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Oracle® Endeca Information Discovery Documentation

Endeca Information Discovery Diagram
Oracle® Endeca Information Discovery is an enterprise data discovery platform for advanced, yet intuitive, exploration and analysis of complex and varied data. Information is loaded from disparate source systems and stored in a faceted data model that dynamically supports changing data. This integrated and enriched data is made available for search, discovery, and analysis via interactive and configurable applications. Oracle Endeca Information Discovery enables an iterative "model-as-you-go" approach that frees IT from the burdens of traditional data modeling and supports the broad exploration and analysis needs of business users.

Oracle® Endeca Information Discovery consists of two products: Oracle Endeca Information Discovery Studio, the web-based tool for creating and using information discovery applications, and Oracle Endeca Information Discovery Integrator, which provides tools for including data. Studio includes the Provisioning Service, which allows business analysts to create Studio applications by uploading their own data from spreadsheets. Integrator includes the Integrator Acquisition System (IAS) -- an application to include data from file systems, Content Management Systems, Web servers, and custom data sources.

Oracle® Endeca Information Discovery 3.0 works with version 7.5.1 of Oracle® Endeca Server, the core search-analytical database. It organizes complex and varied data from disparate source systems into a faceted data model that is extremely flexible and reduces the need for upfront data modeling. This highly-scalable server enables users to explore data in an unconstrained and impromptu manner and to rapidly address new questions that inevitably follow every new insight.