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Oracle® Real User Experience Insight Release Notes
12c Release 2 ( for Linux x86-64

Part Number E37264-02
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Oracle® Real User Experience Insight

Release Notes

12c Release 2 ( for Linux x86-64


September 2012

Oracle Real User Experience Insight (RUEI) provides you with powerful analysis of your network and business infrastructure. You can monitor the real-user experience, define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Service Level Agreements (SLAs), and trigger alert notifications for incidents that violate them.

RUEI is a Web-based utility to report on real-user traffic requested by, and generated from, your Web infrastructure. It measures the response times of pages and user transactions at the most critical points in your network infrastructure. An insightful diagnostics facility allows Application Managers and IT technical staff to perform root-cause analysis.

This document provides information about the changes introduced to Oracle Real User Experience Insight (RUEI) in release Known issues and limitations are also described. It is recommended that you review its contents before installing the product or upgrading to this version of the product.

This document contains the following sections:


If you are upgrading from a release other than the most recent previous release, it is strongly recommended that you review the Release Notes for each of the intermediate releases for information about possible compatibility issues. This information is available at the following location:

1 New Features Included in the Release

2 Installation/Upgrade Procedure

The installation procedure, together with the procedure to upgrade an existing RUEI 11.1 or 12.1.x installation to version, is fully described in the Oracle Real User Experience Insight Installation Guide.


It is recommended that you check the availability of all hot fixes for the release to which you are upgrading, and apply (if relevant) before starting the upgrade procedure.

Important: Filtering Network Traffic Based on Domain Names

Article 1320386.1 describes how network traffic can be filtered based on domain names. If you are using the implementation described in this article, you should follow the procedure described in the article 1198923.1 after upgrading to Otherwise, you may experience traffic flooding.

Default Tablespace Mode

As of version, the USERS and UXCONF tablespaces within new installations are by default set to force logging mode. Previously, the default mode was nologging. The procedure for changing this configuration is described in the Oracle Real User Experience Insight Advanced Administrator's Guide.

The upgrade procedure does not change your database's current setting. However, be aware that changing the tablespace mode to force logging can considerably increase disk I/O.

Increased Database Usage

As of version, additional statistics and facts database tables are created to facilitate RUEI integration with Oracle Enterprise Manager. Be aware that these tables increase the level of database I/O activity and storage requirements.

3 Known Issues and Limitations

The following issues are known to exist with the release:

4 Compatibility Issues

If you are upgrading from a previous release, you should be aware of the reporting differences highlighted in this section.

5 Bugs Fixed

The following bugs have been fixed in this release:


User Flows


Processing Engines



6 Product Documentation

The latest version of the product documentation is available via the link below:

7 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Real User Experience Insight, 12c Release 2 ( for Linux x86-64


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