • To see additional information such as the number of times a user logged in from the location, search by User Name. The Login Successes column displays the number of times a user logged in.

    • To see the number of successful and unsuccessful login attempts from the location by each user, select Blocked and Success as the Authentication Status.

      Login failures and successes are displayed for each user. Search and view the different devices that logged in from the location obtain additional information

To search and view the different devices that logged in from the location obtain additional information like the number of times a device logged in from the location and the successful and unsuccessful login attempts from the location by each device:

  1. From the results of a session search, click the country, state, city, or IP link.

    The Location Details page for that country, state, city, or IP is displayed.

  2. Click the Devices tab.

    • To see additional information such as the number of times a device was used to log in from the location, search by Device ID. The Login Successes column displays the number of times a device was used to log in.

    • To see the number of successful and unsuccessful login attempts from the location by each device, select Blocked and Success as the Authentication Status.

      Login failures and successes are displayed for each device. Search and view all the alerts triggered and generated for the location

To search and view all the alerts triggered and generated for the location. The alerts are shown with different color codes to indicate the alert levels whether it is high, medium or low

  1. From the results of a session search, click the country, state, city, or IP link.

    The Location Details page for that country, state, city, or IP is displayed.

  2. Click the Alerts tab and view the results table for the alert levels. Search and view all the login sessions or search login sessions for a particular period for the location

To search and view all the login sessions or search login sessions for a particular period for the location:

  1. From the results of a session search, click the country, state, city, or IP link.

    The Location Details page for that country, state, city, or IP is displayed.

  2. Click the Sessions tab.

  3. Enter session dates to obtain sessions for that period for the location. Search and view the fingerprints created for the location

To search and view the fingerprints created for the location:

  1. From the results of a session search, click the country, state, city, or IP link.

    The Location Details page for that country, state, city, or IP is displayed.

  2. Click the Fingerprint Data tab.

  3. Search by OS, locale, browser, Fingerprint ID, and so on. Navigate to other details pages for groups, alerts, devices, users, sessions and fingerprints

You can click the links in tabs to open the corresponding details page:

  • From the Summary tab: click the IP Address link to view IP Address Details.

  • From the Groups tab: click the Group Name link to open the Group Details page.

  • From the Devices tab: click the Device ID link to open the Device Details page.

  • From the Users tab: click the User Name link to open the User Details page.

  • From the Alerts tab: click the Session ID to open the Sessions search page with pre-filled search parameters (Alert Level, Alert Message, Alert Type, Date, and so on

  • From the Fingerprint tab: click the Fingerprint ID to open the corresponding Fingerprint Details page.

On the Sessions tab, links are provided for the following pages

  • For the Session Details - Links are provided for session ID

  • For IP Details - Links are provided for Country, State and City

  • For Country Details - Links are provided for IP, State and City

  • For State Details - Links are provided for IP, Country and City

  • For City Details - Links are provided for IP, Country and State

6.13 Using the Device Details Page

The Device Details page displays details about a device including cross reference on other data types such as user, location, alerts, browser, sessions, full list of fingerprint data, and so on. You can open the Device Details page by clicking any Device ID link from the Sessions search, Session Details, or other listing pages.

The Device Details page is divided into the following tabs:

Table 6-32 Device Details Tabs

Device Details Tabs Descriptions


The Summary tab provides general device information.


The Groups tab list groups with which the device is associated. For example Restricted Devices Group.


The Users tab lists successful and unsuccessful login attempts from all users using the device. This report enables you to see which users and how many times a user used the device for login.


The Locations tab lists successful and unsuccessful login attempts from all devices' locations. This report enables you to see which locations and how many times a device logged in from a particular location.


The Sessions tab lists login sessions for a device for a particular period.


The Alerts tab lists alerts that are triggered and generated for a device by OAAM Admin during transaction process.

The information shown is based on alert templates and not alert instances.

Alert templates are displayed with the current details (level/type).

Fingerprint Data

The Fingerprint data tab shows browser and digital fingerprint information for the device.

6.13.1 Device Details: Summary Tab

The Summary tab provides general device information. The following information is provided:

Basic Information

Table 6-33 Device Details Basic Information

Device Details Summary Tab Description

Device ID

Uniquely identifies each device and is auto-generated by the application.

Even if the digital fingerprint changes for a particular device, the device ID is retained and a new device will not be created. This is because secure cookie is the same as the previous request, so it continues to be used as the existing Device ID.

Operating System

Device OS. The information is fetched from the fingerprint data associated with the device


Device Browser type. The information is fetched from the fingerprint data associated with the device

Create Date

Date on which the user has first used the device for authentication. Also, this refers to the first login date of the device.

Last Used On

This date refers to the most recent login time from the device.

Fingerprinting Details

The Device Detail summary page shows fingerprint type and its parameter in a hierarchical tree format. The Fingerprint Details section lists fingerprints created for the device during login. Out of the box, OAAM only supports two types of fingerprints, browser and digital. Digital fingerprints can be either flash or one of the custom types defined by the user. OAAM provides the framework so users can fingerprint types other than browser and flash if needed.

The Digital Fingerprint Type field in the Session Details summary page shows the fingerprinting type used to collect digital fingerprint. If custom fingerprinting is used, the field shows the custom fingerprinting type name.

Table 6-34 Device Details Fingerprint Information

Device Details Fingerprint Tab Description

Fingerprint Details title

Fingerprint Details title shows the number of fingerprints in that device.

Browser Fingerprint

Information is shown such as:

  • ID

  • Browser

  • Local Country

  • Local Language

  • Local Variant

  • Operating System

  • User Agent

Digital Fingerprint

Information is shown for flash fingerprint or another custom fingerprint defined by the user. The fields show information such as:

  • ID

  • Digital Fingerprint Type

  • Aspect Ratio of Screen

  • Audio/Video disabled by user

  • Contains video encoder

  • Debug version

  • Dots per inch

  • Embedded video

  • Flash version

  • Has audio encoder

  • Has MP3

  • Has accessibility

  • Has audio

  • Has input method editor installed

  • Is local file read disabled

  • Is screen color

  • Language

  • Manufacturer

  • Operating System

  • Player type

  • Screen resolution

  • Supports native SSL

If a device has flash as the custom fingerprint, then the digital fingerprint shows flash fingerprint details such as OS type, browser type, Player Type, Has audio, Has mp3, Supports streaming audio, and so on. Flash fingerprint details and parameters are not displayed if flash is not associated with the device.

If you decide to change the type of digital fingerprint to collect from flash to QuickTime (as an example), the Fingerprint Details panel shows only the current (latest) fingerprint (QuickTime). If you click Fingerprint Data tab, you see all the fingerprint details for that device (it shows Browser, Flash and QuickTime).

6.13.2 Device Details: Groups Tab

This tab lists groups to which the device is associated. For example, Restricted Devices. The tab contains the following filter parameters:

Table 6-35 Device Details: Group Filters

Filters Description

Group Name

Name of the group. You can enter the complete name or part of a group name. For example, if you enter new, any group with new in any part of its name is displayed.


This filter maps to the User Group: description field

Cache Type

Groups offer two Cache Type options: Full Cache or None.

For information, refer to Cache Policy.

You can open the Group Details page by clicking the Group ID link.

6.13.3 Device Details: Users Tab

This tab lists successful and unsuccessful login attempts from all users using the device. The tab contains the following filter parameters.

Table 6-36 Device Details: User tab

Filter Description

User Name

Login name given by user to login.

Organization ID

Identifies the organization to which the user belongs.

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

Last Used On

Get all the users who used the device to login during the given time duration.

The results are sorted by User Name and in ascending order. Each user is displayed only once in the results. You can open the User Details by clicking the User ID link

6.13.4 Device Details: Locations Tabs

This tab lists successful and unsuccessful login attempts from all locations. The tab contains the following filter parameters.

Table 6-37 Device Details: Location Tab

Filters Description


Country ID, State ID, City ID

IP Address

Address mapped to a location usually, although some addresses are unknown or private

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

Last Used On

Get all the locations from which the user logged in during the given time duration

The Locations are displayed multiple times, if the IP is different for the same device used to log in from the same location. Location is sorted by name and in ascending order. The login/challenge success and failure counts correspond to the aggregate counts for the time frame.

You can open the IP Details page by clicking the IP address link.

6.13.5 Device Details: Alerts Tab

This tab lists alerts that are generated for a device during transaction process. The information shown is based on alert templates and not alert instances. Alert templates are displayed with the current details (level/type).

The tab contains the following filter parameters.

Table 6-38 Device Details: Alert Filters

Filters Description


Decision and enforcement point when the policies were called to run their rules

Policy Name

The name of the policy. The policy list is dynamically populated in respect to what has been selected for the checkpoint.

Rule Name

Rule that generated the alert.

Alert Message

Display name describing the alert.

Alert ID

ID of an alert.

Alert Level

Severity of the alert whether high, medium, low.

Alert Type

Type of the alert whether fraud, investigation, information, or other types.

Session ID

The ID of the session

Date Triggered

Given time when the alerts triggered for the user.

The results displays all the alert sources for each alert message along with their count (total number of times it has been triggered).

By default the results are sorted by alert messages in ascending order.

Clicking the Session ID opens the Sessions search page with pre-filled search parameters (Alert Level, Alert Message, Alert Type and Date).

6.13.6 Device Details: Sessions Tab

This tab lists login sessions for a device for a particular period. The tab contains the following filter parameters.

Table 6-39 Sessions tab

Filter Description

Session ID

The unique identifier for the session.

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

Client Type

Virtual Authentication Devices. Device or application used for authentication or fingerprinting. For example: TextPad, KeyPad, Question Pad, login page, flash tracker. auth.client.type.enum is the enum used

Alert Level

Severity of the alert whether high, medium, low.

User Name

Login name given by user to login.

Organization ID

Identifies the organization to which the user belongs.

IP Address

Address mapped to a location usually, although some addresses are unknown or private


The geolocation.

Session Date

The date the session occurred.

By default, the results are sorted by Session ID in descending order.

Session ID is usually unique unless the IP or device has changed while the session is in progress.

6.13.7 Device Details: Fingerprint Data Tab

This tab lists fingerprints created for the device during login.

Figure 6-25 Device Details: Fingerprint Data

Description of Figure 6-25 follows
Description of "Figure 6-25 Device Details: Fingerprint Data"

The tab contains the following filter parameters.

Table 6-40 Device Details: Fingerprint Data

Filters Description

Fingerprint ID

Unique ID generated for fingerprint by the application

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

Browser Type

The type of browser a user is viewing pages with

OS Type

Type of operating system


A set of parameters that defines the user's language, country and any special variant preferences that the user wants to see in their user interface

Last Date Used

Get all the fingerprints created for the given time duration

6.13.8 Device Details Tasks

This section describes how to obtain information through the use of the Device Details pages. View general information about the device

To view general information about the device:

  1. Click the Device ID link in the Session search page or other pages.

    The Device Details page is opened and shows additional details.

  2. View the Summary tab.

    The following general data is displayed:

    • Device ID

    • OS

    • Browser

    • Create Date

    • Last Used On View flash and browser fingerprint information created for the device

To view general information about the device:

  1. Click the Device ID link in the Session search page or other pages.

    The Device Details page is opened and shows additional details.

  2. View the Fingerprint Data tab.

    Flash and Browser Fingerprint data is shown. Search and view the different device groups to which a device is associated or belongs

To search and view the different device groups to which a device is associated or belongs:

  1. Click the Device ID link in the Session search page or other pages.

    The Device Details page is opened and shows additional details.

  2. View the Groups tab.

  3. Search groups using the following filters:

    Table 6-41 Group Filters

    Filters Description

    Group Name

    Name of the group. You can enter the complete name or part of a group name. For example, if you enter new, any group with new in any part of its name is displayed.

    Group Type

    Category to which the group belongs.

    Cache Type

    Groups offer two Cache Type options: Full Cache or None.

    For information, refer to Cache Policy.

    Group Description

    This filter maps to the User Group: description field Add/Remove Device from a Device Group

To add a device to a device group:

  1. In the Sessions search or other details page, click the Device ID link.

    The Device Details page is displayed.

  2. Click the Add Device to Group button at the upper right corner.

    The Add to Group dialog is displayed.

  3. Search for the group you want to add the device to by the group name and device group type.

    Only those groups that the device is not a member of are displayed.

    If you do not find the device group you need, you can create a new group. Information for doing so is provided later.

  4. Select the group to add the device to and the Open this Group's details tab when done option.

  5. Click the Add button.

    The group's details tab is displayed with the device added.

To remove a device from a device group:

  1. Click the Device ID link in the Session search page.

    The Device Details page is opened and shows additional details.

  2. View the Groups tab.

    The Groups tab shows a listing of the groups. The device is a member of all these device groups.

  3. Click the Device Group that contains the device.

  4. In the details page of the group, click the Devices tab.

  5. Remove the device from a group by selecting the specific row and clicking the Delete selected members button on the toolbar.

  6. Click Delete on the Confirmation dialog.

  7. Click OK to dismiss the Information dialog.

    The device is removed from the group selected. Create a device group and add device to it

To create a device group and add the device to it:

  1. In the Sessions search or other details page, click the Device ID link.

    The Device Details page is displayed.

  2. Click the Add Device to Group button at the upper right corner.

    The Add to Group dialog is displayed.

  3. Click Create New Group button and specify the details for the new group.

  4. Select the Open this Group's details tab when done option.

  5. Click the Add button.

    The group's details tab is displayed with the device added. Search and view the different users that used the device to log in to obtain additional information

To search and view the different users that used the device to log in to obtain additional information like the number of times the device was used by a user and the successful and unsuccessful login attempts for the device by each user:

  1. Click the Device ID link in the Session search page or other pages.

    The Device Details page is opened and shows additional details.

  2. Click the Users tab.

  3. Search for the different users using the following filter parameters:

    Table 6-42 User tab

    Filter Description

    User Name

    Login name given by user to login.

    Organization ID

    Identifies the organization to which the user belongs.

    Authentication Status

    Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

    Last Used On

    Get all the users who used the device to login during the given time duration.

  4. In the search results, view the following:

    • Failure Counter (the login fail count)

    • Success Counter (the login success count) Search and view the different locations from which the device was used for log in to obtain additional information

To search and view the different locations from which the device was used for log in to obtain additional information like the number of times the device was used from a location and the successful and unsuccessful login attempts for the device from each location:

  1. Click the Device ID link in the Session search page or other pages.

    The Device Details page is opened and shows additional details.

  2. Click the Locations tab.

  3. Search for the different locations using the following filter parameters:

    Table 6-43 Location Tab

    Filters Description


    Country ID, State ID, City ID

    IP Address

    Address mapped to a location usually, although some addresses are unknown or private

    Authentication Status

    Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

    Last Used On

    Get all the locations from which the user logged in during the given time duration

  4. In the search results, view the following for the device from each location:

    • Failure Counter (the login fail count)

    • Success Counter (the login success count) Search and view all the alerts triggered and generated for the device

To search and view all the alerts triggered and generated for the device. The alerts are shown with different color codes to indicate the alert levels whether it is high, medium or low:

  1. Click the Device ID link in the Session search page or other pages.

    The Device Details page is opened and shows additional details.

  2. Click the Alerts tab.

    This tab lists alerts that are triggered and generated for a device during transaction process.

  3. Search for the different alerts using the following filter parameters:

    Table 6-44 Alert Filters

    Filters Description

    Alert Message

    Display name describing the alert.

    Alert ID

    ID of an alert.

    Alert Type

    Type of the alert whether fraud, investigation, information, or other types.

    Alert Level

    Severity of the alert whether high, medium, low.

    Rule Name

    Rule that generated the alert.

    Date Triggered

    Given time when the alerts triggered for the user.

  4. In the search results, view the alerts triggered and generated for the device:

    The alerts are shown with different color codes to indicate the alert levels (whether is high, medium or low). Search and view all the login sessions or search login sessions for a particular period for the device

To search and view all the alerts triggered and generated for the device. The alerts are shown with different color codes to indicate the alert levels whether it is high, medium or low:

  1. Click the Device ID link in the Session search page or other pages.

    The Device Details page is opened and shows additional details.

  2. Click the Sessions tab.

    This tab lists login sessions for a device for a particular period.

  3. Search for the different sessions using the following filter parameters:

    Table 6-45 Sessions tab

    Filter Description

    Session ID

    The unique identifier for a session.

    Authentication Status

    Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

    Client Type

    Virtual Authentication Devices. Device or application used for authentication or fingerprinting. For example: TextPad, KeyPad, Question Pad, login page, flash tracker. auth.client.type.enum is the enum used

    Alert Level

    Severity of the alert whether high, medium, low.

    User Name

    Login name given by user to login.

    Organization ID

    Identifies the organization to which the user belongs.

    IP Address

    Address mapped to a location usually, although some addresses are unknown or private


    Place where login or transaction occurred

    Session Date

    Get all the sessions during which the device logged in for the given time duration. Search and view the fingerprints created for the device

To search and view the fingerprints created for the device:

  1. Click the Device ID link in the Session search page or other pages.

    The Device Details page is opened and shows additional details.

  2. Click the Fingerprint Data tab.

    This tab lists the fingerprints created for the device during login. Navigate to other details pages for groups, alerts, users, locations, sessions and fingerprints

You can click links on a tab in a details page to open other details pages:

  • From the Users tab: click the User Name link to open the User Details page.

  • From the Groups tab: click the Group Name link to open the Group Details page.

  • From the Locations tab, click the Location link to open the Location Details page.

  • From the Alerts tab: click the Alert Message to open the Alert Details page.

  • Links for User Name, IP address, session, and location are available on the Sessions tab.

6.14 Using the Fingerprint Details Page

You can drill down to the Fingerprint Details page from the Sessions search results by selecting a Browser or Digital Fingerprint ID.

There are two different kinds of Fingerprint Details pages:

  • Browser Fingerprint

  • Digital Fingerprint

6.14.1 Fingerprint Details: Summary Tab

The Fingerprint Details Summary page shows general fingerprint information and the data collected during device fingerprinting.

The Fingerprint Details Summary tab shows the fingerprinting type (flash, browser, custom) and parameters.

Figure 6-26 shows the collected digital fingerprint data in the Summary tab.

Figure 6-26 Digital Fingerprint Data Shown

Description of Figure 6-26 follows
Description of "Figure 6-26 Digital Fingerprint Data Shown"

Figure 6-27 shows the collected browser fingerprint data in the Summary tab.

Figure 6-27 Browser Fingerprint Data Shown

Description of Figure 6-27 follows
Description of "Figure 6-27 Browser Fingerprint Data Shown"

The basic information provided by this tab include:

Table 6-46 Fingerprint Details Tab

Fingerprint Details Description

Fingerprint ID

Unique ID generated for fingerprint by the application


Type of fingerprint, whether the fingerprint is a flash or browser fingerprint.

Create Time

Date on which the fingerprint was created in the system

6.14.2 Fingerprint Details: Users Tab

This tab lists all the users who used the fingerprint during the time frame specified. The Users tab of the Fingerprint Details page enables you to determine which users and how many times the fingerprint was used for each user during the login process.

Figure 6-28 Fingerprint Details: User

Description of Figure 6-28 follows
Description of "Figure 6-28 Fingerprint Details: User"

The tab contains the following filter parameters:

Table 6-47 Fingerprint Details: Users tab

Filter Description

User Name

Login name given by user to login. (Not for Fingerprint)

Organization ID

Identifies the organization to which the user belongs. (Not for fingerprint)

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

Last Used On

Get all the users who used the device to login during the given time duration. (not for fingerprint)

6.14.3 Fingerprint Details: Devices Tab

This tab lists all devices for which the fingerprint was used.

Figure 6-29 Fingerprint Details: Devices

Description of Figure 6-29 follows
Description of "Figure 6-29 Fingerprint Details: Devices"

The Device tab of the Fingerprint Details page enables you to determine which devices and how many times the fingerprint was used for each device during login process.

The tab contains the following filter parameters.

Table 6-48 Fingerprint Details: Devices Tab

Field Description

Device ID

Uniquely identifies each device and is auto-generated by the application.

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

Last Used On

Get all the devices which were used by the user to login during the given time duration.

6.14.4 Fingerprint Details: Locations Tab

This tab lists all locations for which the fingerprint was used.

Figure 6-30 Fingerprint Details: Locations

Description of Figure 6-30 follows
Description of "Figure 6-30 Fingerprint Details: Locations"

The Locations tab of the Fingerprint Details page enables you to determine which locations and how many times the fingerprint was used for each location during the login process.

The tab contains the following filter parameters.

Table 6-49 Fingerprint Details: Locations Tab

Filters Description


Country ID


State ID


City ID

IP Address

Address mapped to a location usually, although some addresses are unknown or private

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

Last Used On

Get all the locations from which the user logged in during the given time duration

6.14.5 Fingerprint Details: Sessions Tab

This tab lists of login sessions in which the fingerprint was generated for a particular period.

Figure 6-31 Fingerprint Details: Sessions

Description of Figure 6-31 follows
Description of "Figure 6-31 Fingerprint Details: Sessions"

The tab contains the following filter parameters.

Table 6-50 Fingerprint Details: Sessions tab

Filter Description

Session ID

ID of the session.

Alert Message

Display name describing the alert

Alert Level

Severity of the alert whether high, medium, low.

Device ID

Unique identifier of each device auto-generated by the application.

User Name

Login name given by user to login.

Organization ID

Identifier for the organization to which the user belongs.


Country ID


City ID


State ID.

IP Address

Address mapped to a location usually, although some addresses are unknown or private

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

Login Time

Login time of the session. Field used to obtain all the sessions during which the device logged in for the given time duration.

6.14.6 Fingerprint Details: Alerts Tab

This tab lists alerts that have been triggered for this device within the time frame specified in the search criteria.

Figure 6-32 Fingerprint Details: Alerts

Description of Figure 6-32 follows
Description of "Figure 6-32 Fingerprint Details: Alerts"

The tab contains the following filter parameters.

Table 6-51 Fingerprint Details: Alerts Tab

Filter Description


Decision and enforcement point when the policies were called to run their rules

Policy Name

Name of the policy. The policy list is dynamically populated in respect to what has been selected for the checkpoint.

Rule Name

Name of the rule that generated the alert.

Alert Message

Display name describing the alert

Alert Level

Severity of the alert whether high, medium, low. Multiple alert levels can be selected.

Alert Type

Type of the alert whether fraud, investigation, information, or other types. Multiple alert types can be selected.

Session ID

Unique identifier for a session

Date Triggered

Date the alert was triggered for this device. Required field.

6.14.7 Fingerprint Details Tasks

This section describes how to obtain information through the use of the Fingerprint Details pages. View digital fingerprint details

To view digital fingerprint details, click the Digital Fingerprint ID link from the session details or listing page.

The Fingerprint Details page opens with additional details. View browser fingerprint details

To view browser fingerprint details, click the Browser Fingerprint ID link from the session details or listing page.

The Fingerprint Details page opens with additional details. Search and view the different users for which the fingerprint was used

To search and view the different users for which the fingerprint was used:

  1. Click the Fingerprint ID link in the Session details or listing page.

    The Fingerprint Details page is opened and shows additional details.

  2. Click the Users tab.

    This tab lists all the users who used the fingerprint during the time frame specified.

  3. Search for the different users for which the fingerprint was used using the following filter parameters:

    Table 6-52 Fingerprint Details: Users tab

    Filter Description

    User Name

    Login name given by user to login. (Not for Fingerprint)

    Organization ID

    Identifies the organization to which the user belongs. (Not for fingerprint)

    Authentication Status

    Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

    Last Used On

    Get all the users who used the device to login during the given time duration. (not for fingerprint) Search and view the different devices for which the fingerprint was used

To search and view the different devices for which the fingerprint was used:

  1. Click the Fingerprint ID link in the Session details or listing page.

    The Fingerprint Details page is opened and shows additional details.

  2. Click the Devices tab.

    This tab lists all devices for which the fingerprint was used.

  3. Search for the different devices for which the fingerprint was used using the following filter parameters:

    Table 6-53 Fingerprint Details: Users tab

    Filter Description

    User Name

    Login name given by user to login. (Not for Fingerprint)

    Organization ID

    Identifies the organization to which the user belongs. (Not for fingerprint)

    Authentication Status

    Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

    Last Used On

    Get all the users who used the device to login during the given time duration. (not for fingerprint)

    This report enables you to see which devices were used and how many times the fingerprint was used for each device during login process. Search and view the different locations for which the fingerprint was used

To search and view the different locations for which the fingerprint was used:

  1. Click the Fingerprint ID link in the Session details or listing page.

    The Fingerprint Details page is opened and shows additional details.

  2. Click the Locations tab.

    This tab lists all locations for which the fingerprint was used.

  3. Search for the different locations for which the fingerprint was used using the following filter parameters:

    Table 6-54 Fingerprint Details: Locations Tab

    Filters Description


    Country ID, State ID, City ID

    IP Address

    Address mapped to location

    Authentication Status

    Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

    Last Used On

    Get all the locations from which the user logged in during the given time duration

    This report enables you to see which locations and how many times the fingerprint was used for each location during login process. Search and view all the login sessions or search login sessions for a particular period for the fingerprint

To search and view all the login sessions or search login sessions for a particular period for the fingerprint:

  1. Click the Fingerprint ID link in the Session details or listing page.

    The Fingerprint Details page is opened and shows additional details.

  2. Click the Sessions tab.

    This tab lists of login sessions in which the fingerprint was generated for a particular period.

  3. Search and view all the login sessions or search login sessions by the Session Date for the fingerprint.

    Searching by Session Date gets all the sessions during which the device logged in for the given time duration. Navigate to other details pages for users, devices, sessions and locations

You can access other details pages from a details page:

  • From the Users tab: click the User Name link to open the User Details page.

  • From the Locations tab, click the Location or IP link to open the Location Details page.

  • From the Devices tab: click the Device ID link to open the Device Details page.

  • Links for User Name, IP address, session, and location are available on the Sessions tab.

6.15 Using the Alert Details Page

The Alert Details page provides information on the message, level, type of the message and cross references on other data types such as user, device, location, sessions, browser, operating system, locales, and others. Additionally, information is provided about the generation of the alert.

The Alert Details page allows you to quickly see the relationship between not just the users who have generated the alert but also other data relationships that would be useful like locales that have been used while generating the alert.

You can open the Alert Details page from Alert Message links in the Sessions search page, Session Details and other details pages, and Agent cases.

The Alert Details page presents general information and relationships details in the following tabs:

Table 6-55 Alert Details Tabs

Alert Details Tabs Description


General information about the alert and the alert template with the current details (level/type)


List all users for which the alert was generated.

This report enables you to see which users and how many times the alert was generated for each user during login process.


List all devices for which the alert was generated.

This report enables you to see which devices and how many times the alert was generated for each device during login process.


List all locations for which the alert was generated.

This report enables you to see which locations and how many times the alert was generated for each location during login process.


List of login sessions in which the alert was generated for a particular period.

Fingerprint Data

List of fingerprints created in the login process during which the alert was generated.

6.15.1 Alert Details: Summary Tab

This tab provides general information about the alert and the alert template with the current details (level/type).

Figure 6-34 Alert Details: Summary

Description of Figure 6-34 follows
Description of "Figure 6-34 Alert Details: Summary"

Table 6-56 Alert Details: Summary Tab

Alerts Summary Description

Alert Message

Text message configured in the alert.

Alert Type

Type of alert template currently, whether it is for fraud, investigation, information, and so on.

Alert Level

Severity of the alert template currently, whether it is high, medium, low.

Alert Group

Group with which the alert template is linked/associated.

6.15.2 Alert Details: Users Tab

This tab lists the users that have a session in which the alert was triggered.

Figure 6-35 Alert Details: Users

Description of Figure 6-35 follows
Description of "Figure 6-35 Alert Details: Users"

The tab contains the following filter parameters.

Table 6-57 Alert Details: Users tab

Filter Description

User Name

Login name given by user to login.

Organization ID

Identifies the organization to which the user belongs.

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

Last Trigger Date

Date the alert was triggered.

The search results display the User Name, Alert Count, and Last Date Trigger for each user. Each user is listed only one time. The Alert Count displays the number of times, the alert was triggered for the user during a time frame. By default, the results are sorted by User Name.

You can open the User Details page by clicking the User Name link.

6.15.3 Alert Details: Devices Tab

This tab lists the devices that have been in a session in which the alert was triggered.

Figure 6-36 Alert Details: Devices

Description of Figure 6-36 follows
Description of "Figure 6-36 Alert Details: Devices"

The page contains the following filter parameters.

Table 6-58 Alert Details: Device Tab

Field Description

Device ID

Uniquely identifies each device and is auto-generated by the application.

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

Last Used On

Get all the devices which were used by the user to login during the given time duration.

The search results display the Device ID, Alert Count, and Last Date Trigger for each device. By default, the results are sorted by Device ID in ascending order. Each Device ID is listed only one time. Alert Count displays the number of times, the alert was triggered for the device during a time frame.

You can open the Device Details page by clicking the Device ID link.

6.15.4 Alert Details: Locations Tab

This tab lists the locations (country, state and city) that have been in a session in which the alert was triggered.

Figure 6-37 Alert Details: Locations

Description of Figure 6-37 follows
Description of "Figure 6-37 Alert Details: Locations"

The page contains the following filter parameters.

Table 6-59 Location Tab

Filters Description


Country ID, State ID, City ID

IP Address

Address mapped to a location usually, although some addresses are unknown or private

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

Last Used On

Get all the locations from which the user logged in during the given time duration

The search results display the location, IP address, authentication status, last trigger date, user name, and alert count for each location. If the alert is generated from the same city but different IP then that city appears as many times as the unique IP. Alert Count displays the number of times, the alert was triggered from the location during a time frame.

You can open the Location Details page by clicking the Location link.

Clicking the User Name or IP address link opens the corresponding details page.

6.15.5 Alert Details: Sessions Tab

This tab lists sessions in which the alert was triggered.

Figure 6-38 Alert Details: Sessions

Description of Figure 6-38 follows
Description of "Figure 6-38 Alert Details: Sessions"

The tab contains the following filter parameters.

Table 6-60 Sessions tab

Filter Description

Session ID

The unique identifier for a session.

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

Client Type

Virtual Authentication Devices. Device or application used for authentication or fingerprinting. For example: TextPad, KeyPad, Question Pad, login page, flash tracker. auth.client.type.enum is the enum used

Device ID

Uniquely identifies each device and is auto-generated by the application.

User Name

Login name given by user to login.

IP Address

Address mapped to a location usually, although some addresses are unknown or private


Where the login occurred

Trigger Date

Generation date

By default the results are sorted by Session ID, which is unique.

You can view the Session Details page by clicking the Session ID link.

Clicking the Device ID, IP address, user name, or location link opens the corresponding details page.

6.15.6 Alerts Details: Fingerprint Data

This tab displays the fingerprint information used when the alert was triggered during the time frame specified.

Figure 6-39 Alert Details: Fingerprint Data

Description of Figure 6-39 follows
Description of "Figure 6-39 Alert Details: Fingerprint Data"

The tab contains the following filter parameters.

Table 6-61 User Details: Fingerprint Data Tab

Filters Description

Fingerprint ID

Unique ID generated for fingerprint by the application

Authentication Status

Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

Browser Type

The type of browser a user is viewing pages with

OS Type

Type of operating system


A set of parameters that defines the user's language, country and any special variant preferences that the user wants to see in their user interface

Last Date Used

Get all the fingerprints created for the given time duration

6.15.7 Alert Details Tasks

This section describes how to obtain information through the use of the Alert Details page. View general information about the alert

To view general information about the alert, click the alert message links from the session details, other detail pages, or agent pages. View alert groups with which an alert is associated

To view the alert group with which an alert is associated:

  1. Open the Sessions search page.

  2. Click the yellow box next to the Alert in the Search Results table.

  3. Click the alert message link.

    The Alert group is displayed in the Summary tab. Add alert from alert groups

To add an alert from alert groups:

  1. Click the alert message links from the session details, other detail pages, or agent pages.

    The Alert Details page is displayed.

  2. Click Add Alert To Group at the upper right corner.

    The Add Alert to Group dialog is displayed.

  3. Search for the group you want to add the alert to by the group name.

    Only those groups that the alert is not a member of are displayed.

  4. Select the group to add the alert to and click the Add button. Create an alert group and add an alert to it

To create an alert group and add the alert to it:

  1. Click the alert message links from the session details, other detail pages, or agent pages.

    The Alert Details page is displayed.

  2. Click the Add Alert to Group button at the upper right corner.

    The Add to Alert dialog is displayed.

  3. Click Create New Group button and specify the details for the new group.

  4. Select the Open this Group's details tab when done option.

  5. Click the Add button.

    The group's details tab is displayed with the alert added. Search and view the different users for which the alert was generated

To search and view the different users for which the alert was generated:

  1. Click the alert message links from the session details, other detail pages, or agent pages.

    The Alert Details page is displayed.

  2. Click the Users tab.

    This tab lists the users that have a session in which the alert was triggered.

  3. Search for the different users for which the alert was generated using the following filter parameters:

    Table 6-62 Alert Details: Users tab

    Filter Description

    User Name

    Login name given by user to login.

    Organization ID

    Identifies the organization to which the user belongs.

    Authentication Status

    Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

    Last Trigger Date

    Date the alert was triggered. Search and view the different devices for which the alert was generated

To search and view the different devices for which the alert was generated:

  1. Click the alert message links from the session details, other detail pages, or agent pages.

    The Alert Details page is displayed.

  2. Click the Devices tab.

    This tab lists the devices that have been in a session in which the alert was triggered.

  3. Search for the different devices for which the alert was generated using the following filter parameters:

    Table 6-63 Device Tab

    Field Description

    Device ID

    Uniquely identifies each device and is auto-generated by the application.

    Authentication Status

    Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

    Last Used On

    Get all the devices which were used by the user to login during the given time duration. Search and view the different locations for which the alert was generated

To search and view the different locations for which the alert was generated:

  1. Click the alert message links from the session details, other detail pages, or agent pages.

    The Alert Details page is displayed.

  2. Click the Locations tab.

    This tab lists the locations (country, state and city) that have been in a session in which the alert was triggered.

  3. Search for the different locations for which the alert was generated using the following filter parameters:

    Table 6-64 Location Tab

    Filters Description


    Country ID, State ID, City ID

    IP Address

    Address mapped to a location usually, although some addresses are unknown or private

    Authentication Status

    Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

    Last Used On

    Get all the locations from which the user logged in during the given time duration Search and view all the login sessions or search login sessions for a particular period for the alert

To search and view all the login sessions or search login sessions for a particular period for the alert:

  1. Click the alert message links from the session details, other detail pages, or agent pages.

    The Alert Details page is displayed.

  2. Click the Sessions tab.

    This tab lists sessions in which the alert was triggered.

  3. Search and view all the login sessions or search login sessions for a particular period for the alert using Trigger Date. Search and view the fingerprints created

To search and view the fingerprints created:

  1. Click the alert message links from the session details, other detail pages, or agent pages.

    The Alert Details page is displayed.

  2. Click the Fingerprint Data tab.

    This tab displays the fingerprint information used when the alert was triggered during the time frame specified.

  3. Search and view the fingerprints created by using the following filters:

    Table 6-65 User Details: Fingerprint Data Tab

    Filters Description

    Fingerprint ID

    Unique ID generated for fingerprint by the application

    Authentication Status

    Status of the session (each login/transaction attempt creates a new session). For information, refer to Authentication Status.

    Browser Type

    The type of browser a user is viewing pages with

    OS Type

    Type of operating system


    A set of parameters that defines the user's language, country and any special variant preferences that the user wants to see in their user interface

    Last Date Used

    Get all the fingerprints created for the given time duration Navigate to other details pages for groups, users, devices, locations, sessions and fingerprints

You can open details pages from other details pages:

  • From the Users tab: click the User Name link to open the User Details page.

  • From the Groups tab: click the Group Name link to open the Group Details page.

  • From the Locations tab, click the Location link to open the Location Details page.

  • From the Devices tab: click the Device ID link to open the Device Details page.

  • From the Fingerprint tab: click the Fingerprint ID to open the corresponding Fingerprint Details page.

  • Links for User Name, IP address, session, and location are available on the Sessions tab.

6.16 Using Session Details Scenarios

This section describes example scenarios for the Session Details page.

6.16.1 Searching Sessions Scenario

You are a member of the security team at Acme Corp. You work with Oracle Adaptive Access Manager on a regular basis, following up on escalated customer issues and security alerts. You perform a session search every couple hours throughout the day to identify any issues needing your attention and it is time to perform the next search. Directions: Search for sessions in the last 24 hours that have triggered high severity alerts and where access was blocked or locked.

To search sessions:

  1. Log in to the OAAM Administration Console as an Investigator.

  2. Click Sessions.

    The Sessions Search page is displayed.

  3. Search through sessions in the last 24 hours with high alerts and a blocked or locked authentication status

    1. For Authentication Status, select Blocked and Locked.

    2. For Login Time, select the date and time, 24 hours ago, and the current date and time.

    3. For Alert Level, select High.

    4. Click Search.

6.16.2 Using Session Details Page Scenario

You see a session with a Blocked authentication status. This may be a case of stolen authentication credentials so you want to look into it. You open the details page for this session to take a closer look at exactly what went on in this session. You see that the login had triggered a block. Phillip, the user, was dynamically added to a high risk users group because of this rule. Directions: Part A: Drill in on the policy that caused the block to see what rules triggered. Part B: You also want to see if this user has any CSR cases related to this lockout. Search the CSR cases and determine if Phillip called in for a temporary allow.

To view session details:

  1. In the Sessions Search page, view the Search Results table.

    You noticed that for Phillip, one of his sessions shows:

    • a "High alert" in the Alerts column. Clicking the information icon, you see a velocity alert.

    • a "Blocked" status in the Authentication Status column.

  2. Click the Session ID in the Search Results table to open the Session Details page.

    In Session Details panel, the Authentication Status shows Blocked.

  3. View the final outcomes of each checkpoint.

    1. Expand the checkpoints.

    2. View the Post-Authentication checkpoints.

    3. Expand the Post-Authentication policies.

    4. Click the policy of interest to show details about the policy.

    5. View the rules that are triggered.

    6. View the final outcomes of the rules.

      There are two final outcomes: the user is blocked and been added to a high risk group.

  4. Because you want to see if Phillip has any CSR cases related to this lockout, search the CSR cases and determine if he called in to have his challenge questions reset.

    1. In the Cases Search page, select CSR as the Case Type.

    2. Enter Phillip's user name into User Name field.

    3. In Search Results table, look for Temporary Allow in the Last Action Type column.

    4. Click the Case ID for the case that has Temporary Allow in the Last Action Type column.

    5. In the Log pane of the Case Details page, view notes.

      The notes said he was traveling overseas when his wife asked him to look at their account online.

6.16.3 Checking for Fraudulent Devices and Adding Them to a Group Scenario

Before You Begin

Login with user who has an Investigator or Investigation Manager role.

Checking for Fraudulent Devices and Adding Them to a Group

  1. Search by action and alert to see recent blocked sessions.

    For example, search for sessions that have been blocked in the last two hours.

    You should see blocked sessions and the user who was blocked because of a device.

    For example, you see a user jsmith who was blocked because he was logging in using device 123 that had been blocked more than three times in the last 24 hours.

  2. View user details and check the Device tab to view the different devices the user used.

    For example, you compare the blocked device with other devices jsmith has used in the past. You open the user details for jsmith and view devices for the last six months. Only three devices are shown (123, 511 and 333).

  3. Compare the blocked device with other devices used using fingerprint details to see the OS, Browser, and Locale for a general idea about the device.

  4. Check to see if the blocked device looks different than the successful ones.

    For example, you open the fingerprint details for the blocked device 123 and for device 333 that had been used recently by jsmith successfully and it showed a high number of successful uses. From the user interface, you can see that the blocked device 123 was a Linux machine with an Opera browser running in Russian locale among other fingerprint data points.

    The device 333 is a Windows XP machine with Microsoft Internet Explorer running in English locale which seems to be the one the user has used most of the time recently.

    You open the fingerprint details for device 511 also and check the fingerprint data. You see it also is a Windows XP machine with Microsoft Internet Explorer running in English locale but jsmith has not used it in a while. This makes you think device 123 was used by someone impersonating jsmith.

  5. Search sessions by Device ID to check to see whether the device has a lot of blocked sessions and if there are a lot of different users.

    For example, you search for all the sessions device 123 has been involved in to see what other users may have been victims. There were ten sessions all in the last two weeks and many of them were blocked. As well each session was for a different user.

  6. Add the device to the blacklist group from the Sessions search tab.

  7. Export the blocked session to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to use as reference to contact the real users who need to reset their password.

    You export table results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet should contain all the session details.

6.16.4 Exporting the Sessions from the Last One Week

You can export sessions to use as reference or further study and investigation.

To export sessions:

  1. Log in to the OAAM Administration Console.

  2. In the Sessions search page, specify one week using the date editor and click Search.

  3. Select the sessions from the Search Results table.

  4. From Actions menu, select Export to Excel.

  5. Click Save File or Open with and click OK.

    File shows Row, Session ID, Alerts, Organization ID, User name, Device ID, IP Address, Location, Authentication Status, Login Time, Pre-Authentication Score, Pre-Authentication Action, Post-Authentication Score, Post-Authentication Action, Client Type, User ID, and Internal Session ID.

6.16.5 Using User Details, Fingerprint Details Scenario

Tom, a fraud investigator, opens the OAAM Administration Console and searches for sessions that contain high-level alerts in the last 24 hours. This search returns many sessions. He orders the results by the User Name column and notices "jsmith" had several sessions with the "device with implausible velocity alert". Because "jsmith" has completed registration, every session was challenged.

  1. Tom opens the user details for jsmith by clicking the link in the Session page. He searches for IP addresses jsmith has used in the last six months. A large list of IP addresses is returned. It appears the jsmith has been logging in from a random location every login session.

  2. Tom finds only two devices used by jsmith in the last six months in device page for jsmith.

  3. Tom searches for all of jsmith's sessions in the last three months. He finds almost every session has the same device velocity alert. Tom then filters all the sessions to see how many KBA locks occurred. He finds only one.

  4. Tom navigates to fingerprint details and finds that jsmith has logged in from the same browser and the same OS every time and has used the same locale also. Tom determines jsmith must be a typical user whose IP is being changed in some way. He adds jsmith to the group of "traveling users" and excludes this group from the rule that is triggering for him.

6.16.6 Using Device and Location Details Scenario

Tom opens the OAAM Administration Console and searches for sessions that contain high-level alerts in the last 6 hours. This search returns 5 sessions.

  1. Tom orders the results by the user name and notices none of them are from the same user.

  2. Tom then orders on IP and sees there are different IP addresses used in each session.

  3. He then orders by the device column and sees there is one device with 2 sessions and the other devices have one session each.

  4. Tom opens the device details for the device with 2 sessions. He views sessions from that device in the last month. He sees there were five sessions from this device in the last 24 hours each for a different user. The most recent session was blocked.

  5. Tom opens the blocked session details to see why it was blocked. He can see that the device with maximum users in a short timeframe rule triggered.

  6. Tom drills in on the policy containing this rule and sees the policy and rules. The rule blocks when a device has had more than four users and from more than three cities in a 12-hour period. He goes back to the device details screen and sees that the locale is Finnish, which seems strange.

  7. Tom opens another session screen and searches for sessions in the last three months using the Finnish locale. There are 23 sessions, all in the last week.

  8. Ordering by location, it seems the sessions were all from unique places within Washington State. Ordering by devices however he can see there were ten devices used. Finally, ordering by user name Tom could see every session was for a different user. Feeling that this was not ordinary activity Tom puts together a call list of the affected users to verify if any of the activity was valid or not.

  9. After calling 5 users Tom sees that none of them were in the locations these sessions seemed to come from. He decides to add the Finnish locale to a watch group that causes users in that locale to be challenged with an OTP via Short Message Service (SMS) every login. He also calls the rest of the users to confirm these sessions did not belong to them.

  10. Once sure, he also selects all the devices used and adds them to a black list group.

6.16.7 Reviewing IP Details and Adding to Group Scenario

George is a Big Bank user. An impersonator of George gets blocked because he was logging in from a blocked IP.

  1. The investigator, Tom, wants to compare the IP with other IP addresses George has used in the past. He opens the fingerprint details for the blocked IP and for another IP George has used many times successfully.

  2. From the user interface Tom can see that the blocked IP was a Firefox browser running in Chinese locale. The IP George seems to use most of the time is a Windows XP machine with Microsoft Internet Explorer running at an private locale. As a result Tom adds the IP to Restricted IP addresses group directly from the Sessions IP screen.

6.16.8 Viewing the Sessions from a Range of IP Addresses

To view sessions from a range of IP addresses:

  1. Log in to the OAAM Administration Console.

  2. Click the Sessions tab.

  3. Enter the IP range in the IP range fields and click Search.

    Sessions in the IP range are displayed in the Search Results table.

6.16.9 Checking If a User Failed to Login From a Particular Device or IP

To search and view the different devices that logged in from the location obtain additional information like the number of times a device logged in from the location and the successful and unsuccessful login attempts from the location by each device:

  1. From the results of a session search, click the country, state, city, or IP link.

    The Location Details page for that country, state, city, or IP is displayed.

  2. Click the Devices tab.

    • To see additional information such as the number of times a device was used to log in from the location, search by Device ID. The Login Successes column displays the number of times a device was used to log in.

    • To see the number of successful and unsuccessful login attempts from the location by each device, select Blocked and Success as the Authentication Status.

      Login failures and successes are displayed for each device.

6.16.10 Checking If Users Logging In from This IP Used Spanish Browsers

To search and view the fingerprints created for the location:

  1. From the results of a session search, click the country, state, city, or IP link.

    The Location Details page for that country, state, city, or IP is displayed.

  2. Click the Fingerprint Data tab.

  3. In the Search Results table, check to see if Spanish is listed as the Locale for the Fingerprint.

6.16.11 Adding Devices Used for Fraud from a Location To a Risky Group Scenario

An investigator is viewing a table of devices used from a location and decides two of them were used for fraud. He can select them and add them to a "high risk devices" group to be used in future risk evaluations. He should not lose the context of what he was doing in the process.

  1. Open the OAAM Administration Console.

  2. Search for sessions.

  3. Open location details page.

  4. Search for devices used from this location.

  5. Select two devices and add them to a high risk group.

6.16.12 Adding Suspicious Device to High Risk Device Group Scenario

George is a user who gets blocked because he was logging in using a device that had been blocked more than three times in the last 24 hours. Jeff, an investigator wants to compare the blocked device with other devices this user has used in the past. He opens the fingerprint details for the blocked device and for another device the user has used many times successfully. From the user interface Jeff can see that the blocked device was a Linux machine with an Opera browser running in Russian locale. The device the user seems to use most of the time is a Windows XP machine with Microsoft Internet Explorer running in English locale. As a result Jeff adds the blocked device to a high risk devices group, and adds the IP addresses used by the device to a high risk IP addresses group directly from the search screen.

  1. Open the OAAM Administration Console.

  2. Search for sessions.

  3. Open 2 device details pages.

  4. View the full list of fingerprint data for both devices.

  5. Select device and add it to a high risk group.

  6. Select IP and add it to a high risk group.

6.16.13 Marking Devices and IP Addresses as High Risk Scenario

An investigator is searching for sessions with high alerts in the last hour. Out of the 30 sessions he thinks two were fraud so he wants to mark the devices and IP addresses used as high risk.

  1. Open the OAAM Administration Console.

  2. Search for sessions with high alerts in the last hour.

  3. Select the two sessions and click the add to group button.

    A dialog appears asking what data types from these sessions to add.

  4. Select devices and IP addresses.

    Message appears which asks the user to select a device group and an IP address group.

  5. Select and add the high risk devices and high risk IP addresses.

    A confirmation appears with message that the devices were added and that one IP was added and the other was already in the high risk IP address group.

6.16.14 Searching for Suspicious Sessions and Adding Devices to High Risk Group Scenario

Before You Begin

Login with user who has a Fraud Investigator or Fraud Investigation Manager role.

Search for Suspicious Sessions and Add Devices to High Risk Group

Garry is an investigator searching sessions looking for suspicious situations not found by the currently configured rules. He filters for all sessions in the last month with block actions from Mexico because of a recent incident. He selects all other sessions and in a single operation adds all the devices to a high risk device group.

  1. Open the OAAM Administration Console.

  2. Search sessions.

  3. Add to group from search page.

6.16.15 Searching Sessions by Alert Message Scenario

An investigator is searching for sessions with high alerts with a message containing "speed". The search returns 20 sessions containing high alerts with the following messages: "Excessive speed navigation" and "User air speed."

  1. Open the OAAM Administration Console.

  2. Search for sessions with high level alerts and messages containing "speed."

6.16.16 Searching Sessions by Geography Scenario

An investigator is searching for sessions with an ID number that starts with 40 from Los Angeles, CA, USA in the last two hours.

  1. Open the OAAM Administration Console.

  2. Search for sessions with an ID number starting with 40 from Los Angeles in the last two hours.

6.16.17 Searching by Comma Separated Values Scenario

Jeff wants to see what activity has occurred recently from a list of high risk IP addresses he pulled from a portal. To gauge the value of the IP data he decides to view the activity from those IP addresses in the last six weeks and determine if any of the activity was suspicious. Jeff starts by searching sessions that have used this comma separated list of IP addresses and viewing the sessions that come back.

  1. Open the OAAM Administration Console.

  2. Search for sessions by pasting a comma separated list of IP addresses into the search field and filtering to the last two weeks.

    Only sessions from the IP addresses in the list are shown.

6.16.18 Exporting Rows from Search Sessions Results to Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Scenario

An investigator is searching for sessions in the last two hours. He selects five rows and exports them to Microsoft Excel format document that contains all columns.

  1. Open OAAM Administration Console.

  2. Search for sessions.

  3. Select five sessions.

  4. Export them to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

6.16.19 Exporting Columns from Search Sessions Results to Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Scenario

An investigator is searching for sessions in the last two hours. He selects the column heading to select all rows and exports them to a Microsoft Excel format document that contains all columns.

  1. Open the OAAM Administration Console.

  2. Search for sessions.

  3. Click the heading to select all sessions on that page.

  4. Export the rows to a Microsoft Excel document.