About the Asset Manager


The Asset Manager module is part of the company workspace. It is used to manage assets and depreciation. This manager allows users to can track assets and depreciation on their associated asset sheets. It allows users to enter company assets, set up depreciation schedules for them, and classify them into categories to make managing them more efficient. Ultimately, users can gather these assets onto a sheet to track asset depreciation in monthly, quarterly, or yearly increments.

The Asset Manager uses four depreciation methods:straight line, double decline, sum of year digits, and manual depreciation. For each method, asset depreciation is calculated for the entire life of the asset over a specified period. For example, if an asset is depreciating over two years and you specify a monthly depreciation increment, then the asset’s value is recalculated each month for two years from the date of acquisition.

The Asset Manager allows you to:

Create, organize, and manage company assets
Define an unlimited number of asset classes, and design an asset attribute form per asset class
Create assets: manual, templates, or import
Apply multiple asset depreciation methods: straight line, double decline, sum of years digits, manual
Track an asset’s total cost of ownership (roll up maintenance-related costs from projects or company-level BPs to specific company account codes)


The Asset Manager does not directly use business processes; rather, it uses attribute forms to create asset classes and detail forms to create the assets themselves. In Primavera Unifier, an asset class maps assets to company account codes, tracks asset costs and depreciation, and keeps the company account sheet updated with current asset values. In addition, the manager uses reference processes to extract the asset’s acquisition cost from a company-level BP.

In User Mode, the Asset Management node lists the names of every class. These nodes are where users create and modify new assets, set up their depreciation schedules, and refresh assets to recalculate their values and update the asset class sheet and the company account sheet.

Asset Sheets: You can track assets and depreciation on asset sheets. There is one asset sheet per class, listing details about each asset in that class, plus an asset summary sheet, which helps you track all of your assets in one place.

Asset Classes: Assets are grouped in classes (for example, buildings, equipment, etc.). The detail forms that are used to enter asset information can be configured in Primavera uDesigner per class and imported into Unifier. For example, you can design and use different forms for entering information about your company’s building assets and equipment assets. Each asset exists as a unique record. 

Asset Codes: Asset codes are generated automatically when assets are created. The asset code will be built using different data elements defined on the asset form as segments. At runtime, the asset code is built automatically based on the data element values selected. A tree structure is automatically built to access these assets based on the asset codes. Assets with the same segment values will be grouped together to form a hierarchy.

Note: User permissions are granted per asset class or sheet. If you cannot view any part of the Asset Manager to which you require access, contact your company administrator.


Setting up the Asset Manager

Importing Asset Classes

Configure the Asset Manager

Grant asset class template permissions

Creating and Managing Asset Templates

Creating a Depreciation Schedule

Setting up and Managing Asset Sheets

Managing Asset Sheet Properties

Map asset sheet columns to company account codes

Associating Projects with Asset Classes




Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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