9 Managing Oracle Fusion Middleware Security on IBM WebSphere

This chapter contains information about managing Oracle Fusion Middleware security on IBM WebSphere, and it explains the particularities of some Oracle Platform Security Services (OPSS) features on that platform.

OPSS is a security platform that can be used to secure applications deployed in any of the supported platforms or in standalone applications.

Only topics that apply specifically to IBM WebSphere are included in this chapter; those that apply uniformly to all platforms are not described here, but can be found in Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide.

This chapter contains the following sections:

9.1 IBM WebSphere Identity Stores

On IBM WebSphere, OPSS supports LDAP-based registries only; in particular, it does not support WebSphere's built-in file-based user registry.

For information about the list of LDAP authenticators supported for Oracle Fusion Middleware, visit http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/ias/files/fusion_certification.html

For the special configuration required for the Open LDAP 2.2, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide.

The configuration and seeding of a repository is explained in the following sections:

9.1.1 Configuring a Registry

The configuration of an LDAP registry on IBM WebSphere is accomplished with the command configureIdentityStore, an online administration command with the following syntax:

wsadmin> Opss.configureIdentityStore(propsFileLoc="fileLocation")

propsFileLoc specifies the location of the file that contains the property settings for the identity LDAP identity store. This command modifies the configuration file jps-config.xml to include the specifications in the property file.

After running Opss.configurIdentityStore, the server must be restarted.

The following properties are required and must be specified in property settings file:

  • ldap.host

  • ldap.port

  • admin.id

  • admin.pass

  • idstore.type

  • user.search.bases

  • user.id.map

  • group.id.map

  • group.member.id.map

  • group.search.bases

  • primary.admin.id

The following list includes optional properties specific to a IBM WebSphere registry:

  • group.filter

  • user.filter

The following sample illustrates the property settings for an Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition identity store:

# admin.id must be the full DN of the user in the LDAP
# primary.admin.id indicates the user you want to be the primary 
# administrative user on WebSphere. It should be a user under user.search.bases.
# later you need to use this user's user name and password to manage or 
# start/stop the server.
# optional, default to "OID"
# other, optional identity store properties can be configured in this file.

The list of valid identity store types is the following:

  • OID


  • OVD



9.1.2 Seeding a Registry

Some Oracle Fusion Middleware components require that certain users and groups be present in the IBM WebSphere identity store. To ensure that this requirement is met, use any tools to seed the required data; in particular, you can use an LDIF file and the LDAP utility bulkload to load users and groups into the identity store. Here is a sample LDIF file:

dn: cn=OracleSystemUser,dc=com
userPassword: welcome1
sn: OracleSystemUser
cn: OracleSystemUser
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
dn: cn=OracleSystemGroup,dc=com
cn: OracleSystemGroup
objectclass: groupOfUniqueNames
dn: cn=Administrators,dc=com
cn: Administrators
objectclass: groupOfUniqueNames
dn: cn=SystemMDBRole,dc=com
cn: SystemMDBRole
objectclass: groupOfUniqueNames
uniquemember: cn=OracleSystemUser,dc=com

9.2 Configuring the Trust Association Interceptor

HTTP clients can pass identity information to WebSphere Application Server using the Trust Association Interceptor (TAI). OPSS uses TAI as the asserter that intercepts calls coming into WebSphere cells to support identity propagation across containers and cells.

To configure TAI, proceed as follows:

  1. Login to the IBM WebSphere Administrative Console.

  2. Select Security > Click Global Security.

  3. In the opened page, navigate to Authentication.

  4. Expand Web and SIP security, and click Trust Association.

  5. Check the box Enable Trust Association and save your changes.

  6. Return to the Trust Association page and click Additional Properties > Interceptors.

  7. Click New.

  8. In the Interceptor Class Name box, enter the following string:


    This class is packaged in the JAR file jps-was.jar.

  9. Save your changes.

9.3 Migrating Policies at Deployment

The migration of application policies at deployment is controlled by several parameters configured in the file META-INF/opss-application.xml. For an example of this file, see Sample opss-application File. To reassociate the policy store after deployment, see Reassociating Policies with reassociateSecurityStore.

The supported parameters, including configuration examples, are explained in the following sections:

Note that the following parameters are not supported on IBM WebSphere:


9.3.1 jps.policystore.migration

This parameter specifies whether the migration should take place, and, when it does, whether it should merge with or overwrite matching policies present in the target store.

On IBM WebSphere, it is configured as illustrated in the following fragment:

<service type="POLICY_STORE">
 <property name="jps.policystore.applicationid" value="stripeid" />
 <property name="jps.policystore.migration" value="overwrite" />
 <property name="jps.policystore.removal" value="off" />

For more details about this parameter, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide.

9.3.2 jps.policystore.applicationid

This parameter specifies the target stripe into which policies are migrated.

On IBM WebSphere, it is configured as illustrated in the following fragment:

<service type="POLICY_STORE">
 <property name="jps.policystore.applicationid" value="stripeid" />
 <property name="jps.policystore.migration" value="overwrite" />
 <property name="jps.policystore.removal" value="off" />

For more details about this parameter, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide.

9.3.3 jps.policystore.removal

This parameter specifies whether the removal of policies at undeployment should not take place.

On IBM WebSphere, it is configured as illustrated in the following fragment:

<service type="POLICY_STORE">
 <property name="jps.policystore.applicationid" value="stripeid" />
 <property name="jps.policystore.migration" value="overwrite" />
 <property name="jps.policystore.removal" value="off" />

For more details about this parameter, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide.

9.4 Migrating Credentials at Deployment

The migration of application credentials at deployment is controlled by a parameter configured in the file META-INF/opss-application.xml. For an example of this file, see Sample opss-application File.

The supported parameter, including a configuration example, are explained in the following section:

Note that the following parameter is not supported on IBM WebSphere:


9.4.1 jps.credstore.migration

This parameter specifies whether the migration should take place, and, when it does, whether it should merge with or overwrite matching credentials present in the target store.

On IBM WebSphere, it is configured as illustrated in the following fragment:

<service type="CREDENTIAL_STORE">
 <property name="jps.credstore.migration" value="overwrite" />

Setting jps.credstore.migration to overwrite requires that the system property jps.app.credential.overwrite.allowed be set to true.

For more details about this parameter, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide.

9.5 Reassociating Policies with reassociateSecurityStore

For complete details about the scrip reassociateSecurityStore to reassociate the policy store, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide. Since this script is likely to run for some time, to avoid exceptions, one may need to reset the default connection to the server timeout to an appropriate larger value.

To reassociate a security store for Oracle Entitlements Server, use the command configureSecurityStoreWas as explained in Section 10.3.3.

9.6 Deployment Mode

On IBM WebSphere, deployment is supported only in online mode; no offline deployment is supported.

9.7 Configuring the JpsFilter and the JpsInterceptor

On IBM WebSphere, both the JpsFilter and the JpsInterceptor must be manually configured.

For the properties supported and configuration examples, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide.

9.8 Using System Variables in Code Source URLs

The system variables oracle.deployed.app.dir and oracle.deployed.app.ext can be used to specify a URL independent of the platform. For a configuration example using these variables, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide.

9.9 Sample opss-application File

The following sample illustrates the contents of the opss-application.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone='yes'?>
<opss-application  xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oracleas/schema/11/opss-application-11_1.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oracleas/schema/11/opss-application-11_1.xsd" schema-major-version="11" schema-minor-version="1">
    <service type="POLICY_STORE">
      <property name="jps.policystore.applicationid" value="stripeid" />
      <property name="jps.policystore.migration" value="MERGE" />
    <service type="CREDENTIAL_STORE">
      <property name="jps.credstore.migration" value="MERGE" />

9.10 About the File web.xml

The element <auth-method> in a web.xml file is WebLogic-specific and not supported on IBM WebSphere; if found, it must be replaced with the equivalent functionality supported for IBM WebSphere's web.xml files.

9.11 Executing Common Audit Framework wsadmin Commands

To run audit commands provided by Oracle Fusion Middleware's Common Audit Framework, you need to do the following:

  1. Start the Oracle Fusion Middleware wsadmin command-line shell.

  2. Prefix the audit commands with the keyword Audit. For example:

    wsadmin> Audit.getAuditPolicy()
    wsadmin> Audit.setAuditPolicy()
    wsadmin> Audit.setAuditRepository
    (see Section 9.13, "Creating a Data Source" for a related topic)

For details about the audit commands, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide.

9.12 Configuring Audit of Federation Events

This section contains these topics:

9.12.1 Enabling Auditing of Federation Events

To enable auditing of identity federation events, ensure that the filter preset is set to "High". At the default level ("Low"), federation events do not generate audit records.

9.12.2 Moving Oracle Identity Federation Audit Records to Database


When you configure the audit service to move audit records to the database, the Oracle Identity Federation busstop file at: %DOMAIN_HOME%/servers/%INSTANCE_NAME%/logs/auditlogs/OIF is updated. However these audit records are not populated in the database.


To resolve this, enter the wsadmin scripting environment and run the following command:


This action should result in a "Command was successful." message.

9.13 Creating a Data Source

To create a JDBC data source in a WebSphere cell, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the WebSphere Console and navigate to Resources, JDBC, DataSources.

  2. Select the appropriate Scope from the pull-down list.

  3. Click the button New to display the Create a data source page, and go through the steps listed on the left panel.

  4. In step 1, enter a Data Source Name and a JNDI Name; note that the Scope box is read-only and contains the scope selected earlier on. Click Next to go to the next step.

  5. In step 2.1, set the Database Type to Oracle, Implementation Type to Connection Pool Data Source, and enter a Name for the provider. Click Next to go to the next step.

  6. In step 2.2, ensure that the path designated by the variable ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH is correctly set. Click Next to go to the next step.

  7. In step 3, set JDBC URL to the appropriate value; a sample value is jdbc:oracle:thin:@xyz12345.example.com:4321:orcl. Click Next to go to the next step.

  8. In step 4, click the link Global J2C Authentication Alias to display the page Data Sources > JAAS - J2C Authentication Data.

  9. In that page, click New to display the New page.

  10. In the New page, enter an Alias, and set User ID and Password to the user name and password of the data base user. Click OK to go back to the JAAS-J2C Authorization page.

  11. In that page, if necessary, expand the Message box and click Save.

  12. Use the Previous button on your browser to go back to the page in step 4 above. To be able to see the authentication alias you entered, refresh the page by clicking the Previous and Next buttons on your browser.

  13. Set Component-Managed Authentication Alias and Container-Managed Authentication Alias to the authentication alias you entered (which should now show on the pull-down lists), and Mapping-Configuration Alias to DefaultPrincipalMapping. Click Next.

  14. Click Finish and then Save, to save the specified data source.

  15. To validate the newly created data source, navigate to the DataSource page and click Test Connection.


Some of the steps in the preceding procedure can be accomplished in pages not referenced in the procedure; examples of these pages are the Creating a JDBC Provider and Creating J2C Authentication Data pages.