Create a new template from an existing template or asset


You can create a template by copying an existing asset or a template from the same class.

To copy an existing template

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 Click Templates > Assets in the left Navigator and select the asset class for which you want to create a template. The templates log for the class opens.
3 Select an asset class template from the log and click Copy > Template. The form opens with the information from the original template.
4 Make changes as needed and click Finish Editing to save the new template.

To copy an asset

1 Select Copy > Asset. The Copy from Asset window opens. Assets from the same class are displayed in this list.
2 Select an asset and click Copy to create a template. You can click Find to search for an asset by name.

To edit an asset template

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 Click Templates > Assets in the left Navigator and select the asset class under which the template resides. The templates log for the class opens.
3 Select the template and click the Open button. The asset class form opens.

Note: If you previously clicked the Finish Editing button for the form, you can make it editable again by clicking the Edit button at the top of the form.

4 To edit the depreciation schedule, click the Depreciation Setup button.

To delete an asset template

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 Click Templates > Assets in the left Navigator and select the asset class under which the template resides. The templates log for the class opens.
3 Select the template and click the Delete button. Click Yes to confirm.





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